▼NCSIRO | Top level namespace for all Workspace code |
►NApplication | Application-level functionality for all workspace applications |
►N__ClassConstraintsPrivate | |
CHasConstIterator | |
CHasIteratorBeginEnd | |
CHasOperatorEqualImpl | |
CHasOperatorLessThanImpl | |
CHasSortableValueType | |
►NIndexBasedIteratorPrivate | |
CDefaultAccessor | Default accessor functor for an index based iterator. Retrieves a reference R from a container C using size type S |
►NJosuttis | |
CCompoundT | |
CCompoundT< R()> | |
CCompoundT< R(P1)> | |
CCompoundT< R(P1,...)> | |
CCompoundT< T & > | |
CCompoundT< T * > | |
CCompoundT< T C::* > | |
CCompoundT< T[]> | |
CCompoundT< T[N]> | |
CConsumeUDC | |
CConsumeUDC< T, false > | |
CConsumeUDC< void, convert_possible > | |
CIsClassT | |
CIsEnumT | |
CIsFunctionHelper | |
CIsFunctionT | |
CIsFunctionT< T & > | |
CIsFunctionT< void > | |
CIsFunctionT< void const > | |
CIsFunctionT< void const volatile > | |
CIsFunctionT< void volatile > | |
CIsFundaT | |
CIsFundaT< bool > | |
CIsFundaT< char > | |
CIsFundaT< double > | |
CIsFundaT< float > | |
CIsFundaT< long double > | |
CIsFundaT< signed char > | |
CIsFundaT< signed int > | |
CIsFundaT< signed long > | |
CIsFundaT< signed short > | |
CIsFundaT< unsigned char > | |
CIsFundaT< unsigned int > | |
CIsFundaT< unsigned long > | |
CIsFundaT< unsigned short > | |
CIsFundaT< void > | |
CIsFundaT< wchar_t > | |
CSizeOverOne | |
NPluginManagerImplPrivate | |
►NPrivateInheritanceTests | |
CIsSameObjectImpl | |
CIsSameObjectImpl< T1, T2, true > | |
►NPrivateStreamableTests | |
CEmpty | |
CIsStreamableIn | |
CIsStreamableOut | |
CMatchAll | |
NTag | |
NUi | |
►NWeb | |
CAssignGlobalNameMsg | Message for assigning a globalName value |
CAssignInputMsg | Message for assigning an input value |
CAssignMsg | Base class for all assignment messages |
CBaseUpdater | |
CClientTcpMessageHandler | |
CExecuteMsg | Message to commence execution of a workspace |
CGlobalNameUpdater | |
CInputUpdater | |
CIOBaseLister | |
CIOBaseResultsListBuilder | |
CIOBaseWatcher | |
CListMsg | Message for a list request (asking for a list of inputs / outputs / globalNames) |
CListResponseMsg | When a list request has been completed, a list response is returned to the server containing the details of the requested items |
CServerEventLoop | Manages the event loop of the server application, if one is required |
CServerTcpMessageHandler | |
CStopExecutionMsg | Message for stopping execution of a running workspace |
CTcpMessageServer | Serves TCP messages which are listened to for by the WorkspaceWeb object |
CTerminateMsg | Message for terminating a workspace process |
CWatchCancelMsg | Message for when a watch is cancelled |
CWatchMsg | Message for creating a new watch |
CWatchUpdatedMsg | Base class for all assignment messages |
CWebTcpMessage | |
CWebTcpMessageFactory | |
CWebTcpMessageHandler | |
CWorkspaceErrorMsg | Message for when an error occurs in a workspace |
CWorkspaceFailedMsg | Message for when a workspace fails to execute |
CWorkspaceSuccessMsg | Message for when a workspace successfully completes execution |
CWorkspaceWeb | |
NWorkflowTreeStr | |
CAgentSettings | |
CArgumentsParser | Abstract base class for dealing with command line arguments |
CBasicTextLogger | Convenience class for writing to the log using an object, rather than inheritance |
CBuiltinPlugin | This is the built-in plugin class |
CConditionalAlphaNumericCompare | Functor for comparing two strings differently if they are alphabetic vs numeric. If both strings are numbers, they will be compared numerically. If one or the other is a string, they will be compared as strings |
CConfigurePluginsDialog | Dialog for configuring the workspace plugins |
CConfigurePluginsWidget | Widget for configuring the workspace plugins |
CConfigureRemoteWidget | Widget for configuring remote authentication details |
CConvertToLegacy | |
CDirectoryFilter | Provides a platform-independent way to get a filtered directory listing |
►CDistributedLogManager | Singleton for managing the logging streams associated with execution threads |
►CProcessInfo | |
CPluginInfo | |
CDownloaderWidget | |
CEmptyPluginConfig | Provides a configuration widget for plugins with no configurable parameters |
CEmptyPluginMenu | A default implementation of PluginMenu for plugins that do not supply a custom menu for the Workspace editor |
CEnforceCondition | Generic class which is only defined when the template parameter is true |
CEnforceCondition< true > | |
CExecutedWorkspaceHistory | |
CExecutionInspectorWidget | |
CFileNameNaturalLessThan | Compares two QFileInfo's "naturally". Numbers will be compared as numbers, strings compared as strings etc |
►CFilter | Filter elements with given expressions |
CContext | |
CForcedShutdownEvent | This event is raised by something that wants to force the application to quit |
CGlobalNotifications | Singleton on which application-wide notifications can be observed |
CHasOperatorEqual | Constraints class for whether or not a type can be compared to another with operator== |
CHasOperatorLessThan | Constraints class for whether or not a type can be compared to another with operator< |
CHelpImplementation | Base class for a help implementation |
CHelpNetworkAccessManager | |
CHelpPlugin | Plugin providing a help implementation |
CHelpViewer | |
CHelpWindow | |
CIndexBasedIterator | Generic base class for adding support for iteration to index-based container classes |
CIntegerRangeString | Allow a user to use a range string in the form "-6, -3--1, 1-2, 3, 6" etc. Empty range string will match all |
CIpcClient | Local inter-process communication client. This client is part of a local inter-process communication (IPC) client-server architecture providing two-way communications between the workspace-server process and the child process spawned by workspace-server in remote execution. The IpcClient use QLocalSocket to communicate with IpcServer. Currently there is only one IpcClient per child process. But the code supports multiple IpcClients per IpcServer. The IpcClient connects to IpcServer on a port keyed by the workspace label that is executed in the child process. The connection IpcClient-IpcServer remains open as long as the child process is running. The IpcClient receives OperationUpdateEvent notifications from WorkspaceBatch (which runs the child process) and sends messages to IpcServer |
CIpcServer | Local inter-process communication server. This server is part of a local inter-process communication (IPC) client-server architecture providing two-way communications between the workspace-server process and the child process spawned by workspace-server in remote execution. The IpcServer use IpcServerSocket which wraps QLocalSocket to communicate with its possibly many connected IpcClients. There will be one IpcServer per WorkspaceObserver (hence per child process). The IpcServer listens on a port keyed by the workspace label that is executed in the child process. The connections IpcClients-IpcServer remains open as long as the child process is running. The IpcServer receives messages from IpcClients and notifies WorkspaceObserver about OperationUpdateEvent |
CIpcServerSocket | IpcServerSocket wraps QLocalSocket and represents a connection from IpcServer to one single IpcClient |
CIsContainer | Constraints class for whether or not a type is a container. The determination is based on whether the type has a const_iterator type and begin() and end() functions that return that type |
CIsDerivedFrom | Define a constraints base class with a testable value |
CIsSortable | Constraints class for whether or not a type is sortable; i.e. whether or not it can be compared against another using operator<() |
CIsSortableContainer | Constraints class for whether or not a type is a sortable container; i.e. a container that can be compared using operator<(). This requires that its elements are also able to be sorted using operator< |
CLicenseManager | |
CLoggingThread | Thread for modifying the log - writing to it, adding streams etc |
►CLogManager | Singleton for managing the logging streams associated with execution threads |
CFilterToken | Represents the life span of a filter. When it is created, the filter is added to the associated LogManager. When it is deleted, the filter is removed from the LogManager |
CMessageCategory | |
CLogManagerImplThreaded | Implementation of the LogManager that supports logging from mulitiple threads simultaneously |
CLogManagerImplUnthreaded | Implementation of the LogManager that supports logging from a single thread only |
CLogWorkflow | LogStream subclass for directing a log stream to file |
►CMemento | Utility class implementing a Memento design pattern |
CData | Base class for all Memento data subclasses |
CNoData | Trivial class for when no memento data is needed or when memento construction fails |
COOPScheduleeArgumentsParser | Helper class for dealing with command line arguments supplied to an OOP schedulee application |
COperationHelpGenerator | Generates doxygen files for each operation registered with Workspace |
CPerThreadNetworkAccessManager | |
CPluginConfig | Provider of a QWidget for configuring a plugin. You can use the Developer wizard to generate a stub implementation of this class. See Integrating a custom plugin settings widget into the Workspace Editor |
CPluginManager | Singleton responsible for tracking all operation factories in the application |
CPluginMenu | An interface for integrating a custom plugin menu into the Workspace editor |
CProcessWorkflows | |
CQMyApplication | |
CQProcessRobust | Safer implementation of a subset of what QProcess tries to achieve |
CQtDebugCapture | Captures Qt debug messages |
CRefCountedObject | Base class for reference-counted objects |
CRefCountedObjectPtr | Template class for smart pointers-to-T objects (requires modification to T) |
CRefCountedPtr | Template class for reference-counted pointers-to-T (T requires no special modification) |
CRemoteManager | Singleton for handling network requests |
CRemoteSchedulerDialog | Widget for modifying the remote scheduler settings |
CRemoteSchedulerService | |
CRemoteSchedulerServiceBase | |
CRemoteSchedulerWidget | Widget for controlling the remote scheduler |
CScopedElapsedTimeLogger | Measure and trace elapsed time during lifetime of object |
CScopeGuard | Generic scopeguard to simplify RAII where cleanup is needed |
CSessionHandler | |
CSessionManager | |
CSettings | Singleton class holding the settings for the Workspace |
►CSettingsMap | This abstract class stores settings information and current value. It wraps around QMap that maps some type of settings Enum to a QVariant |
CSetting | |
CSettingsVariables | Singleton class for storing settings variables |
CShutdownEvent | Event raised when the main application event loop stops |
►CSmtp | |
CWrapper | |
CSoundEffectRegistry | Sound effect registry |
CStandAloneWindow | |
CStreamable | Traits class to determine if a type T supports output and input streaming |
CStreamableIn | Traits class to determine if a type T supports input streaming |
CStreamableOut | Traits class to determine if a type T supports output streaming |
CTestIfDerivedFrom | Define a constraints base class with a testable value |
►CTestIfDerivedFuncs | |
CNo | |
CYes | |
CTextLogger | Convenience base class for anything associated with an operation that needs to write text to the log manager |
CTextTemplate | Represents a template (or set of templates) that can be rendered using a supplied context |
CTypeT | Type classification template |
CUdpBroadcast | Local broadcast helper This class implements a broadcast helper on the local interface using UDP diagrams. Listener apps can also use this class to receive the broadcast messages on shared socket SO_REUSEADDR |
CUserInterfaceMap | |
►CVariableLengthArray | An array class similar to std::vector or QVector |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CWorkflowAnalyseBatchArgumentsParser | Command line argument parser for workspace-analyse-batch |
CWorkspaceAgent | |
CWorkspaceAgentWorkflows | |
CWorkspaceAgentWorkflowWidget | |
CWorkspaceArgumentsParser | Helper class for dealing with command line arguments supplied to a workspace application |
►CWorkspaceContainer | |
CWorkspaceContainerInterface | |
CWorkspaceDetails | |
CWorkspaceObserver | |
CWorkspacePlugin | Base class for all workspace plugin classes |
CWorkspaceQueue | |
CXmlEntitiesHandler | This class makes it easy to convert HTML strings back to plain texts |
►NApplicationSupport | Application support plugin for Workspace developers |
►NWidgets | |
CApplicationSupportPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CConversionSpinBox | Spin box designed for easy unit conversions in the GUI |
CConversionSpinBoxConnector | |
CConversionSpinBoxDesigner | Qt Designer support for ConversionSpinBox |
CConversionSpinBoxFactory | |
CApplicationSupportPlugin | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
►NAuthentication | |
NUi | |
CAuthenticatedEntity | |
CAuthenticator | The base class of all authenticators. An Authenticator is responsible for authenticating client provided credentials. Credentials differ for each authentication method as does the authentication method itself. Overriding classes should implement the Authenticate method to provider specific authentication |
CBAAuthenticator | |
CBACredentials | |
CBACredentialsWidget | |
CBAProvider | |
CCertificateBrowserWidget | |
CClientDialog | A configuration dialog for client-side authentication administration |
CClientSettings | Provides access to client side authentication settings |
CClientWidget | Provides a view of client-side settings relating to remote execution |
CCredentials | The base class of all credential classes |
CCredentialsDialog | The base class for all widgets that provide authentication method specific credentials |
CCredentialsWidget | |
CNoneAuthenticator | |
CNoneCredentials | |
CNoneCredentialsWidget | A widget for editing anonymous credentials |
CNoneProvider | |
CProvider | The base class of all authentication providers |
CProviderManager | Maintains a list of authentication providers |
CServer | Represents a remotely accessible server |
CServers | Maintains a collection of Servers |
CServerSettings | |
CSettingContainer | |
CSettingItem | |
CSettingItemImpl | |
►NCore | |
CLogger | |
CLogMode | |
CLogStyle | |
CPerformanceTimer | |
CSelfElevate | |
►NDataAnalysis | Fundamental data analysis support |
►NArray3dTypedAdaptorPrivate | |
CArray3dTypedAdaptorWriter | Special writer policy class for the case where we are writing to an object known to of a class derived from Array3d |
NArrayNdDimensionLabelsAdaptor | |
NArrayNdUtil | |
NCsvWriterPrivate | |
NPlotImageFileFormat | |
►NSqlDataModelPrivate | |
CPrimaryKeyValue | |
CPrimaryKeyValueImpl | |
CTypedPrimaryKeyValueImpl | |
NUi | |
CAddClassification | |
CAnimateDataSeriesChange | Provides an animated transition between successive DataSeries changes |
CArray3d | |
CArray3dAdaptor | Adapts an Array3dTyped<From> to Array3dTyped<To> |
►CArray3dData | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CArray3dDataBase | |
CArray3dInfo | |
CArray3dNull | |
CArray3dNullTyped | |
CArray3dScalarToImage3d | Operation to create an image of a specific size with a per-pixel color determined by a value mapping into a color scale |
CArray3dTyped | Interface for reading from and writing to a 3d array of some type |
CArray3dTypedAdaptor | |
CArray3dTypedAdaptorFactory | Factory for creating adaptors of Array3dTyped<From> to Array3dTyped<To> |
CArray3dTypedReader | |
CArray3dTypedReader< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d > | |
CArray3dTypedReader< Mesh::Array3dVector, double > | |
CArray3dTypedWriter | |
CArray3dTypedWriter< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d > | |
CArray3dTypedWriter< Mesh::Array3dVector, double > | |
►CArrayNd | An interface to an n-dimensional array of a single workspace data type |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cconst_iterator_range | Represents a pair of iterators that bound a range of data (i.e. the begin and end corners of a multi-dimensional cube of data) |
►CArrayNdData | A template implementation of the NDimensionalData interface that stores data in memory. There is no implicit sharing of data between stores |
Citerator | |
Citerator_range | Represents a pair of iterators that bound a range of data (i.e. the begin and end corners of a multi-dimensional cube of data) |
CArrayNdDimensionFilter | Acts as a filter of an ArrayNd set's dimensions, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type |
CArrayNdDimensionFilterFactory | Factory base class for creating filter objects |
CArrayNdDimensionFilterFactoryTyped | Template factory class for creating filters. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory |
CArrayNdDimensionFilterRegistry | The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createFilter function |
CArrayNdDimensionFilterTyped | Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdDimensionFilter interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type |
CArrayNdDimensionLabels | Represents a set of dimension labels in an ArrayNd |
►CArrayNdDimensionLabelsToStringListAdaptor | |
CFactory | Factory for the adaptor |
CArrayNdDimensionsWidget | Widget for selecting the dimensions of an ArrayND object. Should be used as part of an Operation |
CArrayNdDimensionsWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CArrayNdEmpty | An empty implementation of an ArrayNd object which will be created by default for all DataObjects |
►CArrayNdInterface | A simple typed ArrayNd interface to an array of type T |
Citerator | |
Citerator_range | Represents a pair of iterators that bound a range of data (i.e. the begin and end corners of a multi-dimensional cube of data) |
CArrayNdPermutation | Acts as a permutation of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type |
CArrayNdPermutationFactory | Factory base class for creating slice objects |
CArrayNdPermutationFactoryTyped | Template factory class for creating slices. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory |
CArrayNdPermutationRegistry | The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createPermutation function |
CArrayNdPermutationTyped | Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdPermutation interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type |
CArrayNdRangeIterable | A range of an ArrayNd that can be iterated over, exposed as a QObject so that it can be easily incorporated inside a Qt Script |
CArrayNdSlice | Acts as a slice of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type |
CArrayNdSliceFactory | Factory base class for creating slice objects |
CArrayNdSliceFactoryTyped | Template factory class for creating slices. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory |
CArrayNdSliceRegistry | The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createSlice function |
CArrayNdSliceTyped | Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdSlice interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type |
CArrayNdTyped | An interface to an ArrayNd object which contains data of a specific type |
CAverageArrayNd | Averages an ArrayNd over a user-specified set of dimensions |
CAxis | |
CAxisSettings | Stores axis-specific settings for a single axis (X or Y) |
CChart | Represents a plot generated using Javascript |
CChartInterface | |
CChartToImage | Operation for rendering a chart to a QImage |
CChartToSvgString | Operation for rendering a chart to an SVG string |
CChartWebPage | Web page used to render a chart. Separated out from the widget so that it can be re-used in various other contexts, such as off-screen rendering |
CChartWebPageChannel | |
CChartWidget | Displays a Chart object using a QWebView |
CChartWidgetConnector | |
CChartWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CChartWidgetFactory | |
CClassDataRegistry | |
CColorScale | Class for mapping a value to a color |
CColorScaleBuilder | Operation to build a ColorScale object and a ColorScaleImage for that object |
CColorScaleImage | Class for maintaining an image of a color scale |
CColorSpectrum | Describes a color spectrum that maps a floating point number in the range [0,1] to a specific color |
CColorSpectrumButton | |
CColorSpectrumButtonConnector | |
CColorSpectrumButtonDesigner | Qt Designer support for ColorSpectrum |
CColorSpectrumButtonFactory | |
CColorSpectrumEditor | |
CColorSpectrumLibrary | A library for ColorSpectrum objects which will be presented to the user in the ColorSpectrumEditor widget. The spectra are stored with the names as keys. If a spectrum is added with the same key as an existing entry, then the existing entry will be overwritten. It's up to the caller to check if they want to avoid this. The DataAnalysis plugin has one of these libraries, and it's used by the ColorSpectrumEditor widget |
CColorSpectrumSelectionWidget | |
CColorSpectrumWidget | A widget showing a color spectrum |
CColorToGrayscale | |
CCompositePrimaryKeyData | |
CControlLine | |
CControlPoint | |
CCreateChart | Operation for creating a custom chart. The charts data can be completely customized |
CCreateChartDataCollectionPropertiesWidget | |
CCreateChartObjectDictionary | Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart |
CCreateChartPropertiesWidget | |
CCreateDataSeriesMapFromScript | Generates a ScriptedDataSeriesMapper object |
CCreateGridPlot | |
CCreateImageTileSet | Creates an ImageTileSet for display with the ImageTileView widget |
CCreateSqlTableFromCsvFile | Reads data from a CSV delimited file into a SQL Table, the table can be stored in either an existing SQL database or a temporary database will be created |
CCreateTransferFunction2dFromColorSpectrum | Creates a 2D transfer function from a color spectrum |
CCropImage | Crop an image |
CCsvReader | Reads data from a delimited file |
CCsvUtilities | |
CCsvWriter | Writes a DataCollection (and optionally, a set of DataSeries) to file in a comma-separated value format |
CDataAnalysisPlugin | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CDataAnalysisPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CDataCollectionItemModel | |
CDataCollectionWidget | Deprecated - User Widgets::ObjectDictionaryWidget |
CDataCollectionWidgetConnector | |
CDataCollectionWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CDataCollectionWidgetFactory | |
►CDataSeries | Interface for accessing data types as though they were a read-only const array of doubles |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator providing const random access to a DataSeries |
CDataSeriesAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for adapting T to a DataSeries where T is like a std::vector or QVector |
CDataSeriesAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting a type into a DataSeries |
CDataSeriesBuilder | Constructs a DataSeries from a set of input floating point values. Can be run in a loop to accumulate values |
CDataSeriesEvaluator | Trivial evaluator relying on an automatic conversion to double |
CDataSeriesInfo | Provides basic information about a DataSeries |
CDataSeriesMapper | Base class defining an interface for mapping a data series' values to other values |
►CDataSeriesToQVariantAdaptor | Adapts a DataSeries to a QVariant |
CFactory | Factory for the QVariant to DataSeries adaptor |
CDataSeriesWidget | |
CDataSeriesWidgetConnector | |
CDataSeriesWidgetFactory | |
CDeepCopy | |
CDeleteClassification | |
CDimensionIndexLessThan | |
CDimensionInfo | A name and set of attributes used to annotate a dimension in an ArrayNd object |
CDimensionRangeWidget | A widget for displaying and editing a dimension range |
CDiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter | Filter for use on a named dimension range that includes a specific list of values that are either included or excluded |
CEditDimensionRangeDialog | Dialog for editing a dimension range |
CEditDimensionRangeScene | QGraphicsScene for editing a dimension range |
CEditDimensionRangeView | |
CFilterArrayNdDimensions | Filters an n-dimensional data set based on specific dimension values, returning a sub-set of the data |
CFindArrayNdRange | |
CGetAllArrayNdDimensions | Retrieves a list of all the dimensions in the ArrayNd object, and returns them as an object group |
CGetArrayNdDimension | Retrieves a named dimension from an NDimensionalData object |
CGetDataSeriesFromArrayNd | Gets a data series from an array nd data structure (multi-dimensional array) |
CGetDataSeriesValue | Get a value at a specific index of a data series |
CGetImage3dSlice | Operation to create an image of a specific size with a per-pixel color determined by a value mapping into a color scale |
CGetImageFromArrayNd | Gets an image from an array nd data structure (multi-dimensional array), using a color scale and a set of user-specified dimensions |
CGetSqlResultSetColumn | |
CGridPlot | A GridPlot wraps an ND dataset for the purposes of plotting it as a grid |
CImageBuilder | Operation to create an image of a specific size with a uniform color |
CImageComposition | Operation to compose a set of images with a base image |
CImageInfo | Operation providing some basic information about an image |
CImageOverlay | Class for specifying an image and its overlay location |
CImageReader | Operation to read an image from a file |
CImageSequenceToAnimation | Creates an animation from a sequence of image files |
CImageTileClickEvent | |
CImageTileItem | |
CImageTileScene | |
►CImageTileSet | A set of images with labels for display with the ImageTileView widget |
CImage | |
CImageTileView | |
CImageTileViewConnector | |
CImageTileViewDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CImageTileViewFactory | |
CImageToBase64 | Operation to write an image to a base64 encoded string |
CImageToOverlayAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for converting an image to an image overlay |
CImageToOverlayAdaptorDialog | Dialog for configuring how an image is adapted to a scene overlay |
CImageToOverlayAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting an image to an image overlay |
CImageWidget | |
CImageWidgetConnector | |
CImageWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CImageWidgetFactory | |
CImageWriter | Operation to write an image to a file |
CInsertColumnIntoSqlTable | Add a column and data to a table |
CInvalidSqlBoundObjectGroup | Defines an invalid implementation of the SqlBoundObjectGroup. It is the default constructed value for DataObjects of type SqlBoundObjectGroup |
CManyToManyRelation | Many-to-many relationship type |
CManyToOneRelation | Many-to-one relationship type |
CMapDataSeries | Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries |
CNamedDimensionRange | A name and range of a dimension, generally used with an ArrayNd object |
CNamedDimensionRangeFilter | Filter for use on a named dimension range |
CNdTo3dAdaptor | Adapter from an ArrayNd object to a Array3dScalar object |
CNdTo3dArray | Extracts a 3D array from an ND array |
CNullDataSeries | Empty data series |
CNullNamedDimensionRangeFilter | Empty filter that allows all |
CObjectDictionaryLogger | Operation to dump the contents of a object dictionary to the operation's log |
CObjectDictionaryStructure | Operation to dump the structure of an object dictionary to the operation's log |
COneToManyRelation | One-to-many relationship type |
COneToOneRelation | One-to-one relationship type |
COpenSqlDatabase | Open an existing database |
►CPartitionedVector | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CPlot | The plot class holds the information required to generate a 2D plot |
CPlotBuilder | Builds a Plot from a list of plot items |
CPlotImageBuilder | Builds an image from a plot |
CPlotInfo | Retrieves information from plot workspace data |
CPlotItem | Represents one set of data to be included in a Plot |
CPlotItemBuilder | Builds a single PlotItem |
CPlotRecolor | Recolour all enabled plot items of a plot input |
CPlotRenderer | |
CPlotWidget | Renders a plot and stores it as an image until the next render |
CPlotWidgetConnector | |
CPlotWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CPlotWidgetFactory | Factory for plot widgets |
CPropertySetterDataCollection | |
CPropertySetterDataCollectionConnector | |
CPropertySetterDataCollectionFactory | |
CQuerySqlDatabase | |
►CQVariantToDataSeriesAdaptor | Adapts a QVariant to a DataSeries |
CFactory | Factory for the QVariant to DataSeries adaptor |
►CQVariantToQImageAdaptor | Adapts a QVariant to a DataSeries |
CFactory | Factory for the QVariant to DataSeries adaptor |
CRawVoxelReader | Reads images in a raw format with the specified dimensions |
CReduceArrayNdWithScript | Reduces an ArrayNd over a user-specified set of dimensions using a user defined QtScript |
CResizeImage | Takes an input image and resizes it to the specified dimensions |
CRunExternalScript | Operation to execute a script with a user specified runtime in a child process |
CRunMatLabScript | Operation to execute a R script in a child process |
CRunMatLabScriptProperties | |
CRunMatLabScriptPropertiesWidget | |
CRunRScript | Operation to execute a R script in a child process |
CRunScriptUtilities | |
CSaveChartToImageDialog | Dialog to save a chart to an image |
CSavePlotImageDialog | Dialog window for saving plots as an image file |
CScientificDoubleSpinBox | |
CScientificDoubleSpinBoxConnector | |
CScientificDoubleSpinBoxDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CScientificDoubleSpinBoxFactory | |
CScientificDoubleSpinBoxSettings | |
CScriptedDataSeriesMapper | Data series mapper using QtScript to return a mapped value for each value in the series |
CScriptLibraryRegistry | Repository through which source files for script dependencies can be stored for later usage. Includes convenience method for adding comma-delimited string of sources (addSourceListing) |
CSequenceDataSeries | An infinite data series whose value is the same as the index |
CSetCreateChartInputsCmd | Command class for adding an input to an input array |
CSliceArrayNd | Slices an n-dimensional data set, returning a sub-set of the data |
CSqlBindingRelation | A simple structure for specifying relationship information between objects |
CSqlBoundObjectClassData | Contains static information about a specific SqlBoundObjectGroup class. Is used to capture data shared at the class level that cannot be specified statically |
CSqlBoundObjectGroup | An SqlBoundObjectGroup class is bound to a specific SQL table or view, and its instance objects are bound to individual records from this table or view |
CSqlBoundObjectGroupData | |
CSqlCompositePrimaryKey | A class encapsulating information about a stored composite primary key (i.e. a primary key spanning the values of multiple fields) |
CSqlDatabaseWidget | Widget for viewing and editing data in a SQL database |
CSqlDatabaseWidgetConnector | |
CSqlDatabaseWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CSqlDatabaseWidgetFactory | |
CSqlDataModel | Provides an interface to access data from an SQL database as bound objects. The created objects can then be manipulated by calling code and submitted back to the model to write back to the database |
CSqlDataModelResult | Contains information about results of an operation on the SqlDataModel such as a fetch, insert or update |
CSqlDataTable | |
CSqlDataTableWidgetConnector | |
CSqlDataTableWidgetFactory | |
CSqlResultSet | The result of an SQL query, use GetSqlResultSetColumn operation to access results |
CSqlResultSetTableWidgetConnector | |
CSqlResultSetTableWidgetFactory | |
CStandardDataSeries | Template subclass of DataSeries for things that act like std::vector |
CStringToImage | Provides an image of a text string |
CTableWidget | Widget for displaying tables using a table model |
CTableWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CThreadedChartRender | |
CTransferFunction2d | Represents a TransferFunction in two dimensions. The x-dimension is the data value and the y-dimension is the gradient of the data value |
CTransferFunction2dAngleClassification | Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries |
CTransferFunction2dAngleClassificationView | |
CTransferFunction2dBuilder | Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries |
CTransferFunction2dClassification | Base class for classification objects attached to transfer functions |
CTransferFunction2dClassificationView | Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries |
CTransferFunction2dInteraction | |
CTransferFunction2dRectClassification | |
CTransferFunction2dRectClassificationView | |
CTransferFunction2dScene | Scene for holding the contents of our transfer function 2d. Contains classification views |
CTransferFunction2dView | |
CTransferFunction2dWidget | |
CTransferFunction2dWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CTrie | Super basic trie class for validating strings. Speeds up the code needed for some autocomplete / validation used in QLineEdits |
CTypedSqlBoundObjectGroup | Typed derived class of SqlBoundObjectGroup from which all implementations of SqlBoundObjectGroup should extend. Uses CRTP to implement most methods |
CUnchangedDataSeriesMapper | Passes through each data series value unchanged |
CUpdateClassification | |
CWebLibraryInjector | Facilitates dependency injection of source files into a provided webpage |
CWriteChartToSvgFile | Operation for converting a chart to an SVG. The charts data can be completely customized |
CWriteChartToWebPage | Operation for converting a chart to an SVG. The charts data can be completely customized |
CWriteSqlResultSetToCsvFile | Put a one-line description of your operation here |
CWriteSqlTableToCsvFile | |
►NDataExecution | Base workspace functionality not requiring a user interface |
►NDataExecutionPrivate | |
CEventProcessor | |
CEventProcessor< SenderEventType, void, ReceiverType, ReceiverOrBaseType, ReturnType > | |
CFactoryDetails | |
CFactorySorter | |
CObserverType | |
NModifyObjectDictionaryWidgetPrivate | |
►NTypedDataFactoryPrivate | |
CAdaptFromQVariant | |
CAdaptFromQVariantFactory | |
CAdaptFromQVariantFactory< QVariant, Adapt > | |
CAdaptFromQVariantFactory< T, false > | |
CAdaptToQVariant | |
CAdaptToQVariantFactory | |
CAdaptToQVariantFactory< QVariant, Adapt > | |
CAdaptToQVariantFactory< T, false > | |
CAssignDefaultImpl | |
CAssignDefaultImpl< T, false > | |
CCloneDefaultImpl | |
CCloneDefaultImpl< T, G, false > | |
CCloneDefaultImpl< T, true, true > | |
CCompareDefaultImpl | |
CCompareDefaultImpl< T, false > | |
CQMetaTypesMustBeClonable | |
CQMetaTypesMustBeClonable< T, true > | |
CSerializeDefaultImpl | |
CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, true, false, false, true > | |
CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, true, false, true, E > | |
CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, true, true, Strm, E > | |
CSortDefaultImpl | |
CSortDefaultImpl< T, false > | |
CStreamableFallback | |
CStreamableFallback< T, false, false > | |
CStreamableFallback< T, true, Allowed > | |
►NTypedObjectPrivate | |
CObjectGroupExtras | |
CObjectGroupExtras< T, true > | |
CQVariantHelper | |
CQVariantHelper< DataAnalysis::DataSeries, false, true, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< DataExecution::ObjectDictionary, false, true, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< Mesh::TransformMatrix, false, true, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< Mesh::Vector3d, false, true, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< ObjectArray, false, true, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< QJsonDocument, false, true, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< QVariant, false, C, E, true > | |
CQVariantHelper< T, false, C, true, true > | |
CQVariantHelper< T, false, false, false, true > | |
CQVariantHelper< T, G, C, E, false > | |
CQVariantHelper< T, true, C, false, true > | |
NUi | |
►NUndoCommands | |
CAddConnectionCmd | Command class for adding a connection to a workspace view |
CAddInputElementCmd | Command class for adding an input to an input array |
CAddOperationCmd | Command class for adding an operation to a workspace |
CAddOutputCmd | Command class for adding an output to an operation (specifically, aimed at a FilePathBuilder operation) |
CChangeBroadcastUpdatesBehaviourCmd | Command class for changing an workspace operation's behaviour regarding broadcasting of update events |
CChangeCatalogueDetailsCmd | Command class for changing an operation's label |
CChangeDataNameCmd | Command class for changing the data name of a polymorphic data operation |
CChangeDescriptionCmd | Command class for changing the description of a polymorphic data operation |
CChangeEnableProfilingCmd | Command class for changing an workspace operation's behaviour regarding broadcasting of update events |
CChangeGlobalNameCmd | Command class for changing the data name of a polymorphic data operation |
CChangeIOBaseNameCmd | Command class for changing the name of a iobase object |
CChangeNamespaceCmd | Command class for changing a workspace's namespace |
CChangeOperationDataFactoryCmd | Command class for changing an operation's color |
CChangeOperationFeaturesCmd | Command class for changing an operation's features |
CChangeOperationLabelCmd | Command class for changing an operation's label |
CChangePreferredWidgetCmd | Command class for changing the preferred widget of an iobase object |
CChangeProgressContributionCmd | Command class for changing an operation's contribution to its parent workspace's progress |
CChangeWorkspaceParallelBehaviourCmd | Command class for changing an workspace operation's update behaviour |
CChangeWorkspaceUpdateBehaviourCmd | Command class for changing an workspace operation's update behaviour |
CConfigureConnection | Command class for updating details of a connection from a serialized representation |
►CConfigureCustomIoOperationCmd | QUndoCommand class for CustomInputsOutputsOperation |
CIODescription | |
CConnectionCopySourceCmd | Command class for toggling whether or not a connection copies the source data |
CEnableAllConnectionsCmd | Command class for enabling all connections |
CIOBaseInfo | |
CLoadWorkflowCmd | Undoable command to load contents into a new Workspace operation |
CRemoveConnectionCmd | Command class for removing a connection from a workspace view |
CRemoveFilePathDataCmd | Command class for removing path configuration data from a FilePathBuilder operation |
CRemoveInputElementCmd | Command class for removing an input from an input array |
CRemoveOperationCmd | Command class for removing an operation from a workspace view |
CRenumberOperationCmd | Command class for changing the ID of an operation |
CReplaceOperationCmd | Command class for replacing an operation |
CRestoreIOBaseData | Command class for changing the name of a iobase object |
CSetScriptingOperationInputsOutputsCmd | Command class for adding an input to an input array |
CSetWorkspaceSourceUrlCmd | Undoable command to change the stored external source URL for a Workspace |
CToggleConnectionEnabledCmd | Command class for disabling a connection |
CUpdateFilePathDataCmd | Command class for adding or updating path configuration data to a FilePathBuilder operation |
CUserChangedIOBaseDescription | |
CUserChangedIOBaseGlobalName | |
CUserChangedOperationDescription | |
CUserChangedOperationGlobalName | |
CAbortedUpdateEvent | Event issued when an Updater aborts processing its update set |
CAbortedWorkspaceUpdateMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has aborted updating |
CAbortReason | Class to give execution abort a reason |
CAbstractCache | |
CAbstractRemoteScheduler | |
CAbstractRemoteServer | |
CAbstractScheduler | |
CAdaptedConnection | |
CAddConnectionEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace whenever a connection is added to it |
CAddOperationEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace whenever an operation is added to it |
CAllObservableEvents | Special event type for observers to use when they want all events, not just a specific event type |
CAnchorData | |
CAssertion | Halts execution if its input is false |
CAssignDataType | Traits class defining whether a class T supports assignment |
CAssignDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dNullTyped< QRgb > > | |
CAssignDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped< QRgb > > | |
CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::Array3dNullVector > | |
CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::Array3dVector > | |
CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface > | |
CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Provenance::ProvenanceReporter::Reporter > | |
CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::ArrayNd > | |
CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::DataSeriesMapper > | |
CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::ImageTileSet > | |
CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlBoundObjectGroup > | |
CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlResultSet > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterion > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterionAllPass > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterionInRegion > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementMapper > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterion > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterionAllPass > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterionInRegion > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeIdCriterion > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeMapper > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::Region > | |
CAssignDataType< Mesh::VectorNodeMapper > | |
CAssignDataType< Mqtt::MqttClient > | |
CAssignDataType< ObjectGroup > | |
CAssignDataType< Python::PythonNumpyInterface > | |
CAssignDataType< Rendering::Glypher > | |
CAssignDataType< Rendering::Light > | |
CAssignDataType< Rendering::Scene > | |
CAssignDataType< Rendering::SceneItem > | |
CAssignDataType< Rendering::Texturizer > | |
CAssignDataType< Rendering::Transform > | |
CAssignInputData | |
CAssignInputData< const char *const, V, typename std::enable_if< DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > | |
CAssignInputData< const char *const, V, typename std::enable_if<!DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > | |
CAssignmentAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for converting between two types using assignment operator |
CAssignmentAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting between two types using assignment operator |
CAssignmentAdaptorImpl | Default assignment implementation used by AssignmentAdaptor |
CAssignmentAdaptorImpl< double, int > | Specialization for assigning a double to an integer |
CAssignNamedOperationInputsImpl | |
CAssignNamedOperationInputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 0 > | |
CAssignNamedOperationInputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 2 > | |
CCacheData | Cache values for associated keys |
CCaptureLogToFile | Writes the Workspace log to a file for the lifetime of the operation (after first execute) |
CCausedExecutionErrorEvent | Event issued on something to indicate it was the cause of an execution error |
CChangeConnectionEnabledEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace whenever a connections enabled status is changed |
CChangePriorityInQueueWorkspaceMessage | Message reply with a list of Workspace in queue |
CClearWorkspaceHistoryMessage | Message Request for cleaning up history |
CClientHeartbeatMessage | Heartbeat between client and server to check server available. Client will constantly send this and server should reply as soon as possible |
CCloneDataType | Traits class defining whether a class T supports cloning |
CCloneDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlResultSet > | |
CCloneDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource > | |
CCloneDataType< Rendering::Scene > | |
CCloneDataType< Rendering::SceneItem > | |
CCloneDataType< Rendering::Transform > | |
CComesFromExternalEvent | Event emitted when an updatable object potentially changes whether it comes from an external reference |
CCompare | Polymorphic operation for comparing between two different integral types |
CCompareDataType | Traits class defining whether a class T supports comparison |
CCompareDataType< Dependency > | |
CCompareDataType< EmptyGroup > | |
CCompareDataType< ObjectGroup > | |
CCompareDataTypeImpl | |
CCompareDataTypeImpl< T, false > | |
CComposeGroup | Composes an ObjectGroup from its components |
CConcatenateStrings | Concatenate input strings |
CConditionalLoop | An operation that iterates over its contents repeatedly while a condition is satisfied |
CConfigureFile | Performs a copy and replace of an input file to a destination file replacing user specified symbols with user specified values |
CConfigureNewlines | Performs a copy and replace of an input file to a destination file replacing newlines with platform specific newlines |
CConnection | Represents a connection of an output to an input |
CConnectionEvent | Base class for Connection-related events |
CConnectionReference | A class which stores a reference to a connection in a way that is agnostic to the connection instance that is supplied (referenced connection's memory location) |
CConnectionWrapper | Convenience wrapper around a Connection |
CConvertFromByteArray | Save data to file |
CConvertQStringListToStringSelection | Converts a QStringList into a StringSelection with control over what is selected |
CConvertToByteArray | Save data to file |
CCountedLoop | An operation that allows the user to create a loop with a built in counter |
CCreateObjectDictionary | Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart |
CCreateObjectDictionaryPropertiesWidget | |
CCreateTemporaryFileName | Uses QTemporaryFile to provide a filename that can be written to |
CCustomInputsOutputsOperation | Base class for operations where user can add and remove inputs and outputs |
CDataAccumulatingOperation | An operation that iterates over its contents repeatedly |
►CDataFactory | Base class for all data type factories |
CSharedInfo | |
CDataFactoryTraits | Traits class for data objects of type T |
CDataObject | Base class for all data objects |
CDataTable | This class defines the DataTable data type. A DataTable is a table that contains a set of columns and a collection of data records (i.e. rows) |
CDataTableColumn | This class defines a column in the DataTable. A column is like a field in a database |
►CDateTimeToStringAdaptor | Adapts a QDateTime object to a QString object |
CFactory | Factory for the QDateTime to QString adaptor |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType | Traits class defining whether a class T is or isn't a Workspace data type. This will have Is set to 0 unless a DECLARE_WORKSPACE_DATA_TYPE macro has been used to declare the type as a Workspace-compatible type |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< bool > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< char > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter::Operator > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRangeFilter > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::NullNamedDimensionRangeFilter > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::DirIteratorFlags > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::FileFilter > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::FileSortFlags > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::StringSelection > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< double > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< float > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< int > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< long > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< long double > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QByteArray > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QDate > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QDateTime > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QJsonDocument > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QPointF > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QQuaternion > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QStringList > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QTime > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QVariant > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QVector< int > > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< signed char > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< uchar > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< uint > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< ulong > | |
CDeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< ushort > | |
CDecomposeGroup | Decomposes an ObjectGroup into its immediate child components |
CDecomposeObjectDictionary | Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart |
CDecomposeObjectDictionaryPropertiesWidget | |
CDeepConvertQVariant | Deep converts QVariantMap/List to ObjectDictionary/Array unlike automatic adaptor which only converts top level |
CDefaultOutputStream | A default output stream which writes log messages to the std::ostream supplied to it |
CDefaultOutputStreamBase | |
CDelayScheduledWorkspaceMessage | Message created when a workspace is delayed |
CDeleteFromDirectory | Deletes file and/or directories matching a given regular expression |
CDeletingIOBaseEvent | Event class raised when an input/output is being deleted |
CDependency | Empty class used to represent dependencies in inputs and outputs |
►CDependencyDateTimeAdaptor | Adapts a Dependency object to a QDateTime object |
CFactory | Factory for the Dependency to QDateTime adaptor |
CDerivedToBaseAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for converting a derived class to a base class |
CDerivedToBaseAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting a derived class to a base class |
CDirectConnection | |
CDirIteratorFlags | An object group containing directory iterator options |
CDiskCache | |
CDiskCacheTraits | |
CDistributedLogPackage | |
►CDistributedLogSink | |
CConfiguration | |
CDoubleToString | Converts a double into a string |
►CDoubleToStringAdaptor | |
CFactory | Factory for the int to QString adaptor |
CEmptyGroup | An empty object group |
CEnumToIntAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for converting a derived class to a base class |
CEnumToIntAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting an enum to an int |
CEventID | Subclassed and instantiated exactly once for each event type |
CEventIDSingleton | |
►CExecutionDebugger | |
CBreakpoint | |
CCallstackFrame | |
CScope | |
CThread | |
CExecutionEvent | Base class for events issued by an Updater |
CExecutionPauser | Pauses an executing workflow for the life of this object |
►CExecutionTimekeeper | This class is a singleton and receives all notifications about operations' execution. It then sends a signal notifying the event. Any component wishing to make use of the operations' execution events should connect to this singleton and watch for the signal |
CEvent | Event to be passed around |
CPublisher | Process that can publish their profiling data |
CExists | Operation to find out if a file, directory, etc. exists |
CExtractNamedOperationOutputsImpl | |
CExtractNamedOperationOutputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 0 > | |
CExtractNamedOperationOutputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 2 > | |
CExtractOutputData | |
CExtractOutputData< const char *, V, typename std::enable_if< DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > | |
CExtractOutputData< const char *, V, typename std::enable_if<!DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > | |
CExtrasUpdatedEvent | Event issued by workspace elements after they reload their "extras" data |
CFailedToScheduleWorkspaceMessage | Message created when a workspace has failed to be scheduled by a remote scheduler |
CFileFilter | An object group containing file filter options |
CFileInfo | Get information about a file or path - See QFileInfo |
CFileIterator | An operation that allows the user to iterate over a series of files in a directory |
CFileLoop | A type of loop operation that iterates over the contents of a directory |
CFilePathBuilder | Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart |
CFilePathBuilderPropertiesWidget | |
CFileSeriesFormat | Deconstruct the format of the path of a file in a file series |
CFileSortFlags | An object group containing file sorting options |
CFileWatcher | This operation watches for any modifications of a file whose name is given in input. If the file is created, deleted or edited, the operation will set itself and its output to not up-to-date. This is supposed to trigger its re-execution and that of the downstream operations. If the file name in input is a directory then this operation will watch for any modifications made to that directory, including its creation, deletion and the creation and deletion of files or subdirectories in that directory. Note however that editing an existing file in the directory is not considered a modification of the directory itself, hence no trigger in this case |
CFilterObjectDictionary | Demo operation |
CFinishedExecutionEvent | Event issued when an Updater stops running |
CFinishedUpdateEvent | Event issued when an Updater finishes processing its update set |
CFinishedWorkspaceExecutionMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has finished execution |
CFinishedWorkspaceUpdateMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has finished updating |
CForLoop | An operation that iterates over its contents repeatedly |
CFormatString | Operation for formatting a string from a set of input variables |
CForwardNotifications | Allows one Observable object to mimic another for a specific event type |
CGeneralObserver | Generalized observer used primarily by the templated ObserverSet::add() implementation |
CGeneralObserver< SenderEventType, ReceiverEventType, ReceiverType, ReceiverOrBaseType, ReturnType, ThreadedObserver > | Specialization for a threaded GeneralObserver |
CGeneralObserver< SenderEventType, ReceiverEventType, ReceiverType, ReceiverOrBaseType, ReturnType, ThreadSafeObserver > | Specialization for a thread-safe GeneralObserver |
CGenerateUuid | Generate a UUID string |
CGetCurrentTime | Retrieves the current time |
CGetEnvironment | Retrieves a specified value from the current environment |
CGetFile | Operation to get a file from a possibly remote location |
CGetHostInfo | Wrapper for QtHostInfo |
CGetItemFromJson | Operation to extract an item (including nested items) from a QJsonDocument |
CGetItemFromObjectDictionary | Operation to extract an item (including nested items) from an ObjectDictionary |
CGetListAllWorkspaceMessage | Message Request for a list of all Workspace workflows |
CGetListQueueWorkspaceMessage | Message Request for a list of Workspace in queue |
CGetWorkflowFileName | Returns the name of the current workflow (if there is one) |
CGetWorkspaceDetailMessage | Message Request for details of a specific Workspace workflow |
CGetWorkspaceLabel | Outputs the difference between to QDateTimes with precision to the nearest second |
CGlobalNameChangedEvent | Event class raised after an updatable object has its global name changed |
CGlobalNameDuplicatedEvent | Event class raised after an updatable object has its global name changed |
CGlobalNameSerializer | This class provides serialization of global names for a Workspace-based application |
CHandshakeMessage | Handshake between client and server to check server available. Server will use this message to pass a session ID to identify a client |
CHeartbeatMessage | Heartbeat between client and server to check client available. Server will constantly send this and client should reply as soon as possible |
CHttpRequest | Operation to perform a HTTP request |
CIncrementer | A reset-able operation that outputs a value that is incremented each time it executes |
CInitializedVariable | A variable that can be populated and then modified |
CInput | Base class for operation inputs |
CInputAddedEvent | Even raised when an input is added to an Operation |
CInputArray | Array input class (multiple outputs can connect to it at a time) |
CInputElementAddedEvent | Event class for when an element is added to an InputArray |
CInputElementEvent | Base class for events related to elements of an InputArray |
CInputElementRemovalEvent | Event class for when an element is about to be removed from an InputArray |
CInputRebuiltEvent | Event class raised after a scalar input is rebuilt |
CInputRemovalEvent | Even raised when an input is about to be removed from an Operation |
CInputScalar | Scalar input class (only one output can connect to it at a time) |
CInsertIntoObjectDictionary | Add a new object to an ObjectDictionary |
CIntToString | Converts an int into a string |
►CIntToStringAdaptor | |
CFactory | Factory for the int to QString adaptor |
CInvalidIONameError | Exception thrown when trying to access an Operation input or output with a name that doesn't exist |
►CIOBase | Base class for all inputs and outputs |
CQueueChangesWhileUpdatingSentry | |
CIOBaseDataObjectChangedEvent | Event class raised after the data object of an input/output is changed |
CIOBaseRenamedEvent | Event class raised after an input/output is renamed |
CIOBaseVisiblityToggledEvent | Event for when an IOBase's visibility flag is toggled |
CIteratingOperation | |
CIteratingOperationBase | Base class for operations that iterate over a workflow one or more times |
CIteratingWorkspace | Class representing an iterating Workspace, parallel or otherwise |
CIteratingWorkspaceBase | |
CJoinStrings | Takes a QStringList and outputs a QString with delimiters |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptor | Template adaptor for adapting QJsonDocument from/to an ObjectGroup-derived class |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptor< From, QJsonDocument > | A TypeAdaptor class for converting from Json to an ObjectGroup |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptor< QJsonDocument, To > | A TypeAdaptor class for converting from Json to an ObjectGroup |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptorBase | Adaptor base class for converting from QJsonDocument to/from an ObjectGroup-derived class |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting from Json to an ObjectGroup type (or vice-versa) |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory< From, QJsonDocument > | Partial template specialisation for the ObjectGroup-derived class -> QJsonDocument case |
CJsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory< QJsonDocument, To > | Partial template specialisation for the QJsonDocument -> ObjectGroup-derived class case |
CListDirectory | List the contents of a directory, optionally with filtering |
CLoadDataFromFile | Load data from a file |
CLogEvent | Each LogEvent |
CLogical | |
CLogStream | Abstracts away the task sending log text to a destination |
CLogStreamFilter | Filters out messages that match its categories |
CLogText | Operation to log text provided on an input |
CLogToFile | LogStream subclass for directing a log stream to file |
CLogToGui | LogStream subclass for directing a log stream to GUI application components |
CLogToIpc | A LogStream that forward log to Ipc |
CMergeObjectDictionaries | Merge an ObjectDictionary into another existing one |
CMiniOperationRackData | |
CModifyGroup | Allows a user to modify select members of a modify group |
CModifyObjectDictionary | Allows a user to modify an existing dictionary by adding or replacing items in it |
CModifyObjectDictionaryProperties | |
CModifyObjectDictionaryWidget | Widget for editing the contents of a ModifyObjectDictionary. Intended for use as an additional tab to the operation properties dialog |
CMongoDbRemoteSchedulerDefs | |
CMongoDbSchedulerDefs | |
CMultiplier | Multiplies a set of numbers |
CNoLock | |
CNoteItemData | |
CNullConnection | |
►CObjectArray | Generic array class for holding an array of DataObject's |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CObjectArrayAccessor | Operation for accessing a particular item in an ObjectArray |
CObjectArrayBuilder | Builder for creating an ObjectArray from an InputArray |
CObjectArrayInfo | Operation for providing basic information about an ObjectArray |
CObjectArrayLoop | A type of loop operation that iterates over and aggregates the contents of an ObjectArray |
►CObjectDictionary | Holds a named set of DataObject instances, previosuly DataAnalysis::DataCollection |
CAccessor | |
CObjectDictionaryInfo | Operation providing basic information about an object dictionary |
CObjectDictionaryItemInfo | Check if an item exists in an ObjectDictionary and get its details |
CObjectGroup | Class for relating a group of DataObject instances together |
CObjectGroupQVariant | |
CObservable | Base class for all observable classes |
CObservableEvent | Each instance of an ObservableEvent subclass can be used as a unique event designator |
CObservableEventType | All events must be a subclass of this template |
CObserver | Base class for all observers |
CObserverSet | Container for holding dynamically allocated observers |
COffsetSequence | |
COffsetSequence< N, std::index_sequence< Ints... > > | |
COOPScheduler | |
COOPSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a oop based scheduler |
COopSchedulerDefs | |
COOPSchedulerProvider | |
►COperation | All workspace operations must derive from this class |
CIOBaseAccessor | |
CIOBaseAccessor< Input, IsConst > | |
CIOBaseAccessor< Output, IsConst > | |
CIOBaseIteratorRange | Begin/end range for Input/Output iterators. Needed because Operations supply a range of both inputs and outputs |
COperationBreakpointSetEvent | Event raised when an operation's editable flag is changed |
COperationColorChangeEvent | Event raised when an operation's background color is changed |
COperationEditableChangeEvent | Event raised when an operation's editable flag is changed |
COperationEvent | Base class for Operation-related events |
COperationFactory | Base class for all operation factories |
COperationFactoryTraits | Traits class for operations of type T |
COperationIconPathChangeEvent | Event raised when an operation's icon is changed |
COperationIdChangeEvent | |
COperationIdPathChangeEvent | Emitted when an operation's ancestry changes by being removed/added (either directly or indirectly) from a workflow |
COperationIdRegistry | |
COperationLabelChangeEvent | Event raised when an operation's label is changed |
►COperationRunner | Runs an operation or workspace. The OperationRunner can be used to run a workspace or operation. To use simply construct the with a path to a workspace file, existing workspace or operation. WARNING: If your client code decides to perform its own wait logic then use the OperationRunner isRunning method and not the isRunning method on your provided Workspace |
COperationRunnerDeleter | |
COperationUiPathChangeEvent | Event raised when an operation's background color is changed |
COperationUpdateEvent | Event raised when an operation is being brought up to date |
COperationUpdateEventListMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client that contains a list of operation update events in the remote execution |
COperationUpdateEventObserver | An observer for passively monitoring OperationUpdateEvents on a particular operation |
COutput | Class for operation outputs |
COutputAddedEvent | Even raised when an output is added to an Operation |
COutputRemovalEvent | Even raised when an output is about to be removed from an Operation |
CParallelIteratingOperation | Interface for iterating over a workflow in parallel using the Workspace scheduling infrastructure |
►CParallelIteratingOperationBase | |
CIterationControlParams | This struct represents the control parameters for a parallel loop. It exists to minimise virtual function calls when obtaining these values from derived classes |
CIterationObserver | |
CParallelIteratingOperationMethodDispatcher | Utility class to ensure that calls from arbitrary iteration threads are forwarded onto the ParallelIterator's thread to enable the calling iteration threads to return immeadiately i.e. not block |
CParallelIteratingWorkspace | |
CParallelIterationControlOperation | |
CPause | Pauses for a specified number of milliseconds |
CPauseQueueWorkspaceMessage | Message pause Workspace in queue |
CPauseUpdateEvent | Event issued during execution whenever it is safe to perform non-connectivity changing actions on a workspace |
CPlaceHolder | Place holder used when a workspace is loaded an a particular operation type is unable to be provided |
CPlatformInfo | Provides information about the current platform |
CPlaySoundEffect | Operation for playing sound effects |
CPluginInfo | Provides information about a particular plugin |
CPolymorphicDataOperation | Base class for operations using a polymorphic type |
CPolymorphicOperationDataNameChangeEvent | |
CPostFile | Operation to HTTP POST a file |
CProfilingLogPackage | |
CProfilingTags | |
CProgressContributionChangeEvent | Event raised when an operation's contribution to its parent workspace's progress is changed |
CProgressEvent | Event for communicating progress of an operation |
CPromptToAddWorkspaceOutput | Event issued to prompt user if they would like to create a WorkspaceOutput that matches with the specified Output |
CQtInfo | Provides some basic info about the specific version of Qt used for building and running |
CQtScriptEnginePool | Provides a means to create just one engine pool per thread |
►CQVariantToQVectorDateTimeAdaptor | Adapts a QVariant to a QVector<QDateTime> |
CFactory | Factory for the QVariant to QVector<double> adaptor |
►CQVariantToQVectorDoubleAdaptor | Adapts a QVariant to a QVector<double> |
CFactory | Factory for the QVariant to QVector<double> adaptor |
►CQVariantToQVectorIntAdaptor | Adapts a QVariant to a QVector<int> |
CFactory | Factory for the QVariant to QVector<int> adaptor |
CReadBinaryFile | Read a file to a QByteArray |
CReadFileToString | Reads a text file and stores it as a string |
CReadJsonFile | Read a JSON file |
CRemoteResource | |
CRemoveConnectionEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace whenever a connection is removed from it |
CRemoveOperationEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace whenever an operation is removed from it |
CReplaceString | Substitutes all instances of one string for another |
CReplaceStrings | Substitutes all instances of one string for another using a dictionary of replacements |
CResetDependency | Resets its dependency output when a workspace is being executed continuously |
CResolveAbsoluteFilePath | Generates an absolute path from a workspace-relative path |
CResumeQueueWorkspaceMessage | Message resume Workspace in queue |
CResyncExtrasEvent | Event issued by workspace elements when they need to be sure their "extras" data is up to date |
CRunOperationsInParallel | Run operations in parallel |
►CRunQtScript | Runs a QtScript program |
►CExternalScriptDescription | |
CIOEntry | |
CRunQtScriptPropertiesWidget | |
CSaveDataToFile | Save data to file |
CSchedulerClient | |
CSchedulerConfigurationDialog | The base class for all widgets that provide scheduler specific settings |
CSchedulerConfigurationWidget | |
CSchedulerController | Schedules both the local and remote execution of workspaces. The SchedulerController manages the scheduling of workspaces. A workspace can be scheduled to run either locally or remotely. The SchedulerController determines the optimum number of jobs that can be run locally, once exceeded, any additional workspaces are then remoted (subject to the availability of remote workspace-servers and the suitability of the workspace to be scheduled). If a workspace fails to be executed remotely then the workspace is scheduled locally. Irrespective of the location of workspace execution the key workspace events i.e. Start/Stop execution and Start/Stop update are observed. Workspace events that occurr on a remote machine find their way back to the scheduler by way of network messages that are translated and re-emitted locally to provide the appearance of local execution. The SchedulerController also emits significant workspace and scheduler related events that can be observed in case additional notification and/or processing is required in response to these events |
CSchedulerFeature | |
CSchedulerFeatureListDialog | The base class for all widgets that provide scheduler specific settings |
CSchedulerFeatureListWidget | Provides a widget that supports the adding and removing of features |
CSchedulerFeatures | Maintains a collection of scheduler features |
CSchedulerListWidget | Provides a view of client-side settings relating to remote execution |
CSchedulerProvider | The base class of all authentication providers |
CSchedulerProviderManager | Maintains a list of scheduler providers |
CSchedulerRequest | Handles the scheduling and lifetime management of a scheduler request. The scheduling of a request can involve either running the request locally or distributing the execution of the request to other remotely hosted schedulers. An instance of this class is created by the scheduler to handle the scheduling of a single request, to observe and process its events (received either locally or via network messages) and to collect and store data related to executing request as it works its way through the system |
CSchedulerRequests | |
CSchedulers | Maintains a collection of remote schedulers |
CSchedulerSettings | Provides access to client side authentication settings |
CSchedulerTcpMessage | The base class of tcp messages sent by a scheduler |
CScheduleWorkspaceExecutionMessage | Use this message to schedule the execution of a workspace on a remote machine |
CSelectInput | Select an input from an array input based on the value of another input |
CSerialize | Base class for all objects that may want to support serialization |
CSerializeDataType | Traits class defining whether detection of serialization support for class T is permitted |
CSerializeDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource > | |
CSerializedItem | Class to hold a serialized representation of an object |
CSerializedTree | Class to hold a serialized representation of a tree of objects |
CSerializedTreeIO | Interface for reading or writing out a serialized tree in a specific format |
CSerializedTreeJsonIO | Interface for writing out a serialized tree in an JSON format |
CSerializedTreeXmlIO | Interface for writing out a serialized tree in an XML format |
CSerializingInputEvent | Event class raised when InputScalar::save() is called just before the input's values are serialized |
CServerLoadMessage | Send summary of server load to client. Server will constantly send this |
CServerWidget | Provides a view of settings relating to authenticated entity management |
CSetModifyObjectDictionaryInputsCmd | Command class for setting the inputs on a ModifyObjectDictionary operation |
CSetSelectedStringByIndex | Put a one-line description of your operation here |
CSetSelectedStringByString | Set the selected item in a StringList |
CSetWorkingDirectory | |
CSharedInfo | Allows to get shared info of a specified DataObject |
CSimpleAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for converting between two types using an adapt(From, To) func |
CSimpleAdaptorFactory | A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting between two types using an adapt(From, To) func |
CSimpleDataObjectAdaptor | A TypeAdaptor class for converting between two types using an adapt(DataObject from, DataObject to, bool copy) func |
CSimpleFileWatcher | |
CSimpleInput | |
►CSimpleInputArray | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CSimpleInputOutput | |
CSimpleOutput | |
CSocket | |
CSortDataType | Traits class defining whether a class T can be sorted. This is important for some comparison operations |
CSortDataTypeImpl | |
CSortDataTypeImpl< T, false > | |
CSqlSchedulerDefs | |
CStartedExecutionEvent | Event issued when the event loop for an Updater starts running |
CStartedUpdateEvent | Event issued when an Updater starts processing its update set |
CStartedWorkspaceExecutionMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has started execution |
CStartedWorkspaceUpdateMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has started updating |
CStatusFlipper | Observer used to safely flip the up to date status of an Updatable object |
CStopWorkspaceExecutionMessage | Use this message to stop the execution of a workspace on a remote machine |
CStringContains | Check if a string contains a specified substring |
CStringLength | Determine the length of a string |
CStringListBuilder | Converts an array of QStrings to a QStringList |
CStringListItem | Returns the QString at a given index in a QStringList or an empty string if the index isn't valid |
CStringSelection | Provides a list of strings, one of which will be considered selected |
CStringSelectionBuilder | Builds a StringSelection from an arbritary number of QString's and StringSelection's |
CStringSelectionFilter | String list filter |
CStringSelectionInfo | Provides information about a StringSelection |
CStringSelectionUpdatedEvent | Event raised when the selected item in a string list changes |
CStringToDouble | Converts a string to a double |
CStringToInt | Converts a string to an integer |
CSystemCommand | Operation to execute a command in a child process |
CTask | The base class of a runnable task |
CTcpMessage | |
CTcpMessageFactory | The base class of all tcp message factories |
CTcpMessageSocketAdapter | |
►CTcpRemoteScheduler | |
CTcpServer | |
CTcpRemoteSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CTcpRemoteSchedulerSocketHandler | |
CTcpScheduler | |
CTcpSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CTcpSchedulerProvider | |
CTextLogPackage | |
CTextProvider | Passes through text to the output |
CThreadSafeLock | |
CThrottle | An operation that throttles update speed to a nominated maximum rate |
CTimeDifference | Outputs the difference between to QDateTimes with precision to the nearest second |
►CTimeToStringAdaptor | Adapts a QTime object to a QString object |
CFactory | Factory for the QTime to QString adaptor |
CToObjectArrayConnection | |
CTranslateObjectDictionary | A type of loop operation that iterates over the contents of an ObjectDictionary |
CTreeSelectionBuilder | Operation that constructs a tree of selectable tree items |
CTreeSelectionBuilderPropertiesWidget | |
CTryInputs | Tries to update inputs in the input array until one succeeds |
CTypeAdaptor | Provides a way to adapt one type to another |
CTypeAdaptorFactory | Base class for all TypeAdaptorFactory instances |
CTypedDataFactory | Template for instantiating data factories for a particular type |
CTypedObject | Template for instantiating a smart pointer to a particular data type |
►CTypedObjectArray | Convenience typed interface to an object array, which can be converted to a general ObjectArray in Workspace through use of a DerivedToBaseAdaptor |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CTypedOperationFactory | Operation factory class template |
CUpdatable | Base class for all objects that are executable within a workspace |
►CUpdatableLog | |
CMessage | |
CUpdatablesMonitor | An alternative template class that provides a single callback in response to a set of one or more provided updatable objects being up to date |
CUpdatablesObserver | A template class that provides a single callback in response to a set of one or more provided updatable objects being up to date |
CUpdatablesObserverBase | Base class for UpdatablesObserver to facilitate storage of lists of UpdatablesObserver objects for deletion at a later time |
CUpdateBarrier | Triggerable update of an input |
CUpdateEvent | Event emitted by an Updatable object when its up to date status is set to true |
CUpdater | Updates a workspace |
CUpdateSetProcessor | |
CUrlMap | |
CUserDefinedLogPackage | |
CUuidGenerator | Generates unique identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique |
CVariable | Allows an input to variable directly to the output |
CWhileLoop | An operation that allows the user to create a while loop - a loop that runs while its condition is 'true' |
CWorkspace | Container for all workspace elements (operations, connections, etc.) |
CWorkspaceAtomicToggleEvent | Event emitted when a Workspace operation has changed its atomic update behaviour flag |
CWorkspaceBrief | |
CWorkspaceDeletedEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace when it is deleted |
CWorkspaceDetailMessage | Message reply for details of a specific Workspace workflow |
CWorkspaceElement | All objects that can be created on a workspace must be derived from this |
CWorkspaceEvent | Base class for Workspace-related events |
CWorkspaceExecutionFailedEvent | Event issued when in-place execution of a Workspace has failed |
CWorkspaceExecutionSucceededEvent | Event issued when a Workspace has been executed in-place successfully |
CWorkspaceInput | Provides an input to a workspace |
CWorkspaceListMessage | Message reply with a list of Workspace in queue |
CWorkspaceLogMessage | Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that an operation in the remote workspace has notified a log message |
CWorkspaceNamespaceEvent | Event issued when namespace of a Workspace changes |
CWorkspaceNotesEvent | Event emitted when the notes for a Workspace changes |
CWorkspaceOutOfDateEvent | Event issued when a Workspace become not up to date |
CWorkspaceOutput | Provides an output for a workspace |
CWorkspaceTcpMessage | The base class of workspace-based Scheduler-originated network messages |
CWorkspaceTcpMessageFactory | The base class of all Scheduler-originated network messages |
CWorkspaceUseCountReachedZeroEvent | Event emitted by a Workspace when its internal reference count has reached zero |
CWriteByteArrayToFile | Writes a QByteArray to a binary file |
CWriteStringToFile | Writes a string to a text file |
►NDistributed | |
CSqlClientScheduler | |
►NHdf5 | |
CHdf5MeshElementsInterface | Implementation of MeshElementsInterface that delay-loads data stored in a specific Hdf5 file as it is needed |
CHdf5MeshModelInterface | Read-only MeshModelInterface implementation that delay-loads underlying data from a specific HDF5 file on an as-requested basis |
CHdf5MeshModelReader | Reads a MeshModelInterface from a HDF5 mesh interface file |
CHdf5MeshModelWriter | Writes a MeshModelInterface to a HDF5 mesh interface file |
CHdf5MeshNodesInterface | Implementation of Mesh::MeshNodesInterface that delay-loads data stored in a specific Hdf5 file as it is needed |
CHdf5MeshSerializer | Helper class for writing a single Mesh::MeshModelInterface to a HDF5 format |
CHdf5Plugin | A plugin for interacting with the HDF5 data storage format |
CHdf5SceneReader | Reads from a HDF5 file into a Hdf5MeshModelInterface |
CHdf5SceneSerializer | Helper class for writing SceneItem data to the Workspace Hdf5 format |
CHdf5SceneWriter | Writes a MeshModelInterface to a HDF5 mesh interface file |
CHdf5StateStorage | |
CHdf5Utils | Utility class containing convenience methods for interacting with Hdf5 files |
►NHPC | |
CDeviceInfo | Information of an individual device |
CHeterogeneousParallelComputingPlugin | A Workspace plugin for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing with OpenCL |
CHPCDeviceManager | Singleton class for managing access to OpenCL devices |
COpenCLDataSeriesSum | Put a one-line description of your operation here |
COpenCLJuliaSet | |
CQueryOpenCLDevices | Put a one-line description of your operation here |
CScopedDeviceAcquisition | Scoped acquisition of a device |
►NMesh | Mesh model data structures |
►NElementType | |
CHexahedron | |
CPoint | |
CPolygon | |
CPolyLine | |
CQuadrilateral | |
CSegment | |
CTetrahedron | |
CTriangle | |
CType | A type of element supported by a MeshModelInterface |
CTypeRegistry | A class to provide a lookup between element type name and singleton instance |
CTypeSingleton | |
CUnsupported | |
►NMapStates | |
CMapStateAverageFunctor | Average a node state onto elements or visa-versa |
CStateVerificationFunctor | |
NMultiElementTypeHelper | Helper functions for dealing with multiple element types |
NPrimevalMeshModelInterfaceTemplates | |
NProtobuf | |
NUi | |
CAccumulateNodeValues | |
CAddMeshModelState | Adds a state to the mesh model of a specified type |
CAddNodesToMesh | Adds nodes to a MeshModel |
CAddScalarStateToMesh | Adds Vector3d state values to a MeshModel |
CAddVectorStateToMesh | Adds Vector3d state values to a MeshModel |
CAppendToModelTimeline | |
CApplyFunctor | |
CApplyFunctor< F, ShellElement > | |
CAscReader | Read a PLY file |
CAttached | Defines a class for handling attached objects (nodes, elements, etc.) |
CAttachments | Defines a class for handling attached objects (nodes, elements, etc.) |
CBaseModel | Basic model interface class from which all model types should eventually derive |
CBaseReader | Base class from which all file readers must inherit |
CBaseWriter | Base class from which all file writers must inherit |
CBinaryMeshModelReader | |
CBinaryMeshModelWriter | |
CBitSet16 | |
CBoundingBox | Describes a bounding box region in 3D space |
CBoundingBoxBuilder | Provides a builder operation for BoundingBox objects |
CBoundingBoxMinimal | |
CBoundingBoxOfModels | Provides an operation for creating a BoundingBox around an array of MeshModels |
CBoundingCylinder | Describes a bounding cylinder region in 3D space |
CBoundingCylinderBuilder | Provides a builder operation for BoundingCylinder objects |
CBoundingPlane | Describes a bounding plane region in 3D space |
CBoundingPlaneBuilder | Provides a builder operation for BoundingPlane objects |
CBoundingRegionFilter | A MeshModelInterface filter for a bounding region (eg. box, sphere etc) |
CBoundingSphere | Describes a bounding sphere region in 3D space |
CBoundingSphereBuilder | Provides a builder operation for BoundingSphere objects |
CCalculateMultiNodeNormals | Adds a node normal state to the mesh using Mesh::MultiNodeNormals |
CCalculateSurfaceArea | Operation to calculate the surface area of a mesh |
CCenterMeshModel | Centers a mesh model around world 0,0,0 |
CCollisions | Define a class for collision and penetration testing |
CCopyElementState | Copies data from one element state to another within the same model |
CCopyNodeState | Copies data from one node state to another within the same model |
CCreateHeightMeshFromArrayNd | |
CCreateMeshModelFromCylinder | Creates a MeshModel from a BoundingCylinder |
CCreateMeshModelFromDataSeries | Create a MeshModel from 3 DataSeries - one for each axis |
CCreateMeshModelInterface | Operation to create a particular type of MeshModelInterface |
CCreateRgbaState | Create a packed RGBA state from exising states for use with the ColorStateShader |
CCreateTruncatedConeMeshModel | Creates a MeshModelInterface from a TruncatedCylinder |
CDuplicateElementError | Duplicate shell element exception class |
CElement | Defines a generic element class |
CElementCriterion | Abstract base class defining an interface for pass/fail criterion for an Element |
CElementCriterionAllPass | Element criterion that will pass for all elements |
CElementCriterionInRegion | Element criterion that will pass for all elements in a provided Region |
CElementEdge | Defines an edge as a pair of nodes |
CElementEdgeComp | Binary comparison functor for ElementEdge objects |
CElementHandle | A handle to an element in a MeshModelInterface |
CElementList | Class for storing a list of T objects |
CElementMapper | Base class defining an interface for mapping a model's elements to values |
CElementScriptMapper | Element mapper using QtScript to return a value for an element |
CElementScriptMapperBuilder | Generates a ElementScriptMapper object |
CElementStateHandle | A handle to an element state |
CElementStateMapper | Element mapper returning a particular element state as its value 2015-07-10:DGT: Class is extended to be able to return a data object. This was driven by the existence of vector states on volume (hexahedral) elements |
CElementStateMapperBuilder | Generates a ElementStateMapper object |
CEnsightWriter | Provides an operation for writing Ensight files |
CEnsureElementStateExists | Tests that an element state in a meshmodel exists, and if it doesn't, creates one |
CEnsureMeshUnorganised | Convert an organised mesh to an unorganised one (usually for rendering in Workspace) |
CEnsureNodeStateExists | Tests that a user-specified node-state in a meshmodel exists, and if it doesn't, creates it |
CEntity | Defines an entity with a component ID |
CExtractRgbaState | Extract RGBA states from exising packed RGBA states |
CExtrude2dMesh | Creates a 3D meshmodel from a 2D meshmodel by extruding it in the third dimension |
CFaceIterator | This class provides an iterator that iterates through all the faces in a container of VolumeElement's |
CFilteredMeshElementsInterface | Provides node and element filtering to a MeshModelInterface |
CFilteredMeshModelInterface | Provides node and element filtering to a MeshModelInterface |
CFilteredMeshNodesInterface | |
CFilterMeshModel | Operation to filter the nodes or elements contained within a MeshModelInterface |
CFindStateAverage | Find the average value for a specified state |
CFindStateRange | Find the minimum and maximum values for a specified state |
CFlagCopy | |
CFlagSetter | |
CGeometricPlaneFilter | A MeshModelInterface filter for filtering nodes based on their position relative to a plane |
CGetListClass | |
CGetListClass< Node > | |
CGetListClass< Segment > | |
CGetListClass< ShellElement > | |
CGetListClass< VolumeElement > | |
CGetMeshNodeStateAsDataSeries | |
CGetMeshNodeStateAsObjectArray | Extracts the state data from a mesh nodes |
CGetMeshNodeStates | |
CGetModelFromSource | Retrieves the MeshModel from the specified MeshModelSource, causing the MeshModelSource to bring itself up-to-date |
CGetModelIdFromSource | Retrieves the ModelId string from a MeshModelSource operation |
CGetSourceFromMeshModelLibrary | Retrieves a specific source from a mesh model library |
CHierarchicalReferenceMeshModelInterface | MeshModelInterface implementation that has no node data of its own, rather it references data in an existing mesh, and "inherits" a set of nodes in a parent mesh. It is ideal for reusing point cloud data that is hierarchically represented |
CHierarchicalReferenceMeshNodesInterface | A set of nodes that are really just references to other nodes elsewhere |
Ciautogzstream | File stream input with gzip functionality |
CIGESArc | |
CIGESBaseEntity | |
CIGESDirectoryEntry | |
CIGESLine | |
CIGESReader | Reads IGES models |
CIgesReaderOperation | Provides an operation for reading ASCII IGES files |
CIGESTransformMatrix | |
CInconsistentSurfaceNormalsError | Inconsistent shell element normals exception class |
CIndexToNumberedObjectMap | Maps the index of a NumberedObject in a NumberedObjectList<T> to the object |
CIntStateRangeFilter | A MeshModelInterface filter for integer states (including node/element index) |
CInvertNormals | Inverts the normals of a mesh: nodes and elements |
CInvertTransformMatrix | Inverts a transform matrix, reversing the transformation. Will fail if (somehow) the transform matrix is not invertible |
CIsFlagSet | Functor for testing if a specified flag is set for numbered objects |
CItemHandle | A base class for handles to some item in a MeshModelInterface such as a node, element or state |
CKillInvalid | Functor to call KillObject if the object is marked as invalid (i.e. awaiting deletion) |
CKillInvalid< Node > | |
CKillObject | Functor for deleting an object and NULL-ifying the list pointer to it./ |
CLargeStreamlinedMeshModelInterface | |
CLine | A geometric line; a point and a direction |
CListTraits | Traits class to provide a typedef for the list type for an object |
CListTraits< Node > | |
CListTraits< Segment > | |
CListTraits< ShellElement > | |
CListTraits< VolumeElement > | |
CLodMeshModel | Produces a reduce level of detail (LOD) mesh |
CLodMeshModelInterface | |
CLodMeshNodesInterface | |
CLodMeshTrianglesInterface | |
CMapElementStatesToNodes | Map element states onto that element's nodes |
CMapNodeStatesToElements | Creates an element-state by averaging the specified node-state onto the attached elements |
CMapScalarNodeStateToRgbaState | Tests that a user-specified node-state in a meshmodel exists, and if it doesn't, creates it |
CMapStorage | Storage policy for using a map |
CMatrix3x3 | 3x3 matrix class meant for compute-intensive use |
CMatrix3x3Group | Object group containing a 3x3 matrix of floating point numbers |
CMatrix3x3Widget | Widget for displaying / editing the contents of a Matrix3x3Group |
CMatrix3x3WidgetConnector | Connects a Matrix3x3Widget to a Matrix3x3Group data object |
CMatrix3x3WidgetFactory | Widget factory for a Matrix3x3Widget |
CMergeModels | Merges a set of MeshModel objects into a single model |
►CMeshElementsInterface | An interface to the elements stored behind a MeshModelInterface |
Cconst_iterator | A const iterator for elements |
Citerator | A non-const iterator for elements |
CMeshFeatureIdentifier | Class for identifying surface features of a mesh |
CMeshFromBoundingBox | Operation to create a mesh model from a bounding box |
CMeshFromBoundingPlane | Operation to create a mesh model from a bounding plane |
CMeshFromBoundingSphere | Operation to create a mesh model from a bounding sphere |
CMeshModel | Mesh model class to provide node and element lists |
CMeshModelBeingDestroyedEvent | |
CMeshModelDiskCache | Allows MeshModel data to be cached to disk when the cache size is exceeded |
CMeshModelFilter | Base class for MeshModelInterface filters |
CMeshModelFilterWidget | Widget for displaying and modifying MeshModelFilters |
CMeshModelFilterWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for MeshModelFilterWidget |
CMeshModelInfo | Prints details about the MeshModel to the log |
CMeshModelInterface | A base class for an interface to a mesh model |
CMeshModelInterfaceComboBox | Specialization of QComboBox for supported different MeshModelInterface implementations |
CMeshModelInterfaceComboBoxConnector | Connects a TransformByComponents widget to a TransformMatrix data object |
CMeshModelInterfaceComboBoxDesigner | Qt Designer support for MeshModelInterfaceComboBoxWidget |
CMeshModelInterfaceComboBoxFactory | Widget factory for a QComboBox whose items reflect the supported mesh reader formats |
CMeshModelInterfaceInfo | Outputs details of a MeshModelInterface |
CMeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidget | Widget for inspecting nodes and elements of a MeshModelInterface |
CMeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidgetConnector | Connects a MeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidget to a MeshModelInterface data object |
CMeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for MeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidget |
CMeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a MeshModelInterfaceInspectorWidget |
CMeshModelInterfaceRegistry | A registry of MeshModelInterface implementations which can be used to create new instances |
CMeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidget | |
CMeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidgetConnector | Connects a MeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidget to a MeshModelInterface data object |
CMeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for MeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidgetWidget |
CMeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a MeshModelInterfaceSummaryWidget |
►CMeshModelInterfaceToMeshModelAdaptor | Adapts a MeshModelInterface to a MeshModel |
CFactory | Factory for the MeshModelInterface to a MeshModel adaptor |
CMeshModelInterfaceWidget | Widget for displaying properties of a MeshModelInterface |
CMeshModelInterfaceWidgetConnector | Connects a MeshModelInterfaceWidget to a MeshModelInterface data object |
CMeshModelInterfaceWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for MeshModelInterfaceWidgetWidget |
CMeshModelInterfaceWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a MeshModelInterfaceWidget |
CMeshModelLibrary | Effectively acts like a container for MeshModelSource objects |
CMeshModelLibraryBuilder | Generates a MeshModelLibrary from a list of MeshModelSource and MeshModelLibrary inputs |
CMeshModelLibraryInfo | Retrieves information about a mesh model library |
►CMeshModelSource | Makes a MeshModel source available without having to first read in the MeshModel data |
CLockableRef | Reference to the MeshModelSource that is aware of the lifespan of the MeshModelSource and can provide a "lock" on the source for the duration of the scope |
CLockedPtr | Pointer to the MeshModelSource which is mutex locked for the duration that this pointer exists |
CMeshModelInterfaceLockedPtr | Reference to a MeshModelInterface that, when created, locks access to the MeshModelInterface via any of the lock-aware functions via a mutex internal to the MeshModelSource. When this Ref object goes out of scope, access is restored again |
CMeshModelStateInfo | Provide lists of node and element states for a model |
►CMeshModelToMeshModelInterfaceAdaptor | Adapts a MeshModel to a MeshModelInterface |
CFactory | Factory for the MeshModel to a MeshModelInterface adaptor |
CMeshModelWidget | |
CMeshModelWidgetConnector | Connects a MeshModelWidget to a Matrix3x3Group data object |
CMeshModelWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for TransformByComponentsWidget |
CMeshModelWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a MeshModelWidget |
►CMeshNodesInterface | An interface to the nodes stored behind a MeshModelInterface |
Cconst_iterator | A const iterator for nodes |
Citerator | A non-const iterator for nodes |
CMeshPlugin | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CMeshPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CMeshProtobufTypesPlugin | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for Protobuf types from MeshPlugin |
CMeshReader | Base class from which all file readers that import meshes must inherit |
CMeshReadersComboBox | Specialization of QComboBox for supported mesh reader formats |
CMeshReadersComboBoxConnector | Connects a TransformByComponents widget to a TransformMatrix data object |
CMeshReadersComboBoxDesigner | Qt Designer support for MeshReadersComboBoxWidget |
CMeshReadersComboBoxFactory | Widget factory for a QComboBox whose items reflect the supported mesh reader formats |
CMeshSerializer | Helper class for writing MeshModelInterface data to Workspace Binary Mesh (.wbm) format |
CMeshWriter | Base class from which all mesh model writers must inherit |
CMultiNodeNormals | Provides a set of normals associated with a node based on attached elements |
CMultipleFreeEdgesError | Multiple free edges exception class |
CNasReader | Reader for Nastran mesh files |
CNastranReader | Reads Nastran models |
CNastranReaderOperation | Provides an operation for reading nastran files |
CNastranWriter | Writes models in Nastran format |
CNastranWriterOperation | Provides an operation for writing nastran files |
CNode | Defines a node in (x,y,z) space with an ID. The node also has state info |
CNodeCriterion | Abstract base class defining an interface for pass/fail criterion for a Node |
CNodeCriterionAllPass | Node criterion that will pass for all nodes |
CNodeCriterionInRegion | Node criterion that will pass for all nodes in a provided Region |
CNodeHandle | A handle to a node in a MeshModelInterface |
CNodeHandleIndexLookup | |
CNodeIdCriterion | Node criterion that will pass for all nodes having a given id |
CNodeIdCriterionBuilder | This operation converts a long into a NodeIdCriterion |
CNodeIdCriterionFromModel | This operation takes a MeshModel and creates a NodeIdCriterion for that model's node ID's |
CNodeList | Class for storing a list of nodes |
CNodeMapper | Base class defining an interface for mapping a model's nodes to values |
CNodeScriptMapper | Node mapper using QtScript to return a value for a node |
CNodeScriptMapperBuilder | Generates a NodeScriptMapper object |
CNodeStateHandle | A handle to a node state |
CNodeStateHistogram | |
CNodeStateMapper | Node mapper returning a particular node state as its value |
CNodeStateMapperBuilder | Generates a NodeStateMapper object |
CNodeTextureMapper | A NodeTextureMapper uses the texture coordinates stored in the state data associated with a node to lookup and return a value stored in a matrix of scalar data (texture) |
CNodeTextureMapperBuilder | Generates a NodeStateMapper object |
CNullNodeMapper | Default class for a node mapper where one is not provided. Simply returns a value of 0.0 for all node states |
CNullOperationMeshModelFilter | A MeshModelInterface filter that does nothing. It is the default type when a filter is added to the input array of FilterMeshModel |
CNumberedObject | Defines an object with an ID and index (generally used as a base class) |
►CNumberedObjectList | Defines a list of numbered objects and is generally used as a base class |
CIndexChangeRecipient | |
Coautogzstream | File stream output with gzip functionality |
CObjectTransforms | |
CObjReaderOperation | Provides an operation for reading OBJ files |
COctree | |
COctreeItem | |
COctreeNode | A node in the octree |
COctreeVector3 | Templated Vector3 class for use by the Octree |
CPartitionConstantBase | |
CPartitionConstantData | Data structure for partitioning with a constant interval grid |
CPartitionConstantGrid | |
CPartitionConstantTraits | Traits for the storage policy (also defines the data data member) |
CPlyReader | Read a PLY file |
CPlyWriter | Writes models in VTK ASCII or Binary format |
CPlyWriterOperation | Provides an operation for writing Vtk files |
CPointMass | Define the point mass class |
CPointModel | Provides a model containing a single point |
CPrimevalMeshElementsInterfaceBase | |
CPrimevalMeshModelInterface | |
CPrimevalMeshNodesInterface | |
CPrimevalQuads | |
CPrimevalSegments | |
CPrimevalTris | |
CPrimevalVolumes | |
CProperties | Defines a class holding a named set of generic properties as strings |
CPropertySet | Extends the generic Properties class to associate with it a templated ID |
CProximityNodes | Class for storing and manipulating a list of ShellElement objects |
CQuadSplitter | Helper class for splitting quad shell elements |
CQVectorVector3dWidget | |
CQVectorVector3dWidgetConnector | |
CQVectorVector3dWidgetFactory | |
CRegion | Abstract base class defining an arbitrary region in 3D space |
CRegionAsElementCriterion | This operation converts a Region into an ElementCriterion |
CRegionAsNodeCriterion | This operation converts a Region into a NodeCriterion |
CRegionIntersection | Defines an intersection of an arbitrary number of regions |
CRegionIntersectionOperation | This operation provides a region that is the intersection of its input regions |
CRegionNegate | Defines the logical negation of a region |
CRegionNegateOperation | This operation provides a region that is the negation of its input |
CRegionProcessor | |
CRegionTransform | Applies an arbitrary affine transformation to a region |
CRegionTransformOperation | This operation provides a region that transforms another region |
CRegionUnion | Defines a union of an arbitrary number of regions |
CRegionUnionOperation | This operation provides a region that is the union of its input regions |
CRemoveStatesFromMesh | Removes states from a mesh based on a comma separated list |
CRenameNodeStates | An operation to rename node states |
CScalarNodeStateFilter | A MeshModelInterface filter for scalar node states |
CScaledZeroVectorError | Exception class for when an attempt is made to scale a zero vector |
CSearchRegion | |
CSegment | Defines a segment element class |
CSegmentList | Class for storing and manipulating a list of Segment objects |
CSelectableMeshReader | Read a mesh model using a selectable reader type |
►CSelectableMeshReaders | Singleton class that provides an extensible list of mesh readers |
CReader | Details about a specific reader |
CSetMeshModelInterfaceMetaData | Set the meta data (ObjectDictionary) on a MeshModelInterface |
CShellElement | The shell element class defines triangular and quadrilateral polygonal elements |
CShellElementList | Class for storing and manipulating a list of ShellElement objects |
CShellSurfaceError | Base class for all exceptions related to processing shell surfaces |
CSmoothMeshModel | Produces a smoothed model |
CSphericalToCartesian | Operation to convert spherical coordinates to cartesian |
CSplitTriangleFaces | Split triangle faces on a mesh |
CState | Defines state info for an object |
CStateControl | Defines a class to manipulate State objects |
CStateHandle | Base class for state handles |
CStateInfo | Defines a class to hold info for one particular state |
CStateMap | |
CStateSelector | Helper class for getting a state whose type depends on a template parameter |
CSTLAsciiReader | |
CSTLBinaryReader | |
CSTLReader | Reads models in STL format (ASCII only) |
CStlReaderOperation | Provides an operation for reading ASCII STL files |
CStlWriter | |
CStreamlinedMeshElementsInterface | |
CStreamlinedMeshModelInterface | |
CStreamlinedMeshModelInterfaceImpl | |
CStreamlinedMeshNodesInterface | |
CStreamlinedStateStorage | |
CSurfaceIntersectError | Multiple surface intersect exception class |
CTecPlotReader | Reads models in TecPlot format (triangular shells only) |
CThinWedgeError | Overlaid shell elements exception class |
CTransformByComponents | Specify a transform matrix by its components |
CTransformByComponentsConnector | Connects a TransformByComponents widget to a TransformByComponents data object |
CTransformByComponentsFactory | Widget factory for TransformByComponents widget attached to a TransformByComponents data object |
CTransformGroup | Object group defining an arbitrary 3D transformation |
►CTransformGroupAdaptor | Adapts a TransformGroup object to a TransformMatrix |
CFactory | Factory for the TransformGroup to TransformMatrix adaptor |
►CTransformMatrix | |
CFailedComponentExtraction | Exception class for when an attempt to extract a component of a transformation fails |
CTransformHasNoInverse | Exception class for when an attempt is made to find the inverse of a singular transform matrix |
CTransformMatrixBuilder | Operation to build a TransformMatrix object from a TransformGroup |
CTransformMatrixConnector | Connects a TransformByComponents widget to a TransformMatrix data object |
CTransformMatrixFactory | Widget factory for TransformByComponents widget attached to a TransformMatrix data object |
CTransformMatrixMultiply | Operation to apply a sequence of transforms in turn (equivalent to matrix multiplication) |
CTransformMatrixWidget | |
CTransformMatrixWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for TransformMatrixWidgetWidget |
CTransformModel | Provides an operation for transforming a model's nodes |
CTransformVector | Operation to apply a sequence of transforms in turn (equivalent to matrix multiplication) |
CTriangulateMesh | Convert quad elements to triangles |
CTriSplitter | Helper class for splitting tri shell elements |
CTruncatedCone | Describes a truncated cone in 3D space |
CTypedMeshModelFilter | Allows polymorphic serialization of MeshModelFilters |
CTypedMeshModelInterface | |
►CTypedNullOperationMeshModelFilterAdaptor | Adapts a NullOperationMeshModelFilter to a TypedMeshModelFilter |
CFactory | |
►CTypedScalarNodeStateFilterAdaptor | Adapts a ScalarNodeStateFilter to a TypedMeshModelFilter |
CFactory | |
CVector3d | A vector or 3D point in space with useful operation support |
CVector3dGroup | Object group containing three floating point numbers |
CVector3dGroupDegreesWidget | |
CVector3dGroupDegreesWidgetConnector | Connects a Vector3dGroupDegreesWidget to a Vector3dGroup data object |
CVector3dGroupDegreesWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for Vector3dGroupDegreesWidget |
CVector3dGroupDegreesWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a Vector3dGroupDegreesWidget |
CVector3dGroupWidget | |
CVector3dGroupWidgetConnector | Connects a Vector3dGroupWidget to a Vector3dGroup data object |
CVector3dGroupWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for Vector3dGroupWidget |
CVector3dGroupWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a Vector3dGroupWidget |
CVectorNodeMapper | Base class defining an interface for mapping a model's nodes to values |
CVectorNodeStateMapper | Node mapper returning a particular node state as its value |
CVectorNodeStateMapperBuilder | Generates a NodeStateMapper object |
CVectorNodeTextureMapper | Node mapper returning a particular node state as its value |
CVectorNodeTextureMapperBuilder | Generates a NodeStateMapper object |
CVectorStorage | Storage policy for using a sorted vector |
CVectorStorageLess | Sorting criteria for a sorted vector storage policy |
CVectorToScalarArray3d | Creates a Array3dScalar from a Array3dVector, allowing the user to select the method of conversion |
CVolumeElement | Defines a volume element class (ie a four-noded tetrahedral element) |
CVolumeElementList | Class for storing and manipulating a list of VolumeElement objects |
CVolumeFace | Define a class representing a face of a tetra volume element |
CVtkReaderOperation | Provides an operation for reading vtk files |
CVtkWriter | Writes models in VTK ASCII format |
CVtkWriterOperation | Provides an operation for writing Vtk files |
►NMongo | |
CBson | Bson wrapper class |
CClient | Wrapper of mongoc_client_t, provides a connection to talk to a MongoDB server |
CCollection | Wrapper of mongoc_collection_t |
CCursor | Wrapper of mongoc_cursor_t |
CDatabase | Wrapper of mongoc_database_t |
CGridfs | Wrapper of mongoc_gridfs_t |
CMongoError | |
►CSession | Wrapper of mongoc_client_session_t |
CWrapper | |
►CTransaction | Wrapper of a mongo transaction over a Session |
CWrapper | |
►NMongoDB | |
NConfig | |
NSettings | |
CGetBsonItem | Extracts an item in a BSON object |
CGridfsRead | Read GridFs document from a MongoDB database |
CGridfsWrite | Write GridFs document to a MongoDB database |
CMongoDbAggregate | Aggregate documents in a MongoDB database |
CMongoDbClient | |
CMongoDbClientScheduler | |
CMongoDbInsert | Insert document into a MongoDB database |
CMongoDbInsertMany | Insert multiple documents into a MongoDB database |
CMongoDBLogSink | |
CMongoDBPlugin | A plugin for all things mongodb |
CMongoDBPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CMongoDbRead | Read from a MongoDB database |
CMongoDbRemoteScheduler | |
CMongoDbRemoteSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CMongoDbRemove | Insert document into a MongoDB database |
CMongoDbScheduler | |
CMongoDbSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CMongoDbSchedulerProvider | |
CMongoDbSchedulerSettings | Generate a MongoDB scheduler settings for ScheduleWorkflow operation |
CMongoDbUpdate | Update documents in a MongoDB database |
CMongoDbUpdateMany | Multiple updates of documents in a MongoDB database |
CRequestProcessor | |
CRetryRule | |
CRetryRules | |
CRetryRulesWidget | Provides a view of client-side settings relating to remote execution |
CTemporaryErrors | |
►NMqtt | |
CMqttClient | MQTT Publisher for a Publish/Subscribe workflow |
CMqttPlugin | A plugin for MQTT |
CMqttPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CMqttPublish | MQTT Publisher for a Publish/Subscribe workflow |
CMqttSubscribe | MQTT subscribe |
CMqttSubscribeLoop | A type of loop operation subscribes to messages published on a Mqtt broker |
►NPackage | |
NUi | |
CAddToPackageContainer | Creates a package item for one file |
CCreateInstaller | Creates a platform-specific package for a set of files |
CCreateInstallerDesigner | |
CCreateInstallerWidget | Widget for the CreateInstaller operation |
CGeneratePrePostInstallScripts | Generates the NSIS pre and post scripts for all platforms |
CLinuxDesktopIcon | Holds linux desktop icon details for one specific theme and icon size |
CPackageDesktopIconItem | Creates a package item for a desktop icon |
CPackageDirectoryItem | Creates a package item for a directory and matches files within it against some wildcard |
CPackageDirectoryItemData | |
CPackageDirectoryItemDesigner | |
CPackageEnvironmentVariableItem | Creates a PackageItem that represents an environment variable |
CPackageEnvironmentVariableItemData | |
CPackageExecutableItem | Creates a package item for an executable file |
CPackageExecutableItemData | |
CPackageFileItem | Creates a package item for one file |
CPackageFileItemData | |
CPackageIconItem | Creates a package item for one icon |
►CPackageItem | Abstract base class for items that can go into a software package |
CApplicationIconDetails | Data structure describing a single packaged application icon |
CEnvironmentVariableDetails | Data structure describing a single packaged environment variable |
CExecutableDetails | Data structure describing a single packaged executable |
CPackageItemContainer | Abstract base class for items that can go into a software package |
CPackagePlugin | Plugin providing functionality to create install packages on various platforms |
CPackagePluginDesigner | |
CPackageSharedLibraryItem | Creates the necessary package item(s) for a shared library |
CPackageStaticLibraryItem | Creates the necessary package item(s) for a static library |
CPackageThirdParty | Packages the Qt runtime dependencies |
CPackageWorkspaceDependencies | Creates the necessary package item(s) needed by a workspace plugin or app |
CStartMenuItem | An ObjectGroup containing details for populating a start menu item |
►NPresentation | The graphical user interface layer for the workspace |
NIndicator | |
NMiniOperationRackPrivate | |
NModifyGroupPropertiesWidgetPrivate | |
NOp | |
NPinButton | |
NPort | |
NProgressBar | |
►NRecentFilesMenuViewPrivate | |
CSelectFileActionDelegate | |
NScaling | |
NSpacing | |
NThreshold | |
NUi | |
►NWidgets | |
NUi | |
CFormatStringPropertiesWidget | |
►NWorkspaceSceneCommands | Namespace for QUndoCommand subclasses implementing undoable commands for WorkspaceView objects |
CAddConnectionAnchor | Command class for adding a connection anchor |
CAddNoteItem | Command class for adding a note item |
CAddToAnchor | Command class for adding a connection to an anchor |
CEditMiniOperationRackLabelItem | Command class for editting a mini operation rack's label |
CEditNoteItem | Command class for editting a note item |
CMergeMiniOperationRacks | Command class for adding a note item |
CMoveMiniOperationRack | Command class for moving a mini operation rack |
CMoveSelection | Command class for moving operation widgets |
CPasteFromClipboard | Command class for pasting a serialized workspace description |
CPolymorphicDataTypeChange | Command class for changing the data type for a PolymorphicDataOperation |
CRemoveConnectionAnchor | Command class for removing a connection anchor |
CRemoveFromAnchor | Command class for removing a connection from an anchor |
CRemoveNoteItem | Command class for removing a note item |
CResizeNoteItem | Command class for resizing a note item |
CResizeWorkspace | Command class for automatically resizing the workspace view to its contents |
CRotateAnchor | Command class for rotating a connection anchor |
CSplitMiniOperationRack | Command class for adding a note item |
CUserChangedOperationColor | Command class for changing an operation's background color |
CUserChangedOperationIcon | Command class for changing an operation's icon |
CUserChangedOperationUi | Command class for changing an operation's .ui file |
CAddAnchorEvent | Event emitted when a ConnectionAnchor has been added to a Workspace |
CAddMiniOperationRackEvent | Event emitted by command to add a mini operation rack |
CAddNoteItemEvent | Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been added to a Workspace |
CAddToAnchorEvent | Event emitted when a connection is added to a connection anchor |
CAddWorkflowFromCatalogDialog | |
CAppSelectDialog | |
CBreakpoints | A Widget to show and manipulate breakpoints in ExecutionDebugger |
CCheckBoxList | List widget containing items that each have their own checkbox |
CChildSelectedEvent | Event raised on a workspace view whenever a child operation is selected or deselected |
CClearSelectionEvent | Event emitted to indicate that any selection in an associated workspace view should be cleared immediately |
CClipboard | |
CConnectionAnchor | Workspace scene item for connection anchors |
CConnectionPort | Widget class for representing an input/output port attached to an operation view |
CConnectionRack | Base class for organizing a set of ports into a vertical rack |
CConnectionView | Workspace scene item for connections |
CConnectWorkspaceToTopLevelOperationActions | Class representing actions that can be taken with regards to top-evel Workspace inputs/outputs |
CCustomInputsOperationPropertiesWidget | |
►CCustomOperationProperties | Interface class for custom property handling on operations |
CPropertiesViaWidget | Convenience class for implementing CustomOperationProperties via its properties widget |
CCustomOutputsOperationPropertiesWidget | |
CCustomPathsPropertiesWidget | |
CDelayedAction | Delay some action until control is returned to the event loop |
CDeselectAnchorEvent | Event emitted when a connection is added to a connection anchor |
CDeselectConnectionEvent | Event emitted when a connection is deselected programmatically |
CDeselectNoteItemEvent | Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem is deselected |
CDisplayWidgetTree | Top-level only abstract tree-based dialog box for displaying inputs and outputs with DisplayWidgets |
CDuplicateGlobalNameIndicator | Status indicator customised to show duplicate globalnames |
►CDynamicOperationProperties | |
CConnectionDetails | |
CEditNoteItemEvent | Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been edited |
CExecutionAction | QAction subclass for handling execution of a Workspace |
CExecutionCallstack | A Widget to show Callstack of a currently selected thread in ExecutionDebugger |
CExplodeWorkspace | |
CFindDialog | Find dialog for TextViewer |
CFindReplaceDialog | |
►CFindReplaceUtilities | |
CFindReplaceConnections | Structure to store source and destination information for a connection |
CGlobalNameEditor | |
CGlobalNameTable | Dockable widget containing a table of all global names |
►CGlobalNameTracker | Class keeps track of whether all the global names in the Workspace are unique, and changes the status indicator image according to the current status |
CStatus | |
CHighlighter | A container of information used to describe a highlighter |
CHighlighterEditor | |
CHighlighting | Highlights text in a QTextDocument |
CHighlightingEditor | |
CInputArrayActions | |
CInputArrayPort | Array input port class |
CInputArrayReorderDialog | |
CInputRack | Widget class for representing an input connection rack |
CInputScalarActions | |
CInputScalarPort | Scalar input port class |
CIOBaseGlobalNameEditor | |
CIOPort | Class to carry inputs and outputs in a drag/drop-safe way |
CMergeMiniOperationRackEvent | Event emitted by command to merge two mini operation racks |
CMiniOperationRack | |
CMiniOperationRackIdChangedEvent | Event emitted by command to change the rack label |
CMiniOperationRackLabelChangedEvent | Event emitted by command to change the rack label |
CMiniOperationView | |
CMiniOperationViewPixmapFactory | |
CModifyGroupProperties | |
CModifyGroupPropertiesWidget | Special widget for editing the properties of a modify group operation |
CMoreAdaptOptions | |
CMoveAllEvent | Event emitted to indicate that all contents of a workspace view must move by some amount |
CMoveAnchorEvent | Event emitted when a ConnectionAnchor has been moved |
CMoveEvent | Event emitted to indicate that an operation's view must update its size and/or position |
CMoveMiniOperationRackEvent | Event emitted by command to move a mini operation rack |
CMoveNoteItemEvent | Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been moved |
CNestedWorkflowPixmapFactory | |
COperationActions | |
COperationCatalogue | Dockable widget containing a tree of all known operations |
COperationColorSlider | Widget for controlling the background color of operations |
COperationColorToolButton | Convience QToolButton class that contains an OperationColorSlider as a menu item of the button |
COperationEditor | Container for an OperationWidget with an association to a WorkspaceController |
COperationGlobalNameEditor | |
COperationIndicator | Graphical indicator for operations |
COperationPropertiesDialog | |
COperationTimelineWidget | Dockable widget containing the timeline of all operations |
COperationView | |
COperationViewBase | |
COperationViewImage | |
COperationViewLabel | |
COperationViewPixmapFactory | |
COperationViewProgressBar | |
COutputActions | |
COutputPort | Widget class for representing an output connection port |
COutputRack | Widget class for representing an output connection rack |
CPathUpdateRequiredEvent | Event raised on a Connection to indicate that it needs to have its path updated |
CPolymorphicPropertiesWidget | |
CPortRackPinButton | Graphical indicator for operations |
►CPortReorderDialog | Top-level only abstract tree-based dialog box for reordering operation inputs and outputs |
CDataState | Class to carry DataObjects along with whether they were up-to-date |
CRecentFilesMenuView | Menu-item based view for a RecentFilesModel |
CRecentFilesModel | Model for viewing and editing a set of views in list form |
CRemoveAnchorEvent | Event emitted just before a ConnectionAnchor is removed from a Workspace |
CRemoveFromAnchorEvent | Event emitted when a connection is removed from a connection anchor |
CRemoveMiniOperationRackEvent | Event emitted by command to remove a mini operation rack |
CRemoveNoteItemEvent | Event emitted just before a WorkspaceNoteItem is removed from a Workspace |
CReplaceWithDialog | Dialog to display a list of operations available as a replacement operation |
CResizeNoteItemEvent | Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been edited |
CRotateAnchorEvent | Event emitted when the rotation angle of a ConnectionAnchor has been modified |
CRunPythonScriptPropertiesWidget | |
CSaveWorkspaceViewEvent | Event notifying WorkspaceView's to save their view information |
CSelectAnchorEvent | Event emitted when a connection is added to a connection anchor |
CSelectConnectionEvent | Event emitted when a connection is selected programmatically |
CSelectedEvent | Event emitted by an object when it is selected or deselected |
CSelectNoteItemEvent | Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem is selected |
CSetDefaultFormatDialog | |
CSetFormatWidget | |
CSetModifyGroupInputsCmd | Command class for setting the inputs on a ModifyGroup operation |
CSetWorkflowLabelDialog | |
CSortOnDemandTreeWidget | Tree widget that supports sorting by clicking on a column header as well as dragging items from row to row |
CSplitMiniOperationRackEvent | Event emitted by command to split a mini operation rack into two |
CStandardWorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactory | Standard implementation of the WorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactory for use with the regular Workspace-GUI |
CStatusIndicator | Label that indicates some state is true or false |
CStillExecutingChecker | Checks that an Updatable object's execution thread is stopped |
CTargetRectItem | Target bounding region for stacking mini Operations |
CTextManipulation | |
CTextViewer | |
CUndoMergeMiniOperationRackEvent | Event emitted by command to undo merge two mini operation racks |
CWidgetGeometryEvent | Event emitted to indicate that an operation's view must update its size and/or position |
CWorkspaceActions | |
CWorkspaceBreadCrumbs | |
CWorkspaceController | Class for providing a model-based interface to a workspace |
CWorkspaceEditorDialog | |
CWorkspaceEditorWidget | |
►CWorkspaceGraphicsEffect | General graphic effect class for shapes displayed in the Workspace canvas |
CEffectState | State class for storing the current state of the effect |
CWorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactory | Factory base class for creating graphics effects. Allows us to use dependency injection when varying graphics effects in large numbers of components |
CWorkspaceInputReorderDialog | Class implementing a dialog box for reordering a Nested Workspace's inputs |
CWorkspaceModelFilter | |
►CWorkspaceModelItem | |
CInputArrayElementItem | |
CInputArrayItem | |
CInputScalarItem | |
CIOBaseItem | |
COperationItem | |
COutputItem | |
CWorkspaceItem | |
CWorkspaceNoteItem | |
CWorkspaceNotesWidget | Widget for displaying notes for a workspace |
CWorkspaceOutputReorderDialog | Class implementing a dialog box for reordering a Nested Workspace's outputs |
CWorkspacePropertiesWidget | |
CWorkspaceScene | |
CWorkspaceStatusTable | Dockable widget containing a table of all workspaces and their current execution status |
CWorkspaceStatusTableRowItem | |
CWorkspaceTabWidget | Tab widget for editing workspaces |
CWorkspaceThreadsWidget | A Widget to show worker threads captured in ExecutionDebugger |
CWorkspaceToolTip | |
CWorkspaceTreeWidget | A tree view widget showing a Workspace hierarchy |
CWorkspaceUndoGroup | Provides an undo stack for each workspace |
CWorkspaceView | |
►NProtobuf | |
CMeshObjectElementAdaptor | |
CObjectElementAdaptor | |
CObjectElementAdaptorRegistry | |
CProtobufAdaptors | |
CProtobufAdaptors< T, false, false > | |
CProtobufAdaptors< T, true, false > | |
CProtobufAdaptors< T, true, true > | |
CProtobufAdaptorsBase | |
CProtobufPlugin | A plugin for Protobuf |
CProtobufPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
►NProvenance | |
CCreateLocalReporter | Report provenance on the users local file system |
CCreatePromsReporter | Report provenance through a PROMS service https://wiki.csiro.au/display/pms/Home |
CGenerateProvenanceReport | Reports general information about this "activity" for provenance purposes |
CPostFileToDIDS | Post a file to a Data IDentity Service (DIDS) store |
►CProvenanceReporter | Provenance reporting singleton |
►CActivity | Complete provenance record for an activity |
CEvent | Details about an event during the course of an activity |
CHeader | General details about the activity |
►CReporter | Allows support to be added for custom reporters |
CReportConfig | |
CReportExternalInput | Reports that the workflow is accessing an external entity for provenance purposes |
CReportExternalOutput | Reports that the workflow has produced an external entity for provenance purposes |
CReportInternalResult | Reports that the workflow has produced an internal result that is of interest |
CStoreProvenanceData | Store a file used or produced by this workflow as part of the provenance report |
►NPython | |
►NLogCapture | |
CWsCapture | |
►NObjectGroupInternal | |
CField | |
CFieldMeta | |
CMetaData | |
CPythonObjectGroupTrait | |
CGetPythonVersion | Returns the current python version |
►CNumPyToArray3dScalarAdaptor | |
CFactory | |
CPythonGuard | |
CPythonInitialiser | |
CPythonMeshInterface | |
CPythonNumpyInterface | Provides interface to support the python numpy type |
CPythonObjectGroup | Options class for visualisation of ChArucoBoard3dViz |
CPythonObjectGroupBase | |
CPythonPlugin | Provides Python operations to support the running of Python code from within the Workspace |
CPythonTypesRegistry | A registry of PythonTypesRegistry implementations which can be used to create new instances |
CRunPythonScript | Provides support for the running of Python code within a Workspace workflow |
►NPythonTestTypes | |
CPoint | |
CTriangle | |
►NQml | |
CQmlGlobalName | Represents a Workspace Global Name in a QML file |
CQmlImage | Represents a Workspace QImage in a QML scene |
CQmlImageConnector | Represents a QImage input or output on a workflow as a QML element |
CQmlLogStream | |
CQmlPropertyConnector | Connects an individual input or output on a workflow to a QML element |
CQmlWorkspaceLog | Represents the workspace log stream in a QML file |
CQmlWorkspaceRunner | Represents a Workspace workflow in a QML user interface |
CWorkspaceQmlItem | Represents a Workspace Global Name in a QML file |
►NRemoteExecution | |
NConfig | |
NSchedulerErr | |
NSettings | |
CBuiltinSqlLogSink | |
CHasFeature | Check if the local scheduler supports the required feature |
CRemoteExecutionSettingsPlugin | |
CRemoteExecutionSettingsPluginConfig | Provides a configuration widget for the remote execution management workspace plugin |
CRemoteExecutionSettingsWidget | Provides a view of settings relating to remote execution |
CRequestProcessor | |
CRetryRule | |
CRetryRules | |
CRetryRulesWidget | Provides a view of client-side settings relating to remote execution |
CSchedulerServerSelectionWidget | Restricts the selection of available servers |
CSchedulerServerSelectionWidgetConnector | |
CSchedulerServerSelectionWidgetFactory | |
CScheduleWorkflow | Schedule Workflow remotely |
CSqlDbClient | |
CSqlLogSink | |
CSqlRemoteScheduler | |
CSqlRemoteSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CSqlScheduler | |
CSqlSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CSqlSchedulerProvider | |
CStopWorkflow | Schedule Workflow remotely |
CWaitWorkflow | Schedule Workflow remotely |
►NRendering | Rendering of meshed models |
NSceneItemLibraryWidgetPrivate | |
►NSceneItemTypes | |
CAmbientLightItemType | A ambient light item type in the scene interaction tree |
CAxesOverlayItemType | A Lambert shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CAxisModelItemType | A grid scale item type in the scene interaction tree |
CAxisScaleItemType | An axis scale item type in the scene interaction tree |
CBlinnPhongShaderItemType | A BlinnPhong shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CCameraItemType | A camera item type in the scene interaction tree |
CClipPlaneItemType | Defines a SceneItemType for ClipRegions with an attached Plane region |
CClipPlaneItemTypeDeprecated | Defines a SceneItemType for ClipRegions with an attached Plane region |
CColorStateShaderItemType | A color state shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CControlPointMeshItemType | A control point mesh item type in the scene interaction tree |
CDirectionalLightItemType | A directional light item type in the scene interaction tree |
CDynamicMeshModelItemType | A dynamically created (on the workflow) mesh model item type in the scene interaction tree |
CElementColoringShader2ItemType | An element coloring shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CElementColoringShaderItemType | An element coloring shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CElementToNodeColoringShaderItemType | A node coloring shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CGridScaleItemType | A grid scale item type in the scene interaction tree |
CImageOverlayItemType | A Lambert shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CLambertShaderItemType | A Lambert shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CMeshModelInstanceItemType | A mesh model instance item type in the scene interaction tree |
CMeshModelItemType | A mesh model item type in the scene interaction tree. This includes the file reader operation and the MeshModelSource |
CMeshModelSequenceItemType | A mesh model sequence item type in the scene interaction tree. This includes the file reader operation and the MeshModelSource |
CMultiModelNodeColoringShaderItemType | A node coloring shader preprocessor (for multiple mesh models) item type in the scene interaction tree |
CMultiModelNodeColoringShaderPreprocessItemType | A node coloring shader preprocessor (for multiple mesh models) item type in the scene interaction tree |
CNodeColoringShader2ItemType | A node coloring shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CNodeColoringShaderItemType | A node coloring shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CPointLightItemType | A point light item type in the scene interaction tree |
CRadialGridItemType | A grid scale item type in the scene interaction tree |
CRodGlypherItemType | A sphere glygher item type in the scene interaction tree |
CSceneRootItemType | A Scene root item type in the scene interaction tree |
CSphereGlypherItemType | A sphere glygher item type in the scene interaction tree |
CSpotLightItemType | A spot light item type in the scene interaction tree |
CStreakGlypherItemType | |
CSuperQuadGlypherItemType | A super quadric glygher item type in the scene interaction tree |
CTextOverlayItemType | A Lambert shader item type in the scene interaction tree |
CTexture2dItemType | A 2d texture item type in the scene interaction tree |
CTransformItemType | A Transform item type in the scene interaction tree |
CVectorGlypherItemType | A vector glygher item type in the scene interaction tree |
NShaderLibraryWidgetPrivate | |
NUi | |
CAddSceneItem | A SceneInteraction that adds a new scene item to an existing transform |
CAmbientLight | Simple ambient light |
CAmbientLightBuilder | Operation to build a AmbientLight object |
CAnnotation | Represents an item in a scene that is purely text |
CAxesImageBuilder | Operation to create an image overlay of a set of axes |
CBillboardImageShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CBillboardImageShaderBuilder | Operation to build a BillboardImageShader object |
CBlinnPhongShader | A basic Blinn-Phong specular shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CBlinnPhongShaderBuilder | Operation to build a BlinnPhongShader object |
CCalculateSceneBoundingBox | Operation for calculating the bounding box of a scene's contents |
CCamera | Defines a positionable, orientable camera for a scene |
CCameraBuilder | Operation to build a Camera object |
CCameraInteractionEvent | Event raised during camera interaction |
CCameraInteractionOptions | An object group containing options for camera interactions |
CCameraInteractionsFactory | Factory class for creating QueuedInteractions for the various camera interaction scenarios |
CCameraObserverStateChangedEvent | |
CCameraUpdateEvent | Event raised to update one or more specific properties of a camera |
CCheckerImage2D | Operation supplying a 2D texture image of a checker pattern |
CClipRegion | Defines a region in 3D space which is to be used for clipping models in a scene |
CClipRegionBuilder | Operation that constructs a ClipRegion. ClipRegions are used to clip areas of 3D space in a Scene |
CColorGL | |
CColorStateShader | A shader that interprets a node state as a RGBA color for each node |
CComponentBasedFlyTo | |
CControlSettings | Represents a selection event in a renderer |
CCreateAnnotation | Creates an annotation to be placed in a Scene |
CCreateAxesModel | |
CCreateCircleImage | Operation to create a circle image parametrically |
CCreateClipRegion | Operation that constructs a ClipRegion. ClipRegions are used to clip areas of 3D space in a Scene |
CCreateColorStateShader | Operation to build a ColorStateShader object |
CCreateControlPointMesh | Create a mesh from Transforms (including a hierarchy) representing control points |
CCreateSuperquadricMesh | Creates a superquadric mesh from a set of parameters |
CCustomRenderFunction | Base class for a custom rendering functor |
CDepthShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CDepthShaderBuilder | Operation to build a DepthShader object |
CDirectionalLight | Defines a directional light which is a source at infinity with no edge fall-off or attentuation |
CDirectionalLightBuilder | Operation to build a DirectionalLight object |
CElementColoringShader | A shader which colors a model based using an element mapper and a color scale |
CElementColoringShaderBuilder | Operation to build a ElementColoringShader object |
CExpiryCache | Template class for a cache that removes items as soon as it exceeds maximum capacity. It uses shared pointers, so items will only be physically deleted once they go out of scope |
CFindDisplay | Find display number by its UID |
CFitCameraViewToMesh | Adjusts a camera's transform in order to position it so that it can see the entire mesh |
CFocusOnSceneItem | A SceneInteraction that focuses the camera on a scene item |
CGenerateProjectiveTextureCoordinates | Operation to project a Texture2D onto a model |
CGetMeshModelInstanceLod | Returns a particular Level of Detail (LOD) mesh associated with a MeshModelInstance. LOD meshes can be retrieved by LOD number or by distance value |
CGetModelsFromScene | Returns the set of models within a scene, optionally confined to a specific bounding region |
CGetModelsUnderTransform | Returns the set of models under a transform, optionally confined to a specific bounding region |
CGetSceneItemTransform | Get the transforms (local and global) of a SceneItem |
CGetVisibleModelsFromScene | Returns the set of models in a scene that are visible from a particular camera's point of view |
CGlobalMatrixModifiedEvent | |
CGlyph | Result type for a call to Glypher::getGlyph() |
CGlypher | Base class for glyphers to be used with a MeshModelInstance |
CGridScaleBuilder | Creates a grid-scale mesh model to be used in a 3d scene |
CHighlightElementShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CHighlightNodeShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CImageToSceneOverlayAdaptor | |
CImageToSceneOverlayAdaptorDialog | Dialog for configuring how an image is adapted to a scene overlay |
CImageToSceneOverlayAdaptorFactory | Factory for the int to QString adaptor |
CImageTypeSelect | |
CImageTypeSelect< ColorArray > | |
CImageTypeSelect< DataAnalysis::Array3dInteger > | |
CImageTypeSelect< DataAnalysis::Image3d > | |
CImageTypeSelect< QImage > | |
CKeyControlBinding | Key control binding |
CLambertShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CLambertShaderBuilder | Operation to build a LambertShader object |
CLight | Base class for all light types supported in a Scene |
CLightAttenuationFactors | Put a one-line description of your datatype here |
CLightsProcessor | Base class for all objects that can process the lights in a Scene |
CLinearMatrixFlyTo | |
►CLinearSpatialPartitioningTree | A Linear spatial partitioning tree is a quadtree or octree compressed into a single contiguous array |
CCell | Describes an octree cell's location and physical geometry |
CMaxDepthExceededException | Thrown if the algorithm attempts to build a tree deeper than the maximum possible depth |
CTerminateExecutionRequestedException | Thrown whenever the caller wishes to terminate traversal due to user intervention |
CLineOfSightShader | A shader designed to output line of sight information from a camera |
CManipulator | Base class for manipulators in a renderer. A manipulator is an object that can be interacted with (e.g. with the mouse, or keyboard) to modify a SceneItem |
CManipulatorInteractionsFactory | |
CManipulatorProcessor | |
CManipulatorTargetOperation | An Operation that creates SceneItems that can be the target of a SceneItemManipulationEvent |
CMeshModelInstance | Holds a mesh model plus optional sub-items defining its appearance |
CMeshModelInstanceBuilder | Builds a MeshModelInstance from a name and a model ID |
CMeshSelectionWidget | A modal dialog that gets the filename and reader type of a mesh model the user wants to add to a scene |
CMouseControlBinding | Mouse control binding |
CMouseControlBindingEditor | A widget for editing a mouse control binding |
CNodeColoringShader | A shader which colors a model based using a node mapper and a color scale |
CNodeColoringShaderBuilder | Operation to build a NodeColoringShader object |
CNoiseImage2D | Operation supplying a 2D texture image of semi-random noise |
CNormalShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CNormalShaderBuilder | Operation to build a NormalShader object |
CNoTexture | |
CNullShader | |
CObjSceneReader | Provides an operation for reading OBJ files |
COctreeShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
COctreeShaderBuilder | Operation to build a OctreeShader object |
CPick | Represents a selection event in a renderer |
CPickedItem | Represents an item that has been 'picked' (interactively selected) in a scene |
CPickFilter | A class representing a filter for the type of things we are to pick |
CPlaybackControlWidget | Widget for controlling playback of a scene |
CPlaybackControlWidgetConnector | |
CPlaybackControlWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for PlaybackControlWidget |
CPlaybackControlWidgetFactory | |
CPlotGrid3dBuilder | Creates a grid cube mesh in 3 dimensions which acts as the axes and scale for 3D plots |
CPlotGrid3dRenderOptions | Data structure containing series of options which allow user to configure which physical features of a 3D grid plot are rendered |
CPointLight | Defines a point light source at specific position with attentuation |
CPointLightBuilder | Operation to build a PointLight object |
CProjectTexture2D | Operation to project a Texture2D onto a model |
CQuaternion | Quaternion class for handling spherical interpolation |
CQueuedInteraction | |
CRadialGridBuilder | Creates a 2D radial grid Mesh::MeshModel to be used in a 3D scene |
CRemoveSceneItem | A SceneInteraction that removes a scene item from the scene |
CRenderFilter | A class representing a filter for the type of things we want to render |
CRenderGlyphCallback | Base class for callbacks that need to be invoked per-glyph. This allows users of a particular shader program to change uniform values on a per-glyph basis if need-be |
CRenderImageToScreen | Operation to render an image to a specific screen |
CRenderingPlugin | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CRenderingPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CRenderingSettings | Class representing the settings specific to the rendering plugin |
CRenderingSettingsPluginConfig | Provides a configuration widget for the rendering plugin |
CRenderingSettingsWidget | Provides a view of settings relating to the rendering plugin |
CRenderSettings | Encapsulates the settings required for rendering |
CRenderViewFrustumToMesh | Renders a camera's view frustum to a MeshModelInstance so that it can be used in a custom location |
CRodGlypher | Glypher that produces z-axis (particle space) aligned rods at each node |
CRodGlypherBuilder | Operation to build a RodGlypher object |
CRodMesher | Creates a mesh for a rod |
CRotateManipulator | |
CScaleManipulator | |
CScene | Scene class which can hold lights, cameras and transforms |
CSceneBoundingBoxCalculator | Utility class for calculating the bounding box of a scene |
CSceneBuilder | Builds a Scene from a list of SceneItem objects |
CSceneEditorWidget | A widget encompassing the WSGLWidget, SceneInteractionWidget and SceneItemPropertiesWidget |
CSceneEditorWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CSceneEditorWidgetFactory | Widget factory for the SceneEditorWidget |
CSceneInteraction | |
CSceneInteractionWidget | A tree widget that allows users to view and modify a scene hierarchy defined in the workspace |
CSceneInteractionWidgetConnector | Widget connector for the SceneInteractionWidget |
CSceneInteractionWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CSceneInteractionWidgetFactory | Widget factory for the SceneInteractionWidget |
CSceneInteractionWidgetItem | Class representing an individual scene item in the tree. Note that QTreeWidgetItem is not a QObject so we can't start adding signals and slots to it (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19053355/error-when-connecting-a-qtreewidgetitem) |
CSceneItem | Base class for all types that can be added as a child of a Transform |
CSceneItemInstance | Creates an instance of a SceneItem in a scene, including all of its children |
CSceneItemInstanceBuilder | Creates a SceneItemInstance; a type of SceneItem that instances (duplicates without copying) another SceneItem located elsewhere in the Scene |
CSceneItemLabelChanged | A SceneInteraction the lets an operation update itself when it's label changes |
CSceneItemLibrary | Library containing scene items, allowing scene item instances to be stored with identifiers, and be instanced elsewhere in a scene |
CSceneItemLibraryBuilder | Generates a SceneItemLibrary from a list of SceneItem and SceneItemLibrary inputs |
CSceneItemLibraryWidget | Widget for editing the contents of a SceneItemLibrary. Added as an additional tab to the operation properties dialog |
CSceneItemManipulationEvent | Base class for scene item manipulation |
CSceneItemProcessor | Abstract base class for all objects that can process a Scene |
CSceneItemPropertiesWidget | A widget for editing the properties of a scene item, including it's name and relevant inputs |
CSceneItemPropertiesWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CSceneItemType | An abstract base class for the types of scene items or 'nodes' that make up the scene interaction tree |
CSceneItemTypeManager | Manager for SceneItemType classes |
CSceneItemTypeSingleton | SceneItemType singleton class template |
CSceneItemTypeSingletonTraits | SceneItemType singleton class template |
CSceneOverlay | Specialization of DataAnalysis::ImageOverlay for use as an overlay on a rendered scene |
CSceneProcessor | Abstract base class for all objects that can process a Scene |
CSceneRenderer | Base class anything that renders a scene |
CSceneRendererContext | Represents the context for a given renderer, in which all its state information is stored |
CSceneRendererTypeId | Class used to uniquely identify each type of renderer available in the workspace |
CSceneTransformProcessor | Processes a Scene, iterating over each item in its item tree and updating its global transform information if required |
CScreenNumberWidget | Restricts the selection of screens to the available range |
CScreenNumberWidgetConnector | |
CScreenNumberWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for ScreenNumberWidget |
CScreenNumberWidgetFactory | |
CScreenSerialNumberWidget | Restricts the selection of screens to the available range |
CScreenSerialNumberWidgetConnector | |
CScreenSerialNumberWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for ScreenSerialNumberWidget |
CScreenSerialNumberWidgetFactory | |
CSelectedMeshWidget | Widget for viewing information about the selected mesh in a rendering window |
CSelectedMeshWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for SelectedMeshWidget |
CSetSceneItemLibraryBuilderInputsCmd | Command class for adding an input to an input array |
CSetShaderLibraryBuilderInputsCmd | Command class for adding an input to an input array |
CShader | Interface for shaders, which are used to control the appearance of objects drawn by a renderer. Generally, developers will not want to derive from this directly, rather they will want to derive from TypedShader, and create one or more specific derivations of the ShaderImplementation class |
CShaderImplementation | Base class for shader implementations. Associated with a specific factory |
CShaderImplementationFactory | |
CShaderImplementationFactoryTraits | Traits class for shaderimpls of type T |
CShaderLibrary | Library containing shader objects, allowing shader instances to be stored with identifiers |
CShaderLibraryBuilder | Generates a ShaderLibrary from a list of Shader and ShaderLibrary inputs |
CShaderLibraryWidget | Widget for editing the contents of a ShaderLibrary. Added as an additional tab to the operation properties dialog |
CSphereGlypher | Glypher that produces spheres at each node of a model |
CSphereGlypherBuilder | Operation to build a SphereGlypher object |
CSphericalMatrixFlyTo | |
►CSplitAndLodPointCloud | A functor that splits a point cloud into multiple sub-regions (patches) and computes multiple levels of detail (LODs) for each |
CLodSettings | Settings for computing LOD for each patch |
CPatchIndex | An index referring to a specific patch. The index corresponds to the patch's coordinates in 3 dimensions (x, y and z) |
CPatchList | Represents a list of patches; sub-regions of a point cloud |
CSplitSettings | Settings that control how a point cloud is split into patches |
CSplitAndLodPointCloudOp | Splits a point cloud model into multiple sub-models, creating multiple levels of detail (LOD) for each |
CSpotLight | Defines a spot light which is a source at specific position with edge fall-off and attentuation |
CSpotLightBuilder | Operation to build a SpotLight object |
CSquareGlypher | Glypher that produces squares at each node of a model, |
CSquareGlypherBuilder | Operation to build a SquareGlypher object |
CStreakGlypher | Glypher that produces streaks at each node of a model |
CStreakGlypherBuilder | Operation to build a SuperquadricGlypher object |
CStreakMeshGenerator | |
CStretchToSphereTexture | Take a 2D rectangular image and stretch it for use as a texture for a sphere |
CSuperquadricGlypher | Glypher that produces superquadrics at each node of a model |
CSuperquadricGlypherBuilder | Operation to build a SuperquadricGlypher object |
CSuperquadricMesher | Creates a mesh for a superquadric |
CSymbolShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CTexture2D | Generic 2D image texture |
CTexture2DBuilder | Operation to build a Texture2D object |
CTexture3D | Generic 3D image texture |
CTexture3DBuilder | Operation to build a Texture2D object |
CTextureCoordShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CTextureCoordShaderBuilder | Operation to build a TextureCoordShader object |
CTextureImage | Dimension-and-format-dependent texture image, used as a returned type by Texturizer |
CTextureProjectionShader | A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels |
CTextureProjectionShaderBuilder | Operation to build a TextureProjectionShader object |
CTexturizer | Base class for texturizers to be used with a MeshModelInstance |
CThreadSafeQueue | A queue that operates in a threadsafe manner, queueing and dequeing appropriately regardless of the calling thread |
CTransform | Provides a transformable item to be placed in a Scene |
CTransformBuilder | Operation to build a Transform object |
CTransformManipulationEvent | Event raised for manipulating transforms |
CTransformManipulator | Base class for manipulators in a renderer. A manipulator is an object that can be interacted with (e.g. with the mouse, or keyboard) to modify a SceneItem |
CTransformManipulatorUndoCommand | Command class for undoing transform manipulation actions in a scene widget |
►CTransformToTransformGroupAdaptor | Adapts a Rendering::Transform's world matrix to a Mesh::TransformGroup |
CFactory | Factory for the TransformGroup to TransformMatrix adaptor |
CTranslateManipulator | |
CTypedSceneRenderer | Special typed scenerenderer class which saves subclasses from having to implement functionality for retrieving the unique identifier for their renderer |
CTypedShader | Template shader class that manages the mapping between a shader type and the its renderer-specific implementations |
CTypedShaderImplementation | Templated base-class for shader implementations that are specific to a particular renderer type and specific to a single shader type. Uses the curiously recurring template pattern to manage the factories associated with the derived implementation class |
CTypedShaderImplementationFactory | |
CVectorGlypher | Glypher that produces vectors at each node of a model, scaled and oriented based on a specific state of that particular node / element. If no node state is available, a default value will be used |
CVectorGlypherBuilder | Operation to build a VectorGlypher object |
CVolumeShader | Volume shader for rendering 3D volume data |
CVolumeShaderBuilder | Operation to build a VolumeShader object |
CWSGLAnnotation | |
CWSGLBlinnPhongLightingCapability | |
CWSGLBlinnPhongShaderImplementation | |
►CWSGLBufferObjectCache | The WSGLBufferObjectCache is a cache which manages the allocation and storage of WSGLBufferObjectCacheItem (cache items) |
CCacheItemDiagnosticInfo | |
CWSGLBufferObjectCacheItem | |
CWSGLBufferObjectCacheItemPtr | Holder class for managing items in a WSGLBufferObjectCache |
CWSGLCacheCapacityExceededException | Exception class for when a WSGLBufferObjectCache's size is exceeded during memory allocation |
CWSGLClippingCapability | |
CWSGLColorStateShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLContext | Manages the data shared within an OpenGL context |
CWSGLContextRegistry | Class for maintaining a registry of WSGLContexts |
CWSGLDepthPeelingCapability | |
CWSGLDepthShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLElementArrayProperties | |
CWSGLElementColoringShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLFacetedGeometry | Struct for containing the geometry of the model when it is faceted (i.e. broken up into individual elements |
CWSGLGeometry | Encapsulates the geometry of an OpenGL rendered item |
CWSGLGlyphSet | |
CWSGLGlyphSuperSet | A set of glyph sets |
CWSGLGridWidget | Widget for rendering grids using OpenGL |
CWSGLGridWidgetConnector | Widget connector for WSGLGridWidget |
CWSGLGridWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CWSGLGridWidgetFactory | Factory for WSGL grid widgets |
CWSGLHighlightElementShaderImplementation | A shader implementation of the highlight element shader |
CWSGLHighlightNodeShaderImplementation | A shader implementation of the highlight element shader |
CWSGLInnerGlowShader | Shader for rendering an internal glow on objects in a scene. This shader can only be used in a WSGL renderer directly - it is not a general shader able to be used in the Workspace |
CWSGLInstancedItem | Special type of render item for rendering items that are drawn many times in different parts of the scene, slightly differently |
CWSGLInvalidBufferException | Exception thrown when an invalid buffer is assigned or used |
CWSGLLambertLightingCapability | |
CWSGLLambertShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLLayer | |
CWSGLLightsProcessor | Lights processor which outputs appropriate OpenGL commands for each enabled light in a scene |
CWSGLLoadingScreen | Renders a loading screen to the currently bound framebuffer |
CWSGLModelProcessingThread | A thread for asynchronously processing OpenGL model updates |
CWSGLModelProcessor | Model processor which converts a MeshModelInterface into an OpenGL instance of a model (WSGLRenderItem) |
CWSGLModelUpdateInfo | Descriptor class for queueing model updates via the ModelProcessingThread |
CWSGLNodeColoringShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLNodeGeometry | Struct for containing the geometry of the model when it is faceted (i.e. broken up into individual elements |
CWSGLNormalShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLOctreeShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLOffscreenRender | Operation to render a Scene to an off-screen image |
CWSGLOffscreenRenderBuffer | |
CWSGLPickElementShader | A shader implementation of a hardware picking shader |
CWSGLPickModelShader | A shader implementation of a hardware picking shader |
CWSGLPickNodeShader | A shader implementation of a hardware picking shader |
CWSGLRenderElementsFilter | A filtering class for including / excluding specific parts of a render item during a render call |
CWSGLRenderer | Renders a scene using OpenGL |
CWSGLRendererSettingsDialog | |
CWSGLRendererSettingsWidget | |
CWSGLRenderItem | Memento-like structure for holding everything we need to know in order to render some geometry in the scene |
CWSGLRenderQueueBuilder | Responsible for creating an ordered queue of WSGLRenderItem for use by the WSGLRenderer |
CWSGLSceneItemSymbolLibrary | Contains a set of mesh model 'symbols', which can be used to represent the set of SceneItems that are not MeshModelInstances. The symbol library contains its own MeshModelLibrary, as well as a MeshModelSource and MeshModelInstance for each symbol |
CWSGLScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion | Class for using Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) within an OpenGL renderer |
CWSGLScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionCapability | This class allows other shaders to add the capability to support Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) |
CWSGLScreenSpaceLayers | Encapsulates the screen space layers used for rendering |
CWSGLShaderProgram | Represents an OpenGL shader program present on a particular context |
CWSGLShaderProgramCapability | Base class for all capabilities that can be added to a shader program |
CWSGLShaderProgramCapabilityId | Class used for uniquely identifying a shader program capability |
CWSGLShaderProgramManager | |
►CWSGLSparseOctree | |
CCell | |
CTuple | |
CWSGLSurfaceRepresentationEffect | |
CWSGLSymbolShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLTexture | Encapsulates the state attached to an OpenGL texture |
CWSGLTextureBinder | |
CWSGLTextureCoordShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLTextureProjectionShaderImplementation | OpenGL implementation of the WSGLTextureProjectionShader |
CWSGLTransformCapability | |
CWSGLTransformNotInvertibleException | |
CWSGLTransparencyDialog | |
CWSGLTypedShaderProgramCapability | |
CWSGLVertexArrayProperties | |
CWSGLVolumeShaderImplementation | |
CWSGLWidget | Widget for interactive rendering of a Scene object using OpenGL |
CWSGLWidgetConnector | Widget connector for GLWidget |
CWSGLWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GLWidget |
CWSGLWidgetFactory | Factory for scene widgets |
►NSceneEditor | |
NUi | |
CExportVideoWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
►NSsh | |
►NPbs | |
CPbsScheduler | |
CPbsSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CPbsSchedulerProvider | |
CRequestProcessor | |
CWallTime | |
►NSlurm | |
CRequestProcessor | |
CSlurmScheduler | |
CSlurmSchedulerConfigurationWidget | A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler |
CSlurmSchedulerProvider | |
CWallTime | |
CRetryRule | |
CRetryRules | |
CRetryRulesWidget | Provides a view of client-side settings relating to remote execution |
CSshGetFile | Retrieves a file from a server over an ssh session |
CSshLogin | Logs into a server over ssh |
CSshPlugin | Provides workspace operations for ssh support |
CSshSendCommand | Sends a command to a server over an ssh session |
CSshSendFile | Sends a file to a server over an ssh session |
CSshSession | |
CSshWrapper | |
►NSystem | |
CUtilities | |
►NTesting | Namespace in which all testing code resides |
CMockLogStream | |
CStdCapture | |
CTestHarness | Basic test harness for running test cases |
►CTestSuite | Class for implementing a suite of related tests |
CTestCase | Nested class template defining a test case for test TestNum |
►CTestWorkspaceAssertionFile | This class is designed to simplify the use of loading workspace test files for use as test cases |
CTestCase | |
►NTools | |
►NAnalysis | |
NAttribute | |
NElement | |
NChar | |
NDefault | |
NIcon | |
NKey | |
►NNames | |
NAttribute | |
NElement | |
NScopedMerge | |
►NParameterSweep | |
NAttribute | |
NDatabaseConnection | |
NElement | |
NSelectedModel | |
NSemanticScore | |
►NSettingsStack | |
NStr | |
NStr | |
NToolTip | |
NUi | |
NUnselectedModel | |
CAnalysisTree | Class for customising a WorkspaceTreeWidget without changing the application-wide settings |
CAnchorAttributes | |
CAnchorDifference | Contains the data needed to differentiate between 2 anchor elements |
CAnchorElementData | |
CAnchorElementsMap | |
CAttributeDifference | Stores differences between two attributes as recorded as part of the CompareTwoWorkspaces operation |
CAttributes | |
CAutoMerge | |
CAutoMergeType | |
CBlockData | |
CChildItemSelectionData | |
CColourSettingsWidget | Loads the application colours (this is application dependent), and lets the user change them |
CColumnTextFormatter | |
CCompareTwoGlobalsFiles | Compares two files of global names |
CCompareTwoWorkflows | Compare two workflows |
CCompileWorkflowHistory | Runs validation and comparison tools over the workflows referenced in a SVN-based revision log; it constructs an xml string pulling together the results |
CConnectionAnchorData | |
CConnectionAttributes | |
CConnectionData | |
CConnectionDifference | Data relating to a difference between a connection's instances in two separate workflows |
CConnectionElementData | |
CConnectionElementsMap | |
CCopySelectorWidget | Creates a list of checkable items from every child of the "set" item that represents a scalar input |
CCreateWorkspaceContext | Creates an object dictionary containing the label and path to every operation in a pair of related workflow files |
CCustomWidgetItemDelegate | Creates an editor widget based on the underlying data's type and preferred display widget |
CCustomWidgetWrapper | A wrapper for an editor based on a preferred display widget; controls moving data between the model and the widget's data object |
CDefaultMergeSettingsWidget | Sets the defaults associated with the merge defaults |
CDiffArguments | |
CDiffElementData | |
CDiffElementsMap | |
CDifferenceHighlightingStyledItemDelegate | Displays coloured highlights in the display text based on known differences between it and another string (ie that displayed in the cell next to it). Does not affect editing |
CDifferenceProcessor | |
CDifferenceUnit | |
CDiffGraphicsEffectFactory | Creates graphics effects that differ depending on the provided difference information |
CDiffXMLData | Holds xml content that it not explicitly handled by a DiffElementData subclass use this in addition to subclassing from DiffElementData |
CDisplayAttributes | |
CDisplayData | |
CDisplayDifference | Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an display's instances in two different workflows |
CDisplayElementData | |
CDisplayElementsMap | |
CDisplayUpdater | |
CDockManager | Class for managing a set of dock widgets associated with a particular menu |
CDomDocumentUpdater | |
CEditorSelectorItemDelegate | Creates a set of QComboBoxes that allow the user to select the type of data and preferred display widget for the item |
CEditorSelectorWidget | Widget lets the user choose the item's data type and preferred display widget |
CElementDifference | Stores attribute differences between two items for CompareTwoWorkspaces operation (base class) |
CElementFinder | |
CExtractSVNLog | Runs svn log –xml -v over the given SVN repository path |
CFeatureAttributes | |
CFeatureDifference | Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an feature's instances in two different workflows |
CFeatureElementData | |
CFeatureElementsMap | |
CFramedColorButton | QPushButton subclass that adds a frame coloured by the hue of the main colour |
CGhostInsertion | |
CGhostLine | |
CGhostOperation | Specialisation of place holder used when representing an existing operation in another workflow |
CGhostSection | |
CGlobalNameParameterModel | Overrides header display data to simplify column names |
CGlobalNameParameterWidget | Widget where user can view list of parameters for each global name |
CGlobalNameParameterWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GlobalNameParameterWidget |
CGlobalNameResultsModel | Overrides header display data to simplify column names |
CGlobalNameResultsWidget | Widget where user can view list of global names and results from a series of workflow runs |
CGlobalNameResultsWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for GlobalNameResultsWidget |
CGlobalsComparisonWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CGlobalsDiffMainWidget | |
CGlobalsDiffModel | Holds 2 SerializedTrees corresponding to 2 global name files being compared |
CGlobalsDiffModelItem | |
CGlobalsDiffNameSerializer | Loads global names from file into the GlobalsDiffModel |
CGlobalsDiffSortFilterModel | Proxy filter that allows a GlobalsDiffModel to be sorted and filtered |
CGlobalsDiffTreeView | View of a GlobalsDiffModel showing global name elements from each side-by-side |
CHighlightingGhostTextEdit | |
CHighlightingStringFragment | Keeps track of the starting pos and length of a string fragment, and whether it should be highlighted or not |
CHighlightingTextEdit | |
CInputDifference | Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an input's instances in two different workflows |
CInputElementData | |
CInputElementsMap | |
CInputParameterInfo | |
CIOAttributes | |
CIOElementData | |
CItemDifference | Stores common differences between two items as recorded as part of the CompareTwoWorkspaces operation |
CLineNumberArea | |
CMainToolWindow | Utility main window for Workspace Tools with generic support for projects, undo, docks, logging and window state |
CMergeAnalyser | |
CMergeAnchor | |
CMergeArguments | |
CMergeAttribute | |
CMergeConnection | |
CMergeFeature | |
CMergeGraphicsEffectFactory | Creates graphics effects that differ depending on the provided difference information (for the three-way merge tool) |
CMergeInput | |
CMergeItem | |
CMergeNote | |
CMergeOperation | |
CMergeOutput | |
CMergeProgressWidget | Displays an array of MergeItem |
CMergeProgressWidgetConnector | |
CMergeProgressWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CMergeProgressWidgetFactory | |
CMergeProposal | Holds the result of determining the type of change a "Difference" class represents, and its recommended merge result |
CMergeSettings | Holds a map between all the auto-merge types currently defined and their default values |
CMergeThreeWorkflows | Takes the diffs between two workflows and their common base and produces a set of recommended merges |
CMergeView | |
CMergeWorkflowWithBase | Takes a base workflow and a set of element merges and applies them to create a merged workflow |
CModifyMergedDifferences | Put a one-line description of your operation here |
CModifyMergedDifferencesWidget | Offers user input to an auto merge process, such as choosing to ignore a merge or (to be implemented) choose which workflow to choose in case of conflict |
CModifyMergedDifferencesWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CMultipleWorkflowApp | Interface for applications with multiple workflows |
CNoteAttributes | |
CNoteData | |
CNoteDifference | Contains the data needed to differentiate between 2 note elements |
CNoteElementData | |
CNoteElementsMap | |
COperationAttributes | |
COperationDifference | Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an operation's instances in two different workflows |
COperationElementData | |
COutputDifference | Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an output's instances in two different workflows |
COutputElementData | |
COutputElementsMap | |
CParameterInfo | |
CParameterSweepController | Controller to load and run workflows multiple times with different sets of parameters |
CParameterSweepWorker | |
CPluginConnector | |
CPluginDifference | Contains the data needed to differentiate between 2 plugin elements |
CPluginElementData | |
CPluginElementsMap | |
►CPluginTableModel | |
CModuleInfo | |
CPluginInfo | |
CWorkspaceInfo | |
CSelectedGlobalInputView | TableView of the selected inputs to the Parameter Sweep allowing values to be edited in diverse ways |
CSelectFilesDialog | Widget for setting workflow filenames (all four at once) |
CSelectGlobalNamesModel | QSqlTableModel that subclasses header data to make it easier to read |
CSelectGlobalNamesSortFilterModel | Proxy model for the SelectGlobalNamesModel to let data parameter variables be restricted to those with global names |
CSelectGlobalNamesWidget | Widget where user can view a list of global names and select ones of interest. Two tables views are provided. The one of the left lists all unselected global names while the one of the right lists all selected global names |
CSelectGlobalNamesWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for SelectGlobalNamesWidget |
CSettingsStackDialog | Dialog for configuring Workflow tools settings, based on WorkspaceSettingsDialog |
CSettingsWidget | Widget ready to be added to a SettingsStackDialog widget |
CStringFragment | |
CStringHighlights | Keeps list of fragments of text to be highlighted, or to be flagged as a point at which text was inserted into an alternate string |
CSummariseWorkflowHistory | Summarises the results of CompileWorkflowHistory into two csv files, ordered by workflow name and workflow revision respectively |
CTextComparisonWidget | Widget that lets use compare two strings inside a pair of QTextEdit widgets: dynamically colours the first line that differs between them |
CTextDifference | |
CTextDifferencer | |
CTextHighlighter | |
CToolLogCategoryGuard | Temporarily disables the normal log warnings if they are inappropriate and distracting in the Workflowtool context |
CValidationData | Holds data as retrieved by WorkflowValidator operation |
CViewAttributes | |
CViewDifference | Put a one-line description of your datatype here |
CViewElementData | |
CViewElementsMap | |
CWidgetSignalBlocker | Temporarily blocks onward signals while user-selection signals are propagated to linked widgets |
CWorkflowComparisonAnalyser | Creates a text (xml) file from the result of a workflow comparison operation |
CWorkflowComparisonGraphicsEffect | Graphics effect for workflow comparisons |
CWorkflowDifferencesWidget | Display workflow differences as held in an ObjectArray |
CWorkflowDifferencesWidgetConnector | |
CWorkflowDifferencesWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for WorkflowDifferencesWidget |
CWorkflowDifferencesWidgetFactory | |
CWorkflowDiffMainWidget | Main widget for the Two-way Comparison Tool |
CWorkflowDiffSettingsDialog | Widget for setting default external tools |
CWorkflowDiffsIgnoreList | Widget for setting any attributes that the diff tool should ignore |
CWorkflowMergeMainWidget | Main widget for the Three-way Merge Tool |
CWorkflowToolsLoggingDock | Dock for holding a reportingLevelComboBox and LogViewer |
CWorkflowToolsPlugin | Plugin holds applications, operations and support code for workspace elements outside the editor |
CWorkflowToolsPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CWorkflowToolsPluginMenu | Provides a custom menu for the plugin CSIRO::Tools::WorkflowToolsPlugin within the Workspace editor |
CWorkflowToolUtil | General class for utility functions across the Workflow Tool set |
CWorkflowUpdater | |
CWorkflowUpdateRequester | Creates workflow update requests from the WorkflowDifferencesWidget |
CWorkflowValidateMainWidget | |
CWorkflowValidator | Do some checking on a workspace contained in the input file |
CWorkflowValidatorWidget | Display workflow validation report as held in an ObjectArray |
CWorkflowValidatorWidgetConnector | |
CWorkflowValidatorWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for WorkflowValidatorWidget |
CWorkflowValidatorWidgetFactory | |
CWorkspaceData | |
CWorkspaceParameterSweepWindow | Main window for Workspace Parameter Sweep |
CWriteableFileMenu | |
NUi | |
►NWidgets | This namespace contains support for widgets attached to workspace data objects |
NChar | |
►NMatrixWidgetPrivate | |
CMatrixReader | Default policy for reading from a matrix class |
CMatrixSize | Default policy for retrieving the size (rows / cols) of a matrix data structure |
CMatrixWriter | Default policy for writing to a matrix data structure |
NRegex | |
NUi | |
CAboutAppDialog | Generic 'About $app' dialog box for use in Workspace applications. Caller should call adjustSize() once all customizations to the window are completed to ensure the dialog window looks good |
CAboutDialog | Custom "About" dialog for stand alone applications. See BrandingWidget for usage examples |
CAnnounceCheckWidget | Checks for Workspace announcements |
CBrandingWidget | Software branding widget for use with SplashScreen and AboutDialog in stand alone applications |
►CButtonGroupBox | |
CButtonCreator | |
CButtonCreator< QPushButton > | |
CButtonCreatorInterface | |
CButtonGroupBoxConnector | |
CButtonGroupBoxFactory | |
CCertificateBrowserWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CCheckBoxConnector | |
CCheckBoxFactory | |
CCheckButtonGroupBox | |
CColorButton | |
CColorButtonConnector | |
CColorButtonDesigner | Qt Designer support for ColorButton |
CColorButtonDesignerOld | |
CColorButtonFactory | |
CColorComponentSlider | A simple slider for a single component of a color (red, green, blue or alpha) |
CColorComponentSliderConnector | |
CColorComponentSliderDesigner | Qt Designer support for ColorComponentSlider |
CColorComponentSliderFactory | |
CColorWidget | Simple widget which shows the current color as its background color |
CComboBoxAsStringConnector | |
CComboBoxAsStringFactory | |
CComboBoxConnector | |
CComboBoxFactory | |
CCommonConnectorsUpdateWidgetsEvent | |
CConnectionDisplayButton | A widget which holds a connection icon as well as a display widget wrapper button |
CConnectionDisplayWidget | A widget which holds a connection icon as well as a display widget |
CConnectorsRespondToUpdatesEvent | |
CDataTableWidget | This widget allows to interact with a DataTable |
CDataTableWidgetConnector | |
CDataTableWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for DataTableWidget |
CDataTableWidgetFactory | |
CDateTimeWidgetConnector | |
CDateTimeWidgetFactory | |
CDependencyButtonConnector | |
CDependencyButtonFactory | |
CDesignerDragDrop | |
CDirectoryWidgetFactory | |
CDisplayWidgetButton | Button that displays an embedded display widget in a dialog when clicked |
CDockWidgetEventFilter | Installed as a event filter on QDockWidgets registered with a DockWidgetManager. It is used to detect mouse press events so that the manager can keep track of the last QDockWidget that was clicked on |
CDockWidgetManager | Registering a QDockWidget with a DockWidgetManager gives it the capability to float as a standalone floating widget. To activate floating, the user has to click on the QDockWidget and press ctrl-D. The floating widget can be docked by focusing on it and pressing ctrl-D again |
CDoubleLineEditConnector | |
CDoubleLineEditFactory | |
CDoubleRangeGeneratorWidget | Dialog box that generates a list of double values based on entered min and max values and the number of values to generate |
CDoubleSpinBoxConnector | |
CDoubleSpinBoxFactory | |
CDoubleWsLineEditFactory | |
CEditPropertiesTaskMenu | Qt Designer extension to allow property browser configuration |
CEnumComboBoxConnector | |
CEnumComboBoxFactory | |
CEnumPropertyConnector | |
CFileNameWidget | Widget for specifying a file or directory name |
CFileNameWidgetConnector | |
CFileNameWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for FileNameWidget |
CFileNameWidgetFactory | |
CFloatingDockWidget | Container widget for storing the contents of a QDockWidget. While a QDockWidget can itself float by itself, it does not behave in a same way as most windows do with the main limitation that a floating QDockWidget can't be easily maximised. FloatingDockWidget is used as a work-around for this limitation but taking possession of a QDockWidget's contents and is displayed as a standalone floating widget |
CFloatSpinBoxConnector | |
CFloatSpinBoxFactory | |
CFontButton | |
CFontButtonConnector | |
CFontButtonDesigner | Qt Designer support for FontButton |
CFontButtonDesignerOld | |
CFontButtonFactory | |
CGeneralProgressBarWidget | This class defines a progress bar in a general sense: a possibly non-contiguous bar. The interest lies in the fact that some actions can be on/off, so non-contiguous. This progress bar also supports coloring that corresponds to different action's states, zoom-in/out and mouse hovering above the bars that shows in a tooltip the precise time at the mouse pointer location |
CGlobalNameColumnEditor | Widget for entering global names as part of a QTableWidget. Can show a warning icon if there is another element with the same global name in the Workflow (icon is shown if showDuplicates is true) |
CGlobalNameTableDesigner | Qt Designer support for OperationCatalogue |
CGroupBoxConnector | |
CGroupBoxFactory | |
CIntegerLineEditConnector | |
CIntegerLineEditFactory | |
CIntegerSpinBoxConnector | |
CIntegerSpinBoxFactory | |
CIntegerWsLineEditFactory | |
CIntRangeGeneratorWidget | Dialog box that generates a list of integer values based on entered min and max values and numberOfSteps |
CIOModel | |
CIOModelItem | |
CIOTreeWidget | QTreeView specialization for showing an Operation's inputs and outputs |
CJSEditDesigner | Qt Designer support for JSEdit |
CJSEditWidget | A wrapper class of JSEdit with enriched functions of opening and saving scripts |
CJsonJSEditConnector | |
CJsonJSEditFactory | |
CLineEdit | |
CLineEditDesigner | Qt Designer support for LineEdit (Workspace's QLineEdit) |
CLineNumberArea | A side panel of line numbers for a QPlainTextEdit widget |
CListLineEdit | |
CListLineEditDesigner | Qt Designer support for ListLineEdit |
CListTextEdit | |
CListTextEditDesigner | Qt Designer support for ListTextEdit |
CLogViewerDesigner | Qt Designer support for TextViewer |
CMatrixTableDelegate | Delegate class that knows how to display matrix information (of type T) in a QTable |
CMatrixTableDelegateBase | Base class for all matrix table delegates. A matrix table delegate knows how to display a matrix of a certain data type in a QTable |
CMatrixWidget | Widget for displaying / editing the contents of a matrix datastructure. Assumes that all data is going to be in floating point format |
CMatrixWidgetConnector | Connects a MatrixWidget to a matrix datastructure of the specified type |
CMatrixWidgetFactory | Widget factory for a MatrixWidget |
CMultipleFileNamesWidget | Widget for specifying multiple files |
CMultipleFileNamesWidgetConnector | |
CMultipleFileNamesWidgetFactory | |
CNamePath | Provides a way to identify a particular input or output of an operation in a (possibly nested) namespace |
CNullWidget | A null Widget that doesn't do anything except display a type name |
CNullWidgetConnector | A null connector that doesn't do anything |
CNullWidgetFactory | A null widget that doesn't do anything |
CNumberedPlainTextEdit | |
CObjectArrayWidget | |
CObjectArrayWidgetConnector | |
CObjectArrayWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for ObjectArrayWidget |
CObjectArrayWidgetFactory | |
CObjectController | |
CObjectDictionaryItemModel | |
CObjectDictionaryTableViewWidget | Widget for displaying the contents of an ObjectDictionary in a table format |
CObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetConnector | |
CObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetFactory | |
CObjectDictionaryWidget | Widget for displaying the contents of a ObjectDictionary in an expandable tree |
CObjectDictionaryWidgetConnector | |
CObjectDictionaryWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CObjectDictionaryWidgetFactory | |
CObjectGroupModel | The model acts as interface into a ObjectGroup's hierarchy of DataObjects and nested ObjectGroups |
CObjectGroupModelItem | |
CObjectGroupWidget | Generic tree view widget to view and interact with any data type derived from ObjectGroup |
CObjectGroupWidgetConnector | |
CObjectGroupWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for ObjectGroupWidget |
CObjectGroupWidgetFactory | |
COperationCatalogueDesigner | Qt Designer support for OperationCatalogue |
COperationConnectionWidget | Base class for QWidgets that connect to an entire operation rather than just a single IOBase |
COperationEditorDesigner | Qt Designer support for OperationEditor |
COperationTimelineWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for OperationTimelineWidget |
COperationWidget | A container widget for showing a widget for a particular operation |
COperationWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for OperationWidget |
CPasswordWidget | Widget to use for entering passwords |
CPasswordWidgetConnector | |
CPasswordWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CPasswordWidgetFactory | |
CPluginListDialog | Simple dialog box for displaying all visible plugins and their versions |
CProgressBarConnector | |
CProgressBarFactory | |
CPropertyBrowserMenuFactory | Qt Designer extension factory to allow property browser configuration |
CPropertyConnector | |
CPropertyConnector< DataExecution::StringSelection > | |
CPropertyConnectorBase | |
CPropertyEditorDialog | Widget for editing the properties for a QtTreePropertyBrowser within Qt Designer |
CPropertySetter | |
CPropertySetterBool | |
CPropertySetterBoolConnector | |
CPropertySetterBoolDesigner | Qt Designer support for PropertySetterBool |
CPropertySetterBoolFactory | |
CPropertySetterInt | |
CPropertySetterIntConnector | |
CPropertySetterIntDesigner | Qt Designer support for PropertySetterInt |
CPropertySetterIntFactory | |
CPropertySetterObjectArray | |
CPropertySetterObjectArrayConnector | |
CPropertySetterObjectArrayFactory | |
CPropertySetterQreal | |
CPropertySetterQrealConnector | |
CPropertySetterQrealDesigner | Qt Designer support for PropertySetterQreal |
CPropertySetterQrealFactory | |
CPropertySetterString | |
CPropertySetterStringConnector | |
CPropertySetterStringDesigner | Qt Designer support for PropertySetterString |
CPropertySetterStringFactory | |
CProperyEditorTreeWidget | |
CPushButtonGroupBox | |
CQByteArrayLabelConnector | |
CQByteArrayLabelFactory | |
CQPointFLineEditConnector | |
CQPointFLineEditFactory | |
CQtAbstractEditorFactory | The QtAbstractEditorFactory is the base template class for editor factories |
CQtAbstractEditorFactoryBase | The QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase provides an interface for editor factories |
CQtAbstractPropertyBrowser | QtAbstractPropertyBrowser provides a base class for implementing property browsers |
CQtAbstractPropertyManager | The QtAbstractPropertyManager provides an interface for property managers |
CQtBoolEdit | |
CQtBoolPropertyManager | And manages boolean properties |
CQtBrowserItem | Property in a property browser instance |
CQtCharEdit | |
CQtCharEditorFactory | Editor widgets for properties created by QtCharPropertyManager objects |
CQtCharPropertyManager | The QtCharPropertyManager provides and manages QChar properties |
CQtCheckBoxFactory | QCheckBox widgets for properties created by QtBoolPropertyManager objects |
CQtColorEditorFactory | Color editing for properties created by QtColorPropertyManager objects |
CQtColorEditWidget | |
CQtColorPropertyManager | The QtColorPropertyManager provides and manages QColor properties |
CQtCursorDatabase | |
CQtCursorEditorFactory | QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtCursorPropertyManager objects |
CQtCursorPropertyManager | The QtCursorPropertyManager provides and manages QCursor properties |
CQtDateEditFactory | QDateEdit widgets for properties created by QtDatePropertyManager objects |
CQtDatePropertyManager | The QtDatePropertyManager provides and manages QDate properties |
CQtDateTimeEditFactory | QDateTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtDateTimePropertyManager objects |
CQtDateTimePropertyManager | The QtDateTimePropertyManager provides and manages QDateTime properties |
CQtDoublePropertyManager | The QtDoublePropertyManager provides and manages double properties |
CQtDoubleSpinBoxFactory | QDoubleSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtDoublePropertyManager objects |
CQtEnumEditorFactory | QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtEnumPropertyManager objects |
CQtEnumPropertyManager | The QtEnumPropertyManager provides and manages enum properties |
CQtFlagPropertyManager | The QtFlagPropertyManager provides and manages flag properties |
CQtFontEditorFactory | Font editing for properties created by QtFontPropertyManager objects |
CQtFontEditWidget | |
CQtFontPropertyManager | The QtFontPropertyManager provides and manages QFont properties |
CQtGroupPropertyManager | The QtGroupPropertyManager provides and manages group properties |
CQtIntPropertyManager | The QtIntPropertyManager provides and manages int properties |
CQtKeySequenceEdit | |
CQtKeySequenceEditorFactory | Editor widgets for properties created by QtKeySequencePropertyManager objects |
CQtKeySequencePropertyManager | The QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides and manages QKeySequence properties |
CQtLineEditFactory | QLineEdit widgets for properties created by QtStringPropertyManager objects |
CQtLocalePropertyManager | The QtLocalePropertyManager provides and manages QLocale properties |
CQtMarginsFPropertyManager | The QtMarginsFPropertyManager provides and manages QMarginsF properties |
CQtMarginsPropertyManager | The QtMarginsPropertyManager provides and manages QMargins properties |
CQtMetaEnumWrapper | |
CQtPointFPropertyManager | The QtPointFPropertyManager provides and manages QPointF properties |
CQtPointPropertyManager | The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties |
CQtProperty | Encapsulates an instance of a property |
CQtPropertyBrowserUtils | |
CQtRectFPropertyManager | The QtRectFPropertyManager provides and manages QRectF properties |
CQtRectPropertyManager | The QtRectPropertyManager provides and manages QRect properties |
CQtScrollBarFactory | QScrollBar widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtSizeFPropertyManager | The QtSizeFPropertyManager provides and manages QSizeF properties |
CQtSizePolicyPropertyManager | The QtSizePolicyPropertyManager provides and manages QSizePolicy properties |
CQtSizePropertyManager | The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties |
CQtSliderFactory | QSlider widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtSpinBoxFactory | QSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtStringPropertyManager | The QtStringPropertyManager provides and manages QString properties |
CQtTimeEditFactory | QTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtTimePropertyManager objects |
CQtTimePropertyManager | The QtTimePropertyManager provides and manages QTime properties |
CQtTreePropertyBrowser | QTreeWidget based property browser |
CQtTreePropertyBrowserConnector | |
CQtTreePropertyBrowserDesigner | Qt Designer support for QtTreePropertyBrowser |
CQtVariantEditorFactory | Widgets for properties created by QtVariantPropertyManager objects |
CQtVariantProperty | Convenience class handling QVariant based properties |
CQtVariantPropertyManager | And manages QVariant based properties |
CQueuedWidgetConnector | A widget connector that causes the attached IOBase to queue all data changes to the workspace hierarchy while it's being updated |
CQVariantWidget | Widget for displaying the contents of a QVariant in an expandable tree |
CQVariantWidgetConnector | |
CQVariantWidgetFactory | |
CQWidgetConnector | Base class for objects handling the connection between data objects and QWidget instances |
CRadioButtonConnector | |
CRadioButtonFactory | |
CRadioButtonGroupBox | |
CRangedSlider | |
CRangedSliderConnector | |
CRangedSliderDesigner | Qt Designer support for RangedSlider |
CRangedSliderFactory | |
CRangedSpinBox | |
CRangedSpinBoxConnector | |
CRangedSpinBoxDesigner | Qt Designer support for RangedSpinBox |
CRangedSpinBoxFactory | |
CScriptWidget | Operation widget for editing scripts |
CScriptWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CShowWidgetButton | |
CShowWidgetButtonConnector | |
CShowWidgetButtonFactory | |
►CSimpleGraphicsView | A custom QGraphicsView that behaves more like a simple Google Maps style canvas |
CViewFixer | |
CSplashScreen | Custom splash screen for stand alone applications. See BrandingWidget for usage examples |
CStandAloneWidget | |
CStandAloneWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for StandAloneWidget |
CStateToggle | |
CStateToggleConnector | |
CStateToggleDesigner | Qt Designer support for StandAloneWidget |
CStateToggleFactory | |
CStringComboBoxConnector | |
CStringJSEditConnector | |
CStringJSEditFactory | |
CStringLineEditConnector | |
CStringLineEditFactory | |
CStringListLineEditConnector | |
CStringListLineEditFactory | |
CStringListTextEditConnector | |
CStringListTextEditFactory | |
CStringListWidget | |
CStringListWidgetConnector | |
CStringListWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for StringListWidget |
CStringListWidgetFactory | |
CStringSelectionWidgetConnector | |
CStringSelectionWidgetFactory | |
CStringTextEditConnector | |
CStringTextEditFactory | |
CStringWsLineEditFactory | |
CTimeStampFormatWidget | Sets a format string intended for a QDateTime object |
CTimeStampFormatWidgetConnector | |
CTimeStampFormatWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CTimeStampFormatWidgetFactory | |
CToggleButtonConnector | |
CToggleButtonFactory | |
CTreeSelectionModel | |
CTreeSelectionWidget | Operation widget for displaying lists of toggle check boxes in a tree view |
CTreeSelectionWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for a widget |
CVariantLabelConnector | |
CVariantLabelFactory | |
CVariantLineEditConnector | |
CVariantLineEditFactory | |
CVectorDoubleLineEditConnector | |
CVectorDoubleLineEditFactory | |
CVectorDoubleTextEditConnector | |
CVectorDoubleTextEditFactory | |
CVectorIntLineEditConnector | |
CVectorIntLineEditFactory | |
CVectorIntTextEditConnector | |
CVectorIntTextEditFactory | |
CWebBrowserWidget | QWebView with some helper slots |
CWebBrowserWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for WebBrowserWidget |
CWidgetCreators | Class for creating widgets connected to input/output data |
CWidgetDelegate | |
CWidgetEditorDialog | Widget for editing the editor widget properties for properties of a QtTreePropertyBrowser |
CWidgetFactory | |
CWidgetManager | Singleton for managing widgets attached to workspace data |
CWidgetPropertyMonitor | Class for monitoring changes to a widget property |
CWidgetWindow | Provides a floating window which keeps its title synchronized with its source |
CWorkspaceFileDialog | |
CWorkspaceNotesWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTabWidget |
CWorkspacePluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CWorkspaceStatusTableDesigner | Qt Designer support for the Workspace status table |
CWorkspaceTableWidget | Generic Workspace table widget that can be embedded into other widgets for additional functionality |
CWorkspaceTableWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support |
CWorkspaceTabWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTabWidget |
CWorkspaceTreeView | Generic Workspace tree view that can be embedded into other widgets for additional functionality |
CWorkspaceTreeViewDesigner | Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTreeView |
CWorkspaceTreeWidgetDesigner | Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTreeWidget |
CWorkspaceUiLoader | Custom UI loader for use with Workspace applications |
►NZmq | |
CZeroMQReplyLoop | A type of loop operation responds to requests sent on a ZeroMQ socket |
CZeroMQSubscribeLoop | A type of loop operation subscribes to messages published on a ZeroMQ socket |
CZmqPing | ZMQ Ping for testing a ReplyLoop workflow |
CZmqPlugin | A plugin for all things zmq |
CZmqPluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
CZmqPublish | ZMQ Publisher for a Publish/Subscribe workflow |
CZmqReplyLoop | An operation that allows the user to create a loop body to reply to a ZMQ request |
CZmqRequest | ZMQ Request for a Request/Response workflow |
CZmqRequestMany | |
CZmqSubscribe | Put a one-line description of your operation here |
CAssert | |
CBlockingTask | Perform a task in a specific thread and wait for the result |
CClonable | Base class for clonable objects |
CProfiler | |
CSignalDrivenBlockingTask | Start a task in a specific thread and wait for a task finished signal |
CTemporaryDirectory | An application-level temporary directory, similar to QTemporaryFile |
CTemporaryDirectoryWithSearchPaths | TemporaryDirectory subclass with additional support for Qt resource search paths |
CWaitForAnyFutureToFinish | Wait for a few QFuture and finish as soon as any of them finishes |
▼Ngoogle | |
Nprotobuf | |
NH5 | |
▼NHdf5 | |
CHdf5PluginDesigner | WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module |
▼Nmoodycamel | |
►Ndetails | |
C_hash_32_or_64 | |
C_hash_32_or_64< 1 > | |
CConcurrentQueueProducerTypelessBase | |
Cconst_numeric_max | |
Chash_32_or_64 | |
Cidentity | |
Cis_trivially_destructible | |
Cmax_align_t | |
Cnomove_if | |
Cnomove_if< false > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free< bool > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free< U * > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< int > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< long > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< long long > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< short > | |
Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< signed char > | |
Cthread_id_converter | |
CThreadExitListener | |
CThreadExitNotifier | |
CBlockingConcurrentQueue | |
CConcurrentQueue | |
CConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits | |
CConsumerToken | |
CProducerToken | |
Npybind11 | |
NUi | |