Workspace 7.0.2
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NCSIROTop level namespace for all Workspace code
 NApplicationApplication-level functionality for all workspace applications
 NApplicationSupportApplication support plugin for Workspace developers
 NDataAnalysisFundamental data analysis support
 NDataExecutionBase workspace functionality not requiring a user interface
 NMeshMesh model data structures
 NPresentationThe graphical user interface layer for the workspace
 NRenderingRendering of meshed models
 NTestingNamespace in which all testing code resides
 NWidgetsThis namespace contains support for widgets attached to workspace data objects
 CBlockingTaskPerform a task in a specific thread and wait for the result
 CClonableBase class for clonable objects
 CSignalDrivenBlockingTaskStart a task in a specific thread and wait for a task finished signal
 CTemporaryDirectoryAn application-level temporary directory, similar to QTemporaryFile
 CTemporaryDirectoryWithSearchPathsTemporaryDirectory subclass with additional support for Qt resource search paths
 CWaitForAnyFutureToFinishWait for a few QFuture and finish as soon as any of them finishes
 CHdf5PluginDesignerWorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module