class | AddSceneItem |
| A SceneInteraction that adds a new scene item to an existing transform. More...
class | AmbientLight |
| Simple ambient light. More...
class | AmbientLightBuilder |
| Operation to build a AmbientLight object. More...
class | Annotation |
| Represents an item in a scene that is purely text. More...
class | AxesImageBuilder |
| Operation to create an image overlay of a set of axes. More...
class | BillboardImageShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | BillboardImageShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a BillboardImageShader object. More...
class | BlinnPhongShader |
| A basic Blinn-Phong specular shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | BlinnPhongShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a BlinnPhongShader object. More...
class | CalculateSceneBoundingBox |
| Operation for calculating the bounding box of a scene's contents. More...
class | Camera |
| Defines a positionable, orientable camera for a scene. More...
class | CameraBuilder |
| Operation to build a Camera object. More...
class | CameraInteractionEvent |
| Event raised during camera interaction. More...
class | CameraInteractionOptions |
| An object group containing options for camera interactions. More...
class | CameraInteractionsFactory |
| Factory class for creating QueuedInteractions for the various camera interaction scenarios. More...
class | CameraObserverStateChangedEvent |
class | CameraUpdateEvent |
| Event raised to update one or more specific properties of a camera. More...
class | CheckerImage2D |
| Operation supplying a 2D texture image of a checker pattern. More...
class | ClipRegion |
| Defines a region in 3D space which is to be used for clipping models in a scene. More...
class | ClipRegionBuilder |
| Operation that constructs a ClipRegion. ClipRegions are used to clip areas of 3D space in a Scene. More...
class | ColorGL |
class | ColorStateShader |
| A shader that interprets a node state as a RGBA color for each node. More...
class | ComponentBasedFlyTo |
class | ControlSettings |
| Represents a selection event in a renderer. More...
class | CreateAnnotation |
| Creates an annotation to be placed in a Scene. More...
class | CreateAxesModel |
class | CreateCircleImage |
| Operation to create a circle image parametrically. More...
class | CreateClipRegion |
| Operation that constructs a ClipRegion. ClipRegions are used to clip areas of 3D space in a Scene. More...
class | CreateColorStateShader |
| Operation to build a ColorStateShader object. More...
class | CreateControlPointMesh |
| Create a mesh from Transforms (including a hierarchy) representing control points. More...
class | CreateMeshModelInstanceArray |
| Create MeshModelInstance from an array of MeshModelInterface. More...
class | CreateSuperquadricMesh |
| Creates a superquadric mesh from a set of parameters. More...
class | CustomRenderFunction |
| Base class for a custom rendering functor. More...
class | DepthShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | DepthShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a DepthShader object. More...
class | DirectionalLight |
| Defines a directional light which is a source at infinity with no edge fall-off or attentuation. More...
class | DirectionalLightBuilder |
| Operation to build a DirectionalLight object. More...
class | ElementColoringShader |
| A shader which colors a model based using an element mapper and a color scale. More...
class | ElementColoringShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a ElementColoringShader object. More...
class | ExpiryCache |
| Template class for a cache that removes items as soon as it exceeds maximum capacity. It uses shared pointers, so items will only be physically deleted once they go out of scope. More...
class | FindDisplay |
| Find display number by its UID. More...
class | FitCameraViewToMesh |
| Adjusts a camera's transform in order to position it so that it can see the entire mesh. More...
class | FocusOnSceneItem |
| A SceneInteraction that focuses the camera on a scene item. More...
class | GenerateProjectiveTextureCoordinates |
| Operation to project a Texture2D onto a model. More...
class | GetMeshModelInstanceLod |
| Returns a particular Level of Detail (LOD) mesh associated with a MeshModelInstance. LOD meshes can be retrieved by LOD number or by distance value. More...
class | GetModelsFromScene |
| Returns the set of models within a scene, optionally confined to a specific bounding region. More...
class | GetModelsUnderTransform |
| Returns the set of models under a transform, optionally confined to a specific bounding region. More...
class | GetSceneItemTransform |
| Get the transforms (local and global) of a SceneItem. More...
class | GetVisibleModelsFromScene |
| Returns the set of models in a scene that are visible from a particular camera's point of view. More...
class | GlobalMatrixModifiedEvent |
class | Glyph |
| Result type for a call to Glypher::getGlyph() More...
class | Glypher |
| Base class for glyphers to be used with a MeshModelInstance. More...
class | GridScaleBuilder |
| Creates a grid-scale mesh model to be used in a 3d scene. More...
class | HighlightElementShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | HighlightNodeShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | ImageToSceneOverlayAdaptor |
class | ImageToSceneOverlayAdaptorDialog |
| Dialog for configuring how an image is adapted to a scene overlay. More...
class | ImageToSceneOverlayAdaptorFactory |
| Factory for the int to QString adaptor. More...
struct | ImageTypeSelect |
struct | ImageTypeSelect< ColorArray > |
struct | ImageTypeSelect< DataAnalysis::Array3dInteger > |
struct | ImageTypeSelect< DataAnalysis::Image3d > |
struct | ImageTypeSelect< QImage > |
class | KeyControlBinding |
| Key control binding. More...
class | LambertShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | LambertShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a LambertShader object. More...
class | Light |
| Base class for all light types supported in a Scene. More...
class | LightAttenuationFactors |
| Put a one-line description of your datatype here. More...
class | LightsProcessor |
| Base class for all objects that can process the lights in a Scene. More...
class | LinearMatrixFlyTo |
class | LinearSpatialPartitioningTree |
| A Linear spatial partitioning tree is a quadtree or octree compressed into a single contiguous array. More...
class | LineOfSightShader |
| A shader designed to output line of sight information from a camera. More...
class | Manipulator |
| Base class for manipulators in a renderer. A manipulator is an object that can be interacted with (e.g. with the mouse, or keyboard) to modify a SceneItem. More...
class | ManipulatorInteractionsFactory |
class | ManipulatorProcessor |
class | ManipulatorTargetOperation |
| An Operation that creates SceneItems that can be the target of a SceneItemManipulationEvent. More...
class | MeshModelInstance |
| Holds a mesh model plus optional sub-items defining its appearance. More...
class | MeshModelInstanceBuilder |
| Builds a MeshModelInstance from a name and a model ID. More...
class | MeshSelectionWidget |
| A modal dialog that gets the filename and reader type of a mesh model the user wants to add to a scene. More...
class | MouseControlBinding |
| Mouse control binding. More...
class | MouseControlBindingEditor |
| A widget for editing a mouse control binding. More...
class | NodeColoringShader |
| A shader which colors a model based using a node mapper and a color scale. More...
class | NodeColoringShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a NodeColoringShader object. More...
class | NoiseImage2D |
| Operation supplying a 2D texture image of semi-random noise. More...
class | NormalShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | NormalShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a NormalShader object. More...
class | NoTexture |
class | NullShader |
class | ObjSceneReader |
| Provides an operation for reading OBJ files. More...
class | OctreeShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | OctreeShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a OctreeShader object. More...
class | Pick |
| Represents a selection event in a renderer. More...
class | PickedItem |
| Represents an item that has been 'picked' (interactively selected) in a scene. More...
class | PickFilter |
| A class representing a filter for the type of things we are to pick. More...
class | PlaybackControlWidget |
| Widget for controlling playback of a scene. More...
class | PlaybackControlWidgetConnector |
class | PlaybackControlWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for PlaybackControlWidget. More...
class | PlaybackControlWidgetFactory |
class | PlotGrid3dBuilder |
| Creates a grid cube mesh in 3 dimensions which acts as the axes and scale for 3D plots. More...
class | PlotGrid3dRenderOptions |
| Data structure containing series of options which allow user to configure which physical features of a 3D grid plot are rendered. More...
class | PointLight |
| Defines a point light source at specific position with attentuation. More...
class | PointLightBuilder |
| Operation to build a PointLight object. More...
class | ProjectTexture2D |
| Operation to project a Texture2D onto a model. More...
class | Quaternion |
| Quaternion class for handling spherical interpolation. More...
class | QueuedInteraction |
class | RadialGridBuilder |
| Creates a 2D radial grid Mesh::MeshModel to be used in a 3D scene. More...
class | RemoveSceneItem |
| A SceneInteraction that removes a scene item from the scene. More...
class | RenderFilter |
| A class representing a filter for the type of things we want to render. More...
class | RenderGlyphCallback |
| Base class for callbacks that need to be invoked per-glyph. This allows users of a particular shader program to change uniform values on a per-glyph basis if need-be. More...
class | RenderImageToScreen |
| Operation to render an image to a specific screen. More...
class | RenderingPlugin |
| WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class | RenderingPluginDesigner |
| WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class | RenderingSettings |
| Class representing the settings specific to the rendering plugin. More...
class | RenderingSettingsPluginConfig |
| Provides a configuration widget for the rendering plugin. More...
class | RenderingSettingsWidget |
| Provides a view of settings relating to the rendering plugin. More...
class | RenderSettings |
| Encapsulates the settings required for rendering. More...
class | RenderViewFrustumToMesh |
| Renders a camera's view frustum to a MeshModelInstance so that it can be used in a custom location. More...
class | RodGlypher |
| Glypher that produces z-axis (particle space) aligned rods at each node. More...
class | RodGlypherBuilder |
| Operation to build a RodGlypher object. More...
class | RodMesher |
| Creates a mesh for a rod. More...
class | RotateManipulator |
class | ScaleManipulator |
class | Scene |
| Scene class which can hold lights, cameras and transforms. More...
class | SceneBoundingBoxCalculator |
| Utility class for calculating the bounding box of a scene. More...
class | SceneBuilder |
| Builds a Scene from a list of SceneItem objects. More...
class | SceneEditorWidget |
| A widget encompassing the WSGLWidget, SceneInteractionWidget and SceneItemPropertiesWidget. More...
class | SceneEditorWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | SceneEditorWidgetFactory |
| Widget factory for the SceneEditorWidget. More...
class | SceneInteraction |
class | SceneInteractionWidget |
| A tree widget that allows users to view and modify a scene hierarchy defined in the workspace. More...
class | SceneInteractionWidgetConnector |
| Widget connector for the SceneInteractionWidget. More...
class | SceneInteractionWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | SceneInteractionWidgetFactory |
| Widget factory for the SceneInteractionWidget. More...
class | SceneInteractionWidgetItem |
| Class representing an individual scene item in the tree. Note that QTreeWidgetItem is not a QObject so we can't start adding signals and slots to it (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19053355/error-when-connecting-a-qtreewidgetitem) More...
class | SceneItem |
| Base class for all types that can be added as a child of a Transform. More...
class | SceneItemInstance |
| Creates an instance of a SceneItem in a scene, including all of its children. More...
class | SceneItemInstanceBuilder |
| Creates a SceneItemInstance; a type of SceneItem that instances (duplicates without copying) another SceneItem located elsewhere in the Scene. More...
class | SceneItemLabelChanged |
| A SceneInteraction the lets an operation update itself when it's label changes. More...
class | SceneItemLibrary |
| Library containing scene items, allowing scene item instances to be stored with identifiers, and be instanced elsewhere in a scene. More...
class | SceneItemLibraryBuilder |
| Generates a SceneItemLibrary from a list of SceneItem and SceneItemLibrary inputs. More...
class | SceneItemLibraryWidget |
| Widget for editing the contents of a SceneItemLibrary. Added as an additional tab to the operation properties dialog. More...
class | SceneItemManipulationEvent |
| Base class for scene item manipulation. More...
class | SceneItemProcessor |
| Abstract base class for all objects that can process a Scene. More...
class | SceneItemPropertiesWidget |
| A widget for editing the properties of a scene item, including it's name and relevant inputs. More...
class | SceneItemPropertiesWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | SceneItemType |
| An abstract base class for the types of scene items or 'nodes' that make up the scene interaction tree. More...
class | SceneItemTypeManager |
| Manager for SceneItemType classes. More...
class | SceneItemTypeSingleton |
| SceneItemType singleton class template. More...
class | SceneItemTypeSingletonTraits |
| SceneItemType singleton class template. More...
class | SceneOverlay |
| Specialization of DataAnalysis::ImageOverlay for use as an overlay on a rendered scene. More...
class | SceneProcessor |
| Abstract base class for all objects that can process a Scene. More...
class | SceneRenderer |
| Base class anything that renders a scene. More...
class | SceneRendererContext |
| Represents the context for a given renderer, in which all its state information is stored. More...
class | SceneRendererTypeId |
| Class used to uniquely identify each type of renderer available in the workspace. More...
class | SceneTransformProcessor |
| Processes a Scene, iterating over each item in its item tree and updating its global transform information if required. More...
class | ScreenNumberWidget |
| Restricts the selection of screens to the available range. More...
class | ScreenNumberWidgetConnector |
class | ScreenNumberWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for ScreenNumberWidget. More...
class | ScreenNumberWidgetFactory |
class | ScreenSerialNumberWidget |
| Restricts the selection of screens to the available range. More...
class | ScreenSerialNumberWidgetConnector |
class | ScreenSerialNumberWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for ScreenSerialNumberWidget. More...
class | ScreenSerialNumberWidgetFactory |
class | SelectedMeshWidget |
| Widget for viewing information about the selected mesh in a rendering window. More...
class | SelectedMeshWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for SelectedMeshWidget. More...
class | SetSceneItemLibraryBuilderInputsCmd |
| Command class for adding an input to an input array. More...
class | SetShaderLibraryBuilderInputsCmd |
| Command class for adding an input to an input array. More...
class | Shader |
| Interface for shaders, which are used to control the appearance of objects drawn by a renderer. Generally, developers will not want to derive from this directly, rather they will want to derive from TypedShader, and create one or more specific derivations of the ShaderImplementation class. More...
class | ShaderImplementation |
| Base class for shader implementations. Associated with a specific factory. More...
class | ShaderImplementationFactory |
class | ShaderImplementationFactoryTraits |
| Traits class for shaderimpls of type T. More...
class | ShaderLibrary |
| Library containing shader objects, allowing shader instances to be stored with identifiers. More...
class | ShaderLibraryBuilder |
| Generates a ShaderLibrary from a list of Shader and ShaderLibrary inputs. More...
class | ShaderLibraryWidget |
| Widget for editing the contents of a ShaderLibrary. Added as an additional tab to the operation properties dialog. More...
class | SphereGlypher |
| Glypher that produces spheres at each node of a model. More...
class | SphereGlypherBuilder |
| Operation to build a SphereGlypher object. More...
class | SphericalMatrixFlyTo |
class | SplitAndLodPointCloud |
| A functor that splits a point cloud into multiple sub-regions (patches) and computes multiple levels of detail (LODs) for each. More...
class | SplitAndLodPointCloudOp |
| Splits a point cloud model into multiple sub-models, creating multiple levels of detail (LOD) for each. More...
class | SpotLight |
| Defines a spot light which is a source at specific position with edge fall-off and attentuation. More...
class | SpotLightBuilder |
| Operation to build a SpotLight object. More...
class | SquareGlypher |
| Glypher that produces squares at each node of a model,. More...
class | SquareGlypherBuilder |
| Operation to build a SquareGlypher object. More...
class | StreakGlypher |
| Glypher that produces streaks at each node of a model. More...
class | StreakGlypherBuilder |
| Operation to build a SuperquadricGlypher object. More...
class | StreakMeshGenerator |
class | StretchToSphereTexture |
| Take a 2D rectangular image and stretch it for use as a texture for a sphere. More...
class | SuperquadricGlypher |
| Glypher that produces superquadrics at each node of a model. More...
class | SuperquadricGlypherBuilder |
| Operation to build a SuperquadricGlypher object. More...
class | SuperquadricMesher |
| Creates a mesh for a superquadric. More...
class | SymbolShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | Texture2D |
| Generic 2D image texture. More...
class | Texture2DBuilder |
| Operation to build a Texture2D object. More...
class | Texture3D |
| Generic 3D image texture. More...
class | Texture3DBuilder |
| Operation to build a Texture2D object. More...
class | TextureCoordShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | TextureCoordShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a TextureCoordShader object. More...
class | TextureImage |
| Dimension-and-format-dependent texture image, used as a returned type by Texturizer. More...
class | TextureProjectionShader |
| A basic lambertian shader which can be attached to meshmodels. More...
class | TextureProjectionShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a TextureProjectionShader object. More...
class | Texturizer |
| Base class for texturizers to be used with a MeshModelInstance. More...
class | ThreadSafeQueue |
| A queue that operates in a threadsafe manner, queueing and dequeing appropriately regardless of the calling thread. More...
class | Transform |
| Provides a transformable item to be placed in a Scene. More...
class | TransformBuilder |
| Operation to build a Transform object. More...
class | TransformManipulationEvent |
| Event raised for manipulating transforms. More...
class | TransformManipulator |
| Base class for manipulators in a renderer. A manipulator is an object that can be interacted with (e.g. with the mouse, or keyboard) to modify a SceneItem. More...
class | TransformManipulatorUndoCommand |
| Command class for undoing transform manipulation actions in a scene widget. More...
class | TransformToTransformGroupAdaptor |
| Adapts a Rendering::Transform's world matrix to a Mesh::TransformGroup. More...
class | TranslateManipulator |
class | TypedSceneRenderer |
| Special typed scenerenderer class which saves subclasses from having to implement functionality for retrieving the unique identifier for their renderer. More...
class | TypedShader |
| Template shader class that manages the mapping between a shader type and the its renderer-specific implementations. More...
class | TypedShaderImplementation |
| Templated base-class for shader implementations that are specific to a particular renderer type and specific to a single shader type. Uses the curiously recurring template pattern to manage the factories associated with the derived implementation class. More...
class | TypedShaderImplementationFactory |
class | VectorGlypher |
| Glypher that produces vectors at each node of a model, scaled and oriented based on a specific state of that particular node / element. If no node state is available, a default value will be used. More...
class | VectorGlypherBuilder |
| Operation to build a VectorGlypher object. More...
class | VolumeShader |
| Volume shader for rendering 3D volume data. More...
class | VolumeShaderBuilder |
| Operation to build a VolumeShader object. More...
class | WSGLAnnotation |
class | WSGLBlinnPhongLightingCapability |
class | WSGLBlinnPhongShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLBufferObjectCache |
| The WSGLBufferObjectCache is a cache which manages the allocation and storage of WSGLBufferObjectCacheItem (cache items). More...
class | WSGLBufferObjectCacheItem |
class | WSGLBufferObjectCacheItemPtr |
| Holder class for managing items in a WSGLBufferObjectCache. More...
class | WSGLCacheCapacityExceededException |
| Exception class for when a WSGLBufferObjectCache's size is exceeded during memory allocation. More...
class | WSGLClippingCapability |
class | WSGLColorStateShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLContext |
| Manages the data shared within an OpenGL context. More...
class | WSGLContextRegistry |
| Class for maintaining a registry of WSGLContexts. More...
class | WSGLDepthPeelingCapability |
class | WSGLDepthShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLElementArrayProperties |
class | WSGLElementColoringShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLFacetedGeometry |
| Struct for containing the geometry of the model when it is faceted (i.e. broken up into individual elements. More...
class | WSGLGeometry |
| Encapsulates the geometry of an OpenGL rendered item. More...
class | WSGLGlyphSet |
class | WSGLGlyphSuperSet |
| A set of glyph sets. More...
class | WSGLGridWidget |
| Widget for rendering grids using OpenGL. More...
class | WSGLGridWidgetConnector |
| Widget connector for WSGLGridWidget. More...
class | WSGLGridWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | WSGLGridWidgetFactory |
| Factory for WSGL grid widgets. More...
class | WSGLHighlightElementShaderImplementation |
| A shader implementation of the highlight element shader. More...
class | WSGLHighlightNodeShaderImplementation |
| A shader implementation of the highlight element shader. More...
class | WSGLInnerGlowShader |
| Shader for rendering an internal glow on objects in a scene. This shader can only be used in a WSGL renderer directly - it is not a general shader able to be used in the Workspace. More...
class | WSGLInstancedItem |
| Special type of render item for rendering items that are drawn many times in different parts of the scene, slightly differently. More...
class | WSGLInvalidBufferException |
| Exception thrown when an invalid buffer is assigned or used. More...
class | WSGLLambertLightingCapability |
class | WSGLLambertShaderImplementation |
struct | WSGLLayer |
class | WSGLLightsProcessor |
| Lights processor which outputs appropriate OpenGL commands for each enabled light in a scene. More...
class | WSGLLoadingScreen |
| Renders a loading screen to the currently bound framebuffer. More...
class | WSGLModelProcessingThread |
| A thread for asynchronously processing OpenGL model updates. More...
class | WSGLModelProcessor |
| Model processor which converts a MeshModelInterface into an OpenGL instance of a model (WSGLRenderItem). More...
class | WSGLModelUpdateInfo |
| Descriptor class for queueing model updates via the ModelProcessingThread. More...
class | WSGLNodeColoringShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLNodeGeometry |
| Struct for containing the geometry of the model when it is faceted (i.e. broken up into individual elements. More...
class | WSGLNormalShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLOctreeShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLOffscreenRender |
| Operation to render a Scene to an off-screen image. More...
class | WSGLOffscreenRenderBuffer |
class | WSGLPickElementShader |
| A shader implementation of a hardware picking shader. More...
class | WSGLPickModelShader |
| A shader implementation of a hardware picking shader. More...
class | WSGLPickNodeShader |
| A shader implementation of a hardware picking shader. More...
class | WSGLRenderElementsFilter |
| A filtering class for including / excluding specific parts of a render item during a render call. More...
class | WSGLRenderer |
| Renders a scene using OpenGL. More...
class | WSGLRendererSettingsDialog |
class | WSGLRendererSettingsWidget |
class | WSGLRenderItem |
| Memento-like structure for holding everything we need to know in order to render some geometry in the scene. More...
class | WSGLRenderQueueBuilder |
| Responsible for creating an ordered queue of WSGLRenderItem for use by the WSGLRenderer. More...
class | WSGLSceneItemSymbolLibrary |
| Contains a set of mesh model 'symbols', which can be used to represent the set of SceneItems that are not MeshModelInstances. The symbol library contains its own MeshModelLibrary, as well as a MeshModelSource and MeshModelInstance for each symbol. More...
class | WSGLScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion |
| Class for using Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) within an OpenGL renderer. More...
class | WSGLScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionCapability |
| This class allows other shaders to add the capability to support Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO). More...
class | WSGLScreenSpaceLayers |
| Encapsulates the screen space layers used for rendering. More...
class | WSGLShaderProgram |
| Represents an OpenGL shader program present on a particular context. More...
class | WSGLShaderProgramCapability |
| Base class for all capabilities that can be added to a shader program. More...
class | WSGLShaderProgramCapabilityId |
| Class used for uniquely identifying a shader program capability. More...
class | WSGLShaderProgramManager |
class | WSGLSparseOctree |
class | WSGLSurfaceRepresentationEffect |
class | WSGLSymbolShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLTexture |
| Encapsulates the state attached to an OpenGL texture. More...
class | WSGLTextureBinder |
class | WSGLTextureCoordShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLTextureProjectionShaderImplementation |
| OpenGL implementation of the WSGLTextureProjectionShader. More...
class | WSGLTransformCapability |
class | WSGLTransformNotInvertibleException |
class | WSGLTransparencyDialog |
class | WSGLTypedShaderProgramCapability |
class | WSGLVertexArrayProperties |
class | WSGLVolumeShaderImplementation |
class | WSGLWidget |
| Widget for interactive rendering of a Scene object using OpenGL. More...
class | WSGLWidgetConnector |
| Widget connector for GLWidget. More...
class | WSGLWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | WSGLWidgetFactory |
| Factory for scene widgets. More...