Workspace 6.21.5
Public Slots | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
WorkflowDiffMainWidget Class Reference

Main widget for the Two-way Comparison Tool.

#include <Tools/WorkflowComparison/Application/Widgets/workflowdiffmainwidget.h>

Inheritance diagram for WorkflowDiffMainWidget:

Public Slots

void compareFiles ()
void displayWorkflows ()
 Load and display the workflows without any processing (called from main as an alternative to triggering a comparison immediately)
void on_actionLaunch_external_diff_tool_triggered ()
void on_actionView_ghost_elements_toggled () override
void onAnchorUpdated (ComparisonRole, QString workspaceId, QString anchorId)
void onAnnotationSuppressionChanged (ComparisonRole desc, QStringList connectionList, bool suppress)
void onCompareFilesTriggered ()
void onConnectionUpdated (ComparisonRole desc, const DataExecution::Connection &connPort)
void onFileSaveWorkflowAAsTriggered ()
void onFileSaveWorkflowATriggered ()
void onFileSaveWorkflowBAsTriggered ()
void onFileSaveWorkflowBTriggered ()
void onInputUpdated (ComparisonRole, const QString &opId, const QString &inputName, int index=-1)
void onNoteUpdated (ComparisonRole, QString workspaceId, QString noteId)
void onOpenFileAInExternalApplication ()
void onOpenFileAWithInExternalApplication ()
void onOpenFileBInExternalApplication ()
void onOpenFileBWithInExternalApplication ()
void onOperationUpdated (ComparisonRole, QString opId)
void onOutputUpdated (ComparisonRole, const QString &opId, const QString &outputName)
void onUpdateWorkflow (ComparisonRole desc, MergeCategory category, const QUuid &guid, int itemId, MergeAction action)
void onUserChangedFileAFileName ()
void onUserChangedFileBFileName ()
void onWorkflowSuccess () override
void saveWorkflow (ComparisonRole desc, const QString &fileName)
- Public Slots inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
virtual SettingsStackDialogcreateSettingsStackDialog ()
 Creates the SettingsStackDialog box.
virtual void on_actionConfigure_application_triggered ()
void on_actionGroup_by_workspace_toggled ()
virtual void on_actionToggleDependencies_toggled ()
virtual void on_actionView_ghost_elements_toggled ()=0
virtual void on_actionWorkspaceIovVisibilityPolicy_triggered ()
virtual void on_actionZoomFitSelection_triggered ()
virtual void onActionIgnoredItemsTriggered ()
virtual void onConnectionSelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const ConnectionData &data, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection details when the user selects a Connection row in a WorkflowDifferencesWidget.
virtual void onConnectionSelectionChangedByTabWidget (const DataExecution::Connection &connection, bool selected)
 Propagates selection information from a WorkspaceScene inside a WorkspaceTabWidget to other linked widgets when a connection is selected within the scene.
virtual void onDisplaySelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const DisplayData &, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 A display widget item was selected or deselected. This ensures that the containing workspace is shown.
virtual void onFileNewTriggered ()
void onFileOpenTriggered ()
void onFileQuitTriggered ()
void onFileSaveAsTriggered ()
void onFileSaveTriggered ()
virtual void onFindTriggered ()
 Shows the find dialog box.
void onHelpAboutTriggered ()
virtual void onNoteSelectionChangedByTabWidget (const QUuid &wspId, const QUuid &noteItemId, bool selected)
 Propagates selection information from a WorkspaceScene inside a WorkspaceTabWidget to other linked widgets when a note is selected within the scene.
virtual void onOperationChildSelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const ChildItemSelectionData &data, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection information from a WorkflowDifferenceWidget to the other WorkflowDifferenceWidget and WorkspaceTabWidgets when an operation row is selected.
virtual void onOperationSelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const QUuid &opId, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection information from a WorkflowDifferenceWidget to the other WorkflowDifferenceWidget and WorkspaceTabWidgets when an operation row is selected.
virtual void onOperationSelectionChangedByTabWidget (const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected)
 Propagates selection information from a WorkspaceScene inside a WorkspaceTabWidget to other linked widgets when an operation is selected within the scene.
virtual void onViewSynchronisationToggled (bool)
virtual void onWorkflowSuccess ()=0
virtual void onWorkspaceAnchorSelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const ConnectionAnchorData &, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 A connection anchor was selected or deselected. This ensures that the containing workspace is shown.
virtual void onWorkspaceNoteSelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const NoteData &data, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection details when the user selects a Connection row in a WorkflowDifferencesWidget.
virtual void onWorkspaceSelectionChangedByDiffWidget (const WorkspaceData &data, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection information from a WorkflowDifferenceWidget to the other WorkflowDifferenceWidget and WorkspaceTabWidgets when an Workspace row is selected (these are rows with a Nested Workspace icon and slection will cause the Nested Workspace to be opened up)

Public Member Functions

 WorkflowDiffMainWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ~WorkflowDiffMainWidget () override
QString getFileA ()
QString getFileB ()
void initialiseUpdateBarrier ()
void setFileA (const QString &fileA)
void setFileB (const QString &fileB)
void setFileLabels (const QString &fileALabel, const QString &fileBLabel)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
 MultipleWorkflowApp (const QString &appName, const QString &title, const QStringList &fileNameFilter, const QString &projectSuffix, const QString &serializedTreeName, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
 ~MultipleWorkflowApp () override
void blockWidgetSignals (bool block)
 Temporarily stops selection signals from being bounced from one widget to other linked widgets, so that selection updates can be mirrored without triggering recursion.
void endSignalBlock ()
void setLogReportLevel (ReportingLevel level)
void startSignalBlock ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BasicTextLogger
 BasicTextLogger ()
virtual ~BasicTextLogger ()
void logLine (const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory &category, const QString &msg) const
void logLine (const QString &msg) const
void logText (const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory &category, const QString &msg) const
void logText (const QString &msg) const

Protected Member Functions

void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event) override
bool loadProject () override
void makeUpdateConnections ()
bool promptToSaveWorkflows ()
void saveProject () override
void setApplicationColours ()
bool updateFileName (const QString &fileName, ComparisonRole desc)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
void clearTabWidgetConnections ()
void clearWorkflowDifferenceWidgets ()
void connectAndInitialiseApplicationActions (QAction *action_About, QAction *action_Quit)
 Makes connections between application-related gui elements and their handling slots. If a relevant gui element does not exist in the subclass application, set it to nullptr and it will be ignored.
void connectAndInitialiseProjectActions (QAction *actionNew, QAction *actionOpen, QAction *action_Save, QAction *actionSave_As, QAction *actionRecent)
 Makes connections between project-related gui elements and their handling slots. If a relevant gui element does not exist in the subclass application, set it to nullptr and it will be ignored.
void connectAndInitialiseUtilityActions (QAction *actionIgnoredItems, QAction *actionFind, QComboBox *reportingLevelComboBox)
 Makes connections between some utility gui elements and their handling slots. If a relevant gui element does not exist in the subclass application, set it to nullptr and it will be ignored.
void connectAndInitialiseViewActions (QAction *actionView_ghost_elements, QAction *actionSynchronise_views, QAction *iovVisibilityPolicy, QAction *actionToggleDependencies, QAction *actionToggle_canvas_tooltips, QAction *actionToggleGroupByWorkspace)
 Makes connections between WorkspaceTabWidget display-related gui elements and their handling slots. If a relevant gui element does not exist in the subclass application, set it to nullptr and it will be ignored.
bool connectFindDialog (Presentation::FindDialog &dialog)
 Makes connections between the app find dialog and the app WorkflowDifferenceWidgets.
bool connectViewportInteractions (Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *widgetA, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *widgetB)
void createProgressMonitor (const QString &labelText, int maximum)
bool disconnectViewportInteractions (Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *widgetA, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *widgetB)
bool findXmlToolArguments (QString &commandStr, QStringList &argumentList, QString &errMsg)
 Returns stored settings for running an external tool to compare two files.
QStringList getAllGlobalNamesFromWidget (QObject *w) const
QList< TabPairgetConnectedTabPairs ()
 Returns a list of all the pairs of WorkspaceTabWidgets that are currently synchronised.
QPair< bool, bool > getTabMatch (TabPair b)
 Queries the local synchronisation map to see if this pair of WorkspaceTabWidgets is currently synchronised.
QList< TabPairgetUnconnectedTabPairs ()
 Returns a list of all the pairs of WorkspaceTabWidgets that are currently unsynchronised.
void getWorkflowDifferencesContext (WorkflowDifferencesWidget *widget, QMap< QString, QPair< QString, QString > > &labelMap, QMap< QString, QString > &pathMap) const
void hideDocksByDefault (QList< QDockWidget * > &dockWidgetList)
void hideProgressMonitor ()
void launchExternalDiffTool (const QString &filenameA, const QString &filenameB)
 Launches an external differencing tool with two files as arguments.
QColor loadColour (const QString &name, const QString &defaultValue=defaultColourStr)
 loads a colour stored as hex in settings, if not currently in settings will use the defaultSetting and save that to settings
bool loadGlobalNamesFromItem (CSIRO::DataExecution::SerializedItem &workflowGlobalNamesElement)
virtual bool loadProject ()
 loads the project
bool loadRecentProject (const QString &path)
void loadWindowState ()
void logMap ()
 Logs a list of the synchronisation state of each pair of WorkspaceTabWidgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const ChildItemSelectionData &opId, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the selected operation in a WorkspaceTabWidget when a child item of the operation has been changed by one of other connected WorkflowDifferenceWidgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const ConnectionAnchorData &opId, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the selected connection anchor in a WorkspaceTabWidget when the current selection has been changed by one of other connected application widgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const ConnectionData &connection, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the selected connection in a WorkspaceTabWidget when the current selection has been changed by one of other connected application widgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const DisplayData &id, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the selected operation in a WorkspaceTabWidget when a displayy widget has been changed by one of other connected WorkflowDifferenceWidgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const NoteData &opId, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the selected Note in a WorkspaceTabWidget when the current selection has been changed by one of other connected application widgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const QUuid &opId, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the selected operation in a WorkspaceTabWidget when the current selection has been changed by one of other connected application widgets.
QPair< bool, QString > notifyTabWidgetOfSelectionChange (const WorkspaceData &id, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget, bool selected)
 Changes the current Workspace in a WorkspaceTabWidget when the current Workspace has been changed by one of other connected application widgets.
void openWorkflowInExternalApplication (const QString &filename)
QProgressDialog & progressMonitor ()
QPair< bool, int > registerDifferenceWidget (Tools::WorkflowDifferencesWidget *widget, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *tab1, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *tab2, const QString &arrayName)
 Sets up SIGNAL/SLOT connections between a WorkflowDifferenceWidget and a pair of linked WorkspaceTabWidgets so that an element selected in one is propagated to the others where possible. The WorkspaceTabWidgets shold be displaying two Workflows that are being compared and the WorkflowDifferenceWidget the differences between them in a tree)
int registerTabWidgetList (QList< Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget * > list, QAction *toggleDimOperations)
 Sets the list of WorkspaceTabWidgets in the Application. This should only be called once when the application is being constructed.
void resetUndoStack ()
void resetWindowState ()
void restoreSelection ()
 restores the current graphics selection if stored
virtual void saveProject ()
void saveSettings ()
void saveWindowState ()
template<typename T >
void selectionChangedByDiffWidget (T elementData, bool selected, WorkflowDifferencesWidget &sendingWidget, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection details when the user changes the selected row in a WorkflowDifferencesWidget.
template<typename T >
void selectionChangedByExternalWidget (T elementData, bool selected, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection details when the user changes the selected row in a WorkflowDifferencesWidget.
template<typename T >
void selectionChangedByTabWidget (T elementData, bool selected, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &sendingWidget, bool notifyDiffWidgets=true, bool notifyTabWidgets=true)
 Propagates selection details when the user changes the selected item in a WorkspaceTabWidget.
void selectMissingOperationStandins (const QString &opId, bool selected, const QSet< QString > &pathSet, QList< Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget * > tabWidgets)
 Attempts to select an appropriate ancestral Workspace inside WorkspaceTabWidgets for an operation where the operation itself may not actually exist. It looks for appropriate ancestral parent Workspaces from id paths gathered from controllers where the operations was found.
virtual void setDefaultIgnoreLists ()
 Sets up the default list of items to be ignored when comparing operations.
void setProjectName (const QString &projectName)
void setTabWorkspaceConnected (TabPair b, bool value)
 Updates the local map that keeps track of which WorkspaceTabWidgets are currently synchronised.
void setupColours (Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &frame, QLabel &label, int borderWidth, QColor colour) const
void setupLogDock (QMenu *menuDocks, QDockWidget *dockLog)
void setupUndoActions (QMenu *menuEdit)
bool setWorkflowEditorApplication ()
void stopOpRunner ()
void storeCurrentSelection ()
 stores (in memory) the current graphics selection in the (first registered) WorkspaceTabWidget
template<typename T >
void synchroniseTabSelection (T elementData, bool selected, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *sendingWidget=nullptr)
 Propagates selection details when the selected item should be updated WorkspaceTabWidget due to user changing the selection in a different widget.
void synchroniseViewportInteractions (QList< TabPair > connectList, QList< TabPair > disconnectList)
QMap< TabPair, int > tabPairMap () const
void updateDifferenceListSettings ()
void updateIovVisibilityPolicy ()
bool updateProgressAndCheckForCancellation (int value, const QString &labelText)
 Updates the QProgressWidget.
void updateWorkflowDifferencesContext (const QList< WorkflowDifferencesWidget * > &widgets=QList< WorkflowDifferencesWidget * >())
const QList< WorkflowDifferencesWidget * > workflowDifferencesWidgets ()
const QList< Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget * > workspaceTabWidgets ()

Protected Attributes

int comparisonComplete_
QString currentFileAName_
QString currentFileBName_
std::unique_ptr< DiffGraphicsEffectFactoryeffectFactoryA_
std::unique_ptr< DiffGraphicsEffectFactoryeffectFactoryB_
std::unique_ptr< WriteableFileMenufileChangeFlagA_
std::unique_ptr< WriteableFileMenufileChangeFlagB_
std::unique_ptr< Ui::WorkflowDiffMainWidget > ui_
std::unique_ptr< WorkflowUpdaterworkflowUpdater_
CSIRO::Presentation::WorkspaceController wsControllerA_
CSIRO::Presentation::WorkspaceController wsControllerB_
- Protected Attributes inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
QAction * actionGroupByWorkspace_ {}
QAction * actionView_ghost_elements_ {}
QString appName_
QStringList fileNameFilter_
std::unique_ptr< Presentation::FindDialogfindDialog_
CSIRO::DataExecution::OperationRunner::unique_ptr opRunner_
std::unique_ptr< QProgressDialog > progressDialog_
int progressMarker_ {-1}
QString projectDirectory_
bool projectModified_
QString projectName_
QString projectSuffix_
QSettings qSettings_
Presentation::RecentFilesModel recentFilesModel_
QScopedPointer< Presentation::RecentFilesMenuViewrecentFilesView_
QAction * redoAction_ {}
QComboBox * reportingLevelComboBox_ {}
QString savedSelectedOp_
QString serializedTreeName_
QMap< TabPair, int > tabPairMap_
QMap< int, bool > tabSynchronisationMap_
QString title_
QAction * undoAction_ {}
std::unique_ptr< DataExecution::UpdatablesObserverBaseupdatablesMonitor_
bool viewsSynchronised_
QAction * workspaceIovVisibilityPolicyAction_ {}

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
void dimOperationsChanged ()
- Protected Types inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
typedef QPair< Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget *, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget * > TabPair
- Protected Slots inherited from MultipleWorkflowApp
virtual void onColoursChanged (const QSet< QString > &colours)
void onCurrentWorkspaceTabChanged (CSIRO::DataExecution::Workspace *workspace)
 Handler for when the displayed workspace has changed within a WorkspaceTabWidget, this notifies any synchronosed WorkspaceTabWidgets so that they can change too.
void onOpRunnerErrorReported ()
virtual void onSettingsChanged ()
void restartRunner ()
void setProjectModified (bool val=true)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WorkflowDiffMainWidget()

WorkflowDiffMainWidget ( QWidget *  parent = nullptr)

◆ ~WorkflowDiffMainWidget()

~WorkflowDiffMainWidget ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ closeEvent()

void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  event)

◆ compareFiles

void compareFiles ( )

Triggers the comparison of the two selected files.

◆ displayWorkflows

void displayWorkflows ( )

◆ getFileA()

QString getFileA ( )
Returns the filename of the file specified by the FileA widget on the UI.

◆ getFileB()

QString getFileB ( )
Returns the filename of the file specified by the FileB widget on the UI.

◆ initialiseUpdateBarrier()

void initialiseUpdateBarrier ( )

◆ loadProject()

bool loadProject ( )

Load a project from file.

Reimplemented from MultipleWorkflowApp.

◆ makeUpdateConnections()

void makeUpdateConnections ( )

◆ on_actionLaunch_external_diff_tool_triggered

void on_actionLaunch_external_diff_tool_triggered ( )

◆ on_actionView_ghost_elements_toggled

void on_actionView_ghost_elements_toggled ( )

◆ onAnchorUpdated

void onAnchorUpdated ( ComparisonRole  desc,
QString  workspaceId,
QString  anchorId 

◆ onAnnotationSuppressionChanged

void onAnnotationSuppressionChanged ( ComparisonRole  desc,
QStringList  connectionList,
bool  suppress 

◆ onCompareFilesTriggered

void onCompareFilesTriggered ( )

Invoked in response to a request to compare files.

◆ onConnectionUpdated

void onConnectionUpdated ( ComparisonRole  desc,
const DataExecution::Connection connPort 

◆ onFileSaveWorkflowAAsTriggered

void onFileSaveWorkflowAAsTriggered ( )

◆ onFileSaveWorkflowATriggered

void onFileSaveWorkflowATriggered ( )

◆ onFileSaveWorkflowBAsTriggered

void onFileSaveWorkflowBAsTriggered ( )

◆ onFileSaveWorkflowBTriggered

void onFileSaveWorkflowBTriggered ( )

◆ onInputUpdated

void onInputUpdated ( ComparisonRole  desc,
const QString &  opId,
const QString &  inputName,
int  index = -1 

◆ onNoteUpdated

void onNoteUpdated ( ComparisonRole  desc,
QString  workspaceId,
QString  noteId 

◆ onOpenFileAInExternalApplication

void onOpenFileAInExternalApplication ( )

◆ onOpenFileAWithInExternalApplication

void onOpenFileAWithInExternalApplication ( )

◆ onOpenFileBInExternalApplication

void onOpenFileBInExternalApplication ( )

◆ onOpenFileBWithInExternalApplication

void onOpenFileBWithInExternalApplication ( )

◆ onOperationUpdated

void onOperationUpdated ( ComparisonRole  desc,
QString  opId 

◆ onOutputUpdated

void onOutputUpdated ( ComparisonRole  desc,
const QString &  opId,
const QString &  outputName 

◆ onUpdateWorkflow

void onUpdateWorkflow ( ComparisonRole  desc,
MergeCategory  category,
const QUuid &  guid,
int  itemId,
MergeAction  action 


◆ onUserChangedFileAFileName

void onUserChangedFileAFileName ( )

◆ onUserChangedFileBFileName

void onUserChangedFileBFileName ( )

◆ onWorkflowSuccess

void onWorkflowSuccess ( )

Triggered when the diff workflow executes successfully. We need to two three things here:

Update the graphics effect factories attached to our two WorkspaceTabWidgets so that they contain

the most up-to-date list of differences.

Create two new Workspace objects to visualise in our WorkspaceTabWidgets.

Process the differences array, creating any "ghost" operations, inputs, outputs or connections that

are necessary to display "deleted" items in the workflows.

◆ promptToSaveWorkflows()

bool promptToSaveWorkflows ( )

◆ saveProject()

void saveProject ( )

Reimplemented from MultipleWorkflowApp.

◆ saveWorkflow

void saveWorkflow ( ComparisonRole  desc,
const QString &  fileName 

◆ setApplicationColours()

void setApplicationColours ( )

◆ setFileA()

void setFileA ( const QString &  fileA)
fileASets the filename of FileA for the purposes of comparison.

◆ setFileB()

void setFileB ( const QString &  fileB)
fileBSets the filename of FileB for the purposes of comparison.

◆ setFileLabels()

void setFileLabels ( const QString &  fileALabel,
const QString &  fileBLabel 
fileALabelLabel to display for File A
fileBLabelLabel to display for File B

Sets the labels that will be displayed for FileA and FileB in the UI.

◆ updateFileName()

bool updateFileName ( const QString &  fileName,
ComparisonRole  desc 

Member Data Documentation

◆ comparisonComplete_

int comparisonComplete_

◆ currentFileAName_

QString currentFileAName_

◆ currentFileBName_

QString currentFileBName_

◆ docWorkflowA_

DataExecution::Workspace* docWorkflowA_

◆ docWorkflowB_

DataExecution::Workspace* docWorkflowB_

◆ effectFactoryA_

std::unique_ptr<DiffGraphicsEffectFactory> effectFactoryA_

◆ effectFactoryB_

std::unique_ptr<DiffGraphicsEffectFactory> effectFactoryB_

◆ fileChangeFlagA_

std::unique_ptr<WriteableFileMenu> fileChangeFlagA_

◆ fileChangeFlagB_

std::unique_ptr<WriteableFileMenu> fileChangeFlagB_

◆ ui_

std::unique_ptr<Ui::WorkflowDiffMainWidget> ui_

◆ workflowUpdater_

std::unique_ptr<WorkflowUpdater> workflowUpdater_

◆ wsControllerA_

CSIRO::Presentation::WorkspaceController wsControllerA_

◆ wsControllerB_

CSIRO::Presentation::WorkspaceController wsControllerB_