Workspace 6.21.5
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QtAbstractPropertyManager Class Referenceabstract

The QtAbstractPropertyManager provides an interface for property managers. More...

#include <Workspace/Widgets/PropertyBrowser/qtpropertybrowser.h>

Inheritance diagram for QtAbstractPropertyManager:


void propertyChanged (QtProperty *property)
void propertyDestroyed (QtProperty *property)
void propertyInserted (QtProperty *property, QtProperty *parent, QtProperty *after)
void propertyRemoved (QtProperty *property, QtProperty *parent)

Public Member Functions

 QtAbstractPropertyManager (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~QtAbstractPropertyManager ()
QtPropertyaddProperty (const QString &name=QString())
void clear () const
bool getModifiedOnValueChanged () const
QSet< QtProperty * > properties () const
void setModifiedOnValueChanged (bool modified)

Protected Member Functions

virtual QtPropertycreateProperty ()
virtual QString displayText (const QtProperty *property) const
virtual EchoMode echoMode (const QtProperty *) const
virtual bool hasValue (const QtProperty *property) const
virtual void initializeProperty (QtProperty *property)=0
virtual void uninitializeProperty (QtProperty *property)
virtual QIcon valueIcon (const QtProperty *property) const
virtual QString valueText (const QtProperty *property) const

Detailed Description

A manager can create and manage properties of a given type, and is used in conjunction with the QtAbstractPropertyBrowser class.

When using a property browser widget, the properties are created and managed by implementations of the QtAbstractPropertyManager class. To ensure that the properties' values will be displayed using suitable editing widgets, the managers are associated with objects of QtAbstractEditorFactory subclasses. The property browser will use these associations to determine which factories it should use to create the preferred editing widgets.

The QtAbstractPropertyManager class provides common functionality like creating a property using the addProperty() function, and retrieving the properties created by the manager using the properties() function. The class also provides signals that are emitted when the manager's properties change: propertyInserted(), propertyRemoved(), propertyChanged() and propertyDestroyed().

QtAbstractPropertyManager subclasses are supposed to provide their own type specific API. Note that several ready-made implementations are available:

See also
QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase, QtAbstractPropertyBrowser, QtProperty

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QtAbstractPropertyManager()

QtAbstractPropertyManager ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

Creates an abstract property manager with the given parent.

◆ ~QtAbstractPropertyManager()

Destroys the manager. All properties created by the manager are destroyed.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addProperty()

QtProperty * addProperty ( const QString &  name = QString())

Creates a property with the given name which then is owned by this manager.

Internally, this function calls the createProperty() and initializeProperty() functions.

See also
initializeProperty(), properties()

◆ clear()

void clear ( ) const

Destroys all the properties that this manager has created.

See also
propertyDestroyed(), uninitializeProperty()

◆ createProperty()

QtProperty * createProperty ( )

Creates a property.

The base implementation produce QtProperty instances; Reimplement this function to make this manager produce objects of a QtProperty subclass.

See also
addProperty(), initializeProperty()

Reimplemented in QtVariantPropertyManager.

◆ displayText()

QString displayText ( const QtProperty property) const

Returns a string representing the current state of the given property.

The default implementation of this function returns an empty string.

See also

Reimplemented in QtStringPropertyManager.

◆ echoMode()

EchoMode echoMode ( const QtProperty property) const

Returns the echo mode representing the current state of the given property.

The default implementation of this function returns QLineEdit::Normal.

See also

Reimplemented in QtStringPropertyManager.

◆ getModifiedOnValueChanged()

bool getModifiedOnValueChanged ( ) const
Flag to indicate when properties are automatically marked as modified after it's value has changed.

◆ hasValue()

bool hasValue ( const QtProperty property) const

Returns whether the given property has a value.

The default implementation of this function returns true.

See also

Reimplemented in QtGroupPropertyManager, and QtVariantPropertyManager.

◆ initializeProperty()

void initializeProperty ( QtProperty property)
protectedpure virtual

This function is called whenever a new valid property pointer has been created, passing the pointer as parameter.

The purpose is to let the manager know that the property has been created so that it can provide additional attributes for the new property, e.g. QtIntPropertyManager adds {QtIntPropertyManager::value()}{value}, {QtIntPropertyManager::minimum()}{minimum} and {QtIntPropertyManager::maximum()}{maximum} attributes. Since each manager subclass adds type specific attributes, this function is pure virtual and must be reimplemented when deriving from the QtAbstractPropertyManager class.

See also
addProperty(), createProperty()

Implemented in QtGroupPropertyManager, QtIntPropertyManager, QtBoolPropertyManager, QtDoublePropertyManager, QtStringPropertyManager, QtDatePropertyManager, QtTimePropertyManager, QtDateTimePropertyManager, QtKeySequencePropertyManager, QtCharPropertyManager, QtLocalePropertyManager, QtPointPropertyManager, QtPointFPropertyManager, QtSizePropertyManager, QtSizeFPropertyManager, QtRectPropertyManager, QtRectFPropertyManager, QtMarginsPropertyManager, QtMarginsFPropertyManager, QtEnumPropertyManager, QtFlagPropertyManager, QtSizePolicyPropertyManager, QtFontPropertyManager, QtColorPropertyManager, QtCursorPropertyManager, and QtVariantPropertyManager.

◆ properties()

QSet< QtProperty * > properties ( ) const

Returns the set of properties created by this manager.

See also

◆ propertyChanged

void propertyChanged ( QtProperty property)

This signal is emitted whenever a property's data changes, passing a pointer to the property as parameter.

Note that signal is only emitted for properties that are created by this manager.

See also

◆ propertyDestroyed

void propertyDestroyed ( QtProperty property)

This signal is emitted when the specified property is about to be destroyed.

Note that signal is only emitted for properties that are created by this manager.

See also
clear(), uninitializeProperty()

◆ propertyInserted

void propertyInserted ( QtProperty newProperty,
QtProperty parentProperty,
QtProperty precedingProperty 

This signal is emitted when a new subproperty is inserted into an existing property, passing pointers to the newProperty, parentProperty and precedingProperty as parameters.

If precedingProperty is 0, the newProperty was inserted at the beginning of the parentProperty's subproperties list.

Note that signal is emitted only if the parentProperty is created by this manager.

See also

◆ propertyRemoved

void propertyRemoved ( QtProperty property,
QtProperty parent 

This signal is emitted when a subproperty is removed, passing pointers to the removed property and the parent property as parameters.

Note that signal is emitted only when the parent property is created by this manager.

See also

◆ setModifiedOnValueChanged()

void setModifiedOnValueChanged ( bool  modified)

modified When set to true to automatically mark the property as modified after it has changed.

◆ uninitializeProperty()

void uninitializeProperty ( QtProperty property)

◆ valueIcon()

QIcon valueIcon ( const QtProperty property) const

Returns an icon representing the current state of the given property.

The default implementation of this function returns an invalid icon.

See also

Reimplemented in QtBoolPropertyManager, QtEnumPropertyManager, QtFontPropertyManager, QtColorPropertyManager, QtCursorPropertyManager, and QtVariantPropertyManager.

◆ valueText()

QString valueText ( const QtProperty property) const