class | AbortedUpdateEvent |
| Event issued when an Updater aborts processing its update set. More...
class | AbortedWorkspaceUpdateMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has aborted updating. More...
class | AbortReason |
| class to give execution abort a reason. More...
class | AbstractCache |
class | AbstractRemoteScheduler |
class | AbstractRemoteServer |
class | AbstractScheduler |
class | AdaptedConnection |
class | AddConnectionEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace whenever a connection is added to it. More...
class | AddOperationEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace whenever an operation is added to it. More...
class | AllObservableEvents |
| Special event type for observers to use when they want all events, not just a specific event type. More...
class | AnchorData |
class | Assertion |
| Halts execution if its input is false. More...
struct | AssignDataType |
| Traits class defining whether a class T supports assignment. More...
struct | AssignDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dNullTyped< QRgb > > |
struct | AssignDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped< QRgb > > |
struct | AssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::Array3dNullVector > |
struct | AssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::Array3dVector > |
struct | AssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface > |
struct | AssignDataType< CSIRO::Provenance::ProvenanceReporter::Reporter > |
struct | AssignDataType< DataAnalysis::ArrayNd > |
struct | AssignDataType< DataAnalysis::DataSeriesMapper > |
struct | AssignDataType< DataAnalysis::ImageTileSet > |
struct | AssignDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlBoundObjectGroup > |
struct | AssignDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlResultSet > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterion > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterionAllPass > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterionInRegion > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::ElementMapper > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterion > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterionAllPass > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterionInRegion > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::NodeIdCriterion > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::NodeMapper > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::Region > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mesh::VectorNodeMapper > |
struct | AssignDataType< Mqtt::MqttClient > |
struct | AssignDataType< ObjectGroup > |
struct | AssignDataType< Python::PythonNumpyInterface > |
struct | AssignDataType< Rendering::Glypher > |
struct | AssignDataType< Rendering::Light > |
struct | AssignDataType< Rendering::Scene > |
struct | AssignDataType< Rendering::SceneItem > |
struct | AssignDataType< Rendering::Texturizer > |
struct | AssignDataType< Rendering::Transform > |
class | AssignInputData |
class | AssignInputData< const char *const, V, typename std::enable_if< DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > |
class | AssignInputData< const char *const, V, typename std::enable_if<!DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > |
class | AssignmentAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting between two types using assignment operator. More...
class | AssignmentAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting between two types using assignment operator. More...
struct | AssignmentAdaptorImpl |
| Default assignment implementation used by AssignmentAdaptor. More...
struct | AssignmentAdaptorImpl< double, int > |
| Specialization for assigning a double to an integer. More...
struct | AssignNamedOperationInputsImpl |
struct | AssignNamedOperationInputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 0 > |
struct | AssignNamedOperationInputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 2 > |
class | CacheData |
| Cache values for associated keys. More...
class | CaptureLogToFile |
| Writes the Workspace log to a file for the lifetime of the operation (after first execute). More...
class | CausedExecutionErrorEvent |
| Event issued on something to indicate it was the cause of an execution error. More...
class | ChangeConnectionEnabledEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace whenever a connections enabled status is changed. More...
class | ChangePriorityInQueueWorkspaceMessage |
| Message reply with a list of Workspace in queue. More...
class | ClearWorkspaceHistoryMessage |
| Message Request for cleaning up history. More...
class | ClientHeartbeatMessage |
| Heartbeat between client and server to check server available. Client will constantly send this and server should reply as soon as possible. More...
struct | CloneDataType |
| Traits class defining whether a class T supports cloning. More...
struct | CloneDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlResultSet > |
struct | CloneDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource > |
struct | CloneDataType< Rendering::Scene > |
struct | CloneDataType< Rendering::SceneItem > |
struct | CloneDataType< Rendering::Transform > |
class | ComesFromExternalEvent |
| Event emitted when an updatable object potentially changes whether it comes from an external reference. More...
class | Compare |
| Polymorphic operation for comparing between two different integral types. More...
struct | CompareDataType |
| Traits class defining whether a class T supports comparison. More...
struct | CompareDataType< Dependency > |
struct | CompareDataType< EmptyGroup > |
struct | CompareDataType< ObjectGroup > |
struct | CompareDataTypeImpl |
struct | CompareDataTypeImpl< T, false > |
class | ComposeGroup |
| Composes an ObjectGroup from its components. More...
class | ConcatenateStrings |
| Concatenate input strings. More...
class | ConditionalLoop |
| An operation that iterates over its contents repeatedly while a condition is satisfied. More...
class | ConfigureFile |
| Performs a copy and replace of an input file to a destination file replacing user specified symbols with user specified values. More...
class | ConfigureNewlines |
| Performs a copy and replace of an input file to a destination file replacing newlines with platform specific newlines. More...
class | Connection |
| Represents a connection of an output to an input. More...
class | ConnectionEvent |
| Base class for Connection-related events. More...
class | ConnectionReference |
| A class which stores a reference to a connection in a way that is agnostic to the connection instance that is supplied (referenced connection's memory location). More...
class | ConnectionWrapper |
| Convenience wrapper around a Connection. More...
class | ConvertFromByteArray |
| Save data to file. More...
class | ConvertQStringListToStringSelection |
| Converts a QStringList into a StringSelection with control over what is selected. More...
class | ConvertToByteArray |
| Save data to file. More...
class | CountedLoop |
| An operation that allows the user to create a loop with a built in counter. More...
class | CreateObjectDictionary |
| Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart. More...
class | CreateObjectDictionaryPropertiesWidget |
class | CreateTemporaryFileName |
| Uses QTemporaryFile to provide a filename that can be written to. More...
class | CustomInputsOutputsOperation |
| Base class for operations where user can add and remove inputs and outputs. More...
class | DataAccumulatingOperation |
| An operation that iterates over its contents repeatedly. More...
class | DataFactory |
| Base class for all data type factories. More...
class | DataFactoryTraits |
| Traits class for data objects of type T. More...
class | DataObject |
| Base class for all data objects. More...
class | DataTable |
| This class defines the DataTable data type. A DataTable is a table that contains a set of columns and a collection of data records (i.e. rows). More...
class | DataTableColumn |
| This class defines a column in the DataTable. A column is like a field in a database. More...
class | DateTimeToStringAdaptor |
| Adapts a QDateTime object to a QString object. More...
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType |
| Traits class defining whether a class T is or isn't a Workspace data type. This will have Is set to 0 unless a DECLARE_WORKSPACE_DATA_TYPE macro has been used to declare the type as a Workspace-compatible type. More...
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< bool > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< char > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter::Operator > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::NamedDimensionRangeFilter > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::NullNamedDimensionRangeFilter > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::DirIteratorFlags > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::FileFilter > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::FileSortFlags > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< CSIRO::DataExecution::StringSelection > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< double > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< float > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< int > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< long > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< long double > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QByteArray > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QDate > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QDateTime > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QJsonDocument > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QPointF > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QQuaternion > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QStringList > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QTime > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QVariant > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< QVector< int > > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< signed char > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< uchar > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< uint > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< ulong > |
struct | DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< ushort > |
class | DecomposeGroup |
| Decomposes an ObjectGroup into its immediate child components. More...
class | DecomposeObjectDictionary |
| Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart. More...
class | DecomposeObjectDictionaryPropertiesWidget |
class | DeepConvertQVariant |
| Deep converts QVariantMap/List to ObjectDictionary/Array unlike automatic adaptor which only converts top level. More...
class | DefaultOutputStream |
| A default output stream which writes log messages to the std::ostream supplied to it. More...
class | DefaultOutputStreamBase |
class | DelayScheduledWorkspaceMessage |
| Message created when a workspace is delayed. More...
class | DeleteFromDirectory |
| Deletes file and/or directories matching a given regular expression. More...
class | DeletingIOBaseEvent |
| Event class raised when an input/output is being deleted. More...
class | Dependency |
| Empty class used to represent dependencies in inputs and outputs. More...
class | DependencyDateTimeAdaptor |
| Adapts a Dependency object to a QDateTime object. More...
class | DerivedToBaseAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting a derived class to a base class. More...
class | DerivedToBaseAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting a derived class to a base class. More...
class | DirectConnection |
class | DirIteratorFlags |
| An object group containing directory iterator options. More...
class | DiskCache |
class | DiskCacheTraits |
class | DistributedLogPackage |
class | DistributedLogSink |
class | DoubleToString |
| Converts a double into a string. More...
class | DoubleToStringAdaptor |
class | EmptyGroup |
| An empty object group. More...
class | EnumToIntAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting a derived class to a base class. More...
class | EnumToIntAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting an enum to an int . More...
class | EventID |
| Subclassed and instantiated exactly once for each event type. More...
class | EventIDSingleton |
class | ExecutionDebugger |
class | ExecutionEvent |
| Base class for events issued by an Updater. More...
class | ExecutionPauser |
| Pauses an executing workflow for the life of this object. More...
class | ExecutionTimekeeper |
| This class is a singleton and receives all notifications about operations' execution. It then sends a signal notifying the event. Any component wishing to make use of the operations' execution events should connect to this singleton and watch for the signal. More...
class | Exists |
| Operation to find out if a file, directory, etc. exists. More...
struct | ExtractNamedOperationOutputsImpl |
struct | ExtractNamedOperationOutputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 0 > |
struct | ExtractNamedOperationOutputsImpl< Tuple, Offset, 2 > |
class | ExtractOutputData |
class | ExtractOutputData< const char *, V, typename std::enable_if< DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > |
class | ExtractOutputData< const char *, V, typename std::enable_if<!DeclaredAsWorkspaceDataType< V >::Is >::type > |
class | ExtrasUpdatedEvent |
| Event issued by workspace elements after they reload their "extras" data. More...
class | FailedToScheduleWorkspaceMessage |
| Message created when a workspace has failed to be scheduled by a remote scheduler. More...
class | FileFilter |
| An object group containing file filter options. More...
class | FileInfo |
| Get information about a file or path - See QFileInfo. More...
class | FileIterator |
| An operation that allows the user to iterate over a series of files in a directory. More...
class | FileLoop |
| A type of loop operation that iterates over the contents of a directory. More...
class | FilePathBuilder |
| Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart. More...
class | FilePathBuilderPropertiesWidget |
class | FileSeriesFormat |
| Deconstruct the format of the path of a file in a file series. More...
class | FileSortFlags |
| An object group containing file sorting options. More...
class | FileWatcher |
| This operation watches for any modifications of a file whose name is given in input. If the file is created, deleted or edited, the operation will set itself and its output to not up-to-date. This is supposed to trigger its re-execution and that of the downstream operations. If the file name in input is a directory then this operation will watch for any modifications made to that directory, including its creation, deletion and the creation and deletion of files or subdirectories in that directory. Note however that editing an existing file in the directory is not considered a modification of the directory itself, hence no trigger in this case. More...
class | FilterObjectDictionary |
| Demo operation. More...
class | FinishedExecutionEvent |
| Event issued when an Updater stops running. More...
class | FinishedUpdateEvent |
| Event issued when an Updater finishes processing its update set. More...
class | FinishedWorkspaceExecutionMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has finished execution. More...
class | FinishedWorkspaceUpdateMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has finished updating. More...
class | ForLoop |
| An operation that iterates over its contents repeatedly. More...
class | FormatString |
| Operation for formatting a string from a set of input variables. More...
class | ForwardNotifications |
| Allows one Observable object to mimic another for a specific event type. More...
class | GeneralObserver |
| Generalized observer used primarily by the templated ObserverSet::add() implementation. More...
class | GeneralObserver< SenderEventType, ReceiverEventType, ReceiverType, ReceiverOrBaseType, ReturnType, ThreadedObserver > |
| Specialization for a threaded GeneralObserver. More...
class | GeneralObserver< SenderEventType, ReceiverEventType, ReceiverType, ReceiverOrBaseType, ReturnType, ThreadSafeObserver > |
| Specialization for a thread-safe GeneralObserver. More...
class | GenerateUuid |
| Generate a UUID string. More...
class | GetCurrentTime |
| Retrieves the current time. More...
class | GetEnvironment |
| Retrieves a specified value from the current environment. More...
class | GetFile |
| Operation to get a file from a possibly remote location. More...
class | GetHostInfo |
| Wrapper for QtHostInfo. More...
class | GetItemFromJson |
| Operation to extract an item (including nested items) from a QJsonDocument. More...
class | GetItemFromObjectDictionary |
| Operation to extract an item (including nested items) from an ObjectDictionary. More...
class | GetListAllWorkspaceMessage |
| Message Request for a list of all Workspace workflows. More...
class | GetListQueueWorkspaceMessage |
| Message Request for a list of Workspace in queue. More...
class | GetWorkflowFileName |
| Returns the name of the current workflow (if there is one) More...
class | GetWorkspaceDetailMessage |
| Message Request for details of a specific Workspace workflow. More...
class | GetWorkspaceLabel |
| Outputs the difference between to QDateTimes with precision to the nearest second. More...
class | GlobalNameChangedEvent |
| Event class raised after an updatable object has its global name changed. More...
class | GlobalNameDuplicatedEvent |
| Event class raised after an updatable object has its global name changed. More...
class | GlobalNameSerializer |
| This class provides serialization of global names for a Workspace-based application. More...
class | HandshakeMessage |
| Handshake between client and server to check server available. Server will use this message to pass a session ID to identify a client. More...
class | HeartbeatMessage |
| Heartbeat between client and server to check client available. Server will constantly send this and client should reply as soon as possible. More...
class | HttpMultiPartBuilder |
| Operation to build an HTTP multi part message body. More...
class | HttpRequest |
| Operation to perform a HTTP request. More...
class | Incrementer |
| A reset-able operation that outputs a value that is incremented each time it executes. More...
class | InitializedVariable |
| A variable that can be populated and then modified. More...
class | Input |
| Base class for operation inputs. More...
class | InputAddedEvent |
| Even raised when an input is added to an Operation. More...
class | InputArray |
| Array input class (multiple outputs can connect to it at a time). More...
class | InputElementAddedEvent |
| Event class for when an element is added to an InputArray. More...
class | InputElementEvent |
| Base class for events related to elements of an InputArray. More...
class | InputElementRemovalEvent |
| Event class for when an element is about to be removed from an InputArray. More...
class | InputRebuiltEvent |
| Event class raised after a scalar input is rebuilt. More...
class | InputRemovalEvent |
| Even raised when an input is about to be removed from an Operation. More...
class | InputScalar |
| Scalar input class (only one output can connect to it at a time). More...
class | InsertIntoObjectDictionary |
| Add a new object to an ObjectDictionary. More...
class | IntToString |
| Converts an int into a string. More...
class | IntToStringAdaptor |
class | InvalidIONameError |
| Exception thrown when trying to access an Operation input or output with a name that doesn't exist. More...
class | IOBase |
| Base class for all inputs and outputs. More...
class | IOBaseDataObjectChangedEvent |
| Event class raised after the data object of an input/output is changed. More...
class | IOBaseRenamedEvent |
| Event class raised after an input/output is renamed. More...
class | IOBaseVisiblityToggledEvent |
| Event for when an IOBase's visibility flag is toggled. More...
class | IteratingOperation |
class | IteratingOperationBase |
| Base class for operations that iterate over a workflow one or more times. More...
class | IteratingWorkspace |
| Class representing an iterating Workspace, parallel or otherwise. More...
class | IteratingWorkspaceBase |
class | JoinStrings |
| Takes a QStringList and outputs a QString with delimiters. More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptor |
| Template adaptor for adapting QJsonDocument from/to an ObjectGroup-derived class. More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptor< From, QJsonDocument > |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting from Json to an ObjectGroup. More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptor< QJsonDocument, To > |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting from Json to an ObjectGroup. More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptorBase |
| Adaptor base class for converting from QJsonDocument to/from an ObjectGroup-derived class. More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting from Json to an ObjectGroup type (or vice-versa) More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory< From, QJsonDocument > |
| Partial template specialisation for the ObjectGroup-derived class -> QJsonDocument case. More...
class | JsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory< QJsonDocument, To > |
| Partial template specialisation for the QJsonDocument -> ObjectGroup-derived class case. More...
class | ListDirectory |
| List the contents of a directory, optionally with filtering. More...
class | LoadDataFromFile |
| Load data from a file. More...
class | LogEvent |
| each LogEvent More...
class | Logical |
class | LogStream |
| Abstracts away the task sending log text to a destination. More...
class | LogStreamFilter |
| Filters out messages that match its categories. More...
class | LogText |
| Operation to log text provided on an input. More...
class | LogToFile |
| LogStream subclass for directing a log stream to file. More...
class | LogToGui |
| LogStream subclass for directing a log stream to GUI application components. More...
class | LogToIpc |
| A LogStream that forward log to Ipc. More...
class | MergeObjectDictionaries |
| Merge an ObjectDictionary into another existing one. More...
class | MiniOperationRackData |
class | ModifyGroup |
| Allows a user to modify select members of a modify group. More...
class | ModifyObjectDictionary |
| Allows a user to modify an existing dictionary by adding or replacing items in it. More...
class | ModifyObjectDictionaryProperties |
class | ModifyObjectDictionaryWidget |
| Widget for editing the contents of a ModifyObjectDictionary. Intended for use as an additional tab to the operation properties dialog. More...
struct | MongoDbRemoteSchedulerDefs |
struct | MongoDbSchedulerDefs |
class | Multiplier |
| Multiplies a set of numbers. More...
class | NoLock |
class | NoteItemData |
class | NullConnection |
class | ObjectArray |
| Generic array class for holding an array of DataObject's. More...
class | ObjectArrayAccessor |
| Operation for accessing a particular item in an ObjectArray. More...
class | ObjectArrayBuilder |
| Builder for creating an ObjectArray from an InputArray. More...
class | ObjectArrayInfo |
| Operation for providing basic information about an ObjectArray. More...
class | ObjectArrayLoop |
| A type of loop operation that iterates over and aggregates the contents of an ObjectArray. More...
class | ObjectDictionary |
| Holds a named set of DataObject instances, previosuly DataAnalysis::DataCollection. More...
class | ObjectDictionaryInfo |
| Operation providing basic information about an object dictionary. More...
class | ObjectDictionaryItemInfo |
| Check if an item exists in an ObjectDictionary and get its details. More...
class | ObjectGroup |
| Class for relating a group of DataObject instances together. More...
class | ObjectGroupQVariant |
class | Observable |
| Base class for all observable classes. More...
class | ObservableEvent |
| Each instance of an ObservableEvent subclass can be used as a unique event designator. More...
class | ObservableEventType |
| All events must be a subclass of this template. More...
class | Observer |
| Base class for all observers. More...
class | ObserverSet |
| Container for holding dynamically allocated observers. More...
struct | OffsetSequence |
struct | OffsetSequence< N, std::index_sequence< Ints... > > |
class | OOPScheduler |
class | OOPSchedulerConfigurationWidget |
| A widget for configuring a oop based scheduler. More...
struct | OopSchedulerDefs |
class | OOPSchedulerProvider |
class | Operation |
| All workspace operations must derive from this class. More...
class | OperationBreakpointSetEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's editable flag is changed. More...
class | OperationColorChangeEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's background color is changed. More...
class | OperationEditableChangeEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's editable flag is changed. More...
class | OperationEvent |
| Base class for Operation-related events. More...
class | OperationFactory |
| Base class for all operation factories. More...
class | OperationFactoryTraits |
| Traits class for operations of type T. More...
class | OperationIconPathChangeEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's icon is changed. More...
class | OperationIdChangeEvent |
class | OperationIdPathChangeEvent |
| Emitted when an operation's ancestry changes by being removed/added (either directly or indirectly) from a workflow. More...
class | OperationIdRegistry |
class | OperationLabelChangeEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's label is changed. More...
class | OperationRunner |
| Runs an operation or workspace. The OperationRunner can be used to run a workspace or operation. To use simply construct the with a path to a workspace file, existing workspace or operation. WARNING: If your client code decides to perform its own wait logic then use the OperationRunner isRunning method and not the isRunning method on your provided Workspace. More...
class | OperationUiPathChangeEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's background color is changed. More...
class | OperationUpdateEvent |
| Event raised when an operation is being brought up to date. More...
class | OperationUpdateEventListMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client that contains a list of operation update events in the remote execution. More...
class | OperationUpdateEventObserver |
| An observer for passively monitoring OperationUpdateEvents on a particular operation. More...
class | Output |
| Class for operation outputs. More...
class | OutputAddedEvent |
| Even raised when an output is added to an Operation. More...
class | OutputRemovalEvent |
| Even raised when an output is about to be removed from an Operation. More...
class | ParallelIteratingOperation |
| Interface for iterating over a workflow in parallel using the Workspace scheduling infrastructure. More...
class | ParallelIteratingOperationBase |
class | ParallelIteratingOperationMethodDispatcher |
| Utility class to ensure that calls from arbitrary iteration threads are forwarded onto the ParallelIterator's thread to enable the calling iteration threads to return immeadiately i.e. not block. More...
class | ParallelIteratingWorkspace |
class | ParallelIterationControlOperation |
class | Pause |
| Pauses for a specified number of milliseconds. More...
class | PauseQueueWorkspaceMessage |
| Message pause Workspace in queue. More...
class | PauseUpdateEvent |
| Event issued during execution whenever it is safe to perform non-connectivity changing actions on a workspace. More...
class | PlaceHolder |
| Place holder used when a workspace is loaded an a particular operation type is unable to be provided. More...
class | PlatformInfo |
| Provides information about the current platform. More...
class | PlaySoundEffect |
| Operation for playing sound effects. More...
class | PluginInfo |
| Provides information about a particular plugin. More...
class | PolymorphicDataOperation |
| Base class for operations using a polymorphic type. More...
class | PolymorphicOperationDataNameChangeEvent |
class | PostFile |
| Operation to HTTP POST a file. More...
class | ProfilingLogPackage |
struct | ProfilingTags |
class | ProgressContributionChangeEvent |
| Event raised when an operation's contribution to its parent workspace's progress is changed. More...
class | ProgressEvent |
| Event for communicating progress of an operation. More...
class | PromptToAddWorkspaceOutput |
| Event issued to prompt user if they would like to create a WorkspaceOutput that matches with the specified Output. More...
class | QtInfo |
| Provides some basic info about the specific version of Qt used for building and running. More...
class | QtScriptEnginePool |
| Provides a means to create just one engine pool per thread. More...
class | QVariantToQVectorDateTimeAdaptor |
| Adapts a QVariant to a QVector<QDateTime> More...
class | QVariantToQVectorDoubleAdaptor |
| Adapts a QVariant to a QVector<double> More...
class | QVariantToQVectorIntAdaptor |
| Adapts a QVariant to a QVector<int> More...
class | ReadBinaryFile |
| Read a file to a QByteArray. More...
class | ReadFileToString |
| Reads a text file and stores it as a string. More...
class | ReadJsonFile |
| Read a JSON file. More...
class | RemoteResource |
class | RemoveConnectionEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace whenever a connection is removed from it. More...
class | RemoveOperationEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace whenever an operation is removed from it. More...
class | ReplaceString |
| Substitutes all instances of one string for another. More...
class | ReplaceStrings |
| Substitutes all instances of one string for another using a dictionary of replacements. More...
class | ResetDependency |
| Resets its dependency output when a workspace is being executed continuously. More...
class | ResolveAbsoluteFilePath |
| Generates an absolute path from a workspace-relative path. More...
class | ResumeQueueWorkspaceMessage |
| Message resume Workspace in queue. More...
class | ResyncExtrasEvent |
| Event issued by workspace elements when they need to be sure their "extras" data is up to date. More...
class | RunOperationsInParallel |
| Run operations in parallel. More...
class | RunQtScript |
| Runs a QtScript program. More...
class | RunQtScriptPropertiesWidget |
class | SaveDataToFile |
| Save data to file. More...
class | SchedulerClient |
class | SchedulerConfigurationDialog |
| The base class for all widgets that provide scheduler specific settings. More...
class | SchedulerConfigurationWidget |
class | SchedulerController |
| Schedules both the local and remote execution of workspaces. The SchedulerController manages the scheduling of workspaces. A workspace can be scheduled to run either locally or remotely. The SchedulerController determines the optimum number of jobs that can be run locally, once exceeded, any additional workspaces are then remoted (subject to the availability of remote workspace-servers and the suitability of the workspace to be scheduled). If a workspace fails to be executed remotely then the workspace is scheduled locally. Irrespective of the location of workspace execution the key workspace events i.e. Start/Stop execution and Start/Stop update are observed. Workspace events that occurr on a remote machine find their way back to the scheduler by way of network messages that are translated and re-emitted locally to provide the appearance of local execution. The SchedulerController also emits significant workspace and scheduler related events that can be observed in case additional notification and/or processing is required in response to these events. More...
class | SchedulerFeature |
class | SchedulerFeatureListDialog |
| The base class for all widgets that provide scheduler specific settings. More...
class | SchedulerFeatureListWidget |
| Provides a widget that supports the adding and removing of features. More...
class | SchedulerFeatures |
| Maintains a collection of scheduler features. More...
class | SchedulerListWidget |
| Provides a view of client-side settings relating to remote execution. More...
class | SchedulerProvider |
| The base class of all authentication providers. More...
class | SchedulerProviderManager |
| Maintains a list of scheduler providers. More...
class | SchedulerRequest |
| Handles the scheduling and lifetime management of a scheduler request. The scheduling of a request can involve either running the request locally or distributing the execution of the request to other remotely hosted schedulers. An instance of this class is created by the scheduler to handle the scheduling of a single request, to observe and process its events (received either locally or via network messages) and to collect and store data related to executing request as it works its way through the system. More...
class | SchedulerRequests |
class | Schedulers |
| Maintains a collection of remote schedulers. More...
class | SchedulerSettings |
| Provides access to client side authentication settings. More...
class | SchedulerTcpMessage |
| The base class of tcp messages sent by a scheduler. More...
class | ScheduleWorkspaceExecutionMessage |
| Use this message to schedule the execution of a workspace on a remote machine. More...
class | SelectInput |
| Select an input from an array input based on the value of another input. More...
class | Serialize |
| Base class for all objects that may want to support serialization. More...
struct | SerializeDataType |
| Traits class defining whether detection of serialization support for class T is permitted. More...
struct | SerializeDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource > |
class | SerializedItem |
| Class to hold a serialized representation of an object. More...
class | SerializedTree |
| Class to hold a serialized representation of a tree of objects. More...
class | SerializedTreeIO |
| Interface for reading or writing out a serialized tree in a specific format. More...
class | SerializedTreeJsonIO |
| Interface for writing out a serialized tree in an JSON format. More...
class | SerializedTreeXmlIO |
| Interface for writing out a serialized tree in an XML format. More...
class | SerializingInputEvent |
| Event class raised when InputScalar::save() is called just before the input's values are serialized. More...
class | ServerLoadMessage |
| Send summary of server load to client. Server will constantly send this. More...
class | ServerWidget |
| Provides a view of settings relating to authenticated entity management. More...
class | SetModifyObjectDictionaryInputsCmd |
| Command class for setting the inputs on a ModifyObjectDictionary operation. More...
class | SetSelectedStringByIndex |
| Put a one-line description of your operation here. More...
class | SetSelectedStringByString |
| Set the selected item in a StringList. More...
class | SetWorkingDirectory |
class | SharedInfo |
| Allows to get shared info of a specified DataObject. More...
class | SimpleAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting between two types using an adapt(From, To) func. More...
class | SimpleAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting between two types using an adapt(From, To) func. More...
class | SimpleDataObjectAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting between two types using an adapt(DataObject from, DataObject to, bool copy) func. More...
class | SimpleFileWatcher |
class | SimpleInput |
class | SimpleInputArray |
class | SimpleInputOutput |
class | SimpleOutput |
class | Socket |
struct | SortDataType |
| Traits class defining whether a class T can be sorted. This is important for some comparison operations. More...
struct | SortDataTypeImpl |
struct | SortDataTypeImpl< T, false > |
struct | SqlSchedulerDefs |
class | StartedExecutionEvent |
| Event issued when the event loop for an Updater starts running. More...
class | StartedUpdateEvent |
| Event issued when an Updater starts processing its update set. More...
class | StartedWorkspaceExecutionMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has started execution. More...
class | StartedWorkspaceUpdateMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that the remotely executing workspace has started updating. More...
class | StatusFlipper |
| Observer used to safely flip the up to date status of an Updatable object. More...
class | StopWorkspaceExecutionMessage |
| Use this message to stop the execution of a workspace on a remote machine. More...
class | StringContains |
| Check if a string contains a specified substring. More...
class | StringLength |
| Determine the length of a string. More...
class | StringListBuilder |
| Converts an array of QStrings to a QStringList. More...
class | StringListItem |
| Returns the QString at a given index in a QStringList or an empty string if the index isn't valid. More...
class | StringSelection |
| Provides a list of strings, one of which will be considered selected. More...
class | StringSelectionBuilder |
| Builds a StringSelection from an arbritary number of QString's and StringSelection's. More...
class | StringSelectionFilter |
| String list filter. More...
class | StringSelectionInfo |
| Provides information about a StringSelection. More...
class | StringSelectionUpdatedEvent |
| Event raised when the selected item in a string list changes. More...
class | StringToDouble |
| Converts a string to a double. More...
class | StringToInt |
| Converts a string to an integer. More...
class | SystemCommand |
| Operation to execute a command in a child process. More...
class | Task |
| The base class of a runnable task. More...
class | TcpMessage |
class | TcpMessageFactory |
| The base class of all tcp message factories. More...
class | TcpMessageSocketAdapter |
class | TcpRemoteScheduler |
class | TcpRemoteSchedulerConfigurationWidget |
| A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler. More...
class | TcpRemoteSchedulerSocketHandler |
class | TcpScheduler |
class | TcpSchedulerConfigurationWidget |
| A widget for configuring a tcp based scheduler. More...
class | TcpSchedulerProvider |
class | TextLogPackage |
class | TextProvider |
| Passes through text to the output. More...
class | ThreadSafeLock |
class | Throttle |
| An operation that throttles update speed to a nominated maximum rate. More...
class | TimeDifference |
| Outputs the difference between to QDateTimes with precision to the nearest second. More...
class | TimeToStringAdaptor |
| Adapts a QTime object to a QString object. More...
class | ToObjectArrayConnection |
class | TranslateObjectDictionary |
| A type of loop operation that iterates over the contents of an ObjectDictionary. More...
class | TreeSelectionBuilder |
| Operation that constructs a tree of selectable tree items. More...
class | TreeSelectionBuilderPropertiesWidget |
class | TryInputs |
| Tries to update inputs in the input array until one succeeds. More...
class | TypeAdaptor |
| Provides a way to adapt one type to another. More...
class | TypeAdaptorFactory |
| Base class for all TypeAdaptorFactory instances. More...
class | TypedDataFactory |
| Template for instantiating data factories for a particular type. More...
class | TypedObject |
| Template for instantiating a smart pointer to a particular data type. More...
class | TypedObjectArray |
| Convenience typed interface to an object array, which can be converted to a general ObjectArray in Workspace through use of a DerivedToBaseAdaptor. More...
class | TypedOperationFactory |
| Operation factory class template. More...
class | Updatable |
| Base class for all objects that are executable within a workspace. More...
class | UpdatableLog |
class | UpdatablesMonitor |
| An alternative template class that provides a single callback in response to a set of one or more provided updatable objects being up to date. More...
class | UpdatablesObserver |
| A template class that provides a single callback in response to a set of one or more provided updatable objects being up to date. More...
class | UpdatablesObserverBase |
| Base class for UpdatablesObserver to facilitate storage of lists of UpdatablesObserver objects for deletion at a later time. More...
class | UpdateBarrier |
| Triggerable update of an input. More...
class | UpdateEvent |
| Event emitted by an Updatable object when its up to date status is set to true. More...
class | Updater |
| Updates a workspace. More...
class | UpdateSetProcessor |
class | UrlMap |
class | UserDefinedLogPackage |
class | UuidGenerator |
| Generates unique identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique. More...
class | Variable |
| Allows an input to variable directly to the output. More...
class | WhileLoop |
| An operation that allows the user to create a while loop - a loop that runs while its condition is 'true'. More...
class | Workspace |
| Container for all workspace elements (operations, connections, etc.). More...
class | WorkspaceAtomicToggleEvent |
| Event emitted when a Workspace operation has changed its atomic update behaviour flag. More...
struct | WorkspaceBrief |
class | WorkspaceDeletedEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace when it is deleted. More...
class | WorkspaceDetailMessage |
| Message reply for details of a specific Workspace workflow. More...
class | WorkspaceElement |
| All objects that can be created on a workspace must be derived from this. More...
class | WorkspaceEvent |
| Base class for Workspace-related events. More...
class | WorkspaceExecutionFailedEvent |
| Event issued when in-place execution of a Workspace has failed. More...
class | WorkspaceExecutionSucceededEvent |
| Event issued when a Workspace has been executed in-place successfully. More...
class | WorkspaceInput |
| Provides an input to a workspace. More...
class | WorkspaceListMessage |
| Message reply with a list of Workspace in queue. More...
class | WorkspaceLogMessage |
| Represents a message sent by a remote scheduler to a workspace client indicating that an operation in the remote workspace has notified a log message. More...
class | WorkspaceNamespaceEvent |
| Event issued when namespace of a Workspace changes. More...
class | WorkspaceNotesEvent |
| Event emitted when the notes for a Workspace changes. More...
class | WorkspaceOutOfDateEvent |
| Event issued when a Workspace become not up to date. More...
class | WorkspaceOutput |
| Provides an output for a workspace. More...
class | WorkspaceTcpMessage |
| The base class of workspace-based Scheduler-originated network messages. More...
class | WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory |
| The base class of all Scheduler-originated network messages. More...
class | WorkspaceUseCountReachedZeroEvent |
| Event emitted by a Workspace when its internal reference count has reached zero. More...
class | WriteByteArrayToFile |
| Writes a QByteArray to a binary file. More...
class | WriteStringToFile |
| Writes a string to a text file. More...
bool | adapt (const bool &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const bool &from, QString &to) |
bool | adapt (const double &from, float &to) |
bool | adapt (const double &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const int &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const ObjectArray &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const ObjectArray &from, QJsonDocument &to) |
bool | adapt (const ObjectArray &from, QStringList &to) |
bool | adapt (const ObjectDictionary &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const ObjectDictionary &from, QJsonDocument &to) |
bool | adapt (const ObjectGroup &from, QJsonDocument &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, bool &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, double &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, int &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, ObjectArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, ObjectDictionary &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, QJsonDocument &to) |
bool | adapt (const QByteArray &from, QString &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonArray &from, ObjectArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonDocument &from, ObjectArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonDocument &from, ObjectDictionary &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonDocument &from, ObjectGroup &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonDocument &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonDocument &from, QString &to) |
bool | adapt (const QJsonObject &from, ObjectDictionary &to) |
bool | adapt (const QString &from, bool &to) |
bool | adapt (const QString &from, double &to) |
bool | adapt (const QString &from, float &to) |
bool | adapt (const QString &from, int &to) |
bool | adapt (const QString &from, QByteArray &to) |
bool | adapt (const QString &from, QJsonDocument &to) |
bool | adapt (const QStringList &from, QVector< double > &to) |
bool | adapt (const QStringList &from, QVector< int > &to) |
bool | adapt (const QVector< double > &from, QStringList &to) |
bool | adapt (const QVector< int > &from, QStringList &to) |
bool | adaptDataObject (DataObject &src, DataObject &dest, bool copy) |
bool | adaptDataObject (DataObject &src, DataObject &dest, bool copy, const TypeAdaptorFactory *adaptorFactory) |
template<typename Tuple , size_t I> |
bool | assignInputAtIndex (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, const Tuple &tuple) |
template<typename... Args> |
bool | assignInputsInOrder (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, const std::tuple< Args... > &tuple) |
template<typename Tuple , size_t... Is> |
bool | assignInputsInOrderImpl (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, const Tuple &tuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >) |
template<typename... Args, std::enable_if_t<!(std::tuple_size< std::tuple< Args... > >::value % 2), bool > = true> |
bool | assignNamedOperationInputs (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, const std::tuple< Args... > &tuple) |
FinishedWorkspaceUpdateMessage * | createMessageFinishedWorkspaceUpdateMessage () |
template<typename ReceiverType , typename ReceiverOrBaseType > |
OperationUpdateEventObserver< ReceiverType, ReceiverOrBaseType > * | createOperationUpdateEventObserver (const QString &operationGlobalName, Workspace &sender, ReceiverType &receiver, void(ReceiverOrBaseType::*func)(OperationUpdateEvent::EventType, const Operation &)) |
template<typename... Args, std::enable_if_t<!(std::tuple_size< std::tuple< Args... > >::value % 2), bool > = true> |
bool | extractNamedOperationOutputs (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, std::tuple< Args... > &tuple) |
template<typename Tuple , size_t I> |
bool | extractOutputAtIndex (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, Tuple &tuple) |
template<typename... Args> |
bool | extractOutputsInOrder (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, std::tuple< Args... > &tuple) |
template<typename Tuple , size_t... Is> |
bool | extractOutputsInOrderImpl (CSIRO::DataExecution::Operation &op, Tuple &tuple, std::index_sequence< Is... >) |
bool CSIRO_WORKSPACE_API | filterLinkFromLogText (const QString &text, int offset, QString &operationLabel, QString &operationIdPath, QString &operationRootId, int &capturedStart, int &capturedEnd) |
bool | forkRequest (SchedulerRequest *request, OOPScheduler *scheduler) |
template<template< typename > class T1, template< typename > class T2, template< typename > class T3> |
void | getDataFactoryLists (T1< const DataFactory * > &factories, T2< QString > &namesOnly, T3< QString > &minimalNames) |
template<typename T > |
QMap< int, QString > | getEnumMap () |
template<typename T > |
void | getEnumMap (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< CSIRO::Rendering::RenderTargetType > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< CSIRO::Rendering::RodGlypherTargetType > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< CSIRO::Tools::ComparisonRole > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< CSIRO::Tools::ReportingLevel > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< DataAnalysis::DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter::Operator > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< Rendering::FitCameraViewToMesh::ViewPlane > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<> |
void | getEnumMap< Rendering::NormalShader::Mode > (QMap< int, QString > &map) |
template<typename T > |
QStringList | getEnumNames () |
template<typename T > |
void | getEnumNames (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Compare::Operator > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::CreateSqlTableFromCsvFile::ColumnHeaderFormatting > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::CreateSqlTableFromCsvFile::DetermineDatatypes > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::CsvReader::ColumnHeaderFormatting > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::RunMatLabScript::MatLabScriptType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::RemoteExecution::WaitWorkflow::WorkflowResult > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::GetMeshModelInstanceLod::LodAccessMethod > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::QuadtreePlane > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::TreeLayout > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::RenderViewFrustumToMesh::TextureLocation > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::SplitAndLodPointCloud::PatchCountSpecification > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::SplitAndLodPointCloudOp::PatchSize > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< CSIRO::Rendering::TextureProjectionShader::BlendMethod > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::AxisSettings::ScaleType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::AxisSettings::TickLabelNumberFormat > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::ColorScaleImage::NumberFormat > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::ColorScaleImage::Orientation > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::GetImage3dSlice::SlicePlane > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::ImageOverlay::Anchor > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::ImageTileSet::SizePolicy > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::Plot::LegendAnchor > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::PlotItem::ColorMode > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::PlotItem::Glyph > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::PlotItem::LineMode > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::PlotItem::LineStyle > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::PlotItem::LineType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::PlotRecolor::Theme > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::RawVoxelReader::VoxelDataSize > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::ResizeImage::ResizeUnits > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataAnalysis::ResizeImage::SmoothingType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< DataExecution::DoubleToString::Format > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< FileIterator::OutputFormat > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< FileLoop::OutputFormat > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< HttpRequest::HttpRequestType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Mesh::EnsureElementStateExists::StateType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Mesh::EnsureNodeStateExists::StateType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Mesh::MeshModel::ListType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Mesh::RangeInOut > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Mesh::SmoothMeshMethod > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Mesh::VectorMapping > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Package::CreateInstaller::VendorPackageNameLocation > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< PlatformInfo::Platform > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Provenance::ReportItemAs > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::Camera::ProjectionMode > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::ClipRegion::ClipCriteria > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::GridScaleBuilder::Plane > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::RadialGridBuilder::Plane > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::RenderSettings::FaceCulling > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::RenderSettings::SymbolSizeCoordinateSystem > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::SphereGlypher::SphereType > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::SuperquadricMesher::TextureCoords > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::SurfaceRepresentation > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Rendering::Texturizer::Wrapping > (QStringList &names) |
template<> |
void | getEnumNames< Task::State > (QStringList &names) |
QString | getIdPathFromOperation (const Operation &op, const Workspace &relativeTo) |
QString | getJsonString (const DataObject &item) |
Operation * | getOperationFromIdPath (const QString &idPath, Operation &relativeTo) |
Operation * | getOperationFromOpPath (const QString &opPath, Workspace &relativeTo, QStringList &errors) |
template<template< typename > class Op> |
QString | getOpLabel () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::equal_to > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::greater > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::greater_equal > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::less > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::less_equal > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::logical_and > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::logical_not > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::logical_or > () |
template<> |
QString | getOpLabel< std::not_equal_to > () |
template<typename T > |
bool | isType (const DataFactory &factory) |
bool | jsonFromString (const QString &jsonStr, QJsonDocument &result, bool logParseError=false) |
QString | linkInLogText (const Operation &op, QString label, QString oldId, bool fullPath) |
LogStream & | operator<< (LogStream &strm, const QString &text) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &out, const ExecutionTimekeeper::Event &event) |
QDataStream & | operator<< (QDataStream &out, const ExecutionTimekeeper::Publisher &publisher) |
bool | operator== (const LogStreamFilter &lhs, const LogStreamFilter &rhs) |
QDataStream & | operator>> (QDataStream &in, ExecutionTimekeeper::Event &event) |
QDataStream & | operator>> (QDataStream &in, ExecutionTimekeeper::Publisher &publisher) |
QScriptValue | printToOperation (QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine) |
bool | processRequestAsACommand (SchedulerRequest *request, OOPScheduler *scheduler, const QString &executablePath, const QStringList &args) |
bool | processRequestAsAWorkspace (SchedulerRequest *request, OOPScheduler *scheduler) |
uint | qHash (const DataTableColumn &column) |
uint | qHash (const ExecutionTimekeeper::Publisher &publisher) |
uint | qHash (const LogStreamFilter &key, uint seed=0) |
| Enables filters to be stored in hashable containers such as QSet.
bool | qMapLessThanKey (const ExecutionTimekeeper::Publisher &pub1, const ExecutionTimekeeper::Publisher &pub2) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (AbortedWorkspaceUpdateMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::AbortedWorkspaceUpdateMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (ChangePriorityInQueueWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::ChangePriorityInQueueWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (ClearWorkspaceHistoryMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::CleanWorkspaceHistoryMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (ClientHeartbeatMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::ClientHeartbeatMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (DelayScheduledWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::DelayScheduledWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (FailedToScheduleWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::FailedToScheduleWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (FinishedWorkspaceExecutionMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::FinishedWorkspaceExecutionMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (GetListAllWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::GetListAllWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (GetListQueueWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::GetListQueueWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (GetWorkspaceDetailMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::GetWorkspaceDetailMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (HandshakeMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::HandshakeMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (HeartbeatMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::HeartbeatMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (OperationUpdateEventListMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::OperationUpdateEventListMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (PauseQueueWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::PauseQueueWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (ResumeQueueWorkspaceMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::ResumeQueueWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (ScheduleWorkspaceExecutionMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::ScheduleWorkspaceExecutionMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (ServerLoadMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::ServerLoadMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (StartedWorkspaceExecutionMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::StartedWorkspaceExecutionMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (StartedWorkspaceUpdateMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::StartedWorkspaceUpdateMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (StopWorkspaceExecutionMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::StopWorkspaceExecutionMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (WorkspaceDetailMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::WorkspaceDetailMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (WorkspaceListMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::ListQueueWorkspaceMsg) |
| REGISTER_TCP_MESSAGE (WorkspaceLogMessage, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory, WorkspaceTcpMessageFactory::WorkspaceLogMsg) |
void | resetNestedWorkspace (Workspace *ws) |
template<typename O , typename... Args> |
bool | run (Args... in) |
template<typename O , typename... Args> |
bool | run (CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, Args... in) |
template<typename O , typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | run (CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename O , typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | run (std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename O , typename... Args> |
bool | run2 (const Args &... in) |
template<typename O , typename... Args> |
bool | run2 (CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, Args... in) |
template<typename O , typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | run2 (CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename O , typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | run2 (std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename... Args> |
bool | runWorkspace (const QString &workflowFilePath, Args... in) |
template<typename... Args> |
bool | runWorkspace (const QString &workflowFilePath, CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, Args... in) |
template<typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | runWorkspace (const QString &workflowFilePath, CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | runWorkspace (const QString &workflowFilePath, std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename... Args> |
bool | runWorkspace2 (const QString &workflowFilePath, const Args &... in) |
template<typename... Args> |
bool | runWorkspace2 (const QString &workflowFilePath, CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, Args... in) |
template<typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | runWorkspace2 (const QString &workflowFilePath, CSIRO::DataExecution::Updater &updater, std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename... ArgsOut, typename... ArgsIn> |
bool | runWorkspace2 (const QString &workflowFilePath, std::tuple< ArgsOut... > &tupleOut, ArgsIn... in) |
template<typename CallbackType , typename CallbackReturnType > |
void | watchUpdatable (CallbackType &receiver, CallbackReturnType(CallbackType::*func)(), const Updatable &updatable, ObserverThreadType threadingModel) |
template<typename F > |
UpdatablesObserver< F > * | watchUpdatable (F func, Updatable &updatable, ObserverThreadType threadingModel, bool singleShot=true) |
template<typename CallbackType , typename CallbackReturnType > |
void | watchUpdatables (CallbackType &receiver, CallbackReturnType(CallbackType::*func)(), const Updatables &updatables, ObserverThreadType threadingModel) |
template<typename F > |
UpdatablesObserver< F > * | watchUpdatables (F func, const Updatables &updatables, ObserverThreadType threadingModel, bool singleShot=false) |