class | AddClassification |
class | AnimateDataSeriesChange |
| Provides an animated transition between successive DataSeries changes. More...
class | Array3d |
class | Array3dAdaptor |
| Adapts an Array3dTyped<From> to Array3dTyped<To> More...
class | Array3dData |
class | Array3dDataBase |
class | Array3dInfo |
class | Array3dNull |
class | Array3dNullTyped |
class | Array3dScalarToImage3d |
| Operation to create an image of a specific size with a per-pixel color determined by a value mapping into a color scale. More...
class | Array3dTyped |
| Interface for reading from and writing to a 3d array of some type. More...
class | Array3dTypedAdaptor |
class | Array3dTypedAdaptorFactory |
| Factory for creating adaptors of Array3dTyped<From> to Array3dTyped<To> More...
class | Array3dTypedReader |
class | Array3dTypedReader< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d > |
class | Array3dTypedReader< Mesh::Array3dVector, double > |
class | Array3dTypedWriter |
class | Array3dTypedWriter< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d > |
class | Array3dTypedWriter< Mesh::Array3dVector, double > |
class | ArrayNd |
| An interface to an n-dimensional array of a single workspace data type. More...
class | ArrayNdData |
| A template implementation of the NDimensionalData interface that stores data in memory. There is no implicit sharing of data between stores. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionFilter |
| Acts as a filter of an ArrayNd set's dimensions, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionFilterFactory |
| Factory base class for creating filter objects. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionFilterFactoryTyped |
| Template factory class for creating filters. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionFilterRegistry |
| The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createFilter function. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionFilterTyped |
| Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdDimensionFilter interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionLabels |
| Represents a set of dimension labels in an ArrayNd. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionLabelsToStringListAdaptor |
class | ArrayNdDimensionsWidget |
| Widget for selecting the dimensions of an ArrayND object. Should be used as part of an Operation. More...
class | ArrayNdDimensionsWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | ArrayNdEmpty |
| An empty implementation of an ArrayNd object which will be created by default for all DataObjects. More...
class | ArrayNdInterface |
| A simple typed ArrayNd interface to an array of type T. More...
class | ArrayNdPermutation |
| Acts as a permutation of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type. More...
class | ArrayNdPermutationFactory |
| Factory base class for creating slice objects. More...
class | ArrayNdPermutationFactoryTyped |
| Template factory class for creating slices. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory. More...
class | ArrayNdPermutationRegistry |
| The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createPermutation function. More...
class | ArrayNdPermutationTyped |
| Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdPermutation interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type. More...
class | ArrayNdRangeIterable |
| A range of an ArrayNd that can be iterated over, exposed as a QObject so that it can be easily incorporated inside a Qt Script. More...
class | ArrayNdSlice |
| Acts as a slice of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type. More...
class | ArrayNdSliceFactory |
| Factory base class for creating slice objects. More...
class | ArrayNdSliceFactoryTyped |
| Template factory class for creating slices. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory. More...
class | ArrayNdSliceRegistry |
| The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createSlice function. More...
class | ArrayNdSliceTyped |
| Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdSlice interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type. More...
class | ArrayNdTyped |
| An interface to an ArrayNd object which contains data of a specific type. More...
class | AverageArrayNd |
| Averages an ArrayNd over a user-specified set of dimensions. More...
class | Axis |
class | AxisSettings |
| Stores axis-specific settings for a single axis (X or Y). More...
class | Chart |
| Represents a plot generated using Javascript. More...
class | ChartInterface |
class | ChartToImage |
| Operation for rendering a chart to a QImage. More...
class | ChartToSvgString |
| Operation for rendering a chart to an SVG string. More...
class | ChartWebPage |
| Web page used to render a chart. Separated out from the widget so that it can be re-used in various other contexts, such as off-screen rendering. More...
class | ChartWebPageChannel |
class | ChartWidget |
| Displays a Chart object using a QWebView. More...
class | ChartWidgetConnector |
class | ChartWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | ChartWidgetFactory |
class | ClassDataRegistry |
class | ColorScale |
| Class for mapping a value to a color. More...
class | ColorScaleBuilder |
| Operation to build a ColorScale object and a ColorScaleImage for that object. More...
class | ColorScaleImage |
| Class for maintaining an image of a color scale. More...
class | ColorSpectrum |
| Describes a color spectrum that maps a floating point number in the range [0,1] to a specific color. More...
class | ColorSpectrumButton |
class | ColorSpectrumButtonConnector |
class | ColorSpectrumButtonDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for ColorSpectrum. More...
class | ColorSpectrumButtonFactory |
class | ColorSpectrumEditor |
class | ColorSpectrumLibrary |
| A library for ColorSpectrum objects which will be presented to the user in the ColorSpectrumEditor widget. The spectra are stored with the names as keys. If a spectrum is added with the same key as an existing entry, then the existing entry will be overwritten. It's up to the caller to check if they want to avoid this. The DataAnalysis plugin has one of these libraries, and it's used by the ColorSpectrumEditor widget. More...
class | ColorSpectrumSelectionWidget |
class | ColorSpectrumWidget |
| A widget showing a color spectrum. More...
class | ColorToGrayscale |
struct | CompositePrimaryKeyData |
class | ControlLine |
class | ControlPoint |
class | CreateChart |
| Operation for creating a custom chart. The charts data can be completely customized. More...
class | CreateChartDataCollectionPropertiesWidget |
class | CreateChartObjectDictionary |
| Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart. More...
class | CreateChartPropertiesWidget |
class | CreateDataSeriesMapFromScript |
| Generates a ScriptedDataSeriesMapper object. More...
class | CreateGridPlot |
class | CreateImageTileSet |
| Creates an ImageTileSet for display with the ImageTileView widget. More...
class | CreateSqlTableFromCsvFile |
| Reads data from a CSV delimited file into a SQL Table, the table can be stored in either an existing SQL database or a temporary database will be created. More...
class | CreateTransferFunction2dFromColorSpectrum |
| Creates a 2D transfer function from a color spectrum. More...
class | CropImage |
| Crop an image. More...
class | CsvReader |
| Reads data from a delimited file. More...
class | CsvUtilities |
class | CsvWriter |
| Writes a DataCollection (and optionally, a set of DataSeries) to file in a comma-separated value format. More...
class | DataAnalysisPlugin |
| WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class | DataAnalysisPluginDesigner |
| WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class | DataCollectionItemModel |
class | DataCollectionWidget |
| Deprecated - User Widgets::ObjectDictionaryWidget. More...
class | DataCollectionWidgetConnector |
class | DataCollectionWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | DataCollectionWidgetFactory |
class | DataSeries |
| Interface for accessing data types as though they were a read-only const array of doubles. More...
class | DataSeriesAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for adapting T to a DataSeries where T is like a std::vector or QVector . More...
class | DataSeriesAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting a type into a DataSeries. More...
class | DataSeriesBuilder |
| Constructs a DataSeries from a set of input floating point values. Can be run in a loop to accumulate values. More...
struct | DataSeriesEvaluator |
| Trivial evaluator relying on an automatic conversion to double . More...
class | DataSeriesInfo |
| Provides basic information about a DataSeries. More...
class | DataSeriesMapper |
| Base class defining an interface for mapping a data series' values to other values. More...
class | DataSeriesToQVariantAdaptor |
| Adapts a DataSeries to a QVariant. More...
class | DataSeriesWidget |
class | DataSeriesWidgetConnector |
class | DataSeriesWidgetFactory |
class | DeepCopy |
class | DeleteClassification |
class | DimensionIndexLessThan |
class | DimensionInfo |
| A name and set of attributes used to annotate a dimension in an ArrayNd object. More...
class | DimensionRangeWidget |
| A widget for displaying and editing a dimension range. More...
class | DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter |
| Filter for use on a named dimension range that includes a specific list of values that are either included or excluded. More...
class | EditDimensionRangeDialog |
| Dialog for editing a dimension range. More...
class | EditDimensionRangeScene |
| QGraphicsScene for editing a dimension range. More...
class | EditDimensionRangeView |
class | FilterArrayNdDimensions |
| Filters an n-dimensional data set based on specific dimension values, returning a sub-set of the data. More...
class | FindArrayNdRange |
class | GetAllArrayNdDimensions |
| Retrieves a list of all the dimensions in the ArrayNd object, and returns them as an object group. More...
class | GetArrayNdDimension |
| Retrieves a named dimension from an NDimensionalData object. More...
class | GetDataSeriesFromArrayNd |
| Gets a data series from an array nd data structure (multi-dimensional array) More...
class | GetDataSeriesValue |
| Get a value at a specific index of a data series. More...
class | GetImage3dSlice |
| Operation to create an image of a specific size with a per-pixel color determined by a value mapping into a color scale. More...
class | GetImageFromArrayNd |
| Gets an image from an array nd data structure (multi-dimensional array), using a color scale and a set of user-specified dimensions. More...
class | GetSqlResultSetColumn |
class | GridPlot |
| A GridPlot wraps an ND dataset for the purposes of plotting it as a grid. More...
class | ImageBuilder |
| Operation to create an image of a specific size with a uniform color. More...
class | ImageComposition |
| Operation to compose a set of images with a base image. More...
class | ImageInfo |
| Operation providing some basic information about an image. More...
class | ImageOverlay |
| Class for specifying an image and its overlay location. More...
class | ImageReader |
| Operation to read an image from a file. More...
class | ImageSequenceToAnimation |
| Creates an animation from a sequence of image files. More...
struct | ImageTileClickEvent |
class | ImageTileItem |
class | ImageTileScene |
class | ImageTileSet |
| A set of images with labels for display with the ImageTileView widget. More...
class | ImageTileSetToImage |
| Operation for rendering an ImageTileSet to a QImage. More...
class | ImageTileView |
class | ImageTileViewConnector |
class | ImageTileViewDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | ImageTileViewFactory |
class | ImageToBase64 |
| Operation to write an image to a base64 encoded string. More...
class | ImageToOverlayAdaptor |
| A TypeAdaptor class for converting an image to an image overlay. More...
class | ImageToOverlayAdaptorDialog |
| Dialog for configuring how an image is adapted to a scene overlay. More...
class | ImageToOverlayAdaptorFactory |
| A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting an image to an image overlay. More...
class | ImageWidget |
class | ImageWidgetConnector |
class | ImageWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | ImageWidgetFactory |
class | ImageWriter |
| Operation to write an image to a file. More...
class | InsertColumnIntoSqlTable |
| Add a column and data to a table. More...
class | InvalidSqlBoundObjectGroup |
| The InvalidSqlBoundObjectGroup class defines an invalid implementation of the SqlBoundObjectGroup. It is the default constructed value for DataObjects of type SqlBoundObjectGroup. More...
class | ManyToManyRelation |
| Many-to-many relationship type. More...
class | ManyToOneRelation |
| Many-to-one relationship type. More...
class | MapDataSeries |
| Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class | NamedDimensionRange |
| A name and range of a dimension, generally used with an ArrayNd object. More...
class | NamedDimensionRangeFilter |
| Filter for use on a named dimension range. More...
class | NdTo3dAdaptor |
| Adapter from an ArrayNd object to a Array3dScalar object. More...
class | NdTo3dArray |
| Extracts a 3D array from an ND array. More...
class | NullDataSeries |
| Empty data series. More...
class | NullNamedDimensionRangeFilter |
| Empty filter that allows all. More...
class | ObjectDictionaryLogger |
| Operation to dump the contents of a object dictionary to the operation's log. More...
class | ObjectDictionaryStructure |
| Operation to dump the structure of an object dictionary to the operation's log. More...
class | OneToManyRelation |
| One-to-many relationship type. More...
class | OneToOneRelation |
| One-to-one relationship type. More...
class | OpenSqlDatabase |
| Open an existing database. More...
class | PartitionedVector |
class | Plot |
| The plot class holds the information required to generate a 2D plot. More...
class | PlotBuilder |
| Builds a Plot from a list of plot items. More...
class | PlotImageBuilder |
| Builds an image from a plot. More...
class | PlotInfo |
| Retrieves information from plot workspace data. More...
class | PlotItem |
| Represents one set of data to be included in a Plot. More...
class | PlotItemBuilder |
| Builds a single PlotItem. More...
class | PlotRecolor |
| Recolour all enabled plot items of a plot input. More...
class | PlotRenderer |
class | PlotWidget |
| Renders a plot and stores it as an image until the next render. More...
class | PlotWidgetConnector |
class | PlotWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | PlotWidgetFactory |
| Factory for plot widgets. More...
class | PropertySetterDataCollection |
class | PropertySetterDataCollectionConnector |
class | PropertySetterDataCollectionFactory |
class | QuerySqlDatabase |
class | QVariantToDataSeriesAdaptor |
| Adapts a QVariant to a DataSeries. More...
class | QVariantToQImageAdaptor |
| Adapts a QVariant to a DataSeries. More...
class | RawVoxelReader |
| Reads images in a raw format with the specified dimensions. More...
class | ReduceArrayNdWithScript |
| Reduces an ArrayNd over a user-specified set of dimensions using a user defined QtScript. More...
class | ResizeImage |
| Takes an input image and resizes it to the specified dimensions. More...
class | RunExternalScript |
| Operation to execute a script with a user specified runtime in a child process. More...
class | RunMatLabScript |
| Operation to execute a R script in a child process. More...
class | RunMatLabScriptProperties |
class | RunMatLabScriptPropertiesWidget |
class | RunRScript |
| Operation to execute a R script in a child process. More...
class | RunScriptUtilities |
class | SaveChartToImageDialog |
| Dialog to save a chart to an image. More...
class | SavePlotImageDialog |
| Dialog window for saving plots as an image file. More...
class | ScientificDoubleSpinBox |
class | ScientificDoubleSpinBoxConnector |
class | ScientificDoubleSpinBoxDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | ScientificDoubleSpinBoxFactory |
class | ScientificDoubleSpinBoxSettings |
class | ScriptedDataSeriesMapper |
| Data series mapper using QtScript to return a mapped value for each value in the series. More...
class | ScriptLibraryRegistry |
| Repository through which source files for script dependencies can be stored for later usage. Includes convenience method for adding comma-delimited string of sources (addSourceListing). More...
class | SequenceDataSeries |
| An infinite data series whose value is the same as the index. More...
class | SetCreateChartInputsCmd |
| Command class for adding an input to an input array. More...
class | SliceArrayNd |
| Slices an n-dimensional data set, returning a sub-set of the data. More...
class | SqlBindingRelation |
| A simple structure for specifying relationship information between objects. More...
class | SqlBoundObjectClassData |
| Contains static information about a specific SqlBoundObjectGroup class. Is used to capture data shared at the class level that cannot be specified statically. More...
class | SqlBoundObjectGroup |
| An SqlBoundObjectGroup class is bound to a specific SQL table or view, and its instance objects are bound to individual records from this table or view. More...
class | SqlBoundObjectGroupData |
class | SqlCompositePrimaryKey |
| A class encapsulating information about a stored composite primary key (i.e. a primary key spanning the values of multiple fields). More...
class | SqlDatabaseWidget |
| Widget for viewing and editing data in a SQL database. More...
class | SqlDatabaseWidgetConnector |
class | SqlDatabaseWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | SqlDatabaseWidgetFactory |
class | SqlDataModel |
| Provides an interface to access data from an SQL database as bound objects. The created objects can then be manipulated by calling code and submitted back to the model to write back to the database. More...
class | SqlDataModelResult |
| Contains information about results of an operation on the SqlDataModel such as a fetch, insert or update. More...
class | SqlDataTable |
class | SqlDataTableWidgetConnector |
class | SqlDataTableWidgetFactory |
class | SqlResultSet |
| The result of an SQL query, use GetSqlResultSetColumn operation to access results. More...
class | SqlResultSetTableWidgetConnector |
class | SqlResultSetTableWidgetFactory |
class | StandardDataSeries |
| Template subclass of DataSeries for things that act like std::vector. More...
class | StringToImage |
| Provides an image of a text string. More...
class | TableWidget |
| Widget for displaying tables using a table model. More...
class | TableWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support. More...
class | ThreadedChartRender |
class | TransferFunction2d |
| Represents a TransferFunction in two dimensions. The x-dimension is the data value and the y-dimension is the gradient of the data value. More...
class | TransferFunction2dAngleClassification |
| Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class | TransferFunction2dAngleClassificationView |
class | TransferFunction2dBuilder |
| Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class | TransferFunction2dClassification |
| Base class for classification objects attached to transfer functions. More...
class | TransferFunction2dClassificationView |
| Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class | TransferFunction2dInteraction |
class | TransferFunction2dRectClassification |
class | TransferFunction2dRectClassificationView |
class | TransferFunction2dScene |
| Scene for holding the contents of our transfer function 2d. Contains classification views. More...
class | TransferFunction2dView |
class | TransferFunction2dWidget |
class | TransferFunction2dWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class | Trie |
| Super basic trie class for validating strings. Speeds up the code needed for some autocomplete / validation used in QLineEdits. More...
class | TypedSqlBoundObjectGroup |
| Typed derived class of SqlBoundObjectGroup from which all implementations of SqlBoundObjectGroup should extend. Uses CRTP to implement most methods. More...
class | UnchangedDataSeriesMapper |
| Passes through each data series value unchanged. More...
class | UpdateClassification |
class | WebLibraryInjector |
| Facilitates dependency injection of source files into a provided webpage. More...
class | WriteChartToSvgFile |
| Operation for converting a chart to an SVG. The charts data can be completely customized. More...
class | WriteChartToWebPage |
| Operation for converting a chart to an SVG. The charts data can be completely customized. More...
class | WriteSqlResultSetToCsvFile |
| Put a one-line description of your operation here. More...
class | WriteSqlTableToCsvFile |