Workspace 7.1.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
CSIRO::DataAnalysis Namespace Reference

Fundamental data analysis support. More...


namespace  Array3dTypedAdaptorPrivate
namespace  ArrayNdDimensionLabelsAdaptor
namespace  ArrayNdUtil
namespace  CsvWriterPrivate
namespace  PlotImageFileFormat
namespace  SqlDataModelPrivate
namespace  Ui


class  AddClassification
class  AnimateDataSeriesChange
 Provides an animated transition between successive DataSeries changes. More...
class  Array3d
class  Array3dAdaptor
 Adapts an Array3dTyped<From> to Array3dTyped<To> More...
class  Array3dData
class  Array3dDataBase
class  Array3dInfo
class  Array3dNull
class  Array3dNullTyped
class  Array3dScalarToImage3d
 Operation to create an image of a specific size with a per-pixel color determined by a value mapping into a color scale. More...
class  Array3dTyped
 Interface for reading from and writing to a 3d array of some type. More...
class  Array3dTypedAdaptor
class  Array3dTypedAdaptorFactory
 Factory for creating adaptors of Array3dTyped<From> to Array3dTyped<To> More...
class  Array3dTypedReader
class  Array3dTypedReader< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d >
class  Array3dTypedReader< Mesh::Array3dVector, double >
class  Array3dTypedWriter
class  Array3dTypedWriter< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d >
class  Array3dTypedWriter< Mesh::Array3dVector, double >
class  ArrayNd
 An interface to an n-dimensional array of a single workspace data type. More...
class  ArrayNdData
 A template implementation of the NDimensionalData interface that stores data in memory. There is no implicit sharing of data between stores. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionFilter
 Acts as a filter of an ArrayNd set's dimensions, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionFilterFactory
 Factory base class for creating filter objects. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionFilterFactoryTyped
 Template factory class for creating filters. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionFilterRegistry
 The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createFilter function. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionFilterTyped
 Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdDimensionFilter interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionLabels
 Represents a set of dimension labels in an ArrayNd. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionLabelsToStringListAdaptor
class  ArrayNdDimensionsWidget
 Widget for selecting the dimensions of an ArrayND object. Should be used as part of an Operation. More...
class  ArrayNdDimensionsWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class  ArrayNdEmpty
 An empty implementation of an ArrayNd object which will be created by default for all DataObjects. More...
class  ArrayNdInterface
 A simple typed ArrayNd interface to an array of type T. More...
class  ArrayNdPermutation
 Acts as a permutation of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type. More...
class  ArrayNdPermutationFactory
 Factory base class for creating slice objects. More...
class  ArrayNdPermutationFactoryTyped
 Template factory class for creating slices. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory. More...
class  ArrayNdPermutationRegistry
 The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createPermutation function. More...
class  ArrayNdPermutationTyped
 Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdPermutation interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type. More...
class  ArrayNdRangeIterable
 A range of an ArrayNd that can be iterated over, exposed as a QObject so that it can be easily incorporated inside a Qt Script. More...
class  ArrayNdSlice
 Acts as a slice of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type. More...
class  ArrayNdSliceFactory
 Factory base class for creating slice objects. More...
class  ArrayNdSliceFactoryTyped
 Template factory class for creating slices. Used by the registry class to create slice objects that match the type of a given data factory. More...
class  ArrayNdSliceRegistry
 The registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createSlice function. More...
class  ArrayNdSliceTyped
 Type-specific implementation of the ArrayNdSlice interface. Also implements a ArrayNdTyped object of the same type. More...
class  ArrayNdTyped
 An interface to an ArrayNd object which contains data of a specific type. More...
class  AverageArrayNd
 Averages an ArrayNd over a user-specified set of dimensions. More...
class  Axis
class  AxisSettings
 Stores axis-specific settings for a single axis (X or Y). More...
class  Chart
 Represents a plot generated using Javascript. More...
class  ChartInterface
class  ChartToImage
 Operation for rendering a chart to a QImage. More...
class  ChartToSvgString
 Operation for rendering a chart to an SVG string. More...
class  ChartWebPage
 Web page used to render a chart. Separated out from the widget so that it can be re-used in various other contexts, such as off-screen rendering. More...
class  ChartWebPageChannel
class  ChartWidget
 Displays a Chart object using a QWebView. More...
class  ChartWidgetConnector
class  ChartWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  ChartWidgetFactory
class  ClassDataRegistry
class  ColorScale
 Class for mapping a value to a color. More...
class  ColorScaleBuilder
 Operation to build a ColorScale object and a ColorScaleImage for that object. More...
class  ColorScaleImage
 Class for maintaining an image of a color scale. More...
class  ColorSpectrum
 Describes a color spectrum that maps a floating point number in the range [0,1] to a specific color. More...
class  ColorSpectrumButton
class  ColorSpectrumButtonConnector
class  ColorSpectrumButtonDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ColorSpectrum. More...
class  ColorSpectrumButtonFactory
class  ColorSpectrumEditor
class  ColorSpectrumLibrary
 A library for ColorSpectrum objects which will be presented to the user in the ColorSpectrumEditor widget. The spectra are stored with the names as keys. If a spectrum is added with the same key as an existing entry, then the existing entry will be overwritten. It's up to the caller to check if they want to avoid this. The DataAnalysis plugin has one of these libraries, and it's used by the ColorSpectrumEditor widget. More...
class  ColorSpectrumSelectionWidget
class  ColorSpectrumWidget
 A widget showing a color spectrum. More...
class  ColorToGrayscale
struct  CompositePrimaryKeyData
class  ControlLine
class  ControlPoint
class  CreateChart
 Operation for creating a custom chart. The charts data can be completely customized. More...
class  CreateChartDataCollectionPropertiesWidget
class  CreateChartObjectDictionary
 Operation for creating a group of data for attaching to a chart. More...
class  CreateChartPropertiesWidget
class  CreateDataSeriesMapFromScript
 Generates a ScriptedDataSeriesMapper object. More...
class  CreateGridPlot
class  CreateImageTileSet
 Creates an ImageTileSet for display with the ImageTileView widget. More...
class  CreateSqlTableFromCsvFile
 Reads data from a CSV delimited file into a SQL Table, the table can be stored in either an existing SQL database or a temporary database will be created. More...
class  CreateTransferFunction2dFromColorSpectrum
 Creates a 2D transfer function from a color spectrum. More...
class  CropImage
 Crop an image. More...
class  CsvReader
 Reads data from a delimited file. More...
class  CsvUtilities
class  CsvWriter
 Writes a DataCollection (and optionally, a set of DataSeries) to file in a comma-separated value format. More...
class  DataAnalysisPlugin
 WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class  DataAnalysisPluginDesigner
 WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class  DataCollectionItemModel
class  DataCollectionWidget
 Deprecated - User Widgets::ObjectDictionaryWidget. More...
class  DataCollectionWidgetConnector
class  DataCollectionWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  DataCollectionWidgetFactory
class  DataSeries
 Interface for accessing data types as though they were a read-only const array of doubles. More...
class  DataSeriesAdaptor
 A TypeAdaptor class for adapting T to a DataSeries where T is like a std::vector or QVector. More...
class  DataSeriesAdaptorFactory
 A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting a type into a DataSeries. More...
class  DataSeriesBuilder
 Constructs a DataSeries from a set of input floating point values. Can be run in a loop to accumulate values. More...
struct  DataSeriesEvaluator
 Trivial evaluator relying on an automatic conversion to double. More...
class  DataSeriesInfo
 Provides basic information about a DataSeries. More...
class  DataSeriesMapper
 Base class defining an interface for mapping a data series' values to other values. More...
class  DataSeriesToQVariantAdaptor
 Adapts a DataSeries to a QVariant. More...
class  DataSeriesWidget
class  DataSeriesWidgetConnector
class  DataSeriesWidgetFactory
class  DeepCopy
class  DeleteClassification
class  DimensionIndexLessThan
class  DimensionInfo
 A name and set of attributes used to annotate a dimension in an ArrayNd object. More...
class  DimensionRangeWidget
 A widget for displaying and editing a dimension range. More...
class  DiscreteNamedDimensionRangeFilter
 Filter for use on a named dimension range that includes a specific list of values that are either included or excluded. More...
class  EditDimensionRangeDialog
 Dialog for editing a dimension range. More...
class  EditDimensionRangeScene
 QGraphicsScene for editing a dimension range. More...
class  EditDimensionRangeView
class  FilterArrayNdDimensions
 Filters an n-dimensional data set based on specific dimension values, returning a sub-set of the data. More...
class  FindArrayNdRange
class  GetAllArrayNdDimensions
 Retrieves a list of all the dimensions in the ArrayNd object, and returns them as an object group. More...
class  GetArrayNdDimension
 Retrieves a named dimension from an NDimensionalData object. More...
class  GetDataSeriesFromArrayNd
 Gets a data series from an array nd data structure (multi-dimensional array) More...
class  GetDataSeriesValue
 Get a value at a specific index of a data series. More...
class  GetImage3dSlice
 Operation to create an image of a specific size with a per-pixel color determined by a value mapping into a color scale. More...
class  GetImageFromArrayNd
 Gets an image from an array nd data structure (multi-dimensional array), using a color scale and a set of user-specified dimensions. More...
class  GetSqlResultSetColumn
class  GridPlot
 A GridPlot wraps an ND dataset for the purposes of plotting it as a grid. More...
class  ImageBuilder
 Operation to create an image of a specific size with a uniform color. More...
class  ImageComposition
 Operation to compose a set of images with a base image. More...
class  ImageInfo
 Operation providing some basic information about an image. More...
class  ImageOverlay
 Class for specifying an image and its overlay location. More...
class  ImageReader
 Operation to read an image from a file. More...
class  ImageSequenceToAnimation
 Creates an animation from a sequence of image files. More...
struct  ImageTileClickEvent
class  ImageTileItem
class  ImageTileScene
class  ImageTileSet
 A set of images with labels for display with the ImageTileView widget. More...
class  ImageTileSetToImage
 Operation for rendering an ImageTileSet to a QImage. More...
class  ImageTileView
class  ImageTileViewConnector
class  ImageTileViewDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  ImageTileViewFactory
class  ImageToBase64
 Operation to write an image to a base64 encoded string. More...
class  ImageToOverlayAdaptor
 A TypeAdaptor class for converting an image to an image overlay. More...
class  ImageToOverlayAdaptorDialog
 Dialog for configuring how an image is adapted to a scene overlay. More...
class  ImageToOverlayAdaptorFactory
 A TypeAdaptorFactory class for an adaptor converting an image to an image overlay. More...
class  ImageWidget
class  ImageWidgetConnector
class  ImageWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class  ImageWidgetFactory
class  ImageWriter
 Operation to write an image to a file. More...
class  InsertColumnIntoSqlTable
 Add a column and data to a table. More...
class  InvalidSqlBoundObjectGroup
 The InvalidSqlBoundObjectGroup class defines an invalid implementation of the SqlBoundObjectGroup. It is the default constructed value for DataObjects of type SqlBoundObjectGroup. More...
class  ManyToManyRelation
 Many-to-many relationship type. More...
class  ManyToOneRelation
 Many-to-one relationship type. More...
class  MapDataSeries
 Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class  NamedDimensionRange
 A name and range of a dimension, generally used with an ArrayNd object. More...
class  NamedDimensionRangeFilter
 Filter for use on a named dimension range. More...
class  NdTo3dAdaptor
 Adapter from an ArrayNd object to a Array3dScalar object. More...
class  NdTo3dArray
 Extracts a 3D array from an ND array. More...
class  NullDataSeries
 Empty data series. More...
class  NullNamedDimensionRangeFilter
 Empty filter that allows all. More...
class  ObjectDictionaryLogger
 Operation to dump the contents of a object dictionary to the operation's log. More...
class  ObjectDictionaryStructure
 Operation to dump the structure of an object dictionary to the operation's log. More...
class  OneToManyRelation
 One-to-many relationship type. More...
class  OneToOneRelation
 One-to-one relationship type. More...
class  OpenSqlDatabase
 Open an existing database. More...
class  PartitionedVector
class  Plot
 The plot class holds the information required to generate a 2D plot. More...
class  PlotBuilder
 Builds a Plot from a list of plot items. More...
class  PlotImageBuilder
 Builds an image from a plot. More...
class  PlotInfo
 Retrieves information from plot workspace data. More...
class  PlotItem
 Represents one set of data to be included in a Plot. More...
class  PlotItemBuilder
 Builds a single PlotItem. More...
class  PlotRecolor
 Recolour all enabled plot items of a plot input. More...
class  PlotRenderer
class  PlotWidget
 Renders a plot and stores it as an image until the next render. More...
class  PlotWidgetConnector
class  PlotWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  PlotWidgetFactory
 Factory for plot widgets. More...
class  PropertySetterDataCollection
class  PropertySetterDataCollectionConnector
class  PropertySetterDataCollectionFactory
class  QuerySqlDatabase
class  QVariantToDataSeriesAdaptor
 Adapts a QVariant to a DataSeries. More...
class  QVariantToQImageAdaptor
 Adapts a QVariant to a DataSeries. More...
class  RawVoxelReader
 Reads images in a raw format with the specified dimensions. More...
class  ReduceArrayNdWithScript
 Reduces an ArrayNd over a user-specified set of dimensions using a user defined QtScript. More...
class  ResizeImage
 Takes an input image and resizes it to the specified dimensions. More...
class  RunExternalScript
 Operation to execute a script with a user specified runtime in a child process. More...
class  RunMatLabScript
 Operation to execute a R script in a child process. More...
class  RunMatLabScriptProperties
class  RunMatLabScriptPropertiesWidget
class  RunRScript
 Operation to execute a R script in a child process. More...
class  RunScriptUtilities
class  SaveChartToImageDialog
 Dialog to save a chart to an image. More...
class  SavePlotImageDialog
 Dialog window for saving plots as an image file. More...
class  ScientificDoubleSpinBox
class  ScientificDoubleSpinBoxConnector
class  ScientificDoubleSpinBoxDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  ScientificDoubleSpinBoxFactory
class  ScientificDoubleSpinBoxSettings
class  ScriptedDataSeriesMapper
 Data series mapper using QtScript to return a mapped value for each value in the series. More...
class  ScriptLibraryRegistry
 Repository through which source files for script dependencies can be stored for later usage. Includes convenience method for adding comma-delimited string of sources (addSourceListing). More...
class  SequenceDataSeries
 An infinite data series whose value is the same as the index. More...
class  SetCreateChartInputsCmd
 Command class for adding an input to an input array. More...
class  SliceArrayNd
 Slices an n-dimensional data set, returning a sub-set of the data. More...
class  SqlBindingRelation
 A simple structure for specifying relationship information between objects. More...
class  SqlBoundObjectClassData
 Contains static information about a specific SqlBoundObjectGroup class. Is used to capture data shared at the class level that cannot be specified statically. More...
class  SqlBoundObjectGroup
 An SqlBoundObjectGroup class is bound to a specific SQL table or view, and its instance objects are bound to individual records from this table or view. More...
class  SqlBoundObjectGroupData
class  SqlCompositePrimaryKey
 A class encapsulating information about a stored composite primary key (i.e. a primary key spanning the values of multiple fields). More...
class  SqlDatabaseWidget
 Widget for viewing and editing data in a SQL database. More...
class  SqlDatabaseWidgetConnector
class  SqlDatabaseWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  SqlDatabaseWidgetFactory
class  SqlDataModel
 Provides an interface to access data from an SQL database as bound objects. The created objects can then be manipulated by calling code and submitted back to the model to write back to the database. More...
class  SqlDataModelResult
 Contains information about results of an operation on the SqlDataModel such as a fetch, insert or update. More...
class  SqlDataTable
class  SqlDataTableWidgetConnector
class  SqlDataTableWidgetFactory
class  SqlResultSet
 The result of an SQL query, use GetSqlResultSetColumn operation to access results. More...
class  SqlResultSetTableWidgetConnector
class  SqlResultSetTableWidgetFactory
class  StandardDataSeries
 Template subclass of DataSeries for things that act like std::vector. More...
class  StringToImage
 Provides an image of a text string. More...
class  TableWidget
 Widget for displaying tables using a table model. More...
class  TableWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  ThreadedChartRender
class  TransferFunction2d
 Represents a TransferFunction in two dimensions. The x-dimension is the data value and the y-dimension is the gradient of the data value. More...
class  TransferFunction2dAngleClassification
 Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class  TransferFunction2dAngleClassificationView
class  TransferFunction2dBuilder
 Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class  TransferFunction2dClassification
 Base class for classification objects attached to transfer functions. More...
class  TransferFunction2dClassificationView
 Applies a DataSeriesMapper to a DataSeries. More...
class  TransferFunction2dInteraction
class  TransferFunction2dRectClassification
class  TransferFunction2dRectClassificationView
class  TransferFunction2dScene
 Scene for holding the contents of our transfer function 2d. Contains classification views. More...
class  TransferFunction2dView
class  TransferFunction2dWidget
class  TransferFunction2dWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for GLWidget. More...
class  Trie
 Super basic trie class for validating strings. Speeds up the code needed for some autocomplete / validation used in QLineEdits. More...
class  TypedSqlBoundObjectGroup
 Typed derived class of SqlBoundObjectGroup from which all implementations of SqlBoundObjectGroup should extend. Uses CRTP to implement most methods. More...
class  UnchangedDataSeriesMapper
 Passes through each data series value unchanged. More...
class  UpdateClassification
class  WebLibraryInjector
 Facilitates dependency injection of source files into a provided webpage. More...
class  WriteChartToSvgFile
 Operation for converting a chart to an SVG. The charts data can be completely customized. More...
class  WriteChartToWebPage
 Operation for converting a chart to an SVG. The charts data can be completely customized. More...
class  WriteSqlResultSetToCsvFile
 Put a one-line description of your operation here. More...
class  WriteSqlTableToCsvFile


using Array3dCharData = Array3dData< char >
using Array3dDoubleData = Array3dData< double >
using Array3dFloatData = Array3dData< float >
using Array3dIntData = Array3dData< int >
using Array3dInteger = Array3dTyped< int >
using Array3dLongData = Array3dData< long >
using Array3dNullInteger = Array3dNullTyped< int >
using Array3dNullScalar = Array3dNullTyped< double >
using Array3dScalar = Array3dTyped< double >
using Array3dShortData = Array3dData< short >
using Array3dUnsignedCharData = Array3dData< unsigned char >
using Array3dUnsignedIntData = Array3dData< unsigned int >
using Array3dUnsignedLongData = Array3dData< unsigned long >
using Array3dUnsignedShortData = Array3dData< unsigned short >
using Array3dVectorData = Array3dData< Mesh::Vector3d >
using ColorSpectrumLibraryContents = QMap< QString, ColorSpectrum >
using DataCollection = CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary
using DimensionIndexList = Application::VariableLengthArray< NamedDimensionRange::size_type, 32 >
 Used for providing a list of indices for each dimension.
typedef Array3dTyped< QRgb > Image3d
using Image3dNull = Array3dNullTyped< QRgb >
typedef QList< NamedDimensionRangeFilter * > NamedDimensionRangeFilterList
using NamedDimensionRangeList = QVector< NamedDimensionRange >
 A list of named dimension ranges.
typedef DataExecution::SetSelectedStringByString SetSelectedItem
using SqlBindingRelationMap = QMap< QString, SqlBindingRelation * >
 A map of field name to SqlBindingRelation.
typedef DataExecution::StringSelection StringList
typedef DataExecution::StringSelectionBuilder StringListBuilder
typedef DataExecution::StringSelectionFilter StringListFilter
typedef DataExecution::StringSelectionInfo StringListInfo
using StringListSelectionUpdatedEvent = DataExecution::StringSelectionUpdatedEvent


enum  RelationCardinality { OneToOne , ManyToOne , OneToMany , ManyToMany }
 Cardinality type of a SqlBindingRelation object. Each corresponds to a relationship class. More...
enum  SqlDataModelResultType {
  NoError = QSqlError::NoError , ConnectionError = QSqlError::ConnectionError , StatementError = QSqlError::StatementError , TransactionError = QSqlError::TransactionError ,
  UnknownError = QSqlError::UnknownError , NoResultsReturnedError = QSqlError::UnknownError + 1 , InvalidArgumentsError , InvalidBindingError ,
  InvalidValueError , DataConversionError , RecordAlreadyExistsError
 The types of errors that can occur in a result. More...


bool adapt (const QByteArray &from, QImage &to)
bool adapt (const QImage &from, QByteArray &to)
NamedDimensionRange::size_type calcRangeListSize (const NamedDimensionRangeList &range)
double mapForAxis (double value, double axisMin, double axisMax, bool logScale, double logBase)
template<class T , class Allocator >
bool operator!= (const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &lhs, const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &rhs)
DataSeries::const_iterator operator+ (DataSeries::const_iterator::difference_type n, const DataSeries::const_iterator &it)
DataSeries::const_iterator operator- (DataSeries::const_iterator::difference_type n, const DataSeries::const_iterator &it)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug lhs, const SqlBoundObjectGroup &rhs)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug lhs, const SqlCompositePrimaryKey &rhs)
template<class T , class Allocator >
bool operator== (const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &lhs, const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &rhs)

Detailed Description

The DataAnalysis namespace provides things like basic manipulation of data, 2D plot support, basic color and image handling, etc. Other modules will build upon it to supply more specialized capabilities.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Array3dCharData

◆ Array3dDoubleData

using Array3dDoubleData = Array3dData<double>

◆ Array3dFloatData

using Array3dFloatData = Array3dData<float>

◆ Array3dIntData

◆ Array3dInteger

◆ Array3dLongData

◆ Array3dNullInteger

◆ Array3dNullScalar

◆ Array3dScalar

using Array3dScalar = Array3dTyped<double>

◆ Array3dShortData

using Array3dShortData = Array3dData<short>

◆ Array3dUnsignedCharData

using Array3dUnsignedCharData = Array3dData<unsigned char>

◆ Array3dUnsignedIntData

using Array3dUnsignedIntData = Array3dData<unsigned int>

◆ Array3dUnsignedLongData

using Array3dUnsignedLongData = Array3dData<unsigned long>

◆ Array3dUnsignedShortData

using Array3dUnsignedShortData = Array3dData<unsigned short>

◆ Array3dVectorData

◆ ColorSpectrumLibraryContents

◆ DataCollection

◆ DimensionIndexList

◆ Image3d

typedef Array3dTyped<QRgb> Image3d

◆ Image3dNull

◆ NamedDimensionRangeFilterList

◆ NamedDimensionRangeList

◆ SetSelectedItem

◆ SqlBindingRelationMap

typedef QMap< QString, SqlBindingRelation * > SqlBindingRelationMap

◆ StringList

◆ StringListBuilder

◆ StringListFilter

◆ StringListInfo

◆ StringListSelectionUpdatedEvent

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RelationCardinality


◆ SqlDataModelResultType


Function Documentation

◆ adapt() [1/2]

bool adapt ( const QByteArray &  from,
QImage to 

◆ adapt() [2/2]

bool adapt ( const QImage from,
QByteArray &  to 

◆ calcRangeListSize()

NamedDimensionRange::size_type calcRangeListSize ( const NamedDimensionRangeList range)
rangeThe range we are calculating the size of.
The total size of the range list; i.e. the total number of elements in the range.

Calculates the total size of a range list, i.e. the number of elements in the range.

◆ mapForAxis()

double mapForAxis ( double  value,
double  axisMin,
double  axisMax,
bool  logScale,
double  logBase 

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &  lhs,
const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &  rhs 

◆ operator+()

DataSeries::const_iterator operator+ ( DataSeries::const_iterator::difference_type  n,
const DataSeries::const_iterator it 

◆ operator-()

DataSeries::const_iterator operator- ( DataSeries::const_iterator::difference_type  n,
const DataSeries::const_iterator it 

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  lhs,
const SqlBoundObjectGroup rhs 
lhsQDebug stream to write the rhs object to.
rhsSqlBoundObjectGroup to write to a stream for debugging purposes.
The QDebug stream used.

Convenience overload for streaming an object to QDebug for debugging purposes.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  lhs,
const SqlCompositePrimaryKey rhs 

Handy operator for writing to a stream (usually used for debugging purposes).

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &  lhs,
const PartitionedVector< T, Allocator > &  rhs 