Workspace 6.21.5
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
FilteredMeshNodesInterface Class Reference

#include <Mesh/DataStructures/MeshModelInterface/filteredmeshnodesinterface.h>

Inheritance diagram for FilteredMeshNodesInterface:

Public Member Functions

 FilteredMeshNodesInterface (MeshNodesInterface &interface)
 ~FilteredMeshNodesInterface () override
NodeHandle add (const Vector3d &position) override
void addFilter (const MeshModelFilter &filter)
void clear () override
void clearFilters ()
bool empty () const override
iterator erase (const iterator &position) override
bool filterNode (const NodeHandle &node) const
const MeshModelFilterListgetFilters () const
Vector3d getPosition (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle) const override
size_type highestNodeIndex () const override
bool isStateTypeSupported (const DataExecution::DataFactory &dataFactory) const override
void remove (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle) override
void reserve (size_type n) override
void setPosition (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const Vector3d &position) override
bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, const DataExecution::DataObject &value) override
size_type size () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from MeshNodesInterface
virtual NodeHandle add (const Vector3d &position)=0
const NodeStateHandleaddState (const QString &name, const DataExecution::DataObject &defaultValue)
template<typename T >
const NodeStateHandleaddState (const QString &name, const T &defaultValue)
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
virtual BoundingBoxMinimal calculateBoundingBox () const
virtual bool canAddState (const DataExecution::DataObject &defaultValue)
virtual bool canRemoveState (const NodeStateHandle &state)
virtual void clear ()=0
virtual bool digestContiguousFloatStateData (const NodeStateHandle &state, std::function< bool(size_type numNodes, size_type componentsPerNode, size_type stride, const double *data)> digestFunc) const
virtual bool digestContiguousIntegerStateData (const NodeStateHandle &state, std::function< bool(size_type numNodes, size_type componentsPerNode, size_type stride, const int_type *data)> digestFunc) const
virtual bool digestContiguousPositionData (std::function< bool(size_type numNodes, size_type stride, const double *data)> digestFunc) const
virtual bool digestContiguousUInt16StateData (const NodeStateHandle &state, std::function< bool(size_type numNodes, size_type componentsPerNode, size_type stride, const quint16 *data)> digestFunc) const
virtual bool digestContiguousUInt8StateData (const NodeStateHandle &state, std::function< bool(size_type numNodes, size_type componentsPerNode, size_type stride, const quint8 *data)> digestFunc) const
virtual bool empty () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
bool ensureAllStatesSupported (const NodeStateHandleList &states)
virtual iterator erase (const iterator &position)=0
NodeStateHandleList getAllStateHandles () const
virtual ContiguousDataAccessType getContiguousDataAccessType () const
virtual Vector3d getPosition (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle) const =0
bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, DataExecution::DataObject &result)
bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, DataExecution::DataObject &result) const
virtual bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, double &result) const
virtual bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, int_type &result) const
virtual bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, quint16 &result) const
virtual bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, quint8 &result) const
virtual bool getState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, Vector3d &result) const
const NodeStateHandlegetStateHandle (const QString &name) const
bool hasState (const QString &name) const
virtual size_t height () const
virtual size_type highestNodeIndex () const =0
virtual bool isDense () const
virtual bool isStateTypeSupported (const DataExecution::DataFactory &dataFactory) const =0
virtual bool load (MeshSerializer &serializer)
virtual void remove (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle)=0
bool removeAllStates ()
bool removeState (const NodeStateHandle &state)
bool removeState (const QString &name)
bool renameState (const QString &from, const QString &to)
virtual void reserve (size_type n)
virtual bool save (MeshSerializer &serializer, NodeHandleIndexHash &nodeIds) const
virtual void setPosition (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const Vector3d &position)=0
virtual bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, const DataExecution::DataObject &value)=0
virtual bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, const Vector3d &value)
virtual bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, double value)
virtual bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, int_type value)
virtual bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, quint16 value)
virtual bool setState (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, quint8 value)
virtual size_type size () const =0
virtual size_t width () const

Protected Member Functions

NodeStateHandleaddStateToImplementation (const QString &name, const DataExecution::DataObject &defaultValue) override
NodeHandle advance (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, size_type n) const override
NodeHandle beginHandle () const override
NodeHandle endHandle () const override
bool getStateImpl (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, DataExecution::DataObject &result) const override
bool getStateImpl (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, DataExecution::DataObject &result) override
bool removeStateFromImplementation (const NodeStateHandle &state) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MeshNodesInterface
 MeshNodesInterface ()
 MeshNodesInterface (const MeshNodesInterface &)
virtual ~MeshNodesInterface ()
virtual NodeStateHandleaddStateToImplementation (const QString &name, const DataExecution::DataObject &defaultValue)=0
virtual NodeHandle advance (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, size_type n) const =0
virtual NodeHandle beginHandle () const
iterator createIterator (const NodeHandle &handle) const
virtual NodeHandle endHandle () const
virtual bool getStateImpl (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, DataExecution::DataObject &result) const =0
virtual bool getStateImpl (const NodeHandle &nodeHandle, const NodeStateHandle &state, DataExecution::DataObject &result)=0
MeshNodesInterfaceoperator= (const MeshNodesInterface &)
bool registerExistingState (MeshModelInterface::size_type index, const QString &name, const DataExecution::DataObject &defaultValue)
virtual bool removeStateFromImplementation (const NodeStateHandle &state)=0
virtual bool stateBeingRenamed (const NodeStateHandle &state, const QString &to)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MeshNodesInterface
enum  ContiguousDataAccessType { DirectBufferAccess , CopiedBufferAccess }
 The type of access that a particular implementation provides to contiguous data. More...
using int_type = MeshModelInterface::int_type
using ItemHandleListType = NodeHandleList
using ItemHandleType = NodeHandle
using size_type = MeshModelInterface::size_type
using StateHandleListType = NodeStateHandleList
using StateHandleType = NodeStateHandle

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FilteredMeshNodesInterface()

◆ ~FilteredMeshNodesInterface()

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

NodeHandle add ( const Vector3d position)
positionThe position of the new node being added
A NodeHandle to the newly added node or an invalid NodeHandle if a new node could not be added. Subclass implementations can return an invalid handle simply by returning a default-constructed NodeHandle.

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ addFilter()

void addFilter ( const MeshModelFilter filter)

◆ addStateToImplementation()

NodeStateHandle * addStateToImplementation ( const QString &  name,
const DataExecution::DataObject defaultValue 
nameName of the state
defaultValueA default value of for this state

Derived classes must implement this method, returning a NodeStateHandle with the index they will use to refer to this state along with the name and default value passed as parameters.

A NodeStateHandle with the index the implementation has associated with this state. The caller will take ownership of this newed object. The indices assigned to states by the derived class do not have to be unique across all states but must be unique amongst all states of a given type. Hence the DataFactory and handle together form the unique ID. If the state could not be added a NULL pointer should be returned.
See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ advance()

NodeHandle advance ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle,
size_type  n 
) const
A NodeHandle n nodes past nodeHandle or endHandle() if it's past the last node.
See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ beginHandle()

NodeHandle beginHandle ( ) const
A handle that represents the first node or endHandle() if there are no nodes.
See also

Reimplemented from MeshNodesInterface.

◆ clear()

void clear ( )

Clears all node data. Defined states must be removed separately via removeAllStates.

See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ clearFilters()

void clearFilters ( )

◆ empty()

bool empty ( ) const

Default implmentation simply checks size(), derived classes should override if something more efficient is possible.

Reimplemented from MeshNodesInterface.

◆ endHandle()

CSIRO::Mesh::NodeHandle endHandle ( ) const
A handle that represents the node "one past the end". Ie. An index analogous to std::container::end()
See also

Reimplemented from MeshNodesInterface.

◆ erase()

FilteredMeshNodesInterface::iterator erase ( const iterator position)
An iterator for the next node or end() if the erased node was at the end.
Erasing a node may invalidate any existing NodeHandles currently held by something outside of the class. Removing a node does not guarantee any associated elements are updated, calling code is responsible for this if required.
See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ filterNode()

bool filterNode ( const NodeHandle node) const
true if the node should be filtered out, otherwise false if it should stay

◆ getFilters()

const MeshModelFilterList & getFilters ( ) const

◆ getPosition()

Vector3d getPosition ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle) const
nodeHandleThe node we're requesting the position of
nodeHandle must be a valid handle or the result is undefined

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ getStateImpl() [1/2]

bool getStateImpl ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle,
const NodeStateHandle state,
DataExecution::DataObject result 
) const
nodeHandleThe node we're requesting the state of
stateThe state we're requesting
resultA DataObject to store the result in (must be of type state.getDataObject() unless the implementation can convert)

This method is free to return shared data in result as it is only ever called by the public const getState method which will clone any shared data. As this is the case derived class should be able to implement the non-const getState() pure virtual as a simple call to this method as long as the only non-const thing this method does is return shared data.

See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ getStateImpl() [2/2]

bool getStateImpl ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle,
const NodeStateHandle state,
DataExecution::DataObject result 
nodeHandleThe node we're requesting the state of
stateThe state we're requesting
resultA DataObject to store the result in (must be of type state.getDataObject() unless the implementation can convert)
See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ highestNodeIndex()

CSIRO::Mesh::MeshNodesInterface::size_type highestNodeIndex ( ) const
highest index used by a valid NodeHandle (may be higher than size() if implementation is sparse or has invalid nodes internally)

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ isStateTypeSupported()

bool isStateTypeSupported ( const DataExecution::DataFactory dataFactory) const
dataFactoryThe DataFactory for the type of state we're checking support for
Whether the implementation supports node states of this type
See also
addState(const QString& name, const T& defaultValue)

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ remove()

void remove ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle)
Removing a node may invalidate any existing NodeHandles currently held by something outside of the class. Removing a node does not guarantee any associated elements are updated, calling code is responsible for this if required. nodeHandle param is const and remains unmodified.
See also

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ removeStateFromImplementation()

bool removeStateFromImplementation ( const NodeStateHandle state)

Derived classes must implement this method, deleting the state.

true if the state was removed or false if there was an error.

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ reserve()

void reserve ( size_type  n)

Default implementation does nothing

Reimplemented from MeshNodesInterface.

◆ setPosition()

void setPosition ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle,
const Vector3d position 
nodeHandleThe node we're setting the position of
positionThe position to set on the node
nodeHandle must be a valid handle or the result is undefined

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ setState()

bool setState ( const NodeHandle nodeHandle,
const NodeStateHandle state,
const DataExecution::DataObject value 
nodeHandleThe node we're setting the state of
stateThe state we're setting
valueA DataObject containing the data to set (must be of type state.getDataObject() unless the implementation can convert)

Implements MeshNodesInterface.

◆ size()

MeshNodesInterface::size_type size ( ) const
total number of valid nodes

Implements MeshNodesInterface.