class | AnalysisTree |
| Class for customising a WorkspaceTreeWidget without changing the application-wide settings. More...
class | AnchorAttributes |
class | AnchorDifference |
| Contains the data needed to differentiate between 2 anchor elements. More...
class | AnchorElementData |
class | AnchorElementsMap |
class | AttributeDifference |
| Stores differences between two attributes as recorded as part of the CompareTwoWorkspaces operation. More...
class | Attributes |
class | AutoMerge |
struct | AutoMergeType |
class | BlockData |
struct | ChildItemSelectionData |
class | ColourSettingsWidget |
| Loads the application colours (this is application dependent), and lets the user change them. More...
class | ColumnTextFormatter |
class | CompareTwoGlobalsFiles |
| Compares two files of global names. More...
class | CompareTwoWorkflows |
| Compare two workflows. More...
class | CompileWorkflowHistory |
| Runs validation and comparison tools over the workflows referenced in a SVN-based revision log; it constructs an xml string pulling together the results. More...
struct | ConnectionAnchorData |
class | ConnectionAttributes |
struct | ConnectionData |
class | ConnectionDifference |
| Data relating to a difference between a connection's instances in two separate workflows. More...
class | ConnectionElementData |
class | ConnectionElementsMap |
class | CopySelectorWidget |
| Creates a list of checkable items from every child of the "set" item that represents a scalar input. More...
class | CreateWorkspaceContext |
| Creates an object dictionary containing the label and path to every operation in a pair of related workflow files. More...
class | CustomWidgetItemDelegate |
| Creates an editor widget based on the underlying data's type and preferred display widget. More...
class | CustomWidgetWrapper |
| A wrapper for an editor based on a preferred display widget; controls moving data between the model and the widget's data object. More...
class | DefaultMergeSettingsWidget |
| Sets the defaults associated with the merge defaults. More...
class | DiffArguments |
class | DiffElementData |
class | DiffElementsMap |
class | DifferenceHighlightingStyledItemDelegate |
| Displays coloured highlights in the display text based on known differences between it and another string (ie that displayed in the cell next to it). Does not affect editing. More...
class | DifferenceProcessor |
class | DifferenceUnit |
class | DiffGraphicsEffectFactory |
| Creates graphics effects that differ depending on the provided difference information. More...
class | DiffXMLData |
| Holds xml content that it not explicitly handled by a DiffElementData subclass use this in addition to subclassing from DiffElementData. More...
class | DisplayAttributes |
struct | DisplayData |
class | DisplayDifference |
| Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an display's instances in two different workflows. More...
class | DisplayElementData |
class | DisplayElementsMap |
class | DisplayUpdater |
class | DockManager |
| Class for managing a set of dock widgets associated with a particular menu. More...
class | DomDocumentUpdater |
class | EditorSelectorItemDelegate |
| Creates a set of QComboBoxes that allow the user to select the type of data and preferred display widget for the item. More...
class | EditorSelectorWidget |
| Widget lets the user choose the item's data type and preferred display widget. More...
class | ElementDifference |
| Stores attribute differences between two items for CompareTwoWorkspaces operation (base class). More...
class | ElementFinder |
class | ExtractSVNLog |
| Runs svn log –xml -v over the given SVN repository path. More...
class | FeatureAttributes |
class | FeatureDifference |
| Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an feature's instances in two different workflows. More...
class | FeatureElementData |
class | FeatureElementsMap |
class | FramedColorButton |
| QPushButton subclass that adds a frame coloured by the hue of the main colour. More...
class | GhostInsertion |
class | GhostLine |
class | GhostOperation |
| Specialisation of place holder used when representing an existing operation in another workflow. More...
class | GhostSection |
class | GlobalNameParameterModel |
| Overrides header display data to simplify column names. More...
class | GlobalNameParameterWidget |
| Widget where user can view list of parameters for each global name. More...
class | GlobalNameParameterWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GlobalNameParameterWidget. More...
class | GlobalNameResultsModel |
| Overrides header display data to simplify column names. More...
class | GlobalNameResultsWidget |
| Widget where user can view list of global names and results from a series of workflow runs. More...
class | GlobalNameResultsWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for GlobalNameResultsWidget. More...
class | GlobalsComparisonWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class | GlobalsDiffMainWidget |
class | GlobalsDiffModel |
| Holds 2 SerializedTrees corresponding to 2 global name files being compared. More...
class | GlobalsDiffModelItem |
class | GlobalsDiffNameSerializer |
| Loads global names from file into the GlobalsDiffModel. More...
class | GlobalsDiffSortFilterModel |
| Proxy filter that allows a GlobalsDiffModel to be sorted and filtered. More...
class | GlobalsDiffTreeView |
| View of a GlobalsDiffModel showing global name elements from each side-by-side. More...
class | HighlightingGhostTextEdit |
class | HighlightingStringFragment |
| Keeps track of the starting pos and length of a string fragment, and whether it should be highlighted or not. More...
class | HighlightingTextEdit |
class | InputDifference |
| Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an input's instances in two different workflows. More...
class | InputElementData |
class | InputElementsMap |
struct | InputParameterInfo |
class | IOAttributes |
class | IOElementData |
class | ItemDifference |
| Stores common differences between two items as recorded as part of the CompareTwoWorkspaces operation. More...
class | LineNumberArea |
class | MainToolWindow |
| Utility main window for Workspace Tools with generic support for projects, undo, docks, logging and window state. More...
class | MergeAnalyser |
class | MergeAnchor |
class | MergeArguments |
class | MergeAttribute |
class | MergeConnection |
class | MergeFeature |
class | MergeGraphicsEffectFactory |
| Creates graphics effects that differ depending on the provided difference information (for the three-way merge tool). More...
class | MergeInput |
class | MergeItem |
class | MergeNote |
class | MergeOperation |
class | MergeOutput |
class | MergeProgressWidget |
| Displays an array of MergeItem. More...
class | MergeProgressWidgetConnector |
class | MergeProgressWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class | MergeProgressWidgetFactory |
class | MergeProposal |
| Holds the result of determining the type of change a "Difference" class represents, and its recommended merge result. More...
class | MergeSettings |
| Holds a map between all the auto-merge types currently defined and their default values. More...
class | MergeThreeWorkflows |
| Takes the diffs between two workflows and their common base and produces a set of recommended merges. More...
class | MergeView |
class | MergeWorkflowWithBase |
| Takes a base workflow and a set of element merges and applies them to create a merged workflow. More...
class | ModifyMergedDifferences |
| Put a one-line description of your operation here. More...
class | ModifyMergedDifferencesWidget |
| Offers user input to an auto merge process, such as choosing to ignore a merge or (to be implemented) choose which workflow to choose in case of conflict. More...
class | ModifyMergedDifferencesWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class | MultipleWorkflowApp |
| Interface for applications with multiple workflows. More...
class | NoteAttributes |
struct | NoteData |
class | NoteDifference |
| Contains the data needed to differentiate between 2 note elements. More...
class | NoteElementData |
class | NoteElementsMap |
class | OperationAttributes |
class | OperationDifference |
| Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an operation's instances in two different workflows. More...
class | OperationElementData |
class | OutputDifference |
| Contains all of the neccesary information to describe the differences between an output's instances in two different workflows. More...
class | OutputElementData |
class | OutputElementsMap |
class | ParameterInfo |
class | ParameterSweepController |
| Controller to load and run workflows multiple times with different sets of parameters. More...
class | ParameterSweepWorker |
class | PluginConnector |
class | PluginDifference |
| Contains the data needed to differentiate between 2 plugin elements. More...
class | PluginElementData |
class | PluginElementsMap |
class | PluginTableModel |
class | SelectedGlobalInputView |
| TableView of the selected inputs to the Parameter Sweep allowing values to be edited in diverse ways. More...
class | SelectFilesDialog |
| Widget for setting workflow filenames (all four at once) More...
class | SelectGlobalNamesModel |
| QSqlTableModel that subclasses header data to make it easier to read. More...
class | SelectGlobalNamesSortFilterModel |
| Proxy model for the SelectGlobalNamesModel to let data parameter variables be restricted to those with global names. More...
class | SelectGlobalNamesWidget |
| Widget where user can view a list of global names and select ones of interest. Two tables views are provided. The one of the left lists all unselected global names while the one of the right lists all selected global names. More...
class | SelectGlobalNamesWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for SelectGlobalNamesWidget. More...
class | SettingsStackDialog |
| Dialog for configuring Workflow tools settings, based on WorkspaceSettingsDialog. More...
class | SettingsWidget |
| Widget ready to be added to a SettingsStackDialog widget. More...
struct | StringFragment |
class | StringHighlights |
| Keeps list of fragments of text to be highlighted, or to be flagged as a point at which text was inserted into an alternate string. More...
class | SummariseWorkflowHistory |
| Summarises the results of CompileWorkflowHistory into two csv files, ordered by workflow name and workflow revision respectively. More...
class | TextComparisonWidget |
| Widget that lets use compare two strings inside a pair of QTextEdit widgets: dynamically colours the first line that differs between them. More...
class | TextDifference |
class | TextDifferencer |
class | TextHighlighter |
struct | ToolLogCategoryGuard |
| Temporarily disables the normal log warnings if they are inappropriate and distracting in the Workflowtool context. More...
class | ValidationData |
| Holds data as retrieved by WorkflowValidator operation. More...
class | ViewAttributes |
class | ViewDifference |
| Put a one-line description of your datatype here. More...
class | ViewElementData |
class | ViewElementsMap |
class | WidgetSignalBlocker |
| Temporarily blocks onward signals while user-selection signals are propagated to linked widgets. More...
class | WorkflowComparisonAnalyser |
| Creates a text (xml) file from the result of a workflow comparison operation. More...
class | WorkflowComparisonGraphicsEffect |
| Graphics effect for workflow comparisons. More...
class | WorkflowDifferencesWidget |
| Display workflow differences as held in an ObjectArray. More...
class | WorkflowDifferencesWidgetConnector |
class | WorkflowDifferencesWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for WorkflowDifferencesWidget. More...
class | WorkflowDifferencesWidgetFactory |
class | WorkflowDiffMainWidget |
| Main widget for the Two-way Comparison Tool. More...
class | WorkflowDiffSettingsDialog |
| Widget for setting default external tools. More...
class | WorkflowDiffsIgnoreList |
| Widget for setting any attributes that the diff tool should ignore. More...
class | WorkflowMergeMainWidget |
| Main widget for the Three-way Merge Tool. More...
class | WorkflowToolsLoggingDock |
| Dock for holding a reportingLevelComboBox and LogViewer. More...
class | WorkflowToolsPlugin |
| Plugin holds applications, operations and support code for workspace elements outside the editor. More...
class | WorkflowToolsPluginDesigner |
| WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class | WorkflowToolsPluginMenu |
| Provides a custom menu for the plugin CSIRO::Tools::WorkflowToolsPlugin within the Workspace editor. More...
class | WorkflowToolUtil |
| General class for utility functions across the Workflow Tool set. More...
class | WorkflowUpdater |
class | WorkflowUpdateRequester |
| Creates workflow update requests from the WorkflowDifferencesWidget. More...
class | WorkflowValidateMainWidget |
class | WorkflowValidator |
| Do some checking on a workspace contained in the input file. More...
class | WorkflowValidatorWidget |
| Display workflow validation report as held in an ObjectArray. More...
class | WorkflowValidatorWidgetConnector |
class | WorkflowValidatorWidgetDesigner |
| Qt Designer support for WorkflowValidatorWidget. More...
class | WorkflowValidatorWidgetFactory |
struct | WorkspaceData |
class | WorkspaceParameterSweepWindow |
| Main window for Workspace Parameter Sweep. More...
class | WriteableFileMenu |
enum | AutoMergeDefaultResponse { AlwaysAccept
, ConfirmIfPossible
, AlwaysConfirm
, AlwaysIgnore
} |
enum | AutoMergeRole {
UndeterminedRole = 0
, ItemAddedToOne
, ItemAddedToBothSame
, ItemAddedToBothDiff
, ItemRemovedFromBoth
, ItemEditedInOne
, ItemEditedInBothSame
, ItemEditedInOneRemovedInOne
, ItemMovedInOne
, ItemMovedInBothSame
, CustomRole
, AutoMergeRoleEnd
} |
enum | AutoMergeState {
AddedToWorkflow1Only = 0
, AddedToWorkflow2Only
, AddedtoBothWorkflowsIdentically
, AddedtoBothWorkflowsDifferently
, RemovedFromWorkflow2UnchangedInWorkflow1
, RemovedFromWorkflow1ModifiedInWorkflow2
, RemovedFromWorkflow2ModifiedInWorkflow1
, ModifiedInWorkflow1UnchangedInWorkflow2
, ModifiedInWorkflow2UnchangedInWorkflow1
, ModifiedInBothWorkflowsIdentically
, Unchanged
} |
enum | Columns { NameColumn
, ValueInAColumn
, ValueInBColumn
, ColumnCount
} |
enum | ComparisonRole { WorkflowA = 0
, WorkflowB = 1
} |
| Represents the role that a workflow is taking in a comparison: side A or B. More...
enum | ContextAction { Copy = 0
, Append
, Remove
, Compare
} |
enum | DataRole { TagData = Qt::UserRole
, RoleData
, CustomNameData
, ChangeFlag
} |
enum | DictionaryRoles {
WorkspaceLabel = 0
, ElementTag
, PresentInA
, PresentInB
, ValueInB
, ElementInA
, ElementInB
} |
| These are the members of the lists returned in the differences output of the CompareTwoGlobalsFiles operation. More...
enum | DifferenceType {
Operation = 0
, View
, Connection
, Note
, Input
, ArrayInput
, ArrayInputElement
, Feature
, Display
, Position
, Plugin
, ParentWorkspace
, FormattedChild
} |
enum | MergeAction {
, MergeAction_Remove
, MergeAction_Append
, MergeAction_Replace
, MergeAction_Modify
, MergeAction_Reject
} |
| Which type of merge action is proposed. More...
enum | MergeRole { MergeRole_Workflow1 = 0
, MergeRole_Workflow2 = 1
, MergeRole_Base
, MergeRole_Merged
} |
| Represents the role that a workflow is taking in a merge: workflow1, workflow2, base or the merged result. More...
enum | ReportingLevel { Errors = 0
, Warnings = 1
, Informative = 2
, Verbose = 3
} |
| Level of logging that will be shown in the log viewer. More...
enum class | SweepType { Input
, Result
, Unsupported
} |
enum class | Type { Remove
, Insert
, Ignore
} |
enum class | VariableType {
, InputArray
, Output
, Operation
} |
enum | WorkflowChoice { WorkflowChoice_Workflow1
, WorkflowChoice_Workflow2
, WorkflowChoice_BothWorkflows
} |
| Which workflows the proposed merge involves. More...
ComparisonRole | alternativeTo (ComparisonRole desc) |
const QString | appColourStr ("appcolours") |
void | applyExtractedDifferencesToDefaultElement (QDomElement &element, const QMap< QString, QString > &attributes, const QStringList &content) |
| If the "reference" element does not exist, because it is a default IO, known "differences" are applied here to a constructed reference so that the base workflow can be updated.
bool | applyOpMerges (QDomDocument &baseDocument, QList< MergeOperation * > mergeItems) |
| Recursive function that adds workspace parents before their children **.
const QString | attrVersion ("version") |
const QString | blueberry ("#1E22AA") |
const int | colourVersion (0) |
bool | compareNotes (const NoteElementDataPair ¬eElementDataPair, OperationDifference *operationDifference, bool *differencesFound) |
MergeRole | counterpartWorkflowRole (MergeRole role) |
QMap< DiffRole, WorkspaceGraphicsEffect::EffectState > | createEffects (int hue) |
QMap< DiffRole, WorkspaceGraphicsEffect::EffectState > | createGhostEffects (int hue) |
const QString | defaultColourStr ("defaultcolours") |
int | differenceCount (QDomElement elt, const QString &differenceTag) |
GlobalsDiffModelItem * | findChildItem (const QString &displayName, GlobalsDiffModelItem &item) |
int | findGlobalNames (const QString &operation, const QDomElement &opChildA, const QDomElement &opChildB, QMap< QString, QMap< QString, QMap< QString, GlobalAttributePair > > > &IO) |
QDomElement | findMatchingOperation (const QString &opName, const QDomElement element) |
QSqlDatabase | getDatabase (const QString &databaseConnectionName, const QString &databaseName, const QString &databaseDriver, const QString &action, QString &errors) |
static QString | getDomNodeAsString (QDomNode currentNode) |
NoteElementData | getNoteElementData (const QDomElement &element) |
SelectGlobalNamesSortFilterModel * | getSortFilterModel (const QTableView &tableView) |
const QString | gold ("#FFB81C") |
bool | hideIfIgnorable (QTreeWidgetItem *item) |
static bool | isGUIDEmpty (const GUIDType &guidIn) |
const QString | lavender ("#9FAEE5") |
const QString | lightMint ("#71CC98") |
const QString | lightTeal ("#2DCCD3") |
static const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory | LOG_TOOL_ERROR ("ToolError", true, "ERROR: ") |
static const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory | LOG_TOOL_INFO ("ToolInfo", true) |
static const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory | LOG_TOOL_VERBOSE ("ToolVerbose", true) |
static const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory | LOG_TOOL_WARNING ("ToolWarning", true, "WARNING: ") |
const QString | logSettingsKey ("log") |
const QString | mint ("#007A53") |
const QString | orange ("#FF6700") |
| CSIRO Colours.
bool | selectClosestMatchingOperation (const QString &wsPath, bool selected, Presentation::WorkspaceTabWidget &tabWidget) |
| Attempts to select an appropriate ancestral Workspace inside a workflow for an operation where the operation itself may not actually exist. If the selected operation does not appear in the alternate workflows, we want to zoom to its closest existing ancestor.
const QString | teal ("#007377") |
const QString | versionedColourStr ("colours") |
const QString | windowStateStr ("windowState") |