Workspace 6.21.5
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
ParallelIterationControlOperation< Derived > Class Template Reference

#include <Workspace/DataExecution/Operations/Builtin/paralleliterationcontroloperation.h>

Inheritance diagram for ParallelIterationControlOperation< Derived >:

Public Member Functions

 ParallelIterationControlOperation (const OperationFactory &factory, const QString &opName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Operation
 ~Operation () override
bool addInput (Input &input, bool modifiedInPlace=false)
bool addOutput (Output &output)
template<typename T >
bool assignInput (const QString &inputName, const T &value)
bool canSerialize () const override
bool connectProgressEvents (QProgressBar *progressBar)
virtual Presentation::CustomOperationPropertiescreateCustomPropertiesHandler ()
virtual void ensureHasData ()
bool getBroadcastUpdateEvents () const
QColor getColor () const
virtual QString getDefaultIconPath () const
QString getDefaultUiPath () const
QString getDeprecationMessage () const
const QString & getDescription () const
SerializedItem getExtras ()
const OperationFactorygetFactory () const
OperationgetFromPath (const QString &path, Workspace &relativeTo, QStringList &errors) const override
virtual GraphicsSize getGraphicsSize () const
virtual QString getHelpPage () const
QString getIconPath () const
const QUuid & getId () const
QString getIdPath (bool scoped=true) const override
QString getIdPath (const Workspace &relativeTo) const
difference_type getIndex (const Input &input, IndexCountingOptions options=SkipNone) const
difference_type getIndex (const Output &output, IndexCountingOptions options=SkipNone) const
void getIndexPair (InputScalar &input, difference_type &mainIndex, difference_type &arrayIndex)
InputgetInput (const QString &name)
const InputgetInput (const QString &name) const
InputgetInput (size_type index)
const InputgetInput (size_type index) const
InputArraygetInputArray (const QString &name)
const InputArraygetInputArray (const QString &name) const
IOBaseIteratorRange< Input, false > getInputs ()
IOBaseIteratorRange< Input, true > getInputs () const
InputScalargetInputScalar (const QString &name)
const InputScalargetInputScalar (const QString &name) const
template<typename T >
T & getInputValue (const QString &inputName)
template<typename T >
const T & getInputValue (const QString &inputName) const
const QString & getLabel () const
QString getLabelRelativeToRoot () const
OutputgetOutput (const QString &name)
const OutputgetOutput (const QString &name) const
OutputgetOutput (size_type index)
const OutputgetOutput (size_type index) const
IOBaseIteratorRange< Output, false > getOutputs ()
IOBaseIteratorRange< Output, true > getOutputs () const
template<typename T >
T & getOutputValue (const QString &outputName)
template<typename T >
const T & getOutputValue (const QString &outputName) const
bool getProfilingEnabled () const
int getProgress () const
int getProgressContribution () const
bool getProgressResetByNotUpToDate () const
virtual SchedulerFeatures getRequiredSchedulerFeatures () const
InputScalargetScalarInput (size_type mainIndex, difference_type arrayIndex)
QString getShortLabel () const
QString getTagName () const
bool getTerminateExecution () const
QString getUiPath () const
bool getUpToDate () const override
virtual bool hasRequiredSchedulerFeatures () const
void idPathChanged () override
virtual bool inputRebuilt (InputScalar &input)
virtual bool isAsynchronous () const
virtual bool isAsynchronousProcess () const
virtual bool isAtomicUpdate () const
bool isConnectedToAsynchronous () const override
bool isDeprecated () const
bool isEditable () const
bool isIdPathCachingEnabled () const
virtual bool isPolymorphicType () const
virtual bool isRunningAsynchronously () const
virtual bool isThreadSafe () const
template<typename T >
bool isType () const
bool isType (const OperationFactory &type) const
bool isUpdating () const
virtual bool isUserConfigurable ()
bool isUsingDefaultColor () const
bool isUsingDefaultIconPath () const
bool isUsingDefaultUiPath () const
bool isWaitingForAsynchronousUpdate () const override
bool isWorkspaceType () const
bool load (const SerializedItem &item) override
void markUpToDateWhereSafe ()
bool matchesType (const Operation &otherOperation) const
size_type numInputs (IndexCountingOptions=SkipNone) const
size_type numOutputs (IndexCountingOptions=SkipNone) const
bool removeInput (const QString &name)
bool removeInput (Input &input)
bool removeOutput (const QString &name)
bool removeOutput (Output &output)
virtual void resetExecutionDependencies ()
bool save (SerializedItem &item) const override
virtual bool saveWithData (SerializedItem &item) const
virtual void setAtomicUpdate (bool atomic)
void setBroadcastUpdateEvents (bool enable)
void setColor (const QColor &c)
void setDescription (const QString &description)
void setEditable (bool b)
void setIconPath (const QString &path)
void setId (const QUuid &id)
virtual void setIdPathCachingEnabled (bool b)
virtual void setInputNotUpToDate (InputScalar &input)
virtual void setIsAsynchronous (bool asynchronous)
virtual void setIsAsynchronousProcess (bool)
virtual void setIsRunningAsynchronously (bool asynchronous)
void setLabel (const QString &label)
virtual void setOutputNotUpToDate (Output &output)
void setProfilingEnabled (bool enable)
virtual void setProgress (int percent)
void setProgressContribution (int percent)
void setProgressResetByNotUpToDate (bool b)
virtual void setRequiredSchedulerFeatures (const SchedulerFeatures &)
void setTerminateExecution (bool b)
void setUiPath (const QString &path)
void setUpToDate (bool b) override
bool update (Updater *updater=nullptr) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from WorkspaceElement
 ~WorkspaceElement () override
const WorkspacegetWorkspace () const override
WorkspacegetWorkspace () override
virtual void workspaceChanged (Workspace *oldWorkspace)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Updatable
 ~Updatable () override
virtual bool comesFromExternal () const
QString getEnclosingScope () const
virtual UpdatablegetFromPath (const QString &path, Workspace &relativeTo, QStringList &errors) const =0
const QString & getGlobalName () const
virtual QString getIdPath (bool scoped=true) const =0
virtual WorkspacegetRootWorkspace ()
virtual const WorkspacegetRootWorkspace () const
QString getScopedGlobalName () const
virtual bool getUpToDate () const =0
virtual const WorkspacegetWorkspace () const =0
virtual WorkspacegetWorkspace ()=0
virtual void idPathChanged ()
virtual bool isConnectedToAsynchronous () const =0
virtual bool isWaitingForAsynchronousUpdate () const =0
void setGlobalName (const QString &name)
virtual void setUpToDate (bool b)=0
virtual bool update (Updater *updater=nullptr)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observable
virtual ~Observable ()
void attachObserver (Observer &observer)
void destroy ()
void detachObserver (Observer &observer)
void notifyEvent (const ObservableEvent &event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Serialize
virtual ~Serialize ()=default
virtual bool canSerialize () const =0
virtual bool load (const SerializedItem &item)=0
virtual bool save (SerializedItem &item) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from TextLogger
 TextLogger ()
 TextLogger (const DataExecution::IOBase &io)
 TextLogger (const DataExecution::Operation &operation)
 TextLogger (const TextLogger &logger)
 TextLogger (TextLogger &&logger)
virtual ~TextLogger ()
void logLine (const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory &category, const QString &msg) const
void logLine (const QString &msg) const
void logText (const Application::LogManager::MessageCategory &category, const QString &msg) const
void logText (const QString &msg) const
TextLoggeroperator= (TextLogger)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ParallelIteratingOperation< Derived >
void onIterationAborted (Workspace &) override
void onIterationFinished (Workspace &) override
void onIterationSuccess (Workspace &) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ParallelIteratingOperationBase
virtual void onIterationAborted (Workspace &)=0
virtual void onIterationFinished (Workspace &)=0
virtual void onIterationSuccess (Workspace &)=0
void processAbortedIteration (Workspace &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IteratingOperationBase
 IteratingOperationBase ()
virtual ~IteratingOperationBase ()=default

Protected Member Functions

bool bringInputsUpToDate () override
bool execute () override
bool isIterationControlInput (const Input &input) const override
void setInputNotUpToDate (InputScalar &input) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Operation
 Operation (const OperationFactory &factory, const QString &label)
bool bringArrayOfInputsUpToDate (Input *&array, size_type arraySize)
bool bringArrayOfInputsUpToDate (std::vector< Input * > &array)
virtual bool bringInputsUpToDate ()
bool bringInputUpToDate (Input &input)
virtual void cancelExecution (bool b)
virtual bool execute ()=0
virtual bool finishInputsOutputsAfterLoad (const SerializedItem &item)
UpdatergetCurrentUpdater ()
virtual const InputgetRenamedInput (const QString &name) const
virtual const OutputgetRenamedOutput (const QString &name) const
virtual bool inputsAreUpToDate () const
virtual bool makeOutputsValid ()
virtual void markOutputsUpToDate ()
void pauseUpdate ()
virtual bool postSave (SerializedItem &item) const
virtual bool prepareInputsOutputsForLoad (const SerializedItem &item)
void saveExtras (SerializedItem &item) const
virtual bool shouldPutInExtras (const QString &tagName) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WorkspaceElement
 WorkspaceElement ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Updatable
 Updatable ()
 Updatable (const Updatable &up)
void notifyUpdated ()
Updatableoperator= (const Updatable &up)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Observable
 Observable ()
 Observable (const Observable &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ParallelIteratingOperation< Derived >
 ParallelIteratingOperation ()
bool atEndCondition () override
IteratingOperationBase::ExecutionResult executeIteration (Workspace *workspaceToExecute) override
virtual IteratingOperationBase::ExecutionResult executeIterationInSerial (Workspace *workspaceToExecute, int iterationCounter) noexcept(false)=0
bool isIterationControlInput (const Input &input) const override
bool isLoopConditionValid () const override
void performCleanup (Workspace *workspaceToExecute, bool forceStop) override
bool performInitialisation (Workspace *workspaceToExecute) override
bool postIterationExecute () override
bool preIterations () override
virtual WorkspaceselectIterationForOutputAssignment (const WorkspacePool &iterations) const
void setNonIterationControlInputsNotUpToDate () override
void updateProgress () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ParallelIteratingOperationBase
 ParallelIteratingOperationBase ()
virtual ~ParallelIteratingOperationBase ()=default
int calcProgress (int startValue, int endValue, int counterValue)
virtual IterationControlParams getIterationControlParams () const =0
int getIterationCount ()
void setMethodDispatcher (ParallelIteratingOperationMethodDispatcher *dispatcher)
void sleep (int msec)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IteratingOperation< Derived >
 IteratingOperation ()
 ~IteratingOperation () override
virtual bool bringInputsUpToDateImpl ()
virtual bool executeImpl ()
virtual bool isIterationControlInput (const Input &input) const
void performCleanup (Workspace *workspaceToExecute, bool forceStop) override
bool performInitialisation (Workspace *workspaceToExecute) override
bool preIterations () override
virtual void setInputNotUpToDateImpl (InputScalar &input)
void setNonIterationControlInputsNotUpToDate () override
void terminateExecution ()
bool updateInputsForIteration () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IteratingOperationBase
virtual bool atEndCondition ()=0
virtual ExecutionResult executeIteration (Workspace *workspaceToExecute) noexcept(false)=0
WorkspacegetWorkspaceToExecute ()
bool isExecuting () const
virtual bool isLoopConditionValid () const =0
virtual void performCleanup (Workspace *workspaceToExecute, bool forceStop) noexcept(false)=0
virtual bool performInitialisation (Workspace *workspaceToExecute) noexcept(false)=0
virtual bool postIterationExecute ()
virtual bool preIterations ()=0
virtual void setNonIterationControlInputsNotUpToDate ()
void setWorkspaceToExecute (Workspace *workspace)
virtual bool updateInputsForIteration ()=0
virtual void updateProgress ()=0

Protected Attributes

SimpleInput< DependencyiterationDependency_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ParallelIteratingOperation< Derived >
SimpleInput< bool > enableParallelLooping_
IterationObservers iterationObservers_
WorkspacePool iterationPool_
QAtomicInt remainingIterations_
QAtomicInt runningIterations_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ParallelIteratingOperationBase
int counterValue_
int endValue_
bool overflowed_
int startValue_
int stepValue_
- Protected Attributes inherited from IteratingOperation< Derived >
SimpleInput< bool > enableLoop_
SimpleInput< bool > wrap_
- Protected Attributes inherited from IteratingOperationBase
bool executing_
bool reset_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Operation
enum  ConfigStatus { GoodConfig = 0x00 , UnknownConfig = 0x01 , InvalidConfig = 0x02 }
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t
enum  GraphicsSize { Default = 100 , Small = 65 }
 Options for the graphical size of an operation, able to be changed by derived classes. Values are percentages. More...
enum  IndexCountingOption { SkipNone = 0x0 , SkipInvisible = 0x1 , SkipDependencies = 0x2 }
using size_type = size_t
- Public Types inherited from IteratingOperationBase
enum  ExecutionResult { Abort , Success , Retry }
 Result of an iteration's execution. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Updatable
static InputScalarfindInputScalarGlobalName (const QString &scopedGlobalName, Workspace &relativeTo)
static IOBasefindIOBaseGlobalName (const QString &scopedGlobalName, Workspace &relativeTo)
static OperationfindOperationGlobalName (const QString &scopedGlobalName, Workspace &relativeTo)
- Protected Types inherited from ParallelIteratingOperation< Derived >
using IterationObservers = std::map< Workspace *, IterationObserver * >
typedef std::map< Workspace *, bool > WorkspacePool

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ParallelIterationControlOperation()

ParallelIterationControlOperation ( const OperationFactory factory,
const QString &  opName 

Member Function Documentation

◆ bringInputsUpToDate()

bool bringInputsUpToDate

This function is responsible for first bringing the dependency input up to date, then determining all the inputs required to update the operation's outputs and bring those inputs up to date as well.

The default implementation assumes all inputs need to be brought up to date, but some operations may only require some of the inputs to be up to date in order to calculate the outputs. Indeed, some of the inputs may need to be up to date, their values checked and then some combination of the rest brought up to date. An example where this could be useful is where an operation should behave differently for different iterations of a loop.

Subclasses which choose to override this function should call the other overloaded version of this function as necessary to actually bring the inputs it needs up to date, since it will handle multi-threading in a future implementation. It must update the dependency input first on its own before anything else.

True if required inputs were able to be brought up to date.
See also
update(), execute(), bringInputUpToDate(), bringArrayOfInputsUpToDate()

Reimplemented from Operation.

◆ execute()

bool execute ( )

Subclasses need to implement this function to do the actual processing of the operation. Clients should not call this function directly, but should instead call the update() function, since it ensures all inputs are updated first and all outputs have setUpToDate called on each one.

When called, this function can assume that all of its required inputs have already been brought up to date.
When this function exits, all of the operation's outputs need to have had their values set. It is not required that setUpToDate be called for each output, since this is done by the update() function after execute() returns.
True if the operation was able to execute successfully.

Implements Operation.

◆ isIterationControlInput()

bool isIterationControlInput ( const Input input) const

◆ setInputNotUpToDate()

void setInputNotUpToDate ( InputScalar input)
inputThe input making the requested status change.

This function is provided so that operations can take special action when a particular input is marked as not up to date. The default implementation marks the whole operation as not up to date by calling setUpToDate(false), but subclasses (notably Workspace) may want to do something more interesting.

Reimplemented from Operation.

Member Data Documentation

◆ iterationDependency_

SimpleInput<Dependency> iterationDependency_