Workspace 7.1.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
CSIRO::Widgets Namespace Reference

This namespace contains support for widgets attached to workspace data objects.


namespace  Char
namespace  MatrixWidgetPrivate
namespace  Regex
namespace  Ui


class  AboutAppDialog
 Generic 'About $app' dialog box for use in Workspace applications. Caller should call adjustSize() once all customizations to the window are completed to ensure the dialog window looks good. More...
class  AboutDialog
 Custom "About" dialog for stand alone applications. See BrandingWidget for usage examples. More...
class  AnnounceCheckWidget
 Checks for Workspace announcements. More...
class  BrandingWidget
 Software branding widget for use with SplashScreen and AboutDialog in stand alone applications. More...
class  ButtonGroupBox
class  ButtonGroupBoxConnector
class  ButtonGroupBoxFactory
class  CertificateBrowserWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class  CheckBoxConnector
class  CheckBoxFactory
class  CheckButtonGroupBox
class  ColorButton
class  ColorButtonConnector
class  ColorButtonDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ColorButton. More...
class  ColorButtonDesignerOld
class  ColorButtonFactory
class  ColorComponentSlider
 A simple slider for a single component of a color (red, green, blue or alpha) More...
class  ColorComponentSliderConnector
class  ColorComponentSliderDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ColorComponentSlider. More...
class  ColorComponentSliderFactory
class  ColorWidget
 Simple widget which shows the current color as its background color. More...
class  ComboBoxAsStringConnector
class  ComboBoxAsStringFactory
class  ComboBoxConnector
class  ComboBoxFactory
class  CommonConnectorsUpdateWidgetsEvent
class  ConnectionDisplayButton
 A widget which holds a connection icon as well as a display widget wrapper button. More...
class  ConnectionDisplayWidget
 A widget which holds a connection icon as well as a display widget. More...
class  ConnectorsRespondToUpdatesEvent
class  DataTableWidget
 This widget allows to interact with a DataTable. More...
class  DataTableWidgetConnector
class  DataTableWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for DataTableWidget. More...
class  DataTableWidgetFactory
class  DateTimeWidgetConnector
class  DateTimeWidgetFactory
class  DependencyButtonConnector
class  DependencyButtonFactory
class  DesignerDragDrop
class  DirectoryWidgetFactory
class  DisplayWidgetButton
 Button that displays an embedded display widget in a dialog when clicked. More...
class  DockWidgetEventFilter
 Installed as a event filter on QDockWidgets registered with a DockWidgetManager. It is used to detect mouse press events so that the manager can keep track of the last QDockWidget that was clicked on. More...
class  DockWidgetManager
 Registering a QDockWidget with a DockWidgetManager gives it the capability to float as a standalone floating widget. To activate floating, the user has to click on the QDockWidget and press ctrl-D. The floating widget can be docked by focusing on it and pressing ctrl-D again. More...
class  DoubleLineEditConnector
class  DoubleLineEditFactory
class  DoubleRangeGeneratorWidget
 Dialog box that generates a list of double values based on entered min and max values and the number of values to generate. More...
class  DoubleSpinBoxConnector
class  DoubleSpinBoxFactory
class  DoubleWsLineEditFactory
class  EditPropertiesTaskMenu
 Qt Designer extension to allow property browser configuration. More...
class  EnumComboBoxConnector
class  EnumComboBoxFactory
class  EnumPropertyConnector
class  FileNameWidget
 Widget for specifying a file or directory name. More...
class  FileNameWidgetConnector
class  FileNameWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for FileNameWidget. More...
class  FileNameWidgetFactory
class  FloatingDockWidget
 Container widget for storing the contents of a QDockWidget. While a QDockWidget can itself float by itself, it does not behave in a same way as most windows do with the main limitation that a floating QDockWidget can't be easily maximised. FloatingDockWidget is used as a work-around for this limitation but taking possession of a QDockWidget's contents and is displayed as a standalone floating widget. More...
class  FloatSpinBoxConnector
class  FloatSpinBoxFactory
class  FontButton
class  FontButtonConnector
class  FontButtonDesigner
 Qt Designer support for FontButton. More...
class  FontButtonDesignerOld
class  FontButtonFactory
class  GeneralProgressBarWidget
 This class defines a progress bar in a general sense: a possibly non-contiguous bar. The interest lies in the fact that some actions can be on/off, so non-contiguous. This progress bar also supports coloring that corresponds to different action's states, zoom-in/out and mouse hovering above the bars that shows in a tooltip the precise time at the mouse pointer location. More...
class  GlobalNameColumnEditor
 Widget for entering global names as part of a QTableWidget. Can show a warning icon if there is another element with the same global name in the Workflow (icon is shown if showDuplicates is true) More...
class  GlobalNameTableDesigner
 Qt Designer support for OperationCatalogue. More...
class  GroupBoxConnector
class  GroupBoxFactory
class  IntegerLineEditConnector
class  IntegerLineEditFactory
class  IntegerSpinBoxConnector
class  IntegerSpinBoxFactory
class  IntegerWsLineEditFactory
class  IntRangeGeneratorWidget
 Dialog box that generates a list of integer values based on entered min and max values and numberOfSteps. More...
class  IOModel
class  IOModelItem
class  IOTreeWidget
 QTreeView specialization for showing an Operation's inputs and outputs. More...
class  JSEditDesigner
 Qt Designer support for JSEdit. More...
class  JSEditWidget
 A wrapper class of JSEdit with enriched functions of opening and saving scripts. More...
class  JsonJSEditConnector
class  JsonJSEditFactory
class  LineEdit
class  LineEditDesigner
 Qt Designer support for LineEdit (Workspace's QLineEdit) More...
class  LineNumberArea
 A side panel of line numbers for a QPlainTextEdit widget. More...
class  ListLineEdit
class  ListLineEditDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ListLineEdit. More...
class  ListTextEdit
class  ListTextEditDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ListTextEdit. More...
class  LogViewerDesigner
 Qt Designer support for TextViewer. More...
class  MatrixTableDelegate
 Delegate class that knows how to display matrix information (of type T) in a QTable. More...
class  MatrixTableDelegateBase
 Base class for all matrix table delegates. A matrix table delegate knows how to display a matrix of a certain data type in a QTable. More...
class  MatrixWidget
 Widget for displaying / editing the contents of a matrix datastructure. Assumes that all data is going to be in floating point format. More...
class  MatrixWidgetConnector
 Connects a MatrixWidget to a matrix datastructure of the specified type. More...
class  MatrixWidgetFactory
 Widget factory for a MatrixWidget. More...
class  MultipleFileNamesWidget
 Widget for specifying multiple files. More...
class  MultipleFileNamesWidgetConnector
class  MultipleFileNamesWidgetFactory
class  NamePath
 Provides a way to identify a particular input or output of an operation in a (possibly nested) namespace. More...
class  NullWidget
 A null Widget that doesn't do anything except display a type name. More...
class  NullWidgetConnector
 A null connector that doesn't do anything. More...
class  NullWidgetFactory
 A null widget that doesn't do anything. More...
class  NumberedPlainTextEdit
class  ObjectArrayWidget
class  ObjectArrayWidgetConnector
class  ObjectArrayWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ObjectArrayWidget. More...
class  ObjectArrayWidgetFactory
class  ObjectController
class  ObjectDictionaryItemModel
class  ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidget
 Widget for displaying the contents of an ObjectDictionary in a table format. More...
class  ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetConnector
class  ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetFactory
class  ObjectDictionaryWidget
 Widget for displaying the contents of a ObjectDictionary in an expandable tree. More...
class  ObjectDictionaryWidgetConnector
class  ObjectDictionaryWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  ObjectDictionaryWidgetFactory
class  ObjectGroupModel
 The model acts as interface into a ObjectGroup's hierarchy of DataObjects and nested ObjectGroups. More...
class  ObjectGroupModelItem
class  ObjectGroupWidget
 Generic tree view widget to view and interact with any data type derived from ObjectGroup. More...
class  ObjectGroupWidgetConnector
class  ObjectGroupWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for ObjectGroupWidget. More...
class  ObjectGroupWidgetFactory
class  OperationCatalogueDesigner
 Qt Designer support for OperationCatalogue. More...
class  OperationConnectionWidget
 Base class for QWidgets that connect to an entire operation rather than just a single IOBase. More...
class  OperationEditorDesigner
 Qt Designer support for OperationEditor. More...
class  OperationTimelineWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for OperationTimelineWidget. More...
class  OperationWidget
 A container widget for showing a widget for a particular operation. More...
class  OperationWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for OperationWidget. More...
class  PasswordWidget
 Widget to use for entering passwords. More...
class  PasswordWidgetConnector
class  PasswordWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class  PasswordWidgetFactory
class  PluginListDialog
 Simple dialog box for displaying all visible plugins and their versions. More...
class  ProgressBarConnector
class  ProgressBarFactory
class  PropertyBrowserMenuFactory
 Qt Designer extension factory to allow property browser configuration. More...
class  PropertyConnector
class  PropertyConnector< DataExecution::StringSelection >
class  PropertyConnectorBase
class  PropertyEditorDialog
 Widget for editing the properties for a QtTreePropertyBrowser within Qt Designer. More...
class  PropertySetter
class  PropertySetterBool
class  PropertySetterBoolConnector
class  PropertySetterBoolDesigner
 Qt Designer support for PropertySetterBool. More...
class  PropertySetterBoolFactory
class  PropertySetterInt
class  PropertySetterIntConnector
class  PropertySetterIntDesigner
 Qt Designer support for PropertySetterInt. More...
class  PropertySetterIntFactory
class  PropertySetterObjectArray
class  PropertySetterObjectArrayConnector
class  PropertySetterObjectArrayFactory
class  PropertySetterQreal
class  PropertySetterQrealConnector
class  PropertySetterQrealDesigner
 Qt Designer support for PropertySetterQreal. More...
class  PropertySetterQrealFactory
class  PropertySetterString
class  PropertySetterStringConnector
class  PropertySetterStringDesigner
 Qt Designer support for PropertySetterString. More...
class  PropertySetterStringFactory
class  ProperyEditorTreeWidget
class  PushButtonGroupBox
class  QByteArrayLabelConnector
class  QByteArrayLabelFactory
class  QPointFLineEditConnector
class  QPointFLineEditFactory
class  QtAbstractEditorFactory
 The QtAbstractEditorFactory is the base template class for editor factories. More...
class  QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase
 The QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase provides an interface for editor factories. More...
class  QtAbstractPropertyBrowser
 QtAbstractPropertyBrowser provides a base class for implementing property browsers. More...
class  QtAbstractPropertyManager
 The QtAbstractPropertyManager provides an interface for property managers. More...
class  QtBoolEdit
class  QtBoolPropertyManager
 The QtBoolPropertyManager class provides and manages boolean properties. More...
class  QtBrowserItem
 The QtBrowserItem class represents a property in a property browser instance. More...
class  QtCharEdit
class  QtCharEditorFactory
 The QtCharEditorFactory class provides editor widgets for properties created by QtCharPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtCharPropertyManager
 The QtCharPropertyManager provides and manages QChar properties. More...
class  QtCheckBoxFactory
 The QtCheckBoxFactory class provides QCheckBox widgets for properties created by QtBoolPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtColorEditorFactory
 The QtColorEditorFactory class provides color editing for properties created by QtColorPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtColorEditWidget
class  QtColorPropertyManager
 The QtColorPropertyManager provides and manages QColor properties. More...
class  QtCursorDatabase
class  QtCursorEditorFactory
 The QtCursorEditorFactory class provides QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtCursorPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtCursorPropertyManager
 The QtCursorPropertyManager provides and manages QCursor properties. More...
class  QtDateEditFactory
 The QtDateEditFactory class provides QDateEdit widgets for properties created by QtDatePropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtDatePropertyManager
 The QtDatePropertyManager provides and manages QDate properties. More...
class  QtDateTimeEditFactory
 The QtDateTimeEditFactory class provides QDateTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtDateTimePropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtDateTimePropertyManager
 The QtDateTimePropertyManager provides and manages QDateTime properties. More...
class  QtDoublePropertyManager
 The QtDoublePropertyManager provides and manages double properties. More...
class  QtDoubleSpinBoxFactory
 The QtDoubleSpinBoxFactory class provides QDoubleSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtDoublePropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtEnumEditorFactory
 The QtEnumEditorFactory class provides QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtEnumPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtEnumPropertyManager
 The QtEnumPropertyManager provides and manages enum properties. More...
class  QtFlagPropertyManager
 The QtFlagPropertyManager provides and manages flag properties. More...
class  QtFontEditorFactory
 The QtFontEditorFactory class provides font editing for properties created by QtFontPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtFontEditWidget
class  QtFontPropertyManager
 The QtFontPropertyManager provides and manages QFont properties. More...
class  QtGroupPropertyManager
 The QtGroupPropertyManager provides and manages group properties. More...
class  QtIntPropertyManager
 The QtIntPropertyManager provides and manages int properties. More...
class  QtKeySequenceEdit
class  QtKeySequenceEditorFactory
 The QtKeySequenceEditorFactory class provides editor widgets for properties created by QtKeySequencePropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtKeySequencePropertyManager
 The QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides and manages QKeySequence properties. More...
class  QtLineEditFactory
 The QtLineEditFactory class provides QLineEdit widgets for properties created by QtStringPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtLocalePropertyManager
 The QtLocalePropertyManager provides and manages QLocale properties. More...
class  QtMarginsFPropertyManager
 The QtMarginsFPropertyManager provides and manages QMarginsF properties. More...
class  QtMarginsPropertyManager
 The QtMarginsPropertyManager provides and manages QMargins properties. More...
class  QtMetaEnumWrapper
class  QtPointFPropertyManager
 The QtPointFPropertyManager provides and manages QPointF properties. More...
class  QtPointPropertyManager
 The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties. More...
class  QtProperty
 The QtProperty class encapsulates an instance of a property. More...
class  QtPropertyBrowserUtils
class  QtRectFPropertyManager
 The QtRectFPropertyManager provides and manages QRectF properties. More...
class  QtRectPropertyManager
 The QtRectPropertyManager provides and manages QRect properties. More...
class  QtScrollBarFactory
 The QtScrollBarFactory class provides QScrollBar widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtSizeFPropertyManager
 The QtSizeFPropertyManager provides and manages QSizeF properties. More...
class  QtSizePolicyPropertyManager
 The QtSizePolicyPropertyManager provides and manages QSizePolicy properties. More...
class  QtSizePropertyManager
 The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties. More...
class  QtSliderFactory
 The QtSliderFactory class provides QSlider widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtSpinBoxFactory
 The QtSpinBoxFactory class provides QSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtStringPropertyManager
 The QtStringPropertyManager provides and manages QString properties. More...
class  QtTimeEditFactory
 The QtTimeEditFactory class provides QTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtTimePropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtTimePropertyManager
 The QtTimePropertyManager provides and manages QTime properties. More...
class  QtTreePropertyBrowser
 The QtTreePropertyBrowser class provides QTreeWidget based property browser. More...
class  QtTreePropertyBrowserConnector
class  QtTreePropertyBrowserDesigner
 Qt Designer support for QtTreePropertyBrowser. More...
class  QtVariantEditorFactory
 The QtVariantEditorFactory class provides widgets for properties created by QtVariantPropertyManager objects. More...
class  QtVariantProperty
 The QtVariantProperty class is a convenience class handling QVariant based properties. More...
class  QtVariantPropertyManager
 The QtVariantPropertyManager class provides and manages QVariant based properties. More...
class  QueuedWidgetConnector
 A widget connector that causes the attached IOBase to queue all data changes to the workspace hierarchy while it's being updated. More...
class  QVariantWidget
 Widget for displaying the contents of a QVariant in an expandable tree. More...
class  QVariantWidgetConnector
class  QVariantWidgetFactory
class  QWidgetConnector
 Base class for objects handling the connection between data objects and QWidget instances. More...
class  RadioButtonConnector
class  RadioButtonFactory
class  RadioButtonGroupBox
class  RangedSlider
class  RangedSliderConnector
class  RangedSliderDesigner
 Qt Designer support for RangedSlider. More...
class  RangedSliderFactory
class  RangedSpinBox
class  RangedSpinBoxConnector
class  RangedSpinBoxDesigner
 Qt Designer support for RangedSpinBox. More...
class  RangedSpinBoxFactory
class  ScriptWidget
 Operation widget for editing scripts. More...
class  ScriptWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class  ShowWidgetButton
class  ShowWidgetButtonConnector
class  ShowWidgetButtonFactory
class  SimpleGraphicsView
 A custom QGraphicsView that behaves more like a simple Google Maps style canvas. More...
class  SplashScreen
 Custom splash screen for stand alone applications. See BrandingWidget for usage examples. More...
class  StandAloneWidget
class  StandAloneWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for StandAloneWidget. More...
class  StateToggle
class  StateToggleConnector
class  StateToggleDesigner
 Qt Designer support for StandAloneWidget. More...
class  StateToggleFactory
class  StringComboBoxConnector
class  StringJSEditConnector
class  StringJSEditFactory
class  StringLineEditConnector
class  StringLineEditFactory
class  StringListLineEditConnector
class  StringListLineEditFactory
class  StringListTextEditConnector
class  StringListTextEditFactory
class  StringListWidget
class  StringListWidgetConnector
class  StringListWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for StringListWidget. More...
class  StringListWidgetFactory
class  StringSelectionWidgetConnector
class  StringSelectionWidgetFactory
class  StringTextEditConnector
class  StringTextEditFactory
class  StringWsLineEditFactory
class  TimeStampFormatWidget
 Sets a format string intended for a QDateTime object. More...
class  TimeStampFormatWidgetConnector
class  TimeStampFormatWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class  TimeStampFormatWidgetFactory
class  ToggleButtonConnector
class  ToggleButtonFactory
class  TreeSelectionModel
class  TreeSelectionWidget
 Operation widget for displaying lists of toggle check boxes in a tree view. More...
class  TreeSelectionWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for a widget. More...
class  VariantLabelConnector
class  VariantLabelFactory
class  VariantLineEditConnector
class  VariantLineEditFactory
class  VectorDoubleLineEditConnector
class  VectorDoubleLineEditFactory
class  VectorDoubleTextEditConnector
class  VectorDoubleTextEditFactory
class  VectorIntLineEditConnector
class  VectorIntLineEditFactory
class  VectorIntTextEditConnector
class  VectorIntTextEditFactory
class  WebBrowserWidget
 QWebView with some helper slots. More...
class  WebBrowserWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for WebBrowserWidget. More...
class  WidgetCreators
 Class for creating widgets connected to input/output data. More...
class  WidgetDelegate
class  WidgetEditorDialog
 Widget for editing the editor widget properties for properties of a QtTreePropertyBrowser. More...
class  WidgetFactory
class  WidgetManager
 Singleton for managing widgets attached to workspace data. More...
class  WidgetPropertyMonitor
 Class for monitoring changes to a widget property. More...
class  WidgetWindow
 Provides a floating window which keeps its title synchronized with its source. More...
class  WorkspaceFileDialog
class  WorkspaceNotesWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTabWidget. More...
class  WorkspacePluginDesigner
 WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More...
class  WorkspaceStatusTableDesigner
 Qt Designer support for the Workspace status table. More...
class  WorkspaceTableWidget
 Generic Workspace table widget that can be embedded into other widgets for additional functionality. More...
class  WorkspaceTableWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support. More...
class  WorkspaceTabWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTabWidget. More...
class  WorkspaceTreeView
 Generic Workspace tree view that can be embedded into other widgets for additional functionality. More...
class  WorkspaceTreeViewDesigner
 Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTreeView. More...
class  WorkspaceTreeWidgetDesigner
 Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTreeWidget. More...
class  WorkspaceUiLoader
 Custom UI loader for use with Workspace applications. More...


typedef QMap< QtAbstractPropertyBrowser *, QMap< QtAbstractPropertyManager *, QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase * > > Map1
typedef QMap< QtAbstractPropertyManager *, QMap< QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase *, QList< QtAbstractPropertyBrowser * > > > Map2
typedef QMap< const QtProperty *, QtProperty * > PropertyMap
typedef QMap< int, QIcon > QtIconMap
typedef QWebEngineView WebView
typedef QItemDelegate WidgetDelegateBase


enum class  WidgetState { Unmodified , ReadOnly , ReadWrite }


static QIcon drawCheckBox (bool value)
template<class Value , class PrivateData >
static Value getData (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, Value PrivateData::*data, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value())
template<class Value , class PrivateData >
static Value getMaximum (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value())
template<class Value , class PrivateData >
static Value getMinimum (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value())
template<class Value , class PrivateData >
static Value getValue (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value())
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value , class PrivateData >
static void setBorderValue (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, Value(PrivateData::*getRangeVal)() const, void(PrivateData::*setRangeVal)(ValueChangeParameter), const Value &borderVal, void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyRange)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter))
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value >
static void setBorderValues (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &minVal, const Value &maxVal, void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyRange)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter))
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value , class PrivateData >
static void setMaximumValue (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &maxVal)
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value , class PrivateData >
static void setMinimumValue (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &minVal)
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class Value , class PropertyManager >
static void setSimpleValue (QMap< const QtProperty *, Value > &propertyMap, PropertyManager *manager, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &val)
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value >
static void setValueInRange (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &val, void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyValue)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter))
static QList< QLocale::Country > sortCountries (const QList< QLocale::Country > &countries)
static QtPropertywrappedProperty (QtProperty *property)

Typedef Documentation

◆ Map1

◆ Map2

◆ PropertyMap

typedef QMap<const QtProperty* , QtProperty* > PropertyMap

◆ QtIconMap

typedef QMap<int, QIcon> QtIconMap

◆ WebView

typedef QWebEngineView WebView

◆ WidgetDelegateBase

typedef QItemDelegate WidgetDelegateBase

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ WidgetState

enum class WidgetState

Options for modifying a widget automatically when connecting it to a workflow.


Function Documentation

◆ drawCheckBox()

static QIcon drawCheckBox ( bool  value)

Return an icon containing a check box indicator

◆ getData()

static Value getData ( const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &  propertyMap,
Value PrivateData::*  data,
const QtProperty property,
const Value &  defaultValue = Value() 

◆ getMaximum()

static Value getMaximum ( const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &  propertyMap,
const QtProperty property,
const Value &  defaultValue = Value() 

◆ getMinimum()

static Value getMinimum ( const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &  propertyMap,
const QtProperty property,
const Value &  defaultValue = Value() 

◆ getValue()

static Value getValue ( const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &  propertyMap,
const QtProperty property,
const Value &  defaultValue = Value() 

◆ setBorderValue()

static void setBorderValue ( PropertyManager *  manager,
PropertyManagerPrivate *  managerPrivate,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *)  propertyChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  valueChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)  rangeChangedSignal,
QtProperty property,
Value(PrivateData::*)() const  getRangeVal,
void(PrivateData::*)(ValueChangeParameter)  setRangeVal,
const Value &  borderVal,
void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)  setSubPropertyRange 

◆ setBorderValues()

static void setBorderValues ( PropertyManager *  manager,
PropertyManagerPrivate *  managerPrivate,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *)  propertyChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  valueChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)  rangeChangedSignal,
QtProperty property,
const Value &  minVal,
const Value &  maxVal,
void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)  setSubPropertyRange 

◆ setMaximumValue()

static void setMaximumValue ( PropertyManager *  manager,
PropertyManagerPrivate *  managerPrivate,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *)  propertyChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  valueChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)  rangeChangedSignal,
QtProperty property,
const Value &  maxVal 

◆ setMinimumValue()

static void setMinimumValue ( PropertyManager *  manager,
PropertyManagerPrivate *  managerPrivate,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *)  propertyChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  valueChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)  rangeChangedSignal,
QtProperty property,
const Value &  minVal 

◆ setSimpleValue()

static void setSimpleValue ( QMap< const QtProperty *, Value > &  propertyMap,
PropertyManager *  manager,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *)  propertyChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  valueChangedSignal,
QtProperty property,
const Value &  val 

◆ setValueInRange()

static void setValueInRange ( PropertyManager *  manager,
PropertyManagerPrivate *  managerPrivate,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *)  propertyChangedSignal,
void(PropertyManager::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  valueChangedSignal,
QtProperty property,
const Value &  val,
void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)  setSubPropertyValue 

◆ sortCountries()

static QList< QLocale::Country > sortCountries ( const QList< QLocale::Country > &  countries)

◆ wrappedProperty()

static QtProperty * wrappedProperty ( QtProperty property)