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Workspace 7.1.0
This namespace contains support for widgets attached to workspace data objects.
Namespaces | |
namespace | Char |
namespace | MatrixWidgetPrivate |
namespace | Regex |
namespace | Ui |
Classes | |
class | AboutAppDialog |
Generic 'About $app' dialog box for use in Workspace applications. Caller should call adjustSize() once all customizations to the window are completed to ensure the dialog window looks good. More... | |
class | AboutDialog |
Custom "About" dialog for stand alone applications. See BrandingWidget for usage examples. More... | |
class | AnnounceCheckWidget |
Checks for Workspace announcements. More... | |
class | BrandingWidget |
Software branding widget for use with SplashScreen and AboutDialog in stand alone applications. More... | |
class | ButtonGroupBox |
class | ButtonGroupBoxConnector |
class | ButtonGroupBoxFactory |
class | CertificateBrowserWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for a widget. More... | |
class | CheckBoxConnector |
class | CheckBoxFactory |
class | CheckButtonGroupBox |
class | ColorButton |
class | ColorButtonConnector |
class | ColorButtonDesigner |
Qt Designer support for ColorButton. More... | |
class | ColorButtonDesignerOld |
class | ColorButtonFactory |
class | ColorComponentSlider |
A simple slider for a single component of a color (red, green, blue or alpha) More... | |
class | ColorComponentSliderConnector |
class | ColorComponentSliderDesigner |
Qt Designer support for ColorComponentSlider. More... | |
class | ColorComponentSliderFactory |
class | ColorWidget |
Simple widget which shows the current color as its background color. More... | |
class | ComboBoxAsStringConnector |
class | ComboBoxAsStringFactory |
class | ComboBoxConnector |
class | ComboBoxFactory |
class | CommonConnectorsUpdateWidgetsEvent |
class | ConnectionDisplayButton |
A widget which holds a connection icon as well as a display widget wrapper button. More... | |
class | ConnectionDisplayWidget |
A widget which holds a connection icon as well as a display widget. More... | |
class | ConnectorsRespondToUpdatesEvent |
class | DataTableWidget |
This widget allows to interact with a DataTable. More... | |
class | DataTableWidgetConnector |
class | DataTableWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for DataTableWidget. More... | |
class | DataTableWidgetFactory |
class | DateTimeWidgetConnector |
class | DateTimeWidgetFactory |
class | DependencyButtonConnector |
class | DependencyButtonFactory |
class | DesignerDragDrop |
class | DirectoryWidgetFactory |
class | DisplayWidgetButton |
Button that displays an embedded display widget in a dialog when clicked. More... | |
class | DockWidgetEventFilter |
Installed as a event filter on QDockWidgets registered with a DockWidgetManager. It is used to detect mouse press events so that the manager can keep track of the last QDockWidget that was clicked on. More... | |
class | DockWidgetManager |
Registering a QDockWidget with a DockWidgetManager gives it the capability to float as a standalone floating widget. To activate floating, the user has to click on the QDockWidget and press ctrl-D. The floating widget can be docked by focusing on it and pressing ctrl-D again. More... | |
class | DoubleLineEditConnector |
class | DoubleLineEditFactory |
class | DoubleRangeGeneratorWidget |
Dialog box that generates a list of double values based on entered min and max values and the number of values to generate. More... | |
class | DoubleSpinBoxConnector |
class | DoubleSpinBoxFactory |
class | DoubleWsLineEditFactory |
class | EditPropertiesTaskMenu |
Qt Designer extension to allow property browser configuration. More... | |
class | EnumComboBoxConnector |
class | EnumComboBoxFactory |
class | EnumPropertyConnector |
class | FileNameWidget |
Widget for specifying a file or directory name. More... | |
class | FileNameWidgetConnector |
class | FileNameWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for FileNameWidget. More... | |
class | FileNameWidgetFactory |
class | FloatingDockWidget |
Container widget for storing the contents of a QDockWidget. While a QDockWidget can itself float by itself, it does not behave in a same way as most windows do with the main limitation that a floating QDockWidget can't be easily maximised. FloatingDockWidget is used as a work-around for this limitation but taking possession of a QDockWidget's contents and is displayed as a standalone floating widget. More... | |
class | FloatSpinBoxConnector |
class | FloatSpinBoxFactory |
class | FontButton |
class | FontButtonConnector |
class | FontButtonDesigner |
Qt Designer support for FontButton. More... | |
class | FontButtonDesignerOld |
class | FontButtonFactory |
class | GeneralProgressBarWidget |
This class defines a progress bar in a general sense: a possibly non-contiguous bar. The interest lies in the fact that some actions can be on/off, so non-contiguous. This progress bar also supports coloring that corresponds to different action's states, zoom-in/out and mouse hovering above the bars that shows in a tooltip the precise time at the mouse pointer location. More... | |
class | GlobalNameColumnEditor |
Widget for entering global names as part of a QTableWidget. Can show a warning icon if there is another element with the same global name in the Workflow (icon is shown if showDuplicates is true) More... | |
class | GlobalNameTableDesigner |
Qt Designer support for OperationCatalogue. More... | |
class | GroupBoxConnector |
class | GroupBoxFactory |
class | IntegerLineEditConnector |
class | IntegerLineEditFactory |
class | IntegerSpinBoxConnector |
class | IntegerSpinBoxFactory |
class | IntegerWsLineEditFactory |
class | IntRangeGeneratorWidget |
Dialog box that generates a list of integer values based on entered min and max values and numberOfSteps. More... | |
class | IOModel |
class | IOModelItem |
class | IOTreeWidget |
QTreeView specialization for showing an Operation's inputs and outputs. More... | |
class | JSEditDesigner |
Qt Designer support for JSEdit. More... | |
class | JSEditWidget |
A wrapper class of JSEdit with enriched functions of opening and saving scripts. More... | |
class | JsonJSEditConnector |
class | JsonJSEditFactory |
class | LineEdit |
class | LineEditDesigner |
Qt Designer support for LineEdit (Workspace's QLineEdit) More... | |
class | LineNumberArea |
A side panel of line numbers for a QPlainTextEdit widget. More... | |
class | ListLineEdit |
class | ListLineEditDesigner |
Qt Designer support for ListLineEdit. More... | |
class | ListTextEdit |
class | ListTextEditDesigner |
Qt Designer support for ListTextEdit. More... | |
class | LogViewerDesigner |
Qt Designer support for TextViewer. More... | |
class | MatrixTableDelegate |
Delegate class that knows how to display matrix information (of type T) in a QTable. More... | |
class | MatrixTableDelegateBase |
Base class for all matrix table delegates. A matrix table delegate knows how to display a matrix of a certain data type in a QTable. More... | |
class | MatrixWidget |
Widget for displaying / editing the contents of a matrix datastructure. Assumes that all data is going to be in floating point format. More... | |
class | MatrixWidgetConnector |
Connects a MatrixWidget to a matrix datastructure of the specified type. More... | |
class | MatrixWidgetFactory |
Widget factory for a MatrixWidget. More... | |
class | MultipleFileNamesWidget |
Widget for specifying multiple files. More... | |
class | MultipleFileNamesWidgetConnector |
class | MultipleFileNamesWidgetFactory |
class | NamePath |
Provides a way to identify a particular input or output of an operation in a (possibly nested) namespace. More... | |
class | NullWidget |
A null Widget that doesn't do anything except display a type name. More... | |
class | NullWidgetConnector |
A null connector that doesn't do anything. More... | |
class | NullWidgetFactory |
A null widget that doesn't do anything. More... | |
class | NumberedPlainTextEdit |
class | ObjectArrayWidget |
class | ObjectArrayWidgetConnector |
class | ObjectArrayWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for ObjectArrayWidget. More... | |
class | ObjectArrayWidgetFactory |
class | ObjectController |
class | ObjectDictionaryItemModel |
class | ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidget |
Widget for displaying the contents of an ObjectDictionary in a table format. More... | |
class | ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetConnector |
class | ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support. More... | |
class | ObjectDictionaryTableViewWidgetFactory |
class | ObjectDictionaryWidget |
Widget for displaying the contents of a ObjectDictionary in an expandable tree. More... | |
class | ObjectDictionaryWidgetConnector |
class | ObjectDictionaryWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support. More... | |
class | ObjectDictionaryWidgetFactory |
class | ObjectGroupModel |
The model acts as interface into a ObjectGroup's hierarchy of DataObjects and nested ObjectGroups. More... | |
class | ObjectGroupModelItem |
class | ObjectGroupWidget |
Generic tree view widget to view and interact with any data type derived from ObjectGroup. More... | |
class | ObjectGroupWidgetConnector |
class | ObjectGroupWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for ObjectGroupWidget. More... | |
class | ObjectGroupWidgetFactory |
class | OperationCatalogueDesigner |
Qt Designer support for OperationCatalogue. More... | |
class | OperationConnectionWidget |
Base class for QWidgets that connect to an entire operation rather than just a single IOBase. More... | |
class | OperationEditorDesigner |
Qt Designer support for OperationEditor. More... | |
class | OperationTimelineWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for OperationTimelineWidget. More... | |
class | OperationWidget |
A container widget for showing a widget for a particular operation. More... | |
class | OperationWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for OperationWidget. More... | |
class | PasswordWidget |
Widget to use for entering passwords. More... | |
class | PasswordWidgetConnector |
class | PasswordWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for a widget. More... | |
class | PasswordWidgetFactory |
class | PluginListDialog |
Simple dialog box for displaying all visible plugins and their versions. More... | |
class | ProgressBarConnector |
class | ProgressBarFactory |
class | PropertyBrowserMenuFactory |
Qt Designer extension factory to allow property browser configuration. More... | |
class | PropertyConnector |
class | PropertyConnector< DataExecution::StringSelection > |
class | PropertyConnectorBase |
class | PropertyEditorDialog |
Widget for editing the properties for a QtTreePropertyBrowser within Qt Designer. More... | |
class | PropertySetter |
class | PropertySetterBool |
class | PropertySetterBoolConnector |
class | PropertySetterBoolDesigner |
Qt Designer support for PropertySetterBool. More... | |
class | PropertySetterBoolFactory |
class | PropertySetterInt |
class | PropertySetterIntConnector |
class | PropertySetterIntDesigner |
Qt Designer support for PropertySetterInt. More... | |
class | PropertySetterIntFactory |
class | PropertySetterObjectArray |
class | PropertySetterObjectArrayConnector |
class | PropertySetterObjectArrayFactory |
class | PropertySetterQreal |
class | PropertySetterQrealConnector |
class | PropertySetterQrealDesigner |
Qt Designer support for PropertySetterQreal. More... | |
class | PropertySetterQrealFactory |
class | PropertySetterString |
class | PropertySetterStringConnector |
class | PropertySetterStringDesigner |
Qt Designer support for PropertySetterString. More... | |
class | PropertySetterStringFactory |
class | ProperyEditorTreeWidget |
class | PushButtonGroupBox |
class | QByteArrayLabelConnector |
class | QByteArrayLabelFactory |
class | QPointFLineEditConnector |
class | QPointFLineEditFactory |
class | QtAbstractEditorFactory |
The QtAbstractEditorFactory is the base template class for editor factories. More... | |
class | QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase |
The QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase provides an interface for editor factories. More... | |
class | QtAbstractPropertyBrowser |
QtAbstractPropertyBrowser provides a base class for implementing property browsers. More... | |
class | QtAbstractPropertyManager |
The QtAbstractPropertyManager provides an interface for property managers. More... | |
class | QtBoolEdit |
class | QtBoolPropertyManager |
The QtBoolPropertyManager class provides and manages boolean properties. More... | |
class | QtBrowserItem |
The QtBrowserItem class represents a property in a property browser instance. More... | |
class | QtCharEdit |
class | QtCharEditorFactory |
The QtCharEditorFactory class provides editor widgets for properties created by QtCharPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtCharPropertyManager |
The QtCharPropertyManager provides and manages QChar properties. More... | |
class | QtCheckBoxFactory |
The QtCheckBoxFactory class provides QCheckBox widgets for properties created by QtBoolPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtColorEditorFactory |
The QtColorEditorFactory class provides color editing for properties created by QtColorPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtColorEditWidget |
class | QtColorPropertyManager |
The QtColorPropertyManager provides and manages QColor properties. More... | |
class | QtCursorDatabase |
class | QtCursorEditorFactory |
The QtCursorEditorFactory class provides QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtCursorPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtCursorPropertyManager |
The QtCursorPropertyManager provides and manages QCursor properties. More... | |
class | QtDateEditFactory |
The QtDateEditFactory class provides QDateEdit widgets for properties created by QtDatePropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtDatePropertyManager |
The QtDatePropertyManager provides and manages QDate properties. More... | |
class | QtDateTimeEditFactory |
The QtDateTimeEditFactory class provides QDateTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtDateTimePropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtDateTimePropertyManager |
The QtDateTimePropertyManager provides and manages QDateTime properties. More... | |
class | QtDoublePropertyManager |
The QtDoublePropertyManager provides and manages double properties. More... | |
class | QtDoubleSpinBoxFactory |
The QtDoubleSpinBoxFactory class provides QDoubleSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtDoublePropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtEnumEditorFactory |
The QtEnumEditorFactory class provides QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtEnumPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtEnumPropertyManager |
The QtEnumPropertyManager provides and manages enum properties. More... | |
class | QtFlagPropertyManager |
The QtFlagPropertyManager provides and manages flag properties. More... | |
class | QtFontEditorFactory |
The QtFontEditorFactory class provides font editing for properties created by QtFontPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtFontEditWidget |
class | QtFontPropertyManager |
The QtFontPropertyManager provides and manages QFont properties. More... | |
class | QtGroupPropertyManager |
The QtGroupPropertyManager provides and manages group properties. More... | |
class | QtIntPropertyManager |
The QtIntPropertyManager provides and manages int properties. More... | |
class | QtKeySequenceEdit |
class | QtKeySequenceEditorFactory |
The QtKeySequenceEditorFactory class provides editor widgets for properties created by QtKeySequencePropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtKeySequencePropertyManager |
The QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides and manages QKeySequence properties. More... | |
class | QtLineEditFactory |
The QtLineEditFactory class provides QLineEdit widgets for properties created by QtStringPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtLocalePropertyManager |
The QtLocalePropertyManager provides and manages QLocale properties. More... | |
class | QtMarginsFPropertyManager |
The QtMarginsFPropertyManager provides and manages QMarginsF properties. More... | |
class | QtMarginsPropertyManager |
The QtMarginsPropertyManager provides and manages QMargins properties. More... | |
class | QtMetaEnumWrapper |
class | QtPointFPropertyManager |
The QtPointFPropertyManager provides and manages QPointF properties. More... | |
class | QtPointPropertyManager |
The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties. More... | |
class | QtProperty |
The QtProperty class encapsulates an instance of a property. More... | |
class | QtPropertyBrowserUtils |
class | QtRectFPropertyManager |
The QtRectFPropertyManager provides and manages QRectF properties. More... | |
class | QtRectPropertyManager |
The QtRectPropertyManager provides and manages QRect properties. More... | |
class | QtScrollBarFactory |
The QtScrollBarFactory class provides QScrollBar widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtSizeFPropertyManager |
The QtSizeFPropertyManager provides and manages QSizeF properties. More... | |
class | QtSizePolicyPropertyManager |
The QtSizePolicyPropertyManager provides and manages QSizePolicy properties. More... | |
class | QtSizePropertyManager |
The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties. More... | |
class | QtSliderFactory |
The QtSliderFactory class provides QSlider widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtSpinBoxFactory |
The QtSpinBoxFactory class provides QSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtStringPropertyManager |
The QtStringPropertyManager provides and manages QString properties. More... | |
class | QtTimeEditFactory |
The QtTimeEditFactory class provides QTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtTimePropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtTimePropertyManager |
The QtTimePropertyManager provides and manages QTime properties. More... | |
class | QtTreePropertyBrowser |
The QtTreePropertyBrowser class provides QTreeWidget based property browser. More... | |
class | QtTreePropertyBrowserConnector |
class | QtTreePropertyBrowserDesigner |
Qt Designer support for QtTreePropertyBrowser. More... | |
class | QtVariantEditorFactory |
The QtVariantEditorFactory class provides widgets for properties created by QtVariantPropertyManager objects. More... | |
class | QtVariantProperty |
The QtVariantProperty class is a convenience class handling QVariant based properties. More... | |
class | QtVariantPropertyManager |
The QtVariantPropertyManager class provides and manages QVariant based properties. More... | |
class | QueuedWidgetConnector |
A widget connector that causes the attached IOBase to queue all data changes to the workspace hierarchy while it's being updated. More... | |
class | QVariantWidget |
Widget for displaying the contents of a QVariant in an expandable tree. More... | |
class | QVariantWidgetConnector |
class | QVariantWidgetFactory |
class | QWidgetConnector |
Base class for objects handling the connection between data objects and QWidget instances. More... | |
class | RadioButtonConnector |
class | RadioButtonFactory |
class | RadioButtonGroupBox |
class | RangedSlider |
class | RangedSliderConnector |
class | RangedSliderDesigner |
Qt Designer support for RangedSlider. More... | |
class | RangedSliderFactory |
class | RangedSpinBox |
class | RangedSpinBoxConnector |
class | RangedSpinBoxDesigner |
Qt Designer support for RangedSpinBox. More... | |
class | RangedSpinBoxFactory |
class | ScriptWidget |
Operation widget for editing scripts. More... | |
class | ScriptWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for a widget. More... | |
class | ShowWidgetButton |
class | ShowWidgetButtonConnector |
class | ShowWidgetButtonFactory |
class | SimpleGraphicsView |
A custom QGraphicsView that behaves more like a simple Google Maps style canvas. More... | |
class | SplashScreen |
Custom splash screen for stand alone applications. See BrandingWidget for usage examples. More... | |
class | StandAloneWidget |
class | StandAloneWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for StandAloneWidget. More... | |
class | StateToggle |
class | StateToggleConnector |
class | StateToggleDesigner |
Qt Designer support for StandAloneWidget. More... | |
class | StateToggleFactory |
class | StringComboBoxConnector |
class | StringJSEditConnector |
class | StringJSEditFactory |
class | StringLineEditConnector |
class | StringLineEditFactory |
class | StringListLineEditConnector |
class | StringListLineEditFactory |
class | StringListTextEditConnector |
class | StringListTextEditFactory |
class | StringListWidget |
class | StringListWidgetConnector |
class | StringListWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for StringListWidget. More... | |
class | StringListWidgetFactory |
class | StringSelectionWidgetConnector |
class | StringSelectionWidgetFactory |
class | StringTextEditConnector |
class | StringTextEditFactory |
class | StringWsLineEditFactory |
class | TimeStampFormatWidget |
Sets a format string intended for a QDateTime object. More... | |
class | TimeStampFormatWidgetConnector |
class | TimeStampFormatWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for a widget. More... | |
class | TimeStampFormatWidgetFactory |
class | ToggleButtonConnector |
class | ToggleButtonFactory |
class | TreeSelectionModel |
class | TreeSelectionWidget |
Operation widget for displaying lists of toggle check boxes in a tree view. More... | |
class | TreeSelectionWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for a widget. More... | |
class | VariantLabelConnector |
class | VariantLabelFactory |
class | VariantLineEditConnector |
class | VariantLineEditFactory |
class | VectorDoubleLineEditConnector |
class | VectorDoubleLineEditFactory |
class | VectorDoubleTextEditConnector |
class | VectorDoubleTextEditFactory |
class | VectorIntLineEditConnector |
class | VectorIntLineEditFactory |
class | VectorIntTextEditConnector |
class | VectorIntTextEditFactory |
class | WebBrowserWidget |
QWebView with some helper slots. More... | |
class | WebBrowserWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for WebBrowserWidget. More... | |
class | WidgetCreators |
Class for creating widgets connected to input/output data. More... | |
class | WidgetDelegate |
class | WidgetEditorDialog |
Widget for editing the editor widget properties for properties of a QtTreePropertyBrowser. More... | |
class | WidgetFactory |
class | WidgetManager |
Singleton for managing widgets attached to workspace data. More... | |
class | WidgetPropertyMonitor |
Class for monitoring changes to a widget property. More... | |
class | WidgetWindow |
Provides a floating window which keeps its title synchronized with its source. More... | |
class | WorkspaceFileDialog |
class | WorkspaceNotesWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTabWidget. More... | |
class | WorkspacePluginDesigner |
WorkspacePlugin singleton class for this module. More... | |
class | WorkspaceStatusTableDesigner |
Qt Designer support for the Workspace status table. More... | |
class | WorkspaceTableWidget |
Generic Workspace table widget that can be embedded into other widgets for additional functionality. More... | |
class | WorkspaceTableWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support. More... | |
class | WorkspaceTabWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTabWidget. More... | |
class | WorkspaceTreeView |
Generic Workspace tree view that can be embedded into other widgets for additional functionality. More... | |
class | WorkspaceTreeViewDesigner |
Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTreeView. More... | |
class | WorkspaceTreeWidgetDesigner |
Qt Designer support for WorkspaceTreeWidget. More... | |
class | WorkspaceUiLoader |
Custom UI loader for use with Workspace applications. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef QMap< QtAbstractPropertyBrowser *, QMap< QtAbstractPropertyManager *, QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase * > > | Map1 |
typedef QMap< QtAbstractPropertyManager *, QMap< QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase *, QList< QtAbstractPropertyBrowser * > > > | Map2 |
typedef QMap< const QtProperty *, QtProperty * > | PropertyMap |
typedef QMap< int, QIcon > | QtIconMap |
typedef QWebEngineView | WebView |
typedef QItemDelegate | WidgetDelegateBase |
Enumerations | |
enum class | WidgetState { Unmodified , ReadOnly , ReadWrite } |
Functions | |
static QIcon | drawCheckBox (bool value) |
template<class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static Value | getData (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, Value PrivateData::*data, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value()) |
template<class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static Value | getMaximum (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value()) |
template<class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static Value | getMinimum (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value()) |
template<class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static Value | getValue (const QMap< const QtProperty *, PrivateData > &propertyMap, const QtProperty *property, const Value &defaultValue=Value()) |
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static void | setBorderValue (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, Value(PrivateData::*getRangeVal)() const, void(PrivateData::*setRangeVal)(ValueChangeParameter), const Value &borderVal, void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyRange)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)) |
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value > | |
static void | setBorderValues (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &minVal, const Value &maxVal, void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyRange)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter)) |
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static void | setMaximumValue (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &maxVal) |
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value , class PrivateData > | |
static void | setMinimumValue (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), void(PropertyManager::*rangeChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &minVal) |
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class Value , class PropertyManager > | |
static void | setSimpleValue (QMap< const QtProperty *, Value > &propertyMap, PropertyManager *manager, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &val) |
template<class ValueChangeParameter , class PropertyManagerPrivate , class PropertyManager , class Value > | |
static void | setValueInRange (PropertyManager *manager, PropertyManagerPrivate *managerPrivate, void(PropertyManager::*propertyChangedSignal)(QtProperty *), void(PropertyManager::*valueChangedSignal)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter), QtProperty *property, const Value &val, void(PropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyValue)(QtProperty *, ValueChangeParameter)) |
static QList< QLocale::Country > | sortCountries (const QList< QLocale::Country > &countries) |
static QtProperty * | wrappedProperty (QtProperty *property) |
typedef QMap<QtAbstractPropertyBrowser*, QMap<QtAbstractPropertyManager*, QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase*> > Map1 |
typedef QMap<QtAbstractPropertyManager*, QMap<QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase*, QList<QtAbstractPropertyBrowser*> > > Map2 |
typedef QMap<const QtProperty* , QtProperty* > PropertyMap |
typedef QMap<int, QIcon> QtIconMap |
typedef QWebEngineView WebView |
typedef QItemDelegate WidgetDelegateBase |
strong |
static |
Return an icon containing a check box indicator
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |