Workspace 7.1.0
Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations | Functions
CSIRO::Presentation Namespace Reference

The graphical user interface layer for the workspace.


namespace  Indicator
namespace  MiniOperationRackPrivate
namespace  ModifyGroupPropertiesWidgetPrivate
namespace  Op
namespace  PinButton
namespace  Port
namespace  ProgressBar
namespace  RecentFilesMenuViewPrivate
namespace  Scaling
namespace  Spacing
namespace  Threshold
namespace  Ui
namespace  Widgets
namespace  WorkspaceSceneCommands
 Namespace for QUndoCommand subclasses implementing undoable commands for WorkspaceView objects.


class  AddAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when a ConnectionAnchor has been added to a Workspace. More...
class  AddMiniOperationRackEvent
 Event emitted by command to add a mini operation rack. More...
class  AddNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been added to a Workspace. More...
class  AddToAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when a connection is added to a connection anchor. More...
class  AddWorkflowFromCatalogDialog
class  AppSelectDialog
class  Breakpoints
 A Widget to show and manipulate breakpoints in ExecutionDebugger. More...
class  CheckBoxList
 List widget containing items that each have their own checkbox. More...
class  ChildSelectedEvent
 Event raised on a workspace view whenever a child operation is selected or deselected. More...
class  ClearSelectionEvent
 Event emitted to indicate that any selection in an associated workspace view should be cleared immediately. More...
class  Clipboard
class  ConnectionAnchor
 Workspace scene item for connection anchors. More...
class  ConnectionPort
 Widget class for representing an input/output port attached to an operation view. More...
class  ConnectionRack
 Base class for organizing a set of ports into a vertical rack. More...
class  ConnectionView
 Workspace scene item for connections. More...
class  ConnectWorkspaceToTopLevelOperationActions
 Class representing actions that can be taken with regards to top-evel Workspace inputs/outputs. More...
class  CustomInputsOperationPropertiesWidget
class  CustomOperationProperties
 Interface class for custom property handling on operations. More...
class  CustomOutputsOperationPropertiesWidget
class  CustomPathsPropertiesWidget
class  DelayedAction
 Delay some action until control is returned to the event loop. More...
class  DeselectAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when a connection is added to a connection anchor. More...
class  DeselectConnectionEvent
 Event emitted when a connection is deselected programmatically. More...
class  DeselectNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem is deselected. More...
class  DisplayWidgetTree
 Top-level only abstract tree-based dialog box for displaying inputs and outputs with DisplayWidgets. More...
class  DuplicateGlobalNameIndicator
 Status indicator customised to show duplicate globalnames. More...
class  DynamicOperationProperties
class  EditNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been edited. More...
class  ExecutionAction
 QAction subclass for handling execution of a Workspace. More...
class  ExecutionCallstack
 A Widget to show Callstack of a currently selected thread in ExecutionDebugger. More...
class  ExplodeWorkspace
class  FindDialog
 Find dialog for TextViewer. More...
class  FindReplaceDialog
class  FindReplaceUtilities
class  GlobalNameEditor
class  GlobalNameTable
 Dockable widget containing a table of all global names. More...
class  GlobalNameTracker
 Class keeps track of whether all the global names in the Workspace are unique, and changes the status indicator image according to the current status. More...
class  Highlighter
 A container of information used to describe a highlighter. More...
class  HighlighterEditor
class  Highlighting
 Highlights text in a QTextDocument. More...
class  HighlightingEditor
class  InputArrayActions
class  InputArrayPort
 Array input port class. More...
class  InputArrayReorderDialog
class  InputRack
 Widget class for representing an input connection rack. More...
class  InputScalarActions
class  InputScalarPort
 Scalar input port class. More...
class  IOBaseGlobalNameEditor
class  IOPort
 Class to carry inputs and outputs in a drag/drop-safe way. More...
class  MergeMiniOperationRackEvent
 Event emitted by command to merge two mini operation racks. More...
class  MiniOperationRack
class  MiniOperationRackIdChangedEvent
 Event emitted by command to change the rack label. More...
class  MiniOperationRackLabelChangedEvent
 Event emitted by command to change the rack label. More...
class  MiniOperationView
class  MiniOperationViewPixmapFactory
class  ModifyGroupProperties
class  ModifyGroupPropertiesWidget
 Special widget for editing the properties of a modify group operation. More...
class  MoreAdaptOptions
class  MoveAllEvent
 Event emitted to indicate that all contents of a workspace view must move by some amount. More...
class  MoveAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when a ConnectionAnchor has been moved. More...
class  MoveEvent
 Event emitted to indicate that an operation's view must update its size and/or position. More...
class  MoveMiniOperationRackEvent
 Event emitted by command to move a mini operation rack. More...
class  MoveNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been moved. More...
class  NestedWorkflowPixmapFactory
class  OperationActions
class  OperationCatalogue
 Dockable widget containing a tree of all known operations. More...
class  OperationColorSlider
 Widget for controlling the background color of operations. More...
class  OperationColorToolButton
 Convience QToolButton class that contains an OperationColorSlider as a menu item of the button. More...
class  OperationEditor
 Container for an OperationWidget with an association to a WorkspaceController. More...
class  OperationGlobalNameEditor
class  OperationIndicator
 Graphical indicator for operations. More...
class  OperationPropertiesDialog
class  OperationTimelineWidget
 Dockable widget containing the timeline of all operations. More...
class  OperationView
class  OperationViewBase
class  OperationViewImage
class  OperationViewLabel
class  OperationViewPixmapFactory
class  OperationViewProgressBar
class  OutputActions
class  OutputPort
 Widget class for representing an output connection port. More...
class  OutputRack
 Widget class for representing an output connection rack. More...
class  PathUpdateRequiredEvent
 Event raised on a Connection to indicate that it needs to have its path updated. More...
class  PolymorphicPropertiesWidget
class  PortRackPinButton
 Graphical indicator for operations. More...
class  PortReorderDialog
 Top-level only abstract tree-based dialog box for reordering operation inputs and outputs. More...
class  RecentFilesMenuView
 Menu-item based view for a RecentFilesModel. More...
class  RecentFilesModel
 Model for viewing and editing a set of views in list form. More...
class  RemoveAnchorEvent
 Event emitted just before a ConnectionAnchor is removed from a Workspace. More...
class  RemoveFromAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when a connection is removed from a connection anchor. More...
class  RemoveMiniOperationRackEvent
 Event emitted by command to remove a mini operation rack. More...
class  RemoveNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted just before a WorkspaceNoteItem is removed from a Workspace. More...
class  ReplaceWithDialog
 Dialog to display a list of operations available as a replacement operation. More...
class  ResizeNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem has been edited. More...
class  RotateAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when the rotation angle of a ConnectionAnchor has been modified. More...
class  RunPythonScriptPropertiesWidget
class  SaveWorkspaceViewEvent
 Event notifying WorkspaceView's to save their view information. More...
class  SelectAnchorEvent
 Event emitted when a connection is added to a connection anchor. More...
class  SelectConnectionEvent
 Event emitted when a connection is selected programmatically. More...
class  SelectedEvent
 Event emitted by an object when it is selected or deselected. More...
class  SelectNoteItemEvent
 Event emitted when a WorkspaceNoteItem is selected. More...
class  SetDefaultFormatDialog
class  SetFormatWidget
class  SetModifyGroupInputsCmd
 Command class for setting the inputs on a ModifyGroup operation. More...
class  SetWorkflowLabelDialog
class  SortOnDemandTreeWidget
 Tree widget that supports sorting by clicking on a column header as well as dragging items from row to row. More...
class  SplitMiniOperationRackEvent
 Event emitted by command to split a mini operation rack into two. More...
class  StandardWorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactory
 Standard implementation of the WorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactory for use with the regular Workspace-GUI. More...
class  StatusIndicator
 Label that indicates some state is true or false. More...
class  StillExecutingChecker
 Checks that an Updatable object's execution thread is stopped. More...
class  TargetRectItem
 Target bounding region for stacking mini Operations. More...
class  TextManipulation
class  TextViewer
class  UndoMergeMiniOperationRackEvent
 Event emitted by command to undo merge two mini operation racks. More...
class  WidgetGeometryEvent
 Event emitted to indicate that an operation's view must update its size and/or position. More...
class  WorkspaceActions
class  WorkspaceBreadCrumbs
class  WorkspaceController
 Class for providing a model-based interface to a workspace. More...
class  WorkspaceEditorDialog
class  WorkspaceEditorWidget
class  WorkspaceGraphicsEffect
 General graphic effect class for shapes displayed in the Workspace canvas. More...
class  WorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactory
 Factory base class for creating graphics effects. Allows us to use dependency injection when varying graphics effects in large numbers of components. More...
class  WorkspaceInputReorderDialog
 Class implementing a dialog box for reordering a Nested Workspace's inputs. More...
class  WorkspaceModelFilter
class  WorkspaceModelItem
class  WorkspaceNoteItem
class  WorkspaceNotesWidget
 Widget for displaying notes for a workspace. More...
class  WorkspaceOutputReorderDialog
 Class implementing a dialog box for reordering a Nested Workspace's outputs. More...
class  WorkspacePropertiesWidget
class  WorkspaceScene
class  WorkspaceStatusTable
 Dockable widget containing a table of all workspaces and their current execution status. More...
class  WorkspaceStatusTableRowItem
class  WorkspaceTabWidget
 Tab widget for editing workspaces. More...
class  WorkspaceThreadsWidget
 A Widget to show worker threads captured in ExecutionDebugger. More...
class  WorkspaceToolTip
class  WorkspaceTreeWidget
 A tree view widget showing a Workspace hierarchy. More...
class  WorkspaceUndoGroup
 Provides an undo stack for each workspace. More...
class  WorkspaceView


enum class  IndicatorBackground { Standard , Breakpoint }
enum class  IndicatorType {
  Polymorphic , CustomProperties , GlobalName , ReadOnly ,
  Breakpoint , UserDefined = 1000
enum class  Move { Up , Down }
enum class  WorkflowType { Standard = 0 , ExternallyReferenced }


QIcon fillBackground (const QString resource, const QColor &background)
QList< MiniOperationView * > findMiniOperations (const QList< QGraphicsItem * > &items)
const UpdatablefindUpdatable (const Workspace &ws, const QString &proposedName, bool operation)
QList< OperationViewBase * > getConnectedOperationItems (MiniOperationRack &miniOpRack)
QList< QUuid > getMiniOperationViewOperationIds (const QList< MiniOperationView * > &viewBoxes)
QList< DataExecution::Operation * > getMiniOperationViewOperations (const QList< MiniOperationView * > &viewBoxes)
QList< MiniOperationRack * > getMiniOpRacks (const QList< OperationViewBase * > &operationItems)
QPointF getOperationPos (DataExecution::Operation &op)
QRectF getSceneBoundingBox (DataExecution::Operation &op)
QIcon invertIcon (const QString resource)
bool isDuplicateGlobalName (const QString &proposedGlobalName, DataExecution::Updatable &targetUpdatable)
 Returns true if there is another item in the same nested workspace (or its ancestors) with the proposed global name.
bool isMiniOperation (const DataExecution::Operation &op)
bool miniOperationsShareRack (const QList< MiniOperationView * > &miniOps)
bool miniOperationTypesMatch (const QList< MiniOperationView * > &miniOps)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &out, const IOPort &port)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug debug, const IOPort &port)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &in, IOPort &port)
QString removeReferences (const QString &str)
 Removes both reference and the link that follows it. The tooltip processor does not process it, and you cannot click on a tooltip anyway.
void setOperationPos (DataExecution::Operation &op, const QPointF &pos)
QPointF snapToGrid (const QPointF &point, int gridSpacing)
int snapToGrid (double p, int gridSpacing)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IndicatorBackground

enum class IndicatorBackground

◆ IndicatorType

enum class IndicatorType

◆ Move

enum class Move

◆ WorkflowType

enum class WorkflowType

Function Documentation

◆ fillBackground()

QIcon fillBackground ( const QString  resource,
const QColor &  background 

◆ findMiniOperations()

QList< MiniOperationView * > findMiniOperations ( const QList< QGraphicsItem * > &  items)
itemsList of QGraphicsItems in which to search for mini operations.

Find the mini operations in the input set and return them with the appropriate derived class pointer type.

A list of mini operations - a subset of the input list cast to MiniOperationView.

◆ findUpdatable()

const DataExecution::Updatable * findUpdatable ( const Workspace ws,
const QString &  proposedName,
bool  operation 

Searches for duplicates up the workspace hierarchy until it reaches the root workspace

◆ getConnectedOperationItems()

QList< OperationViewBase * > getConnectedOperationItems ( MiniOperationRack miniOpRack)
miniOpRackThe mini operation rack for which we will find all other connected standard operations.

◆ getMiniOperationViewOperationIds()

QList< QUuid > getMiniOperationViewOperationIds ( const QList< MiniOperationView * > &  viewBoxes)
viewBoxesInput list of mini operation views.

Return the operation view ids associated with each of the mini operations in the input list.

List of QUuids which are the ids of each of the operation views in the input list.

◆ getMiniOperationViewOperations()

QList< DataExecution::Operation * > getMiniOperationViewOperations ( const QList< MiniOperationView * > &  viewBoxes)
viewBoxesInput list of mini operation views.

Return the operations associated with each of the mini operations in the input list.

List of Operation pointers referring to each of the operations associated with the mini operations in the input list. THe ordering will be identical.

◆ getMiniOpRacks()

QList< MiniOperationRack * > getMiniOpRacks ( const QList< OperationViewBase * > &  operationItems)
operationItemsA list of operation items for which parent operation racks will be searched for.
A list of mini operation racks that were found.

◆ getOperationPos()

QPointF getOperationPos ( DataExecution::Operation op)
opThe operation whose position will be returned.
The position of the operation.

◆ getSceneBoundingBox()

QRectF getSceneBoundingBox ( DataExecution::Operation op)
opThe operation whose scene bounding box will be returned.
A scene bounding box for the operation.

◆ invertIcon()

QIcon invertIcon ( const QString  resource)

◆ isDuplicateGlobalName()

bool isDuplicateGlobalName ( const QString &  proposedGlobalName,
DataExecution::Updatable targetUpdatable 
proposedGlobalNameGlobal name to be assigned
targetUpdatableThe updatable to be assigned the name Note 1: if the targetUpdatable already has this global name then a result of false will be returned Note 2: this assumes that there were no duplicates before the current global name was proposed

◆ isMiniOperation()

bool isMiniOperation ( const DataExecution::Operation op)
opThe operation to test whether or not it is a mini operation.
true if the specified operation is a mini operation, false otherwise.

◆ miniOperationsShareRack()

bool miniOperationsShareRack ( const QList< MiniOperationView * > &  miniOps)
miniOpsList of mini operations to check whether they share a parent rack.

Check whether or not the input list of mini operations share an input rack.

true if the operations share a rack, false otherwise.

◆ miniOperationTypesMatch()

bool miniOperationTypesMatch ( const QList< MiniOperationView * > &  miniOps)
miniOpsList of mini operations to check their compatibility.

Check whether a list of mini operations are all of the same operation factory type (e.g. all WorkspaceInputs).

true if all of the mini operations have the same operation factory type, false otherwise.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream &  out,
const IOPort port 

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

QDebug operator<< ( QDebug  debug,
const IOPort port 

◆ operator>>()

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream &  in,
IOPort port 

◆ removeReferences()

QString removeReferences ( const QString &  str)

◆ setOperationPos()

void setOperationPos ( DataExecution::Operation op,
const QPointF &  pos 
opThe operation whose position will be change.
posThe new position.

◆ snapToGrid() [1/2]

QPointF snapToGrid ( const QPointF &  point,
int  gridSpacing 
pointA point in two dimensions
gridSpacingSpacing of the grid.

Utility function for snapping coordinates to a grid.

p' - the point p moved to the nearest grid boundary.

◆ snapToGrid() [2/2]

int snapToGrid ( double  p,
int  gridSpacing 