Workspace 6.21.5
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 C_hash_32_or_64< use32 >
 C_hash_32_or_64< 1 >
 C_hash_32_or_64<(size > 4)>
 CAbortReasonClass to give execution abort a reason
 CObjectDictionary::Accessor< IsConst >
 CProvenanceReporter::ActivityComplete provenance record for an activity
 CAdaptFromQVariantFactory< QVariant, Adapt >
 CAdaptFromQVariantFactory< T, false >
 CAdaptToQVariantFactory< QVariant, Adapt >
 CAdaptToQVariantFactory< T, false >
 CPackageItem::ApplicationIconDetailsData structure describing a single packaged application icon
 CApplyFunctor< F, T >
 CApplyFunctor< F, ShellElement >
 CArgumentsParserAbstract base class for dealing with command line arguments
 CArray3dTypedAdaptorWriter< M, U >Special writer policy class for the case where we are writing to an object known to of a class derived from Array3d
 CArray3dTypedReader< M, U >
 CArray3dTypedReader< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d >
 CArray3dTypedReader< ContainerType, T >
 CArray3dTypedReader< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dData< CSIRO::Rendering::WSGLSparseOctree::Cell >, QRgb >
 CArray3dTypedReader< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped, double >
 CArray3dTypedReader< Mesh::Array3dVector, double >
 CArray3dTypedWriter< M, U >
 CArray3dTypedWriter< Array3dScalar, Mesh::Vector3d >
 CArray3dTypedWriter< ContainerType, T >
 CArray3dTypedWriter< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dData< CSIRO::Rendering::WSGLSparseOctree::Cell >, QRgb >
 CArray3dTypedWriter< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped, double >
 CArray3dTypedWriter< Mesh::Array3dVector, double >
 CArrayNdDimensionFilterActs as a filter of an ArrayNd set's dimensions, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type
 CArrayNdDimensionFilterFactoryFactory base class for creating filter objects
 CArrayNdDimensionFilterRegistryThe registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createFilter function
 CArrayNdDimensionLabelsRepresents a set of dimension labels in an ArrayNd
 CArrayNdPermutationActs as a permutation of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type
 CArrayNdPermutationFactoryFactory base class for creating slice objects
 CArrayNdPermutationRegistryThe registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createPermutation function
 CArrayNdSliceActs as a slice of an ArrayNd set, without having to copy the data. Is not specific to any data type
 CArrayNdSliceFactoryFactory base class for creating slice objects
 CArrayNdSliceRegistryThe registry for the various data slice factories. We register all of the types we want to support here, and then can easily create them using the createSlice function
 CAssignDataType< T >Traits class defining whether a class T supports assignment
 CAssignDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dNullTyped< QRgb > >
 CAssignDataType< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped< QRgb > >
 CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::Array3dNullVector >
 CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::Array3dVector >
 CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface >
 CAssignDataType< CSIRO::Provenance::ProvenanceReporter::Reporter >
 CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::ArrayNd >
 CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::DataSeriesMapper >
 CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::ImageTileSet >
 CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlBoundObjectGroup >
 CAssignDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlResultSet >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterion >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterionAllPass >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementCriterionInRegion >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::ElementMapper >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterion >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterionAllPass >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeCriterionInRegion >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeIdCriterion >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::NodeMapper >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::Region >
 CAssignDataType< Mesh::VectorNodeMapper >
 CAssignDataType< ObjectGroup >
 CAssignDataType< Python::PythonNumpyInterface >
 CAssignDataType< Rendering::Glypher >
 CAssignDataType< Rendering::Light >
 CAssignDataType< Rendering::Scene >
 CAssignDataType< Rendering::SceneItem >
 CAssignDataType< Rendering::Texturizer >
 CAssignDataType< Rendering::Transform >
 CAssignDefaultImpl< T, C >
 CAssignDefaultImpl< T, false >
 CAssignmentAdaptorImpl< From, To >Default assignment implementation used by AssignmentAdaptor
 CAssignmentAdaptorImpl< double, int >Specialization for assigning a double to an integer
 CAttached< T >Defines a class for handling attached objects (nodes, elements, etc.)
 CAttached< CSIRO::Mesh::VolumeElement >
 CAttached< Node >
 CAttached< Segment >
 CAttached< ShellElement >
 CAttached< VolumeElement >
 CAuthenticatorThe base class of all authenticators. An Authenticator is responsible for authenticating client provided credentials. Credentials differ for each authentication method as does the authentication method itself. Overriding classes should implement the Authenticate method to provider specific authentication
 CBasicTextLoggerConvenience class for writing to the log using an object, rather than inheritance
 CBlockingConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >
 CBsonBson wrapper class
 CCameraInteractionsFactoryFactory class for creating QueuedInteractions for the various camera interaction scenarios
 CLinearSpatialPartitioningTree::CellDescribes an octree cell's location and physical geometry
 CChartRepresents a plot generated using Javascript
 CClassDataRegistry< T >
 CClientWrapper of mongoc_client_t, provides a connection to talk to a MongoDB server
 CClientSettingsProvides access to client side authentication settings
 CClonableBase class for clonable objects
 CCloneDataType< T >Traits class defining whether a class T supports cloning
 CCloneDataType< DataAnalysis::SqlResultSet >
 CCloneDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource >
 CCloneDataType< Rendering::Scene >
 CCloneDataType< Rendering::SceneItem >
 CCloneDataType< Rendering::Transform >
 CCloneDefaultImpl< T, G, C >
 CCloneDefaultImpl< T, G, false >
 CCloneDefaultImpl< T, true, true >
 CCollectionWrapper of mongoc_collection_t
 CCollisionsDefine a class for collision and penetration testing
 CColorScaleImageClass for maintaining an image of a color scale
 CCompareDataType< Dependency >
 CCompareDataType< EmptyGroup >
 CCompareDataType< ObjectGroup >
 CCompareDataTypeImpl< T, operatorEqualsAvailable >
 CCompareDataTypeImpl< T, Application::HasOperatorEqual< T >::value >
 CCompareDataTypeImpl< T, false >
 CCompareDefaultImpl< T, C >
 CCompareDefaultImpl< T, false >
 CCompoundT< T >
 CCompoundT< R()>
 CCompoundT< R(P1)>
 CCompoundT< R(P1,...)>
 CCompoundT< T & >
 CCompoundT< T * >
 CCompoundT< T C::* >
 CCompoundT< T[]>
 CCompoundT< T[N]>
 CConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >
 CConcurrentQueue< LogUpdateFuncAndResult >
 CConditionalAlphaNumericCompareFunctor for comparing two strings differently if they are alphabetic vs numeric. If both strings are numbers, they will be compared numerically. If one or the other is a string, they will be compared as strings
 CConnectionReferenceA class which stores a reference to a connection in a way that is agnostic to the connection instance that is supplied (referenced connection's memory location)
 CConnectionWrapperConvenience wrapper around a Connection
 CSimpleInputArray< T >::const_iterator
 CMeshElementsInterface::const_iteratorA const iterator for elements
 CMeshNodesInterface::const_iteratorA const iterator for nodes
 CArrayNd::const_iterator_rangeRepresents a pair of iterators that bound a range of data (i.e. the begin and end corners of a multi-dimensional cube of data)
 Cconst_numeric_max< T >
 CConsumeUDC< T, convert_possible >
 CConsumeUDC< T, false >
 CConsumeUDC< void, convert_possible >
 CControlSettingsRepresents a selection event in a renderer
 CCredentialsThe base class of all credential classes
 CCursorWrapper of mongoc_cursor_t
 CCustomOperationPropertiesInterface class for custom property handling on operations
 CCustomRenderFunctionBase class for a custom rendering functor
 CMemento::DataBase class for all Memento data subclasses
 CDatabaseWrapper of mongoc_database_t
 CDataFactoryBase class for all data type factories
 CDataFactoryTraits< T >Traits class for data objects of type T
 CDataSeriesEvaluator< T >Trivial evaluator relying on an automatic conversion to double
 CDataSeriesEvaluator< typename T::value_type >
 CPortReorderDialog::DataStateClass to carry DataObjects along with whether they were up-to-date
 CDataTableColumnThis class defines a column in the DataTable. A column is like a field in a database
 CDeepCopy< C >
 CDeepCopy< Array3dScalar >
 CDeepCopy< ContainerType >
 CDeepCopy< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dData< CSIRO::Rendering::WSGLSparseOctree::Cell > >
 CDeepCopy< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped >
 CDefaultAccessor< ContainerType, IsConst, SizeType, ValueType >Default accessor functor for an index based iterator. Retrieves a reference R from a container C using size type S
 CDefaultAccessor< ContainerType, false, typename ContainerType::size_type, typename ContainerType::value_type >
 CDefaultAccessor< LinearSpatialPartitioningTree, IsConst, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::size_type, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::value_type >
 CDependencyEmpty class used to represent dependencies in inputs and outputs
 CDeviceInfoInformation of an individual device
 CDiffXMLDataHolds xml content that it not explicitly handled by a DiffElementData subclass use this in addition to subclassing from DiffElementData
 CDirectoryFilterProvides a platform-independent way to get a filtered directory listing
 CDiskCacheTraits< T >
 CDistributedLogManagerSingleton for managing the logging streams associated with execution threads
 CDockManagerClass for managing a set of dock widgets associated with a particular menu
 CWorkspaceGraphicsEffect::EffectStateState class for storing the current state of the effect
 CElementEdgeDefines an edge as a pair of nodes
 CElementEdgeCompBinary comparison functor for ElementEdge objects
 CEnforceCondition< C >Generic class which is only defined when the template parameter is true
 CEnforceCondition< Application::TypeT< T >::IsEnumT >
 CEnforceCondition< true >
 CPackageItem::EnvironmentVariableDetailsData structure describing a single packaged environment variable
 CProvenanceReporter::Activity::EventDetails about an event during the course of an activity
 CEventIDSubclassed and instantiated exactly once for each event type
 CexceptionSTL class
 CPackageItem::ExecutableDetailsData structure describing a single packaged executable
 CExecutionPauserPauses an executing workflow for the life of this object
 CExpiryCache< Key, T >Template class for a cache that removes items as soon as it exceeds maximum capacity. It uses shared pointers, so items will only be physically deleted once they go out of scope
 CExpiryCache< QString, WSGLGlyphSuperSet >
 CExpiryCache< QString, WSGLTexture >
 CFaceIterator< T >This class provides an iterator that iterates through all the faces in a container of VolumeElement's
 CFactoryDetails< F >
 CFactorySorter< F >
 CTransformMatrix::FailedComponentExtractionException class for when an attempt to extract a component of a transformation fails
 CFileNameNaturalLessThanCompares two QFileInfo's "naturally". Numbers will be compared as numbers, strings compared as strings etc
 CFilterFilter elements with given expressions
 CLogManager::FilterTokenRepresents the life span of a filter. When it is created, the filter is added to the associated LogManager. When it is deleted, the filter is removed from the LogManager
 CFindReplaceUtilities::FindReplaceConnectionsStructure to store source and destination information for a connection
 CFlagCopy< ObjectTypePtr >
 CFlagSetter< ObjectTypePtr >
 CForwardNotificationsAllows one Observable object to mimic another for a specific event type
 CGetListClass< T >
 CGetListClass< Node >
 CGetListClass< Segment >
 CGetListClass< ShellElement >
 CGetListClass< VolumeElement >
 CGlobalNameTrackerClass keeps track of whether all the global names in the Workspace are unique, and changes the status indicator image according to the current status
 CGlyphResult type for a call to Glypher::getGlyph()
 CGridfsWrapper of mongoc_gridfs_t
 CGridPlotA GridPlot wraps an ND dataset for the purposes of plotting it as a grid
 CHasConstIterator< T >
 CHasIteratorBeginEnd< T >
 CHasOperatorEqualImpl< T, EqualTo >
 CHasOperatorLessThanImpl< T, LessThan >
 CHasSortableValueType< T >
 CHdf5MeshSerializerHelper class for writing a single Mesh::MeshModelInterface to a HDF5 format
 CHdf5UtilsUtility class containing convenience methods for interacting with Hdf5 files
 CProvenanceReporter::Activity::HeaderGeneral details about the activity
 CHelpImplementationBase class for a help implementation
 CHPCDeviceManagerSingleton class for managing access to OpenCL devices
 Cidentity< T >
 Cidentity< char[sizeof(T) *BLOCK_SIZE]>
 CImageTypeSelect< T >
 CImageTypeSelect< ColorArray >
 CImageTypeSelect< DataAnalysis::Array3dInteger >
 CImageTypeSelect< DataAnalysis::Image3d >
 CImageTypeSelect< QImage >
 CIndexBasedIterator< ContainerType, IsConst, ValueType, SizeType, DifferenceType, AccessorType >Generic base class for adding support for iteration to index-based container classes
 CIndexBasedIterator< LinearSpatialPartitioningTree, false, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::value_type, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::size_type, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::difference_type >
 CIndexBasedIterator< LinearSpatialPartitioningTree, is_const, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::value_type, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::size_type, LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::difference_type >
 CNumberedObjectList< T >::IndexChangeRecipient
 CIntegerRangeStringAllow a user to use a range string in the form "-6, -3--1, 1-2, 3, 6" etc. Empty range string will match all
 COperation::IOBaseAccessor< IOType, IsConst >
 COperation::IOBaseAccessor< Input, IsConst >
 COperation::IOBaseAccessor< Output, IsConst >
 COperation::IOBaseIteratorRange< IOType, IsConst >Begin/end range for Input/Output iterators. Needed because Operations supply a range of both inputs and outputs
 CIOPortClass to carry inputs and outputs in a drag/drop-safe way
 Cios_baseSTL class
 CIsClassT< T >
 CIsDerivedFrom< Derived, Base >Define a constraints base class with a testable value
 CIsDerivedFrom< D, B >
 CIsDerivedFrom< From, ObjectGroup >
 CIsDerivedFrom< SenderEventType, ReceiverEventType >
 CIsDerivedFrom< T, SqlBoundObjectGroup >
 CIsDerivedFrom< To, ObjectGroup >
 CIsEnumT< T >
 CIsFlagSetFunctor for testing if a specified flag is set for numbered objects
 CIsFunctionT< T >
 CIsFunctionT< T & >
 CIsFunctionT< void >
 CIsFunctionT< void const >
 CIsFunctionT< void const volatile >
 CIsFunctionT< void volatile >
 CIsFundaT< T >
 CIsFundaT< bool >
 CIsFundaT< char >
 CIsFundaT< double >
 CIsFundaT< float >
 CIsFundaT< long double >
 CIsFundaT< signed char >
 CIsFundaT< signed int >
 CIsFundaT< signed long >
 CIsFundaT< signed short >
 CIsFundaT< unsigned char >
 CIsFundaT< unsigned int >
 CIsFundaT< unsigned long >
 CIsFundaT< unsigned short >
 CIsFundaT< void >
 CIsFundaT< wchar_t >
 CIsSameObjectImpl< T1, T2, areRelatedClasses >
 CIsSameObjectImpl< T1, T2, true >
 CIsStreamableIn< T >
 CIsStreamableOut< T >
 CItemHandleA base class for handles to some item in a MeshModelInterface such as a node, element or state
 CIteratingOperationBaseBase class for operations that iterate over a workflow one or more times
 CParallelIteratingOperationBase::IterationControlParamsThis struct represents the control parameters for a parallel loop. It exists to minimise virtual function calls when obtaining these values from derived classes
 CSimpleInputArray< T >::iterator
 CMeshElementsInterface::iteratorA non-const iterator for elements
 CMeshNodesInterface::iteratorA non-const iterator for nodes
 CArrayNdData< T >::iterator_rangeRepresents a pair of iterators that bound a range of data (i.e. the begin and end corners of a multi-dimensional cube of data)
 CArrayNdInterface< T >::iterator_rangeRepresents a pair of iterators that bound a range of data (i.e. the begin and end corners of a multi-dimensional cube of data)
 CJsonObjectGroupAdaptor< From, To >Template adaptor for adapting QJsonDocument from/to an ObjectGroup-derived class
 CJsonObjectGroupAdaptorFactory< From, To >A TypeAdaptorFactory for an adaptor converting from Json to an ObjectGroup type (or vice-versa)
 CKillInvalid< T >Functor to call KillObject if the object is marked as invalid (i.e. awaiting deletion)
 CKillInvalid< Node >
 CKillObject< T >Functor for deleting an object and NULL-ifying the list pointer to it./
 CLineA geometric line; a point and a direction
 CLinearSpatialPartitioningTreeA Linear spatial partitioning tree is a quadtree or octree compressed into a single contiguous array
 CListTraits< T >Traits class to provide a typedef for the list type for an object
 CListTraits< Node >
 CListTraits< Segment >
 CListTraits< ShellElement >
 CListTraits< VolumeElement >
 CMeshModelSource::LockableRefReference to the MeshModelSource that is aware of the lifespan of the MeshModelSource and can provide a "lock" on the source for the duration of the scope
 CMeshModelSource::LockedPtr< isConst >Pointer to the MeshModelSource which is mutex locked for the duration that this pointer exists
 CSplitAndLodPointCloud::LodSettingsSettings for computing LOD for each patch
 CLogManagerSingleton for managing the logging streams associated with execution threads
 CLogStreamAbstracts away the task sending log text to a destination
 CLogStreamFilterFilters out messages that match its categories
 CLogStyle< s >
 CManipulatorBase class for manipulators in a renderer. A manipulator is an object that can be interacted with (e.g. with the mouse, or keyboard) to modify a SceneItem
 CManipulatorTargetOperationAn Operation that creates SceneItems that can be the target of a SceneItemManipulationEvent
 CMapStateAverageFunctor< SrcInterfaceType, DestInterfaceType, DataType >Average a node state onto elements or visa-versa
 CMatrix3x33x3 matrix class meant for compute-intensive use
 CMatrixReaderDefault policy for reading from a matrix class
 CMatrixSizeDefault policy for retrieving the size (rows / cols) of a matrix data structure
 CMatrixTableDelegateBaseBase class for all matrix table delegates. A matrix table delegate knows how to display a matrix of a certain data type in a QTable
 CMatrixWriterDefault policy for writing to a matrix data structure
 CMementoUtility class implementing a Memento design pattern
 CMergeProposalHolds the result of determining the type of change a "Difference" class represents, and its recommended merge result
 CMeshElementsInterfaceAn interface to the elements stored behind a MeshModelInterface
 CMeshModelSource::MeshModelInterfaceLockedPtrReference to a MeshModelInterface that, when created, locks access to the MeshModelInterface via any of the lock-aware functions via a mutex internal to the MeshModelSource. When this Ref object goes out of scope, access is restored again
 CMeshModelInterfaceRegistryA registry of MeshModelInterface implementations which can be used to create new instances
 CMeshModelLibraryEffectively acts like a container for MeshModelSource objects
 CMeshNodesInterfaceAn interface to the nodes stored behind a MeshModelInterface
 CMeshSerializerHelper class for writing MeshModelInterface data to Workspace Binary Mesh (.wbm) format
 CMultiNodeNormalsProvides a set of normals associated with a node based on attached elements
 CTestIfDerivedFuncs< Derived, Base >::No
 Cnomove_if< Enable >
 Cnomove_if< false >
 CNumberedObjectDefines an object with an ID and index (generally used as a base class)
 CNumberedObjectList< T >Defines a list of numbered objects and is generally used as a base class
 CNumberedObjectList< Node >
 CNumberedObjectList< Segment >
 CNumberedObjectList< ShellElement >
 CNumberedObjectList< VolumeElement >
 CObjectGroupExtras< T, G >
 CObjectGroupExtras< T, true >
 CObservableBase class for all observable classes
 CObservableEventEach instance of an ObservableEvent subclass can be used as a unique event designator
 CObserverBase class for all observers
 CObserverSetContainer for holding dynamically allocated observers
 COctree< ItemType >
 COctreeItem< ItemType >
 COctreeNode< ScalarType >A node in the octree
 COctreeVector3< ScalarType >Templated Vector3 class for use by the Octree
 COctreeVector3< double >
 COperationFactoryBase class for all operation factories
 COperationFactoryTraits< T >Traits class for operations of type T
 CPartitionConstantTraits< T, StorageArrayT >Traits for the storage policy (also defines the data data member)
 CPartitionConstantTraits< CSIRO::Mesh::Node, std::map< long, std::vector< CSIRO::Mesh::Node * > > >
 CPartitionConstantTraits< T, std::map< long, std::vector< T * > > >
 CPartitionConstantTraits< T, std::vector< std::pair< long, std::vector< T * > > > >
 CPartitionedVector< T, Allocator >
 CPartitionedVector< Cell >
 CPartitionedVector< CSIRO::Rendering::WSGLSparseOctree::Cell >
 CSplitAndLodPointCloud::PatchIndexAn index referring to a specific patch. The index corresponds to the patch's coordinates in 3 dimensions (x, y and z)
 CSplitAndLodPointCloud::PatchListRepresents a list of patches; sub-regions of a point cloud
 CPickRepresents a selection event in a renderer
 CPickedItemRepresents an item that has been 'picked' (interactively selected) in a scene
 CPlotThe plot class holds the information required to generate a 2D plot
 CPlotItemRepresents one set of data to be included in a Plot
 CPluginManagerSingleton responsible for tracking all operation factories in the application
 CPlyWriterWrites models in VTK ASCII or Binary format
 CPropertiesDefines a class holding a named set of generic properties as strings
 CProviderThe base class of all authentication providers
 CProviderManagerMaintains a list of authentication providers
 CProximityNodesClass for storing and manipulating a list of ShellElement objects
 CExecutionTimekeeper::PublisherProcess that can publish their profiling data
 CPythonObjectGroupTrait< T >
 CPythonTypesRegistryA registry of PythonTypesRegistry implementations which can be used to create new instances
 CQMetaTypesMustBeClonable< T, C >
 CQMetaTypesMustBeClonable< T, true >
 CQtBrowserItemProperty in a property browser instance
 CQtPropertyEncapsulates an instance of a property
 CQtScriptEnginePoolProvides a means to create just one engine pool per thread
 CQuadSplitterHelper class for splitting quad shell elements
 CQuaternionQuaternion class for handling spherical interpolation
 CQUndoCommandBase class for all undoable commands. It is part of the Qt toolkit
 CQVariantHelper< T, G, C, E, HasMetaType >
 CQVariantHelper< DataAnalysis::DataSeries, false, true, false >
 CQVariantHelper< DataExecution::ObjectDictionary, false, true, false >
 CQVariantHelper< Mesh::TransformMatrix, false, true, false >
 CQVariantHelper< Mesh::Vector3d, false, true, false >
 CQVariantHelper< ObjectArray, false, true, false >
 CQVariantHelper< QJsonDocument, false, true, false >
 CQVariantHelper< QVariant, false, C, E, true >
 CQVariantHelper< T, false, C, true, true >
 CQVariantHelper< T, false, false, false, true >
 CQVariantHelper< T, G, C, E, false >
 CQVariantHelper< T, true, C, false, true >
 CSelectableMeshReaders::ReaderDetails about a specific reader
 CRefCountedObjectBase class for reference-counted objects
 CRefCountedObjectPtr< T >Template class for smart pointers-to-T objects (requires modification to T)
 CRefCountedPtr< T >Template class for reference-counted pointers-to-T (T requires no special modification)
 CRefCountedPtr< CSIRO::Application::Memento::Data >
 CRegionAbstract base class defining an arbitrary region in 3D space
 CRemoteManagerSingleton for handling network requests
 CRenderGlyphCallbackBase class for callbacks that need to be invoked per-glyph. This allows users of a particular shader program to change uniform values on a per-glyph basis if need-be
 CRenderingSettingsClass representing the settings specific to the rendering plugin
 CRodMesherCreates a mesh for a rod
 CScaledZeroVectorErrorException class for when an attempt is made to scale a zero vector
 CSceneItemLibraryLibrary containing scene items, allowing scene item instances to be stored with identifiers, and be instanced elsewhere in a scene
 CSceneItemTypeAn abstract base class for the types of scene items or 'nodes' that make up the scene interaction tree
 CSceneItemTypeManagerManager for SceneItemType classes
 CSceneItemTypeSingletonTraits< Derived >SceneItemType singleton class template
 CSceneRendererBase class anything that renders a scene
 CSceneRendererContextRepresents the context for a given renderer, in which all its state information is stored
 CSceneRendererTypeIdClass used to uniquely identify each type of renderer available in the workspace
 CSchedulerFeaturesMaintains a collection of scheduler features
 CSchedulerProviderThe base class of all authentication providers
 CSchedulerProviderManagerMaintains a list of scheduler providers
 CSchedulerSettingsProvides access to client side authentication settings
 CScopedDeviceAcquisitionScoped acquisition of a device
 CScopedElapsedTimeLoggerMeasure and trace elapsed time during lifetime of object
 CScopeGuard< Callable >Generic scopeguard to simplify RAII where cleanup is needed
 CScriptLibraryRegistryRepository through which source files for script dependencies can be stored for later usage. Includes convenience method for adding comma-delimited string of sources (addSourceListing)
 CSearchRegion< T >
 CSearchRegion< CSIRO::Mesh::Node >
 CSelectableMeshReadersSingleton class that provides an extensible list of mesh readers
 CSerializeBase class for all objects that may want to support serialization
 CSerializeDataType< T >Traits class defining whether detection of serialization support for class T is permitted
 CSerializeDataType< Mesh::MeshModelSource >
 CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, Allowed, Srl, Strm, E >
 CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, true, false, false, true >
 CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, true, false, true, E >
 CSerializeDefaultImpl< T, true, true, Strm, E >
 CSerializedItemClass to hold a serialized representation of an object
 CSerializedTreeIOInterface for reading or writing out a serialized tree in a specific format
 CServerRepresents a remotely accessible server
 CServersMaintains a collection of Servers
 CSessionWrapper of mongoc_client_session_t
 CSettingsMap< Enum >::Setting
 CSettingItem< T >
 CSettingItem< bool >
 CSettingItem< int >
 CSettingItem< QString >
 CSettingItemImpl< T >
 CSettingsSingleton class holding the settings for the Workspace
 CSettingsMap< Enum >This abstract class stores settings information and current value. It wraps around QMap that maps some type of settings Enum to a QVariant
 CSettingsMap< UiSetting >
 CSettingsVariablesSingleton class for storing settings variables
 CShaderImplementationBase class for shader implementations. Associated with a specific factory
 CShaderImplementationFactoryTraits< T >Traits class for shaderimpls of type T
 CShaderLibraryLibrary containing shader objects, allowing shader instances to be stored with identifiers
 CShellSurfaceErrorBase class for all exceptions related to processing shell surfaces
 CSimpleInput< T >
 CSimpleInput< bool >
 CSimpleInput< Compare::Operator >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::Array3dTyped >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorScale >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::ColorSpectrum >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::TransferFunction2d >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataExecution::DirIteratorFlags >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataExecution::FileFilter >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataExecution::FileSortFlags >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::BoundingBox >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelLibrary >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::NodeMapper >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::TransformMatrix >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::Vector3d >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mesh::Vector3dGroup >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Mongo::Bson >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Rendering::Camera >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Rendering::PlotGrid3dRenderOptions >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Rendering::Scene >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Rendering::SceneItem >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Rendering::Shader >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Rendering::Transform >
 CSimpleInput< CSIRO::Ssh::SshSession >
 CSimpleInput< double >
 CSimpleInput< FileLoop::OutputFormat >
 CSimpleInput< ImageTileSet::SizePolicy >
 CSimpleInput< int >
 CSimpleInput< LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::QuadtreePlane >
 CSimpleInput< LinearSpatialPartitioningTree::TreeLayout >
 CSimpleInput< LodAccessMethod >
 CSimpleInput< NormalShader::Mode >
 CSimpleInput< PatchCountSpecification >
 CSimpleInput< QByteArray >
 CSimpleInput< QColor >
 CSimpleInput< QDateTime >
 CSimpleInput< QImage >
 CSimpleInput< QJsonDocument >
 CSimpleInput< QString >
 CSimpleInput< QStringList >
 CSimpleInput< QVariant >
 CSimpleInput< RenderViewFrustumToMesh::TextureLocation >
 CSimpleInput< ReportingLevel >
 CSimpleInput< RodGlypherTargetType >
 CSimpleInput< SurfaceRepresentation >
 CSimpleInput< VectorMapping >
 CSimpleInputArray< T >
 CSimpleInputArray< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::TransferFunction2dClassification >
 CSimpleInputArray< CSIRO::DataExecution::Dependency >
 CSimpleInputArray< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray >
 CSimpleInputArray< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary >
 CSimpleInputArray< CSIRO::Package::StartMenuItem >
 CSimpleInputArray< QImage >
 CSimpleInputArray< QString >
 CSimpleInputOutput< T >
 CSimpleInputOutput< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary >
 CSimpleInputOutput< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface >
 CSimpleInputOutput< QJsonDocument >
 CSimpleInputOutput< QSqlDatabase >
 CSimpleOutput< T >
 CSimpleOutput< bool >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::ImageTileSet >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::TransferFunction2d >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectArray >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::DataExecution::ObjectDictionary >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelInterface >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelLibrary >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Mesh::MeshModelSource >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Mesh::TransformMatrix >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Rendering::DepthShader >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Rendering::NormalShader >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Rendering::Texture2D >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Rendering::TextureProjectionShader >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Rendering::Transform >
 CSimpleOutput< CSIRO::Rendering::VolumeShader >
 CSimpleOutput< int >
 CSimpleOutput< QByteArray >
 CSimpleOutput< QDateTime >
 CSimpleOutput< QImage >
 CSimpleOutput< QJsonDocument >
 CSimpleOutput< QString >
 CSimpleOutput< QStringList >
 CSimpleOutput< QVector< double > >
 CSimpleOutput< uint >
 CSimpleOutput< WorkflowResult >
 CSortDataTypeImpl< T, isSortable >
 CSortDataTypeImpl< T, Application::IsSortable< T >::value >
 CSortDataTypeImpl< T, false >
 CSortDefaultImpl< T, C >
 CSortDefaultImpl< T, false >
 CSoundEffectRegistrySound effect registry
 CSplitAndLodPointCloudA functor that splits a point cloud into multiple sub-regions (patches) and computes multiple levels of detail (LODs) for each
 CSplitAndLodPointCloud::SplitSettingsSettings that control how a point cloud is split into patches
 CSqlBoundObjectClassDataContains static information about a specific SqlBoundObjectGroup class. Is used to capture data shared at the class level that cannot be specified statically
 CSqlCompositePrimaryKeyA class encapsulating information about a stored composite primary key (i.e. a primary key spanning the values of multiple fields)
 CSqlDataModelProvides an interface to access data from an SQL database as bound objects. The created objects can then be manipulated by calling code and submitted back to the model to write back to the database
 CSqlDataModelResultContains information about results of an operation on the SqlDataModel such as a fetch, insert or update
 CSqlResultSetThe result of an SQL query, use GetSqlResultSetColumn operation to access results
 CStateDefines state info for an object
 CStateControlDefines a class to manipulate State objects
 CStateHandleBase class for state handles
 CStateInfoDefines a class to hold info for one particular state
 CStateSelector< T >Helper class for getting a state whose type depends on a template parameter
 CStateVerificationFunctor< SrcInterfaceType, DestInterfaceType, DataType >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free< bool >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free< U * >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< T >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< int >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< long >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< long long >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< short >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< signed char >
 Cstatic_is_lock_free_num< std::make_signed< T >::type >
 CStillExecutingCheckerChecks that an Updatable object's execution thread is stopped
 CStreamable< T >Traits class to determine if a type T supports output and input streaming
 CStreamableFallback< T, false, false >
 CStreamableFallback< T, true, Allowed >
 CStreamlinedMeshModelInterfaceImpl< T >
 CStreamlinedMeshModelInterfaceImpl< CSIRO::DataAnalysis::PartitionedVector >
 CStreamlinedMeshModelInterfaceImpl< std::vector >
 CStreamlinedStateStorage< C >
 CStreamlinedStateStorage< std::vector >
 CStringHighlightsKeeps list of fragments of text to be highlighted, or to be flagged as a point at which text was inserted into an alternate string
 CSuperquadricMesherCreates a mesh for a superquadric
 CTcpMessageFactoryThe base class of all tcp message factories
 CTemporaryDirectoryAn application-level temporary directory, similar to QTemporaryFile
 CTestHarnessBasic test harness for running test cases
 CTestIfDerivedFrom< Derived, Base >Define a constraints base class with a testable value
 CTestIfDerivedFuncs< Derived, Base >
 CTestSuiteClass for implementing a suite of related tests
 CTextLoggerConvenience base class for anything associated with an operation that needs to write text to the log manager
 CTextTemplateRepresents a template (or set of templates) that can be rendered using a supplied context
 CTextureImageDimension-and-format-dependent texture image, used as a returned type by Texturizer
 Cthread_id_converter< thread_id_t >
 CToolLogCategoryGuardTemporarily disables the normal log warnings if they are inappropriate and distracting in the Workflowtool context
 CTransactionWrapper of a mongo transaction over a Session
 CTransferFunction2dRepresents a TransferFunction in two dimensions. The x-dimension is the data value and the y-dimension is the gradient of the data value
 CTransformMatrix::TransformHasNoInverseException class for when an attempt is made to find the inverse of a singular transform matrix
 CTrieSuper basic trie class for validating strings. Speeds up the code needed for some autocomplete / validation used in QLineEdits
 CTriSplitterHelper class for splitting tri shell elements
 CTypeA type of element supported by a MeshModelInterface
 CTypeAdaptorFactoryBase class for all TypeAdaptorFactory instances
 CTypeRegistryA class to provide a lookup between element type name and singleton instance
 CTypeT< T >Type classification template
 CUpdatablesObserverBaseBase class for UpdatablesObserver to facilitate storage of lists of UpdatablesObserver objects for deletion at a later time
 CUuidGeneratorGenerates unique identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique
 CVariableLengthArray< T, StackPrealloc >An array class similar to std::vector or QVector
 CVariableLengthArray< NamedDimensionRange::size_type, 32 >
 CVector3dA vector or 3D point in space with useful operation support
 CVectorStorageLess< T >Sorting criteria for a sorted vector storage policy
 CVolumeFaceDefine a class representing a face of a tetra volume element
 CVtkWriterWrites models in VTK ASCII format
 CWidgetCreatorsClass for creating widgets connected to input/output data
 CWidgetSignalBlockerTemporarily blocks onward signals while user-selection signals are propagated to linked widgets
 CWorkflowToolUtilGeneral class for utility functions across the Workflow Tool set
 CWorkspaceGraphicsEffectFactoryFactory base class for creating graphics effects. Allows us to use dependency injection when varying graphics effects in large numbers of components
 CWorkspaceIdIdentifies a running Workspace client process by the host / port that it is connected on
 CWorkspacePluginBase class for all workspace plugin classes
 CWorkspaceQmlItemRepresents a Workspace Global Name in a QML file
 CWSGLBufferObjectCacheItemPtrHolder class for managing items in a WSGLBufferObjectCache
 CWSGLCacheCapacityExceededExceptionException class for when a WSGLBufferObjectCache's size is exceeded during memory allocation
 CWSGLGeometryEncapsulates the geometry of an OpenGL rendered item
 CWSGLInnerGlowShaderShader for rendering an internal glow on objects in a scene. This shader can only be used in a WSGL renderer directly - it is not a general shader able to be used in the Workspace
 CWSGLInvalidBufferExceptionException thrown when an invalid buffer is assigned or used
 CWSGLLoadingScreenRenders a loading screen to the currently bound framebuffer
 CWSGLModelUpdateInfoDescriptor class for queueing model updates via the ModelProcessingThread
 CWSGLPickElementShaderA shader implementation of a hardware picking shader
 CWSGLPickModelShaderA shader implementation of a hardware picking shader
 CWSGLPickNodeShaderA shader implementation of a hardware picking shader
 CWSGLRenderElementsFilterA filtering class for including / excluding specific parts of a render item during a render call
 CWSGLRenderItemMemento-like structure for holding everything we need to know in order to render some geometry in the scene
 CWSGLSceneItemSymbolLibraryContains a set of mesh model 'symbols', which can be used to represent the set of SceneItems that are not MeshModelInstances. The symbol library contains its own MeshModelLibrary, as well as a MeshModelSource and MeshModelInstance for each symbol
 CWSGLScreenSpaceLayersEncapsulates the screen space layers used for rendering
 CWSGLShaderProgramCapabilityBase class for all capabilities that can be added to a shader program
 CWSGLShaderProgramCapabilityIdClass used for uniquely identifying a shader program capability
 CXmlEntitiesHandlerThis class makes it easy to convert HTML strings back to plain texts
 CTestIfDerivedFuncs< Derived, Base >::Yes