
Country: Tunisia

Document type: National Strategy

Title: National Strategy for the Development of Green Hydrogen and its Derivatives in Tunisia (media reporting)

Released: October 2023

Summary Points:

According to media reports, the strategy includes an aim of over 8 million tonnes of renewables-based hydrogen production by 2050, of which up to 6 million tonnes would be exported to Europe.

A key transportation avenue for planned Tunisian exports of hydrogen to Europe is the planned SoutH2 Corridor, a long-distance pipeline connecting North Africa with Italy, Austria and Germany.

In May 2024, media reports indicated that TE H2 and VERBUND has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Tunisia to study the implementation of a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen project “H2 Notos” for export to central Europe via the SoutH2 Corridor pipeline. Initial phase hydrogen production is placed at 200,000 tonnes per annum.


June 2024