Industry – archived

The table below shows (zero or low-emissions) hydrogen projects/initiatives in Australia that were previously included in the Projects – active listing on HyResource and are now either:

  • Not being progressed at this stage – the project is not progressing in its entirety or at its present status/scope of work.
  • On hold/temporarily not being dealt with or pursued, awaiting more propitious development conditions (may include market conditions, techno-economic conditions or development planning/permitting conditions specific to the project) and/or a redefined project scope.
  • No longer highlighted in the promotional or presentation materials of proponents.
  • A market scoping or technology study or demonstration project that is now completed.
  • A Hubs development initiative whose description is now better represented on the (new) Hubs webpage and whose description has been updated and transferred to the Hubs page.

Specific projects are included in this section of HyResource as they contribute to lessons learnt and stakeholder connectivity.

A project that is archived can transfer back to the Industry – Active section should its circumstances change: e.g., should development conditions be reversed to a project’s advantage and/or a project’s scope be redefined such that development planning activities are being actively pursued.

Caveats and disclaimers on the use of information displayed in HyResource, especially with respect to project inclusions, can be found on the About page.

For active hydrogen projects, see the Industry – Active page in the Projects tab.

Project TitleProponentsLocationStatusMain end-use classifications
APA Renewable Methane Demonstration ProjectAPA GroupQueenslandArchivedHydrogen in gas networks
Australian Hydrogen CentreAustralian Gas Networks - lead, all project partners are shown in the descriptionSouth Australia/VictoriaArchived - studies completedHydrogen in gas networks
Badgingarra Renewable Hydrogen ProjectAPA GroupWestern AustraliaArchivedHydrogen mobility, power and industrial applications evaluated
Bio-Hydrogen Demonstration PlantSouthern Oil Refining Pty LtdQueenslandArchived - undergoing redesignIndustrial process - refining
Bristol Springs Solar Hydrogen ProjectFrontier Energy LimitedWestern AustraliaArchived Domestic uses evaluated
Bundaberg Hydrogen HubGreen Hydrogen Australia Group (GHAG), a consortium comprised of Denzo Pty Ltd, Elvin Renewables Group, H2X AustraliaQueenslandArchivedHydrogen mobility
Clean Energy Innovation ParkATCOWestern AustraliaArchivedHydrogen in gas networks, mobility
Collie Battery and Hydrogen Industrial Hub ProjectSunshot IndustriesWestern AustraliaArchivedIndustrial process -ammonia production, green industrial production
Darwin Clean Hydrogen Hub - Market Development StudyINPEX (Study lead), SantosNorthern TerritoryArchivedUnder evaluation
Desert Bloom HydrogenAxcentium Pty Ltd trading as Aqua AeremNorthern TerritoryArchivedExport potential, domestic use
Development of Altona Renewable Hydrogen PlantAir Liquide Australia Solutions Pty LtdVictoriaArchivedFocus on mobility and industrial applications
Dyno Nobel Renewable Hydrogen ProjectDyno NobelQueenslandArchivedIndustrial process - ammonia production
Feasibility of Renewable Hydrogen to Decarbonise the Esperance Region in WAHorizon PowerWestern AustraliaArchivedMicrogrid – power use
Fortescue Green Hydrogen and Ammonia PlantFortescueTasmaniaArchivedIndustrial process – ammonia production
Geelong Hydrogen HubFortescue, GeelongPortVictoriaArchivedExport potential, domestic use
George Town ProjectLINE HydrogenTasmaniaArchivedMobility applications targeted
Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia ProjectFortescue (responsible for hydrogen production and related activities)QueenslandArchivedIndustrial process – ammonia production
Glencore Surat Hydrogen ProjectGlencoreQueenslandArchivedIndustrial process – ammonia production, export focussed
Grange Resources Renewable Hydrogen StudyGrange ResourcesTasmaniaArchivedIndustrial process heating
Green Hydrogen for City of CockburnCity of CockburnWestern AustraliaArchivedHydrogen mobility, power use
H2OzBus Project – Phase 1ITM Power, Transit Systems, Ballard Power Systems, BOC Limited, and Palisade Investment Partners Under evaluationArchivedHydrogen mobility
H2TASWoodside Energy TasmaniaArchivedIndustrial process – ammonia production, domestic market and export
Hay Point Hydrogen ExportDalrymple Bay Infrastructure Ltd, North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, Brookfield Group, ITOCHU CorporationQueenslandArchived - study completedExport potential - liquid ammonia most appropriate
Hunter Energy HubAGL Energy, FortescueNew South WalesArchived Domestic and export markets under evaluation
Hunter Hydrogen HubNew South Wales Government facilitating discussionsNew South WalesTransferred to Hubs WebpageHub development opportunity
Hybrid PV – Battery-Hydrogen System for MicrogridsMurdoch UniversityWestern AustraliaArchived - study completedMicrogrid - power use
Hydrogen Fuels Australia Truganina HRSHydrogen Fuels AustraliaVictoriaArchived Mobility, Microgrid - power use
Hydrogen Hubs Powering Remote Communities (H2H)Ergon Energy Corporation LtdQueenslandArchived Microgrid – power use
Hydrogen Mobility ProjectAurizonQueenslandArchived Hydrogen mobility
Hydrogen ProjectOrigin EnergyQueenslandArchived Domestic supply, export potential
Hyer Penetration - EDL Hydrogen Enabled Hybrid RenewablesEDLWestern AustraliaArchivedMicrogrid - power use
Kumbarilla Renewable Energy Park – Stage 1Elecseed QueenslandArchived - Potential Transfer to HyResearchOnsite R&D
Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain Commercial Demonstration ProjectElectric Power Development Co. (J-Power) and Sumitomo Corporation (comprising the JPSC JV) and responsible for gaseous clean hydrogen production; Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), Iwatani Corporation and INPEX Corporation (comprising Japan Susio Energy – JSE) and responsible for hydrogen liquefaction and shipment from the Port of Hastings to JapanVictoriaArchived - domestic (Australian) contribution under reviewExport focus – liquefied hydrogen
Manilla Solar Phase 2 Hydrogen Energy Storage SystemManilla Community Renewable Energy Inc., Providence Asset GroupNew South WalesArchivedMicrogrid - power use
Manufacturing and Commercialisation of Hydrogen BusesVolgren AustraliaVictoriaArchived - merged with Transdev Mobility TrialHydrogen mobility
Methanol Synthesis Utilising Renewable HydrogenHAMR Energy, Bingo IndustriesVictoriaArchivedMethanol production
Neoen Australia Hydrogen Superhub (Crystal Brook Energy Park)Neoen Australia Pty LtdSouth AustraliaArchivedExport potential
Neoen ENEOS Export ProjectNeoen Australia Pty Ltd, ENEOS CorporationSouth AustraliaArchivedExport potential
Ord HydrogenPacific Blue (previously Pacific Hydro)Western AustraliaArchivedUnder evaluation
Origin Green Hydrogen and Ammonia ProjectOrigin EnergyTasmaniaArchivedIndustrial process - ammonia production
Pacific Solar Hydrogen ProjectAustrom QueenslandArchivedExport potential
Port Bonython Hydrogen HubGovernment of South Australia (Project lead on behalf of itself and project partners)South AustraliaTransferred to Hubs WebpageHub development opportunity
Port Kembla Hydrogen HubNew South Wales Government facilitating discussionsNew South WalesTransferred to Hubs WebpageHub development opportunity
Port of Newcastle Green Hydrogen HubMacquarie Green Investment Group, Port of NewcastleNew South WalesArchivedDomestic use
Port Pirie Green Hydrogen ProjectTrafigura Group Pte. LtdSouth AustraliaArchivedExport potential – ammonia, domestic use
Preparing the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline for HydrogenDampier Bunbury PipelineWestern AustraliaArchivedHydrogen in gas networks
Project HaberStrike EnergyWestern AustraliaArchivedIndustrial process - ammonia production
Queensland Nitrates Renewable Hydrogen and Ammonia Project Queensland NitratesQueenslandArchivedIndustrial process - ammonia production
Regional Hydrogen Hubs ProgramAustralian GovernmentCanberraTransferred to Hubs WebpageNational Hubs Funding Program
Renewable Hydrogen Powered Intercampus TransportUniversity of QueenslandQueenslandArchivedHydrogen mobility
Renewable Hydrogen Transport Hub in the City of MandurahHazer GroupWestern AustraliaArchivedHydrogen mobility
Sealink Hydrogen FerrySeaLink GladstoneQueenslandArchivedHydrogen mobility
South Australian Government Hydrogen FacilityThe Office of Hydrogen Power South Australia has been established to oversee the initial implementation phases.South AustraliaArchivedPower use
Spicers Retreats Scenic Rim Trail Ecotourism Demonstration using Low Pressure HydrogenJilrift Pty LtdQueenslandArchivedMicrogrid - power use
Swanbank Clean Energy HubCleanCoQueenslandArchivedPower use
The Julia Creek ProjectQEM LimitedQueenslandArchivedUnder evaluation
Tiwi H2Provaris EnergyNorthern TerritoryArchivedExport potential
Torrens Island Green Hydrogen HubAGL Energy Limited (AGL: consortium lead) - see description for full listingSouth AustraliaArchivedUnder evaluation
Transdev Mobility TrialTransdev Queensland
QueenslandArchivedHydrogen mobility
Utilitas-ReCarbon Organic Waste to Green Hydrogen TechnologyUtilitas Group, ReCarbon Inc., Bundaberg Regional CouncilQueenslandArchivedHydrogen mobility
Whaleback Energy ParkWestcoast Renewable Energy TasmaniaArchivedUnder evaluation