
Industry – Active projects includes projects across the full asset life-cycle spectrum, including projects that were once operational and are now completed. See Definitions used in classifying a project’s status (or asset life-cycle stage). The primary focus is on specific, zero or low-emissions, individual projects that encompass the full hydrogen value chain; hubs development initiatives are described under the Hubs webpage.

Caveats and disclaimers on the use of information displayed in HyResource, especially with respect to project inclusions, can be found on the About page.

HyResource includes 93 hydrogen-related (Industry) projects in Australia: Operating – 16, Under construction – 14, Under development – 60, Project completed – 2. One ‘project’ is a Demonstration Display of 100% hydrogen use in a standard family home setting.

A full description of each project is accessed by clicking on the specific Project Title.

HyResource Projects Mapprovides a spatial representation of Active projects across Australia as well as filtering capability by status, main end-use, and main proponents. Please note that filtering of data is possible using single points in each of the End use and Status filters.

Closed, inactive or transferred projects/initiatives can be seen in the Industry – archived page in the Projects tab.

Industry project activity locations can also be viewed on a map of Australia through Geoscience Australia’s AusH2 tool.

The information in the table below can also be downloaded into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet last updated 17 March 2025.

Project TitleProponentsLocationStatusMain end-use classifications
ABEL Energy Bell Bay Powerfuels Project ABEL EnergyTasmaniaUnder developmentIndustrial process – methanol production, export potential

ABEL Energy Townsville Powerfuels ProjectABEL EnergyQueenslandUnder developmentIndustrial process – methanol production, export potential

Allied Green Ammonia Allied Green AmmoniaNorthern TerritoryUnder developmentIndustrial process - ammonia production, export focussed
Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project - HP1Infinite Green Energy LtdWestern AustraliaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility, power use
Australian Renewable Energy Hub bp (Operator), CWP Global, InterContinental Energy, Macquarie Capital and Macquarie’s Green Investment GroupWestern AustraliaUnder developmentLocal potential in Pilbara (renewable power and green hydrogen), Export potential (green hydrogen)
ATCO Hydrogen Blending ProjectATCO Gas Australia Pty Ltd Western AustraliaOperatingHydrogen in gas networks
Boolathana ProjectGascoyne Green EnergyWestern AustraliaUnder developmentAmmonia production
Brigalow Peaking Power PlantQueensland Government (CS Energy as development lead)QueenslandUnder developmentPower use
Calix Zero Emissions Steel Technology-pre-FEED and FEED StudyCalixVictoriaUnder developmentIndustrial process – iron making
Canberra Hydrogen Refuelling StationPacific EnergyAustralian Capital TerritoryOperatingHydrogen mobility
Cape Hardy Green Hydrogen ProjectAmp EnergySouth AustraliaUnder developmentExport potential – hydrogen derivatives, including ammonia production
Central Queensland Hydrogen Project (CQ-H2)Stanwell Corporation Limited, Iwatani Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Keppel InfrastructureQueenslandUnder developmentFocus on ammonia for domestic and export and liquid hydrogen for export
Christmas Creek Green Iron Trial Commercial PlantFortescueWestern AustraliaUnder constructionIndustrial process - iron making
Christmas Creek Renewable Hydrogen Mobility ProjectFortescueWestern AustraliaOperatingHydrogen mobility
Clean Energy Innovation HubATCOWestern AustraliaOperating Microgrid applications - natural gas blending, power use
Daintree Microgrid ProjectVolt Advisory Group (federal capital works grant recipient)QueenslandUnder developmentMicrogrid/ regional applications
Darwin Green Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) Export ProjectLH2 Energy Pty LtdNorthern TerritoryUnder developmentExport focus - Liquid hydrogen, supplemented by local domestic supply
Darwin H2 HubTE H2Northern TerritoryUnder developmentExport focussed hub development
Denham Hydrogen Demonstration PlantHorizon PowerWestern AustraliaOperatingMicrogrid - power use
Early Production System: MEG-HP1Infinite Green Energy Ltd, Samsung C&TWestern AustraliaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
East Kimberley Clean Energy ProjectAboriginal Clean Energy Partnership (Balanggarra Ventures Limited, MG Corporation, Kimberley Land Council, Pollination)Western AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process – ammonia production, export focus
Edify Green Hydrogen ProjectEdify EnergyQueenslandUnder developmentExport potential, domestic use
Emerald Coaches Green Hydrogen Mobility ProjectEmerald CoachesQueenslandUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
ENEOS MCH Hydrogen Demonstration PlantENEOSQueenslandUnder constructionFocus on production of hydrogen derivatives – methylcyclohexane (MCH)
Energys Renewable Hydrogen Production FacilityEnergys Australia Pty LtdVictoriaUnder constructionPower use
entX and Kimberly-Clark - Millicent Mill Green Hydrogen ProjectentX Limited, Kimberly-Clark Australia South AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process heating
Euroa Hydrogen ProjectVena EnergyQueenslandUnder developmentUnder evaluation
Eyre Peninsula Gateway Project - Demonstrator StageThe Hydrogen Utility South AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process - ammonia production
Geelong New Energies Service Station ProjectViva Energy AustraliaVictoriaUnder constructionHydrogen mobility
Geraldton Export-Scale Renewable Investment bp AustraliaWestern AustraliaUnder developmentMobility, industrial applications, power
Gingerah Energy HubGingerah EnergyWestern AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process - ammonia production
Gladstone MCH ProjectENEOSQueenslandUnder developmentFocus on production of hydrogen derivatives – methylcyclohexane (MCH)
Gladstone PEM50 ProjectFortescue QueenslandUnder constructionTargeted third party offtake and through on-site refueller
Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia ProjectHiringa Energy (Operator), Sundown Pastoral CompanyNew South WalesUnder developmentHydrogen mobility and ammonia main uses
Goondiwindi HydrogenGoondiwindi Regional Council, The Hydrogen CollectiveQueenslandUnder constructionHeat and power to local businesses (through use of gas turbines)
Green Cement Decarbonisation ProjectHallett Group, Elecseed, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company South AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process heating
Green Hydrogen and Battery Energy Storage SystemMarubeni CorporationSouth AustraliaUnder constructionExport potential
Green Methanol Feasibility StudyCement Australia, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical CompanyQueenslandUnder developmentIndustrial process – methanol production
Green Springs Project Climate Impact Capital Limited (CIC)Northern TerritoryUnder developmentExport potential, domestic supply
H2-HubTM GladstoneThe Hydrogen Utility QueenslandUnder developmentIndustrial process - ammonia production
H2Kwinanabp Australia, Macquarie CapitalWestern AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial uses
H2PerthWoodside Energy Western AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process - domestic market and export
Han-Ho H2 Hub – Feasibility StudyArk Energy Corporation Pty LtdQueenslandUnder developmentIndustrial process – ammonia production, export focussed
Hazer Commercial Demonstration PlantHazer GroupWestern AustraliaOperatingDemonstration and testing purposes - self power use
HIF Tasmania eFuels FacilityHIF GlobalTasmaniaUnder developmentSynthetic eFuels (methanol-based)
Hunter Valley Hydrogen HubOricaNew South WalesUnder developmentIndustrial process - ammonia production
Hydrogen Bell Bay ProjectCountrywide Hydrogen Pty LtdTasmaniaUnder developmentDomestic supply initially
Hydrogen Brighton/Bridgewater ProjectCountrywide Hydrogen Pty LtdTasmaniaUnder developmentHydrogen in gas networks main use, mobility and industrial uses also under evaluation
Hydrogen Devonport ProjectCountrywide Hydrogen Pty LtdTasmaniaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain - Pilot ProjectKawasaki Industries, J-Power, Iwatani, Marubeni and Sumitomo Corporations, AGLVictoriaProject completedExport potential - liquefied hydrogen
Hydrogen Park AdelaideAustralian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)South AustraliaUnder developmentHydrogen in gas networks, other end uses also under evaluation
Hydrogen Park GladstoneAustralian Gas Networks (AGN), part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)QueenslandUnder constructionHydrogen in gas networks
Hydrogen Park Murray ValleyAustralian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)VictoriaUnder constructionHydrogen in gas networks
Hydrogen Park South AustraliaAustralian Gas Networks (AGN), part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)South AustraliaOperating Hydrogen in gas networks, industrial use, mobility
Hydrogen Park Wagga WaggaAustralian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)New South WalesUnder developmentHydrogen in gas networks, industrial use, mobility
Hydrogen Portland ProjectCountrywide Hydrogen Pty LtdVictoriaUnder developmentDomestic use initially
Hydrogen Powered Trains Feasibility StudyAurizon, Anglo AmericanQueenslandUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
Hydrogen Production and Research FacilityBlue Economy CRCTasmaniaOperatingHydrogen mobility, R&D
Hydrogen Refueller @H2PerthWoodside EnergyWestern AustraliaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility - domestic heavy-duty transport
Hydrogen Refueller Station ProjectATCO, Fortescue Western AustraliaOperatingHydrogen mobility
Hydrogen Test Facility- ACT Gas NetworkEvoenergy, Canberra Institute of TechnologyAustralian Capital TerritoryOperating Hydrogen in gas networks
Hydrogen Western Junction ProjectCountrywide Hydrogen Pty Ltd, Launceston Airport, Western JunctionTasmaniaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
HyEnergy ProjectProvince Resources LtdWestern AustraliaUnder developmentExport focus – bulk of product expected as renewables-based ammonia with smaller compressed hydrogen component
HyHomeAustralian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)VictoriaDemonstration displayHydrogen in gas networks
Hyundai Integrated Hydrogen Production and Refuelling SystemHyundai Motor Company Australia New South WalesOperatingHydrogen mobility
Illawarra Hydrogen Technology HubBOC LimitedNew South WalesUnder developmentHydrogen mobility, industrial uses
Joint Feasibility Study for Creation of a Supply Chain of Low Carbon Ammonia in Western AustraliaMitsui E&P Australia Pty LtdWestern AustraliaUnder developmentAmmonia production, export potential
Kogan Creek Renewable Hydrogen Demonstration PlantCS EnergyQueenslandUnder constructionHydrogen mobility, power use
Melbourne Hydrogen HubCountrywide Hydrogen Pty LtdVictoriaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility, gas networks
Mid West Clean Energy ProjectPilot EnergyWestern AustraliaUnder developmentExport focussed - ammonia production
Murchison Hydrogen Renewables ProjectMurchison Hydrogen Renewables Pty Ltd Western AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process – ammonia production
North Queensland Clean Energy Project (HyNQ)Energy Estate, CS Energy, Idemitsu Australia, IHI CorporationQueenslandUnder developmentAmmonia – export market, Liquid hydrogen – domestic market
Oakajee Energy Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Project – Stage 1Oakajee EnergyWestern AustraliaUnder developmentAmmonia – export market
Parmelia Green Hydrogen ProjectAPA Group, WesfarmersWestern AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial applications / chemical products
Port Kembla Hydrogen Refuelling FacilityCoregas New South WalesOperatingHydrogen mobility
Port of Brisbane Hydrogen Hub and RefuellerLion EnergyQueenslandUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
Portland Renewable FuelsHAMR EnergyVictoriaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility - maritime
Renewable Hydrogen Hydro-Gen 1Yarra Valley WaterVictoriaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
Renewable Hydrogen Production and Refuelling ProjectBOCQueenslandOperatingIndustrial uses, mobility
ScaleH2ATCONew South WalesUnder developmentIndustrial process-ammonia production
Sir Samuel Griffith CentreGriffith UniversityQueenslandProject completedMicrogrid applications - power use
SM1Vast, MabanaftSouth AustraliaUnder developmentIndustrial process - methanol production
Sumitomo Gladstone Green Hydrogen ProjectSumitomo CorporationQueenslandUnder developmentIndustrial process – refining (replacement of heat)
Sumitomo Green Hydrogen Production and Rio Tinto Decarbonisation Pilot ProjectSumitomo Corporation, Rio TintoQueenslandUnder constructionIndustrial process -refining (replacement of heat), mobility
SunHQ Hydrogen HubArk Energy Corporation Pty LtdQueenslandUnder constructionHydrogen mobility
Swinburne University of Technology Victorian Hydrogen Hub – CSIRO Hydrogen Refuelling StationCSIRO, Swinburne University of TechnologyVictoriaOperatingHydrogen mobility
Tallawarra B Dual Fuel Capable Gas/Hydrogen Power PlantEnergyAustraliaNew South WalesUnder construction - hydrogen use componentElectricity generation
Toyota Ecopark Hydrogen Demonstration (Toyota Hydrogen Centre)Toyota Motor Corporation AustraliaVictoriaOperatingHydrogen mobility, power use
Warradarge Green Hydrogen ProjectWarradarge Green HydrogenWestern AustraliaUnder DevelopmentHydrogen mobility, industrial use
Warrnambool Hydrogen Mobility Project Warrnambool Bus Lines VictoriaUnder developmentHydrogen mobility
Western Green Energy HubInterContinental Energy, CWP Global, Mirning Green Energy Limited (MGEL)Western AustraliaUnder developmentExport markets main target
Western Sydney Green Gas ProjectJemenaNew South WalesOperatingHydrogen in gas networks, power, mobility and industrial uses
Yuri Renewable Hydrogen to Ammonia Project Yuri SPV (ENGIE lead proponent)Western AustraliaUnder constructionIndustrial process - ammonia production