Euroa Hydrogen Project (New Project added April 2024)

April 17th, 2024

Euroa Hydrogen Project 

Vena Energy is investigating a phased, large-scale renewables-based hydrogen project located at Aldoga, approximately 18 kilometres west of the Gladstone Central Business District.

Main proponents:

Vena Energy

Main end-use classification:

Under evaluation


Under development

Estimated cost:


Other involvement:


Production/consumption details:

Stage 1 – 50 MW electrolyser capacity / Stage 2 – 400 MW electrolyser capacity under evaluation


Queensland, Australia

Announced funding:

AUD$3 million: Federal Government Regional Hydrogen Hubs – Development and Design funding stream

Project description

The project proponent is investigating a phased, large-scale renewables-based hydrogen project located at Aldoga, approximately 18km west of the Gladstone CBD.

Phase 1 of the project would entail construction of a 50 MW electrolytic hydrogen production facility (hydrogen production capacity of approximately 5,500 tonnes per annum) with a focus on domestic market offtake. The facility would be grid connected and include construction of an adjacent ‘behind the meter’ 80 MW solar farm. Water supply is secured from using a water allocation from the Gladstone Area Water Board. Front-end engineering design for Phase 1 has commenced. Commercial operations are anticipated for 2027.

Phase 2 of the project would target construction of a 400 MW electrolysis-based hydrogen production facility (hydrogen production capacity of 50,000 tonnes per annum) that would target export market offtake. The expanded facility would be grid connected and powered remotely using green certificates from a Vena Energy renewable generator in Queensland.  Commercial operation for the Phase 2 expansion is targeted for the early 2030s.

This description has been reviewed by the project proponent.


April 2024