
Environmental Measurement Units (EMU’s)
Our project aims to deploy a highly specialized, bespoke device that can seamlessly and accurately measure local environmental conditions (Environmental Measurement Units or EMU's) at multiple locations on-site to model the level of heat stress at a given location.

The V Team
Our safe, IP protected, platform technology reduces anti-nutritional compounds in grains for the animal feed and human food markets.

Laser Lock Box
This project will enhance the capability of conventional laser frequency stabilisation, making it much more tenable than previously possible.

Reaching New Heights
A more accurate, cheaper, lightweight, handheld digital height measurement device for health care workers from low-and-middle-income countries to screen for childhood stunting and undernutrition without having to lug heavy equipment around difficult terrain.

SSA with Radiotelescopes
Our extremely sensitive radiotelescopes and technical expertise offer the opportunity to support niche applications and track transmitting objects more precisely than most other systems. Our project explores the possibilities and potential further applications available in the market.

Plastic degrading enzymes
In this project, we propose a combinatorial approach that addresses the main technological issues at hand, providing a solution to advance Australia's advanced recycling capabilities.

Our technology offers a powerful solution to the problem of poor water quality and safety by preventing the spread of water-borne pathogens.

Responsible Agile
This project aims to embed the risk assesmment-based approach to Agile project management framework to enable a responsible agile process.

QTrialBank e-Analytics
The QTrialBank analytics project is a cloud-based recruitment analytics platform integrating data from a volunteer cohort to help clinicians and trial recruiters navigate hurdles of identifying the correct participant for their trial programmes.

CoffeeKii is an exciting and highly sustainable, green plastic alternative made from the coffee beans you throw in the bin.