#Central Queensland University

Sustainable Energy Team
The global energy crisis and increased greenhouse gas emissions are very much alarming stage that forced the Sustainable Energy Team […]

Cleaner Fuel Team
Co-combustion of hydrogen and diesel has the potential to reduce diesel emissions significantly. Our aim is to reduce GHG and […]

IoD Research Team
This project is the design and deployment of an Internet of Drones (IoD) system to monitor security threats to cattle […]

Self-Managed Data privacy
We combine a blockchain solution with novel access control and revocation techniques to empower users with control of their own data, while supporting secure data sharing across multiple organisations.

Easy Compost
The composting of food waste provides a cleaner alternative to landfilling by recycling nutrients as a soil amendment and introducing stable carbon into soil. We aim to make composting easier and quicker. being able to simply dump your food waste into a machine and get your compost within 24 hours, without any trouble.