Vincent Crombez

Research Scientist in Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Modelling

I am a geoscientist with a sedimentology, geochemistry and numerical modelling background. My research mainly focusses on industry-related thematic aiming at better understanding both hydrocarbon and mineral systems. Through my work and academic career, I have developed a strong experience working with integrated workflow combining field geology, laboratory analysis and numerical modelling. My scientific background also includes skills in subsurface data interpretation, basin analysis and data processing.

Within Deep Earth Imaging, I am applying my academic and professional skills to the geological processes program. I am currently working on projects focussing on unconventional hydrocarbons in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin (Northern Territory) and on critical metals in the Greater McArthur Region (Northern Territory).


Technical skills

  • Multiple experiences integrating both field and subsurface data
  • Deep knowledge on sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary basin evolution
  • Solid understanding of both conventional and unconventional exploration processes and challenges
  • Strong experience in solving problems using numerical modelling
  • Ability to work in multi-disciplinary team on integrated projects



Professional experience

July 2020 – present
Research scientist: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform

October 2017 – June 2020
Postdoctoral fellow: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform

May 2016 – December 2016
Basin modelling researcher: IFP Energies Nouvelles

November 2012 – March 2016
PhD researcher; IFP Energies Nouvelles & University Pierre and Marie Curie

March 2012 – September 2016
Petroleum geologist intern: TOTAL E&P



PhD (Geosciences) University Pierre and Marie Curie 2016

MSc (Geology) Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais 2012


Selected publications

Crombez V, Hauser J, Peeters L, Chopping R (2020). Understanding the gravity response variability of sedimentary basins using forward stratigraphic modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 104698.

Crombez V, Rohais S, Euzen T, Riquier L, Baudin F, Hernandez-Bilbao E (2020). Trace metal elements as paleoenvironmental proxies: Why should we account for sedimentation rate variations? Geology 48, 839–843.

Kunzmann M, Crombez V, Catuneanu O, Blaikie TN, Barth G, Collins AS (2020). Sequence stratigraphy of the ca. 1730 Ma Wollogorang Formation, McArthur Basin, Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 104297.

Crombez V, Rohais S, Baudin F, Euzen T, Zonneveld J-P, Power M (2019). 3D stratigraphic architecture, sedimentary budget, and sources of the Lower and Middle Triassic strata of western Canada: evidence for a major basin structural reorganization. Petroleum Geoscience, petgeo2019-024.

Rohais S, Crombez V, Euzen T, Zonneveld JP (2018). Subsidence dynamics of the Montney Formation (Early Triassic, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin): insights for its geodynamic setting and wider implications. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 66(1), 128-160.

Euzen T, Moslow TF, Crombez V, Rohais S (2018). Regional Stratigraphic Architecture of the Spathian Deposits in Western Canada – Implications for the Montney Resource Play. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 66(1), 175-192.

Playter T, Corlett H, Konhauser K, Robbins L, Rohais S, Crombez V, MacCormack K, Rokosh D, Prenoslo D, Furlong C, Pawlowicz J, Gingras M, Lalonde S, Lyster S, and Zonneveld JP (2018). Clinoform identification and correlation in fine-grained sediments: a case study using the Triassic Montney Formation. Sedimentology, 65(1), 263-302.

Crombez V, Rohais S, Baudin F, Chauveau B, Euzen T, and Granjeon D (2017). Controlling factor on source rock development: implications from 3D stratigraphic modeling of Triassic deposits in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 188(5), 18p.

Crombez V, Baudin F, Rohais S, Riquier L, Euzen T, Pauthier S, Caron B, and Vaisblat N (2017). Basin scale distribution of organic matter in marine fine-grained sedimentary rocks: insight from sequence stratigraphy and multi-proxies analysis in the Montney and Doig Formations. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 83, 382-401.

Crombez V, Rohais S, Baudin F, and Euzen T (2016). Facies, geometries and sequence stratigraphy of a wave-dominated margin: insight from the Montney Formation (Alberta, British Columbia, Canada). Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 64(4), 516-537.

Ducros M, Euzen T, Crombez V, Sassi W, and Vially R (2017). 2-D basin modeling of the WCSB across the Montney-Doig system: implications for hydrocarbon migration pathways and unconventional resources potential. In: Mahdi A. AbuAli, Isabelle Moretti, and Hege M. Nordgård Bolås (Eds.), Petroleum Systems Analysis-Case Studies: AAPG Memoir 114, 117-134.

Beniest A, Brun J-P, Gorini C, Crombez V, Dechamps R, and Smit J (2016). Interaction between trench retreat and Anatolian escape as recorded by Neogene basins in the northern Aegean Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 30-42.