Erdinc Saygin

Program Leader
Geoscience Imaging

I am a computational and observational seismologist, working predominantly on the development and application of seismic monitoring and imaging methods across scales by using the seismic ambient wavefield of the Earth. I possess a deep knowledge of computational and observational seismology, geophysical inverse methods, and signal processing.

Given the breadth of the science I conduct, I have a wide experience in scientific computing but in particular the use of high-performance computing (HPC) systems. I also have extensive experience in handling data, primarily seismic data, which involves managing large volume big data challenges. I also have experience in the design, acquisition and processing of seismic reflection lines at crustal scales.

My research areas of expertise include, but are not limited to; Passive and Active Source Seismic Imaging, Geophysical Inverse Problems, Induced Seismicity and Seismic Hazard studies.


Professional experience

September 2017 – present
Senior Research Scientist and Program Leader: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform
Adjunct Associate Professor: School of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Western Australia

2016 – September 2017
Senior Research Fellow, School of Earth Sciences, University of Western Australia

2013 – 2016
Research Fellow, Earth Physics, Australian National University

2009 – 2013
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Earth Physics, Australian National University

2007 – 2009
Geophysicist – Seismic/Magnetotelluric Data Processor, Geoscience Australia



PhD (Geophysics, supervisor Brian Kennett): Earth Physics
Australian National University (2007)

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng): Geophysical Engineering
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mines, Istanbul, Turkey (2002)


Selected publications

He, L., Saygin, E., Lumley, D., Bai, C. (2020). Monitoring seasonal variations in surface wave velocity and groundwater levels in Western Australia using borehole ambient seismic noise interferometry, submitted.

Zhang, Z., Saygin, E., He, L., Alkhalifah, T. (2020). Rayleigh wave dispersion spectrum inversion: Multiscale field data examples, Geophysics, in-review.

Guo, P., Visser, G., and Saygin, E. (2020). Bayesian trans-dimensional reflection full waveform inversion: synthetic and field data application, Geophys. J. Int., in-review.

Chen, Y., Gu, J., Heaman, L., Wu, L., Saygin, E., and Hung, S-H. (2020). Reconciling seismic structures and Late Cretaceous kimberlite magmatism in northern Alberta, Geology, in-review.

Confal, J., Bezada, M., Eken, T., Faccenda, M., Saygin, E., Taymaz, T. (2020). Influence of Upper Mantle Anisotropy on Isotropic P-wave Tomography Images Obtained in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth , (revised).

Chen, Y., Saygin, E. (2020). Empirical Green’s Function Retrieval using Cross-correlation of Ambient Noise Correlations (C2), J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, accepted.

Pranata, B., Yudistara, T., Widiyantoro, S., Brahmantyo, B., Cummins, P.R., Saygin, E., Zulfakriza, Z., Cipta, A. (2019). Shear Wave Velocity Structure beneath Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia from Ambient Noise Tomography, Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggz493.

Visser, G., Guo, P., Saygin, E. (2019). Bayesian Transdimensional Seismic Full Waveform Inversion with a Dipping Layer Parameterization, Geophysics, doi:10.1190/geo2018-0785.1.

Ansaripour, M., Rezapour, M., Saygin, E. (2019). Shear Wave Velocity Structure of Iranian Plateau: Using Combination of Ambient Noise Cross-Correlations (C1) and Correlation of Coda of Correlations (C3), Geophys. J. Int. doi:10.1093/gji/ggz257.

Cipta, A., P. Cummins, J. Dettmer, Saygin, E., M. Irsyam, J. Murjaya, and A. Rudyanto. (2018) Velocity Structure of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia, using Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion of Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios, Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggy289.

Fichtner, A. et al. (2018) The Collaborative Seismic Earth Model: Generation 1, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2018GL077338.

Sun, W., Fu, L-Y., Saygin, E., Zhao, L. (2017) Insights into layering in the cratonic lithosphere beneath Western Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2017JB014904.

Martha, A. A., Cummins, P., Saygin, E., & Widiyantoro, S. (2017). Imaging of upper crustal structure beneath East Java–Bali, Indonesia with ambient noise tomography. Geoscience Letters, 4(1), 14.

Saygin, E., Cummins, P.R., Lumley, D. (2017). Retrieval of the P-wave Reflectivity Response from Autocorrelation of Seismic Noise: Jakarta Basin, Indonesia. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2016GL071363.

Zheng, D., Saygin, E., Cummins, P., Ge, Z., Min, Z., Cipta, A., and Yang, R., (2017). Transdimensional Bayesian Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography across SE Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.11.011.

Confal, J., Eken, T., Yolsal-Cevikbilen, S., Cubuk, Y., Tilmann, F., Saygin., E., Taymaz, T., (2016). Investigation of Mantle Kinematics beneath the Hellenic-Subduction Zone with Teleseismic Direct Shear Waves. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2016.10.012.

Saygin, E., Cummins, P., Cipta, A., Hawkins, R., Pandhu, R., Murjaya, J., Irsyam, M., Masturyono, Widiyantoro, S. and Kennett, B.L.N, (2016). Imaging Architecture of the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia with Transdimensional Inversion of Seismic Noise. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv466.

Kennett, B.L.N., Saygin, E., Fomin, T., Blewett, R., (2016). Deep Crustal Seismic Reflection Profiling: Australia 1978-2015. ANU E Press, ISBN: 9781760460853 (ebook).

Gibson, G. M., Meixner, A. J., Withnall, I. W., Korsch, R. J., Hutton, L. J., Jones, L. E. A., … & Saygin, E. (2016). Basin architecture and evolution in the Mount Isa mineral province, northern Australia: Constraints from deep seismic reflection profiling and implications for ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 76, 414-441.

Kennett, B.L.N., Saygin, E., and Salmon, M., (2015). Stacking autocorrelograms to refine Moho structure in southeastern Australia. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2015GL065345.

Glikson, A. Y., Meixner, A. J., Radke, B., Uysal, I. T., Saygin, E., Vickers, J., & Mernagh, T. P. (2015). Geophysical anomalies and quartz deformation of the Warburton West structure, central Australia. Tectonophysics, 643, 55-72.

Kennett, B.L.N., and Saygin, E., (2015). The nature of the Moho in Australia from reflection profiling. GeoResJ, doi: 10.1016/j.grj.2015.02.001.

Zulfakriza, Saygin, E., Cummins, P., Widiyantoro, S., Nugraha, A.D., Luhr, B.-G., Bodin, T., (2014). Upper Crustal Structure of Central Java, Indonesia, from Transdimensional Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu016.

Saygin, E., McQueen, H., Hutton, L., Kennett, B.L.N., Lister, G., (2013). Structure of Mt Isa and Surroundings from Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1080/08120099.2013.837098.

Kennett, B.L.N., Saygin, E., Fomin, T., Blewett, R., (2013). Deep Crustal Seismic Reflection Profiling: Australia 1978-2011. ANU E Press, ISBN: 9781925021127 (ebook).

Fichtner, A., Saygin, E., Taymaz, T., Cupillard, P., Capdeville, Y., Trampert, J., (2013). The deep structure of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.04.027.

Fichtner, A., Trampert, J., Cupillard, P., Saygin, E., Taymaz, T., Capdeville, Y., and Villaseñor, A. (2013). Multiscale full waveform Inversion. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt118.

Glikson, A., Uysal, T., Fitzgerald, J., Saygin, E., (2013). Geophysical anomalies and quartz microstructures, Eastern Warburton Basin, North-east South Australia: Tectonic or impact shock metamorphic origin? Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.12.036.

Vanacore, E., Taymaz, T., Saygin, E., (2013). Moho Structure of the Anatolian Plate from Receiver Function Analysis. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs107.

Gorbatov, A., Saygin, E., Kennett, B.L.N., (2013). Crustal properties from autocorrelograms. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs064.

Salmon M, Kennett B.L.N. & Saygin E., (2013). Australian Seismological Reference Model (AuSREM): Crustal component. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs004.

R.J. Korsch, D.L. Huston, R.A. Henderson, R.S. Blewett, I.W. Withnall, C.L. Fergusson, W.J. Collins, E. Saygin, N. Kositcin, A.J. Meixner, R. Chopping, P.A. Henson, D.C. Champion, L.J. Hutton, R. Wormald, J. Holzschuh, R.D. Costelloe,. (2012). Crustal architecture and geodynamics of North Queensland, Australia: Insights from deep seismic reflection profiling, Tectonophysics.

Saygin, E., & Kennett B.L.N., (2012). Crustal structure of Australia from ambient seismic noise tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B01304; doi:10.1029/2011JB008403.

Kennett B.L.N., Salmon M., Saygin E. & AusMoho Working Group, (2011). AusMoho: the variation in Moho depth in Australia. Geophysical Journal International, 187, 946-958.

Saygin E. & Kennett B.L.N., (2010). Ambient noise tomography for the Australian Continent. Tectonophysics, 481, 116-125. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.11.013.

Rawlinson, N., Sambridge, M. and Saygin, E., (2008). A dynamic objective function technique for generating multiple solution models in seismic tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 174, 295-308; doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03810.x.