Roman Beloborodov
Postdoctoral Fellow in Seismic QI and Inversion
I am an experienced research geophysicist working on advanced inverse methods for seismic QI, with a strong background in rock physics and petrophysics. For a long time, my research interests have been in the field of multi-scale characterisation of rock properties. Hence, I have extensive experience in laboratory rock testing, processing and interpretation of borehole data and quantitative seismic interpretation using advanced inversion algorithms and machine learning techniques. During my research career, I have been working on a number of commercial and scientific projects involving rock physics modelling of the anisotropic properties of shales, automation of rock physics analysis of the borehole data, and end-to-end seismic inversion and interpretation workflows. Currently, Within Deep Earth Imaging, I am developing probabilistic seismic inversion framework with embedded rock physics models to assist the advanced inverse methods research theme.
Technical skills
- Specialisation in rock-physics modelling and analysis of rock properties
- Comprehensive knowledge of quantitative evaluation of rock microstructure
- Deep understanding of seismic inversion techniques
- Experience with the digital signal and image processing techniques
- Ability to rapidly learn and apply the newly developed skills
Professional experience
December 2017 – present
Postdoctoral fellow: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform
May – December 2014
Student intern: CSIRO CESRE
PhD (Geophysics) Curtin University Australia (2017)
MS (Geology – soil science and artificial lithogenesis) Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia (2014)
BS (Geology – hydrogeology and engineering geology) Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia (2012)
Selected publications
Beloborodov, R., Pervukhina, M., Josh, M., Clennell, M. B., & Hauser, J. (2019). Assessing shale mineral composition: From lab to seismic scale. The Leading Edge, 38(5), 385-391.
Beloborodov, R., Pervukhina, M., & Lebedev, M. (2018). Compaction trends of full stiffness tensor and fluid permeability in artificial shales. Geophysical Journal International, 212(3), 1687-1693.
Fauziah, C. A., Al-Yaseri, A. Z., Beloborodov, R., Siddiqui, M. A., Lebedev, M., Parsons, D., Roshan, H., Barifcani, A., and Iglauer, S. (2018). Carbon Dioxide/Brine, Nitrogen/Brine, and Oil/Brine Wettability of Montmorillonite, Illite, and Kaolinite at Elevated Pressure and Temperature. Energy & Fuels, 33(1), 441-448. doi:
Beloborodov, R., Pervukhina, M., Han, T., & Josh, M. (2017). Experimental Characterization of Dielectric Properties in Fluid Saturated Artificial Shales. Geofluids, 2017, 8.
Han, T., Beloborodov, R., Pervukhina, M., Josh, M., Cui, Y., & Zhi, P. (2018). Theoretical Modeling of Dielectric Properties of Artificial Shales. Geofluids, 2018, 12.
Beloborodov, R., Pervukhina, M., Luzin, V., Delle Piane, C., Clennell, M. B., Zandi, S., & Lebedev, M. (2016). Compaction of quartz-kaolinite mixtures: The influence of the pore fluid composition on the development of their microstructure and elastic anisotropy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 78, 426-438. doi:
Beloborodov, R., Pervukhina, M., & Lebedev, M. (2016). Measurements and Modelling of the Elastic Properties of Artificial Shales. Paper presented at the 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016, Vienna.