Hoël Seillé
Research Scientist in Geophysics
Geophysicist with a solid expertise using the magnetotelluric method (MT). My current research focuses on the development and application of geophysical data modelling workflows and algorithms, emphasising on the integration of various geoscientific data using probabilistic approaches.
Prior to joining the Deep Earth Imaging FSP Platform, I received a PhD from the University of Barcelona, where my research consisted in characterizing the lithospherical structure of several orogens in the Iberian Peninsula using magnetotelluric data. I also worked as a Geophysicist in the industry, in charge of geothermal exploration projects using multi-physics approaches.
I am part of the Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform and the CSIRO Mineral Resources EM & Seismic team.
Technical skills
- Magnetotelluric data processing, imaging and interpretation
- Joint and cooperative multi-physics data inversion
- Geophysical data acquisition
Professional experience
March 2021 – Present
Research Scientist: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform
September 2017 – February 2021
Postdoctoral fellow: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform
Field Geophysicist: Fundacio Bosch i Guimpera
2012 – 2014
Geophysicist: Schlumberger
2010 – 2012
Geophysicist: University of Barcelona
PhD (Geophysics) University of Barcelona Spain 2016
MSc (Geophysics) University of Barcelona Spain 2010
BSc (Earth Sciences) University of Toulouse France 2008
Selected publications
Seillé, H. & Visser, G., (2020). Bayesian inversion of magnetotelluric data considering dimensionality discrepancies. Geophysical Journal International,223(3), 1565–1583. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa391.
Garcia X, Seillé H, Elsenbeck J, Evans RL, Jegen M, Hölz S, and Queralt P (2015). Structure of the mantle beneath the Alboran Basin from magnetotelluric soundings. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16(12), 4261-4274.
Seillé H, Salas R, Pous J, Guimerà J, Gallart J, Torne M, and Mas R (2015). Crustal structure of an intraplate thrust belt: the Iberian Chain revealed by wide-angle seismic, magnetotelluric soundings and gravity data. Tectonophysics, 663, 339-353.
Fernández LR, Pedrera A, Pous J, Ayala C, Menéndez LG, and Seillé H (2015). Crustal structure of the south-western termination of the Alpine Pyrenean–Cantabrian Orogen (NW Iberian Peninsula). Tectonophysics, 663, 322-338.
Pous J, Seillé H, Romero I and Martín C. (2012). New magnetotelluric data from Tenerife Island. Geotemas, 13, 301-303.
Pous J, Muñoz-Martín A, Olaiz AJ, Seillé H, and de Vicente G (2012). Constraints on the Alpine crustal structure of central Iberian Peninsula: A magnetotelluric transect along the central part of the Central System (Sierra de Gredos), Geotemas, 13, 1666-1669.