Patrick Makuluni
Postdoctoral Fellow in Geophysics
I am a Geophysicist, Geologist and Civil Engineer working on employing a Bayesian perspective to enhance the understanding of the dynamic evolution of sedimentary basins. My current work aims to quantify the uncertainties in inferred dynamic models to solve the underlying geo-data inference problems. My research goals are to develop accurate dynamic basin evolution models for sedimentary settings with igneous intrusions to improve the understanding of the dynamic sediment-magma interactions. The findings of this work will be crucial for understanding the evolution and distribution of sediment-hosted mineral systems and provide valuable insights for resource exploration targeting. Throughout my research career, I have created geodynamic basin evolution models to assess the mineral and hydrocarbon resource potential of sedimentary basins in Australia.
Technical skills
- Geodynamic modelling and kinematic reconstruction of sedimentary basins
- Geological modelling, geostatistics, GIS, and programming (Python and R)
- Field geology techniques, 3D structural geology analysis
- Advanced skills in geochemistry and geochronology, mineral systems analysis, and resource estimation.
Professional experience
March 2022 – Present
CERC Postdoctoral Fellow: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform
2018 – Feb 2022
Casual Academic: UNSW _Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering
(PhD) Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering UNSW Sydney -Pending (2022)
(MSc) Geology Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology Curtin University (2017)
(BSc) Civil Engineering, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic, Malawi (2012)
Selected publications
- Makuluni, P., Kirkland, C. L., & Barham, M. (2019). Zircon grain shape holds provenance information: A case study from southwestern Australia. Geological Journal, 54(3), 1279–1293.
- Makuluni, P., Johnson, L. M., Hauser, J., Langhi, L., & Clark, S. (2021). Quantifying exhumation using compaction and vitrinite reflectance in the Southern Bonaparte Basin, North West Shelf, Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 134, 105318.
- Makuluni, P., Hauser, J., & Clark, S. (2022). Tilting of the Australian continent: New evidence from the subsidence and deposition history of the Northern Carnarvon Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 137, 105483.
- Makuluni, P., Clark, S., & Hauser, J. (2019). The Impact and Causes of Subsidence in the Exmouth Sub-basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin. ASEG Extended Abstracts, 2019(1), 1–5.
- Alzubaidi, F., Makuluni, P., Clark, S. R., Lie, J. E., Mostaghimi, P., & Armstrong, R. T. (2022). Automatic fracture detection and characterization from unwrapped drill-core images using mask R–CNN. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109471.
- Banks, E. W., Cook, P. G., Owor, M., Okullo, J., Kebede, S., Nedaw, D., Mleta, P., Fallas, H., Gooddy, D., John MacAllister, D., Mkandawire, T., Makuluni, P., Shaba, C. E., & MacDonald, A. M. (2021). Environmental tracers to evaluate groundwater residence times and water quality risk in shallow unconfined aquifers in sub Saharan Africa. Journal of Hydrology, 598, 125753.
- MacAllister, D. J., MacDonald, A., Kebede, S., Azagegn, T., Nedaw, D., Owor, M., Okullo, J., Mkandawire, T., Shaba, C., Makuluni, P., Bell, R., & Fallas, H. (2021). Functionality and resilience of hand-pumped boreholes in sub-Saharan Africa. Water & Health Conference: Research, Policy and Practice, Online.