Brady Flinchum

Postdoctoral Fellow in Hydrogeology

I am an enthusiastic and hard-working near-surface geophysicist with 4+ years processing a variety of near-surface geophysical data sets. I have worked with DC electrical resistivity, ground penetrating radar (GPR), seismic refraction, surface-wave data, surface and borehole nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data.

I work to creatively integrate multiple near-surface geophysical data sets to improve understanding of hydrological and regolith processes in granite bedrock. Within Deep Earth Imaging, my skills are being applied in the data assimilation and value of information research theme.


Technical skills

  • Hands-on experience in survey design, acquisition, and processing of DC resistivity, GPR, seismic refraction, surface wave dispersion, and surface and borehole NMR data sets
  • Ability to work with an interdisciplinary team and explain the advantages and limitations of near-surface geophysical measurements as applied to specific research questions
  • Proficient in Matlab, C-Shell, Linux, and Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)


Professional experience

November 2017 – present
Postdoctoral fellow: CSIRO Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform

2011 – 2012
Geophysicist: Multi-phase Technologies LLC USA



PhD (Geophysics) University of Wyoming USA 2017

BS (Geophysics) University of Nevada Reno USA 2012


Selected publications

Parsekian, A. D., N. Claes, K. Singha, B. J. Minsley, B. Carr, E. Voytek, R. Harmon, A. Kass, A. Carey, D. Thayer, B. Flinchum (2017). Comparing measurement response and inverted results of electrical resistivity tomography instruments. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 22(3), 249–266.

Flinchum, B., W. S. Holbrook, D. Grana, and B. Carr (2017). Non-invasively estimating porosity in a granite catchment using rock physics, seismic refraction, nuclear magnetic resonance and surface wave dispersion, presented at the 30th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver, March 22.

Parsekian, A., D. Grombacher, A. Davis, B. Flinchum, T. Munday, and K. Cahill (2014), Near- surface geophysics for informed water-management decisions in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands of South Australia, The Leading Edge, 33(12), 1342–1347, doi:10.1190/tle33121342.1.

Flinchum, B., W. Holbrook, and J. Clair (2014). Constraining hydrologic interpretations using near-surface geophysical methods, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, pp. 4524–4527, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Labrecque, D., B. Flinchum, R. Brigham, N. Pendrigh, P. Sirles, and P. Ivancie (2013), Application of borehole magnetometric resistivity (BMR) for tunnel detection at the Captain Jack Mine, Proceedings of SAGEEP, 2013

Labrecque, D., D. Casale, R. Brigham, B. Flinchum, (2013), A Multi-Source Approach for Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Proceedings of SAGEEP, 2013

LaBrecque, D., R. Brigham, B. Flinchum, N. Pendrigh, P. Sirles, P. Ivancie, and M. Momayez (2012), Using ERT to locate a historical mine tunnel, Proceedings of SAGEEP, 2012

Savran, B. Flinchum, G. Plank, C. Dudley, N. Prina, and J. N. Louie, 2011, Comparing physics- based Next-Level ShakeZoning computations with USGS ShakeMap statistics for So. Nevada earthquake scenarios: presented at the Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering (EGGE) Las Vegas, NV, Mar. 25.