Going for Gold

Gold extraction reagents that don’t cost the Earth

We are Going For Gold. We are here to help you maximise your gold recovery. We are developing gold extraction reagents that don’t cost the Earth, but allow you to open up low grade, uneconomic or stranded deposits.  We are developing a range of leach reagents that are far less toxic than cyanide, safer to handle and have a lower environmental risk when compared with cyanide. We believe the potential reduction in regulatory approvals and reporting requirements when compared to cyanide will create process flexibility and increase your options to access a wider range of deposits.

We are in the process of gathering customer interviews and opinions to try and help us refine our product offering and achieve the best results. Would you like to recover more gold? We want to hear from you.  Information submitted will be treated in accordance with CSIRO’s privacy policy.

Find out more on our website at Going for Gold – Gold extraction reagent that do not cost the Earth (csiro.au) or contact us at G4G@csiro.au.