
Traumatic lower-limb amputation profoundly impacts mobility and quality of life for amputees. Current below-knee sockets can cost up to $14000 […]

Good health begins in the gut Simple, accurate and affordable diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome More than half of Australia’s […]

Interactive data board

One out of five children are out of school globally and there are 258 million Out-of-School Children (OOSC) worldwide. UNESCO’s […]

Renewable plants, such as solar and wind farms, have power generation that is uncertain and highly dependent on weather conditions. […]

It is important that people with brain injury and stroke engage in rehabilitation activities outside of their clinical appointments to […]

Data Intelligence, Search & Analysis (DISA) is a mission orchestrator. Its main strengths are: Modelling of systems Simulation and testing […]

sBeacon is the only search engine allowing clinicians to query patients' genomes alongside medical data, facilitating bedside medical insights and […]

We are evaluating the use of an immunomodulatory vaccine developed using a novel and safe vaccine platform technology, to re-write the immune response to peanut antigens, from an allergic to a tolerant phenotype, with an emphasis on safety and induction of persistent state of non-reactivity to peanut.

Our safe, IP protected, platform technology reduces anti-nutritional compounds in grains for the animal feed and human food markets.