
We are detectORE™ and we are here to help you find gold faster. We offer a unique new method that allows the explorer to rapidly quantify gold amounts during the greenfields exploration phase without having to leave the field. Not only does this allow the exploration geologist or manager to make on the spot decisions and optimize the soil sampling regime it also reduces the amount of null samples going to assay; anomalies can be followed up straight away.

Secondly, when drilling commences detectORE will aid the exploration manager in directing the drill teams to infill locations without the need to demobilize, return assay results, and re-mobilize the drill teams. Again this can all be achieved in a 24 hour timeframe in the field.

Mineralization can be better defined helping you to feasibility quicker. Combining detectORE with adaptive sampling will lower your risks and Improve your efficiency. Your share price is results sensitive so rather than reporting a single hole with gold, increase your chances of finding others in the same drilling or soil sampling campaign! make your company detectORE equipped today.

Find out more or contact the team on our website at detectORE – Finding gold faster without having to leave the field. (