NovaSAR-1 Data Access
NovaSAR-1 National Facility Datahub
Users must be registered with the Datahub to download imagery. By registering with the Datahub, users agree to the NovaSAR-1 National Facility Datahub Terms and Conditions and the End User Licence Agreement. To comply with Export and Sanctions regulations we are unable to distribute NovaSAR-1 data to all countries. For more information view the NovaSAR-1 National Facility Datahub user guide.
New NovaSAR-1 Imaging Requests
Requests for new image tasking over specific areas of interest are managed by the CCEO. Applications are open to projects with images over Australia and run by, or with links to Australian research and industry.
OPAL (the NovaSAR-1 Online Proposal Applications & Links system) is currently off-line for a period of maintenance. To request new data please complete our:

Snapshot from Google Earth showing the coverage of NovaSAR-1 data that is available via the NovaSAR-1 National Facility Datahub