Earth Observation Science Symposium 2019 – March 2019

On 13-14 March 2019, over 30 CSIRO Earth Observation (EO) scientists and practitioners met in Canberra for the EO Science Symposium to learn, share, engage and connect across our CSIRO EO community of practice. Keynote external speakers spoke about the Australian Space Agency, Defence space capabilities, and Digital Earth Australia. Several staff members gave presentations on their research, with topics ranging from ecosystem change in 3D to remote sensing of waves.

Participants also had the chance to find out about CSIRO’s Communities of Practice for SAR, LiDAR, and hyperspectral technologies, meet with team members who are running NovaSAR operations and engaging internationally, hear about progress for the Space Technologies Future Science Platform projects, and engage in discussions about science education and connections with industry.

Several areas of science at CSIRO touches on EO applications and technologies, with applications to land, water and atmosphere, minerals, energy and agriculture. This event provided a good opportunity to understand what is happening across the organisation, build collaborations, and extend EO networks.

Concluding with a plan to develop a future CSIRO EO roadmap, our CSIRO EO Symposium will become an annual feature in the CSIRO EO community calendar.

A broad range of topics were presented at the EO Symposium