
Three men are standing together in front of a white background for a team photo, smiling at the camera.

Infinite Bioworks pioneers the frontier of "building with biology," leveraging cutting-edge manufacturing methods to create eco-friendly products with a positive impact on our planet. Seeking: Connections with industry and like-minded investors

Quantum technologies provide an opportunity for Australian industries to increase operational optimisation and efficiencies by orders of magnitude. QUOCA can […]

Food processing is a globally significant industry; however, its generation of substantial waste calls for urgent utilisation for sustainability and […]

BiomeMega is an innovative ProbioTech company, creating a bacterial platform to obtain functional ingredients with Australian provenance. Our value proposition […]

Lignik is world's first 100% renewable and recyclable biosynthetic wood. It is an Australian innovation that meets the challenges of […]

Interactive data board

SE Queensland’s airspace is vital habitat for a variety of species. These species are reliant on the airspace for nesting, […]

Unique peptides and proteins, both natural and designed, are essential for life with applications in medicine, agriculture, and industrial processes. […]

This project is the design and deployment of an Internet of Drones (IoD) system to monitor security threats to cattle […]

Field surveys have long been used to identify and count species - a fundamental requirement in managing natural resources and […]

Together with industry stakeholders we aim to address challenges and opportunities to normalise the continuous improvement of the welfare and […]