ON Prime Teams
ON Prime gives researchers the skills and confidence to undertake customer discovery and market validation activities that enable them to take their research further. See all our teams from 2022 onwards below.

HIFU in Dentistry
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology has the potential to revolutionize dental treatments by making them cheaper, faster and more effective.

Infinite Seafood
Infinite Seafood is pioneering a new approach to seafood production.

Building Fire Simulation
As a team in fire engineering, we focus on providing consulting, training and future collaboration to our customers, so that appropriate measures to mitigate the damage from fire are implemented and potential risks of life losses and property damage can be minimised.

Self-Powered Ankle Exoskeleton (SPAE)
Self-Powered Ankle Exoskeleton (SPAE) is a state-of-the-art solution for individuals who are at risk of falling due to muscle weakness, sensory-motor deficits, and gait impairments.

GreenCoat is a next-generation plasma-coating smart window solution that changes the opacity of windows in response to real-time environmental conditions to maximise the energy efficiency of buildings.

On-Farm Gen
Imagine the benefits for Australian farmers to select genetically superior animals. This project aims to implement a rapid, on-farm DNA sequencing process in northern Australia's beef industry.

Our project is focused on developing a new type of microwave device that has unique and never-before-seen properties.

Red Blood Comic
With Red Blood Comic, we aim to provide factual and accurate medical information for young children in an entertaining manner.

This project aims to combine advanced materials and additive manufacturing to develop high-performance space rover wheels for next generation explorations.

Intelligent Extrusion Platform
Our project proposes a digital platform for food/feed extrusion to predict product quality and answer questions about mechanisms driving material transformation and product structure development.