Please find our list of brochures that can be downloaded below:
Exploration Technologies
- Argon Thermochronology
- Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy
- Hydrodynamics
- PressurePlot
- Organic Petrology
- Diagenesis characterisation
- Dielectric Measurement
- Organic and Isotope Geochemistry
- Petroleum Exploration
- Fluid History Analysis
Production Technologies
- CSIRO Geomechanics and Geophysics Laboratory
- Sand Production Prediction
- Rock Mechanics
- Sand Erosion
- Sand Management
Gas Processing & Facilities
Unconventional Resources (Exploration and Production)
- Shale Research Centre
- Unconventional Gas (Overview of activities)
- Shale Gas Production Technologies
- Shale Gas Overview
- Onshore Gas Reservoir Engineering
- Microseismic
- Microbially Enhanced Coal Seam Methane (MECSMTM)
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Overview
- Developing the Shale Gas Potential
- Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)