CSIRO has a long history of research into petroleum systems and of developing technologies used by the oil and gas industry. Our work covers conventional and unconventional resources, and carbon capture and storage (CCS). With oil and gas a significant and growing industry for Australia, we are using our understanding of petroleum systems to:
- Reducing Oil & Gas Exploration Risk to unlock previously uneconomical oil and gas acreage
- Increasing Productivity of Australia’s Oil and Gas Production and Processing
- Developing research capability and practical know-how which reduces the economic and technical risks of geological carbon storage through Australia’s geosequestration demonstrator programs
- Providing trusted advice on natural resource development to government, community and industry

Conventional Resources
We’re working with industry, government and the community to deliver R&D to support the identification and responsible production of Australia’s petroleum resources. Our work spans the petroleum value chain, from understanding and modelling geological systems and processes, through to production and processing technology development.
Onshore Gas
Unconventional gas, such as coal seam gas, shale gas, tight gas and basin centered gas is produced from complex geological systems that require innovative technological solutions for extraction. Through development of optimal technologies for characterising and producing unconventional resources, CSIRO aims to facilitate the sustainable development of gas production for local domestic and international export
Carbon Dioxide Geosequestration
We are working to enable commercial scale deployment of CO2 storage through modelling and characterisation of CO2 behaviour in the subsurface applied to local and international demonstration projects, and by developing monitoring technologies for the near subsurface environment for demonstrating long term CO2 containment.
Research Impact
CSIRO’s research and development efforts in these areas contribute to the nation’s priorities of:
- securing access to cost competitive petroleum resources
- accelerating large-scale cuts to emissions
- supporting a smooth transition to a new energy future.
As part of CSIRO’s energy research, work into petroleum systems will help Australia meet its current and future energy demands.