CO2 Management
Carbon capture and storage
We are working to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of carbon capture and storage (CCS) so it is a viable option for Australia’s energy future.
The Challenge
Making carbon capture viable in Australia
Finding ways to address the challenges of achieving inexpensive and efficient CO2 capture in the Australian context.
Chemical solvent used to capture carbon from coal-fired power station flue gases
Our Response
Improving efficiency of CCS
We are working to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of carbon capture and storage (CCS) so it is a viable option for Australia’s energy future.
Our research is focused on deploying large-scale demonstration projects that enable substantial reductions in emissions and provide a pathway for industry to adopt the technologies at full scale.
We have broad capabilities in the science that underpins CCS technology and a strong track record of working with government, industry and research organisations on demonstration projects.
Post combustion capture
Our research is addressing the challenges of achieving inexpensive and efficient CO2 capture in the Australian context. We are involved in the development, commissioning and operation of PCC pilot plants in Australia and overseas. This program is supported by extensive laboratory research aimed at developing more cost-effective capture technologies that are applicable in Australia.
What we’re doing:
- We are working to make PCC cheaper and more efficient so it is commercially viable
- We have constructed and demonstrated PCC pilot plants in Australia and China
- Laboratory research has identified improved efficiencies from testing more than 100 novel solvents, ionic liquids, solid absorbents and enzyme technologies.
Case studies
The National Geosequestration Laboratory (NGL) is a world-class research and development facility established to advance carbon storage technologies that play a crucial role in achieving a low-emission economy for Australia.
Storing CO2 underground is one approach we are evaluating as part of the Otway Project.