Dr Tanya Doody
Tanya is a spatial ecohydrologist with a focus on vegetation water use which is scaled regionally with remote sensing.
Dr Tanya Doody leads the Managing Water Ecosystems Group in CSIRO Environment. Tanya’s core science determines the water use of forests and invasive tree species that extract water from groundwater and river systems. Her research provides water management options to natural resource managers, local industry and government bodies to protect and preserve the natural environment.

Additionally, Tanya provides integrative science linking ecological response of riparian vegetation to floodplain inundation and remote sensing to investigate outcomes of water reform policy within the Murray-Darling Basin. The research objective is to understand floodplain ecosystem function responses to environmental watering management options.
Tanya has also undertaken several studies using ecological response models to provide management solutions to water managers and works in Nepal, linking river flow and ecology within Nepalese river systems, providing leadership and capacity building for up to 20 local ecologists and local post-graduate students.
Recent Publications
Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Groundwater Impacts of Forestry Plantations
R Benyon, T Doody, J Lawson, A Hay, B Myers (March, 2024)
An overview of groundwater response to a changing climate in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia: potential implications for the basin system and opportunities for management
R Doble, G Walker, R Crosbie, J Guillaume, T Doody (February, 2024)
Resilience and adaptive cycles in water-dependent ecosytems: Can panarchy explain trajectories of change among floodplain trees?
T Doody, PJ McInerney, MC Thoms, S Gao (January, 2024)
Prediction of Open Woodland Transpiration Incorporating Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Vegetation Structure
S Gao, W Woodgate, X Ma, T Doody (December, 2023)
Integrating flux measurements into the critical zone—informing sustainable agriculture and soil carbon sequestration through combined measurements of atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere
JR Cleverly, J Owens, LA Cernusak, SE Thompson, LB Hutley, T Doody (December, 2023)