Dr Rik Buckworth

Rik is an independent fisheries scientist with broad experience in northern Australian fisheries and their ecology.


Dr Rik Buckworth has addressed a wide variety of topics, from fishing gear to basic prawn biology to evaluations of the consequences for fisheries of water resource development. He has worked with fisheries as diverse as those for temperate bottom trawls to tropical trolling and, similarly, species ranging from crocodiles, and prawns to Spanish Mackerel, both within Australia and internationally. He is a former Principal Research Scientist with NT Fisheries and CSIRO, and is currently an Adjunct Professor at Charles Darwin University and Honorary Fellow with CSIRO.

Recent Publications

Understanding environmental and fisheries factors causing fluctuations in mud crab and blue swimmer crab fisheries in northern Australia to inform harvest strategies. Final Report to the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation for Project Number 25017/047

J Robins, A Northrop, M Grubert, R Buckworth, M McLennan, W Sumpton, T Saunders (June, 2020)

[PDF] from era.daf.qld.gov.au

Addressing knowledge gaps for studies of the effect of water resource development on the future of the NPF: juvenile banana prawn abundance in estuarine habitats in the Mitchell, Gilbert and Flinders Rivers

R Kenyon, M Burford, A Jarrett, S Faggotter, C Moeseneder, R Buckworth (April, 2020)

[PDF] from frdc.com.au

Simple Modelling to Inform Harvest Strategy Policy for a Data-Moderate Crab Fishery

MA Grubert, CJ Walters, R Buckworth, S Penny (March, 2019)


Synthesis of knowledge to support the assessment of impacts of water resource development to ecological assets in northern Australia: asset analysis. A technical report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO. Northern Australia Water Resource Assessment, part of the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund: Water Resource Assessments

CA Pollino, E Barber, R Buckworth, R Deng, BC Ebner, R Kenyon, AC Liedloff, L Merrin, C Moeseneder, DL Nielsen, L O’Sullivan, R Ponce-Reyes, BJ Robson, D Stratford, B Stewart-Kostner, MP Turschwell (September, 2018)


Proposed northern Australia water developments pertinent to the Northern Prawn Fishery: collation and review

R Kenyon, C Moeseneder, E Plaganyi, MJ Miller, R Buckworth (April, 2018)

[PDF] from frdc.com.au