Dr Micha Jackson

Micha is an applied ecologist scientist with a specialist expertise in migratory shorebird ecology.
Micha is passionate about achieving improved environmental outcomes through collaborative, evidence-based research. Micha has engaged in wildlife research and monitoring in Australia and overseas for more than a decade. Her career began in northern Australia where she worked to support the land and sea initiatives of Indigenous ranger programs in remote coastal communities. She later specialised in the waterbirds of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and their wetland habitats. Her research is aimed at providing science-based approaches and tools to decision-makers and managers to support improved habitat conditions and healthy wildlife populations. Micha joined CSIRO’s Water Security Program in July 2023 and is working with its highly regarded waterbirds research team to deliver on the Basin-scale waterbird research of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Program (known as ‘Flow-MER’) and other projects.
Recent Publications
Trends and patterns in the extinction risk of Australia’s birds over three decades
AJ Berryman, SHM Butchart, MV Jackson, SM Legge, G Olah, J Thomas, JCZ Woinarski, ST Garnett (January, 2024)
Shorebird habitat selection and foraging behaviour have important implications for management at an internationally important non‐breeding wetland
MV Jackson, R Mott, S Delean, BJ Hunt, JD Brookes, P Cassey, TAA Prowse (January, 2024)
How well is the basin plan meeting its objectives? From the perspective of the Coorong, a sentinel of change in the Murray-Darling Basin
JD Brookes, B Busch, P Cassey, D Chilton, S Dittmann, T Dornan, G Giatas, BM Gillanders, M Hipsey, P Huang, C Keneally, MV Jackson, L Mosley, R Mott, D Paton, T Prowse, M Waycott, Q Ye, S Zhai, M Gibbs (July, 2023)
Effects of different management strategies on long‐term trends of Australian threatened and near‐threatened mammals
AIT Tulloch, MV Jackson, E Bayraktarov, AR Carey, DF Correa‐Gomez, M Driessen, IC Gynther, M Hardie, K Moseby, L Joseph, H Preece, A Felipe Suarez‐Castro, S Stuart, JCZ Woinarski, HP Possingham (April, 2023)
Measuring habitat quality for waterbirds: A review
R Mott, TAA Prowse, MV Jackson, DJ Rogers, JA O’Connor, JD Brookes, P Cassey (April, 2023)