Dr Duy Nguyen

Dr Duy Nguyen

Environmental Scientist

Duy is an “Impossible Without You” CERF fellow with expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics and turbulence modelling.


Duy works in the CSIRO AquaWatch Mission, with current projects involving hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of lakes and rivers, combined with satellite and HydraSpectral imagery and in-situ sensory of inland water quality. He is also working as a model developer in the Digital Water & Landscapes – Hybrid Modelling for Water Security project, where the team is integrating physical system and AI/ML modelling of water quality and quantity. Moreover, he works toward to develop a fish kill index and an early warning tool for fish kill in different continental spatial and temporal scales, which also leverage remote sensing capability to monitor dead fish and basic variables to determine organic matter in rivers and lakes.

Duy completed his Bachelor of Engineering from Russia (in the historic and beautiful city of Saint Petersburg) and subsequently joined Bosch hydraulics in Germany to work on industrial pump design. Thereafter, Duy went to the University of Notre Dame at South Bend, IN, USA, to finish his M.S., studying the sea spray concentration in the marine atmospheric boundary layer using Large Eddy Simulation. This led to his involvement with the Vietnam Academy of Water Resources and Thuy Loi University in Vietnam, before joined The University of Sydney in Australia and completed his PhD in Environmental Fluid Dynamics by using Direct Numerical Simulation to investigate the effect of meanders on thermally stratified riverine flow.


Recent Publications

Effect of Thermal Stratification in Meandering Turbulent Open-Channel Flow with Varying Sinuosity

D Nguyen, MP Kirkpatrick, N Williamson, SW Armfield, W. Lin (September, 2023).


Modelling thermal stratification, overturning and mixing in Australian Rivers

D Nguyen, MP Kirkpatrick, Michael P, KD Jöhnk, TK Biswas (June, 2023).


Effects of meander curvature in thermally stratified turbulent open-channel flow

D Nguyen, MP Kirkpatrick, N Williamson, SW Armfield, W Lin (September, 2022).


Amplification of turbulence by sharp meanders on thermally stratified open channel flow

D Nguyen, MP Kirkpatrick (April, 2022).


Turbulence structure in a very sharp thermally stratified open-channel meander

D Nguyen, MP Kirkpatrick, N Williamson, SW Armfield, W Lin (March, 2022).
