Warradarge Green Hydrogen Project

December 16th, 2024

Warradarge Green Hydrogen Project

The Warradarge Green Hydrogen Project is a planned two stage renewables-based hydrogen production development, located in mid-west Western Australia, that is initially targeting diesel replacement followed by potential regional industrial uses as capacity expands.

Main proponents:

Warradarge Green Hydrogen

Main end-use classification:

Stage 1 targets heavy haulage diesel replacement, Stage 2 targets regional industrial uses


Under development

Estimated cost:


Other involvement:



Production details:

Stage 1 – hydrogen production capacity at initial installation (Stage 1a) is at 3,600 tonnes per annum building to 23,700 tonnes per annum at completion of Stage.

Stage 2 – potential full scale hydrogen production capacity in excess of 74,000 tonnes per annum


Western Australia, Australia

Announced funding:


Project description

The Warradarge Green Hydrogen project would be delivered in two stages:

  • Stage 1a/1 would target the supply of (renewables-based) hydrogen as a diesel substitute for heavy haulage and would be located adjacent to the Warradarge Wind Farm, approximately 245 kilometres north of Perth, Western Australia.
  • Stage 2, to be located 10 kilometres to the south of Stage 1 alongside a new wind and solar farm to be developed by a third-party developer, would target industrial applications.

Stage 1 would utilise renewables-based energy from a behind the meter connection to the existing 180 MW Warradarge Wind Farm, owned by Bright Energy Investments, to produce hydrogen via an electrolysis-based system. The initial installation (Stage 1a) would be of 26-megawatt (MW) electrolysis capacity (3,600 tonnes of hydrogen production capacity per annum), scaling up to 196 MW capacity to complete Stage 1 (23,700 tonnes of hydrogen production capacity per annum). The produced hydrogen would be stored onsite for transport via tube trailers. Distribution is targeted for common user refuelling sites along existing high-volume heavy haulage transport sites, with a focus on the Geraldton area.

The targeted production date for the initial installation capacity 26 MW (Stage 1a) is the second half of 2028.

Stage 2 is targeting a hydrogen production capacity at full scale in excess of 500 MW (>74,000 tonnes of hydrogen production capacity). Opportunities with potential industrial customers in the region are being progressed.

Water requirements for the project would be via groundwater, specifically from the Yarragadee aquifer, a large, confined aquifer located in the southwest region of Western Australia.

Stage 2 is targeted for production in the early 2030s.


Reviewed (reviewed by the project proponent): December 2024