Oakajee Energy Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Project – Stage 1

May 10th, 2024

Oakajee Energy Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Project – Stage 1

Oakajee Energy is progressing Stage 1 of a proposed integrated renewable energy, renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia production and export facility in the Oakajee area of Western Australia.

Main proponents:

Oakajee Energy

Main end-use classification:

Ammonia – export market


Under development

Estimated cost:
Other involvement:

Samsung C&T

Production details:

Up to 1.5 GW electrolyser capacity under evaluation


Western Australia, Australia

Announced funding:

Project description

Oakajee Energy is working together with Samsung C&T to progress development of Stage 1 of an integrated renewable energy, renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia production and export facility in the Oakajee area of Western Australia.

Stage 1 base case development site planning is that all facilities would be located on Oakajee Energy’s “Oakabella” site (around 30 kilometres north of Geraldton), adjacent to the Oakajee Port and Oakajee Strategic Industrial Area (SIA).

Stage 1 project development would involve the following key features:

  • Construction of up to 5 GW of renewable energy capacity (including wind and solar resources and battery storage)
  • Part of the constructed renewable energy capacity would supply the power requirements for a up to 1.5 GW electrolyser system, with the remaining renewables capacity being available for local third-party offtake.
  • Amongst other potential usage cases, the produced hydrogen would be used as feedstock in the production of up to 1,000,000 tonnes per annum of renewables-based ammonia, mainly for export to Asian markets.

Planned export opportunities on present planning will be through a single point mooring system potentially located at Oakajee Port/SIA (discussions progressing with WA government departments).

The project proponent has completed Stage 1 feasibility studies and is progressing to pre-FEED.


Reviewed (reviewed by the project proponent): March 2025