Green Springs Project

February 8th, 2024

Green Springs Project

The project proponent is progressing with the development of an integrated project comprising equipment manufacturing plants for key equipment required for renewables-based hydrogen production (e.g., electrolysers), a 10 GW modular hydrogen production facility and a hydrogen derivatives production plant located in the Western Davenport region of the Northern Territory.

Main proponents:

Climate Impact Capital Limited (CIC)

Main end-use classification:

Export and domestic market focussed


Under development – a feasibility study and the first stage of front-end engineering design (FEED) studies are completed with second stage FEED underway

Estimated cost:

At full scale:
Upstream: US$1 billion
Midstream: US$8 billion
Downstream: US$950 million

Other involvement:


Production details:

At full scale, a 10 GW hydrogen production facility (over 1,000 tonnes per day production capacity) and a hydrogen derivatives production facility


Northern Territory, Australia

Announced funding:



Project description

The project proponent is progressing development of a 10 GW (off grid) renewables-based hydrogen production facility and a hydrogen derivatives production plant to be located in the Western Davenport region of the Northern Territory. The project also includes the establishment in Australia of equipment manufacturing facilities to provide electrolysers and atmospheric water generators required for the project.

The hydrogen production facility would use a modular-based production process for the manufacture of hydrogen to mitigate risks.

The project would consist of Integrated upstream, midstream and downstream hydrogen project components:

Upstream – comprises of (a) a 1 GW per annum electrolyser manufacturing facility, and (b) an atmospheric water generator manufacturing facility.

Midstream – comprises a renewable hydrogen production component (reaching 10 GW scale at full capacity) consisting of a series of hydrogen production modules, each comprising:

  • a photovoltaic (PV) solar system.
  • a concentrated parabolic trough solar thermal heater.
  • an atmospheric water generator.
  • a purpose designed electrolyser.

Downstream – comprises a hydrogen derivatives production facility which could include:

  • e-methanol;
  • e-kerosine; and/or
  • fuel ammonia.

At full capacity, the project would be designed to produce over 1,000 tonnes of hydrogen per day from a 10 GW electrolyser plant capacity.

The project would provide its own renewable water produced from dewatering air, off grid renewable electricity supply and carbon capture. The PV system would provide power to the electrolyser, ancillary services, and direct air capture of CO2 The solar thermal heater would provide power to the project and process heat to the atmospheric water generators (which produces H2O). Carbon dioxide would be used in the derivatives production facility to produce renewable fuels for use by industries in hard to abate sectors.

The project proponent has advised of the following status of activities:

  • A Joint development Partner has been selected to co-develop the optimised hydrogen production module which forms the basis of the 10 GW midstream component.
  • Joint venture partners for the equipment manufacturing facilities have been secured; CIC would be an equity JV partner in the facilities.
  • Discussions have been underway with a short list of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractors, with a preferred candidate selected.
  • Completed the first stage of the FEED with second stage FEED underway and scheduled for completion by the end of the second quarter of 2024.
  • Selected lead project finance bank and documentation is being completed.
  • Advanced negotiations with the land holder and agreements are expected to be signed in the first quarter of 2024.
  • Identified sites for the manufacturing facilities and is progressing discussions to acquire the land.
  •  At Memorandum of Understanding stage for offtake, partnering with a major Asian based utility for purchase of the full volume of the project’s output.

The project would be located in the Western Davenport region of the Northern Territory. The region covers almost 24,500 square kilometres and is located approximately 150 kilometres south of Tennant Creek.

Project design incorporates buffer storage at site for hydrogen and hydrogen derivates. Rail is the preferred means of transport of the hydrogen derivatives to Darwin’s Middle Arm port facility. A combination of bio-carbon and direct air capture is being progressed to provide the carbon dioxide necessary for the production of hydrogen derivatives.

Development funding is to being provided by Climate Impact Fund 1. Equity funding for the construction of the project will be provided by Climate Impact Fund 2 (currently raising capital) while debt will be project financed.


Updated: February 2024