Goondiwindi Hydrogen

March 14th, 2025

Goondiwindi Hydrogen

The Goondiwindi Regional Council in partnership with The Hydrogen Collective (H2C) is installing a hydrogen production facility at the Goondiwindi wastewater treatment plant, with the resulting produced oxygen used to improve the efficiency of its wastewater treatment and offtake for the produced hydrogen secured from local businesses.

Main proponents:

Goondiwindi Regional Council, The Hydrogen Collective

Main end-use classification:

Stage 1 – local agricultural and industrial businesses (hydrogen), wastewater treatment plant efficiencies (oxygen)

Stage 2 – enabling hydrogen refuelling capacity (hydrogen) and expanded water treatment services (oxygen)


Under construction – electrolyser system installation expected to be completed by June 2025

Estimated cost:

AUD$8 million – total estimated Stage 1 project value

Other involvement:


Production details:

Stage 1 electrolyser capacity of 2 MW (capacity 300 tonnes per annum hydrogen production) with potential future stages of 50 MW+ (capacity up to 8,000 tonnes of hydrogen per annum)


Queensland, Australia

Announced funding:

AUD$2 million – Queensland Government Hydrogen Industry Development Fund (Round 2 award)

AUD$6 million – external funding sources

AUD$3.5 million –  Goondiwindi Regional Council (supply and application of oxygen offtake)

Project description

Goondiwindi Regional Council has entered into a 20-year agreement with The Hydrogen Collective (H2C) to commence construction on the Goondiwindi Hydrogen project which will install a hydrogen production facility at the Goondiwindi wastewater treatment plant.

Stage 1 electrolyser capacity (Alkaline) is at 2-megawatt (MW) with hydrogen production capacity at around 300 tonnes per annum. Longer term, there is potential for at least 50 MW of electrolysis capacity producing up to 8,000 tonnes of hydrogen per annum.

The power generated from a (new) 2.5 megawatt (MW) solar array and wastewater would produce hydrogen that is initially earmarked for local customers, including agricultural users and heavy industry. The initial application of hydrogen will be through the use of gas turbines to produce heat and power for local businesses.  The oxygen generated would go back into aerating wastewater, improving the wastewater treatment plant efficiency and biological capacity. This in turn reduces the capital expense related to increasing plant capacity.

The project has a total estimated initial value of AUD$8 million for Stage 1. Future stages would be activated based on the development of local demand for renewables-based hydrogen. Future stages would include the supply of hydrogen for local refuelling infrastructure, green ammonia production and expanded use of hydrogen powered gas turbines and fuel cells.

In May 2022, the Queensland Government announced funding support for the project through a AUD$2 million grant from its Hydrogen Industry Development Fund.  Goondiwindi Regional Council has contributed AUD$150,000 towards detailed design, legal and administrative costs of the hydrogen project, with a further AUD$3.5 million allocated for the installation and supply of electrolytic oxygen for the wastewater treatment plant. External funding sources of AUD$6 million have been secured for the initial stages of the project with further capital to be committed once local demand for hydrogen increases.

In June 2023, Council entered into a 20-year agreement with The Hydrogen Collective (H2C) in as the project developer for the site. Council will provide the site, access to the wastewater and H2C will develop onsite hydrogen and oxygen capacity and develop local demand. Oxygen off take has been secured with the Council and hydrogen offtake has been secured with local businesses.

As of mid-March 2025, civil works at the Goondiwindi wastewater treatment plant are well progressed in preparation for installation of the hydrogen production electrolyser. The electrolyser and residual equipment are due for arrival onsite in April 2025, with installation expected to be completed by June 2025.


Reviewed (reviewed by a project proponent): March 2025