ABEL Energy Townsville Powerfuels Project

October 5th, 2024

ABEL Energy Townsville Powerfuels Project

A feasibility study has been undertaken to assess the potential for developing a large-scale, renewables-based hydrogen and e-methanol facility at Townsville in Queensland.

Main proponents:

ABEL Energy

Main end-use classification:

Industrial process – methanol production, export focussed


Under development

Estimated cost:

AUD$1.7 billion – full project scale

Other involvement:

Port of Townsville

Production details:

260 MW electrolyser: approximately 105 tonnes per day hydrogen production capacity


Queensland, Australia

Announced funding:


Project description

ABEL Energy has undertaken a feasibility assessment of a large-scale, renewables-based methanol plant planned to be potentially located at the Cleveland Bay Industrial Park in the Townsville State Development Area. The project would deploy biomass gasification of locally available biomass (e.g., woodchip, sugar cane waste) in conjunction with water electrolysis to produce approximately 300,000 tonnes per annum of e-methanol.

A 260-megawatt (MW) electrolysis plant would produce renewables-based hydrogen, part of which would be available for domestic consumption though the majority of hydrogen produced would act as feedstock (along with syngas) to enable renewables-based production of e-methanol, for both domestic and international customers.

The project will also require the development of new power generation assets, to provide sufficient renewable power for the proposed electrolyser capacity.

ABEL Energy is seeking to export the produced e-methanol through the Port of Townsville as well as seeking to provide marine storage and bunkering facilities on port land.

In March 2024, ABEL Energy and the Port of Townsville executed a Memorandum of Understanding which, amongst other things, would undertake investigations to assess the feasibility of the proposed project, including market assessment and analysis and identification of infrastructure and logistic requirements.

With the site selection process progressing, the project proponent anticipates beginning pre-Front-end Engineering design (pre-FEED) studies in 2025.

The project anticipates operations to commence around the 2030 timeframe.


Reviewed (reviewed by the project proponent): March 2025