Dr Xin-Yi Chua

Xin-Yi is a post-doctoral research fellow in CSIRO’s Environomics Future Science Platform. She is a bioinformatician/computational biologist who is motivated by the need to reduce the now apparent gap between “-omic” data generation and analysis.

Her research project, Bioinformatic methods for estimating animal abundance from eDNA, is examining the scope and types of ecological questions that can be addressed by eDNA data.

Xin-Yi is now exploring analytical and visualisation methods to help make sense of the deluge of data, leading to eco- and biologically meaningful and insightful outcomes. She received her doctorate from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for her work in applying machine learning and comparative genomic approaches to enhance the predictions of transcriptional regulatory interactions, to better understand microbial pathogenesis. Her previous experience was with QFAB delivering bioinformatics services and skilling up bench biologists through bioinformatics workshops.

Profile: https://people-my.csiro.au/c/x/xin-yi-chua