Advanced environmental applications

We are exploring emerging applications of genomics to environmental science.
Our research aims to develop advanced environmental tools that will:
- improve our ability to assess and monitor our biodiversity (Biodiversity assessment)
- improve ecosystem function (Ecosystem function)
- measure plant and animal stress and understand their adaptive responses (Stress and adaptation)
- utilise the novel functions that organisms perform and make use of them to restore threatened ecosystems (Intervention and restoration).
Biodiversity assessment
- Close-Kin Mark-Recapture: widening the scope with new genomics
- The CSIRO Stopwatch: A Pan-Animal Epigenetic Clock
- Novel eDNA Collection Technology Enabling Bio-monitoring and Estimation of Species Abundance
- Pollen DNA Metabarcoding
- DNA Ageing: Rapid epigenetic age estimation for animals
- What bug is that? Mobile DNA sequencing in your pocket
- Estimating species’ rank abundance by improving eDNA techniques
- Reconstructing Fisheries Catch using eDNA
- Environmental DNA in practice: a roadmap for integrating eDNA in Australian marine park monitoring
Ecosystem function
- Measuring and managing the health of estuaries and coasts through microbial DNA
- Australian Microbiome Initiative
Stress and adaptation
- Estimating the adaptive capacity of plant species with transcriptome and phenotypic traits
- Museum Epigenomics
- The CSIRO Stopwatch: A Pan-Animal Epigenetic Clock
- DNA Ageing: Rapid epigenetic age estimation for animals