#The University of Queensland

Two men and one woman are standing in front of a white background smiling at the camera.

A large group of man-made fluorinated chemicals has become widely present in the water we drink, the food we eat, […]

One man and one woman are standing in front of a white background smiling at the camera.

Extracting valuable minerals from the earth involves expensive and environmentally harmful chemical processes. These are currently designed using exhaustive experimental […]

Three women and one man are standing in front of a white background smiling at the camera.

At ZyCoPre, we are using natural products with antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties to make dermatological treatments for dogs. We […]

Interactive data board

SE Queensland’s airspace is vital habitat for a variety of species. These species are reliant on the airspace for nesting, […]

Unique peptides and proteins, both natural and designed, are essential for life with applications in medicine, agriculture, and industrial processes. […]

Intensive use of antibiotics over the last 70 years has resulted in widespread antibiotic resistance in microorganisms. The most efficient […]

Australian industry's collaboration with higher education and research institutions ranked the lowest of 27 countries in the OECD, both for […]

Field surveys have long been used to identify and count species - a fundamental requirement in managing natural resources and […]

The development of our integrated patient screening system will allow endometriosis patients to receive personalised treatments based on their own […]

The Australian turfgrass industry relies on US-bred varieties, lacking resilience for local conditions. Limited collaboration between scientists and commercial industries […]