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  • Vanderklift, Mathew A., Richard D. Pillans, Wayne Rochester, Jessica L. Stubbs, Grzegorz Skrzypek, Anton D. Tucker, and Scott D. Whiting. “Ontogenetic changes in green turtle (Chelonia mydas) diet and home range in a tropical lagoon.” New frontiers in the application of stable isotopes to ecological and ecophysiological research (2023): 192.
  • Cresswell AK, Renton M, Langlois TJ, Thomson DP, Lynn J, Claudet J (2023) Global meta-analysis shows coral reef state influences resilience to acute climate-mediated disturbances. Global Ecol Biogeogr. 2023;00:1–13.
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  • Stubbs J, Revill A, Pillans R, Vanderklift M (2022) Stable isotope composition of multiple tissues and individual amino acids reveals dietary variation among life stages in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Ningaloo Reef. Marine Biology 169, Article number: 72 (2022).
  • Pillans RD, Whiting S, Tucker T, Vanderklift MA (2022) Fine-scale movement and habitat use of juvenile, subadult, and adult green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in a foraging ground at Ningaloo Reef, Australia  –  Research article in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • Westlake E, Lawrence E, Travaglione N, Barnes P, Thomson DP (2022) Low quantities of marine debris at Ningaloo Reef Marine Park, Western Australia, influenced by visitation and accessibility. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol 174 (2022) 113294.
  • Thomson PG, Pillans RD, Jaine FR, Harcourt RG, Taylor MD, Pattiaratchi CB, McLean DL (2021) Acoustic telemetry around Western Australia’s oil and gas infrastructure helps monitor an elusive and endangered migratory giant. Frontiers in Marine Science Vol 8:631449.;
  • Pillans RD, Rochester W, Babcock RC., Thomson DP., Haywood MD. E., Vanderklift MA (2021) Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring Reveals Site Fidelity, Reproductive Migrations, and Sex Specific Differences in Habitat Use and Migratory Timing in a Large Coastal Shark (Negaprion acutidens) Frontiers in Marine Science Vol 8:  
  • Thomson DP, Cresswell AK, Doropoulos C, Haywood MDE, Orr M, Hoey AS (2021) Hidden Giants: The Story of Bolbometopon muricatum at Ningaloo Reef. Fishes. 2021 6(4):73.
  • Molony BW, Thomson DP, Feng M (2021) What can we learn from the 2010/11 Western Australian marine heatwave to better understand risks from the one forecast in 2020/21. Frontiers in Marine Science 8 (2021): 645383. Volume 8 – 2021 |
  • Westlake E, Bessey C, Fisher R, Thomson DP, Haywood MDE (2021) Environmental factors and predator abundance predict the distribution and occurrence of two sympatric urchin species at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research. 72, 1711-1721.
  • Vanderklift MA, Babcock RC, Barnes P, Cresswell AK, Feng M, Haywood MDE, Holmes TH, Lavery PS, Pillans RD, Smallwood CB, Thomson DP, Tucker AD, Waples K, Wilson SK (2020). The oceanography and ecology of Ningaloo, a marine World Heritage Area. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. Vol 58 143-178.
  • Vanderklift MA, Pillans RD, Robson NA, Skrzypek G, Stubbs JL, Tucker AD (2020) Comparisons of stable isotope composition among tissues of green turtles. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2020 34:e8839.
  • Stubbs JL, Marn N, Vanderklift MA, Fossette S, Mitchell NJ (2020) Simulated growth and reproduction of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) under climate change and marine heatwave scenarios. Ecological Modelling. 431 (2020) 109185.
  • Doropoulos C, Thomson DP, Trapon M, Cresswell A, Turner J, Babcock R (2020) Depth gradients drive changes in early successional community composition and associated coral larvae settlement interactions. Mar Biol 167, 59 (2020).
  • Thomson, DP, Babcock RC, Haywood MDE, Vanderklift MA, Pillans R, Bessey C, Cresswell A, Orr M, Boschetti F, Wilson SK (2020) Zone specific trends in coral cover, genera and growth-forms in the World-Heritage listed Ningaloo Reef. Marine Environmental Research 2020.
  • Cresswell AK, Thomson DP, Haywood MD, Renton M (2020) Frequent hydrodynamic disturbances decrease the morphological diversity and structural complexity of 3D simulated coral communities. Coral Reefs. 39(4), 1147-1161.
  • Cresswell AK, Orr M, Renton M, Haywood MDE, Ospina AG, Slawinski D, Austin R, Thomson DP (2020) Structure-from-motion reveals coral growth is influenced by colony size and wave energy on the reef slope at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 530-531:151438.
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  • Cresswell AK, Langlois TJ, Wilson SK, Claudet J, Thomson DP, Renton M, Fulton CJ, Fisher R, Vanderklift MA, Babcock RC, Stuart-Smith RD, Haywood MDE, Depczynski M, Westera Ml, Ayling AM, Fitzpatrick B, Halford AR, McLean DL, Pillans RD, Cheal AJ, Tinkler P, Edgar GJ, Graham NA, Harvey ES, Holmes TH (2019) Disentangling the response of fishes to recreational fishing over 30 years within a fringing coral reef reserve network. Biological Conservation. 237 (2019) 514-524.
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