Dr Klaus Joehnk

Klaus combines in-situ monitoring with hydrodynamic modelling and remote sensing data to manage water quality in inland waters.
Dr Klaus Joehnk is a Principal Research Scientist within the Modelling Water Ecosystems team. He has over 25 years of experience in research and consultancy on hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of lakes and rivers in Europe and Australia. During the last few years, he has been leading projects on combining hydrodynamic and water quality modelling with satellite remote sensing of inland waters with the goal of operational short-term forecasting of harmful algal blooms. Further areas of research are modelling of low dissolved oxygen – blackwater – events in river systems for risk reduction of hypoxia and fish kills, large-scale modelling of hydrological and thermal conditions in river systems to support a release strategy of carp herpesvirus for pest reduction, and in general, utilizing modelling tools in combination with remote sensing to better manage water-dependent ecosystems. Klaus co-leads the Hybrid Modelling team of the Digital Water and Landscapes project on the combined use of machine learning, process models and large data streams from remote sensing to predict water quality in lakes and rivers. He is also leading the work package on Water Quality Modelling in the AquaWatch Mission.
General research areas:
- Remote sensing and forecasting tools for water quality
- Continental-scale modelling of aquatic systems
- Dynamics of cyanobacteria blooms
- Climate change impact on stratification of lakes
- Mine pit lakes
- Nonlinear time series analysis in ecology (chaos)
Recent Publications
Using hydraulics to evaluate ecological benefits, risks, and trade‐offs from engineered flooding
M Gibbs, C Bice, D Furst, L Gao, K Joehnk, D McCullough, M Montazeri, J Nicol, J Smart, T Wallace, B Zampatti, J Brookes (November, 2023)
AquaWatch Australia: an integrated aquatic ecosystem observing and prediction system including space borne imaging spectrometers
AG Dekker, R Smith, F Kerblat, K Joehnk, T Malthus, J Pease, I Fratter (July, 2023)
The AquaSat-1 Mission Concept: Actionable Information on Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems for Australia and Western USA
C Bright, D Ardila, E Hestir, TJ Malthus, M Matthews, DR Thompson, N Carter, AG Dekker, RPM Frasson, RO Green, A Held, K Joehnk, J Kravitz, J Pease, C Roelfsema, C Seubert, B Wojtasiewicz (May, 2023)
Impact of climate warming on phenological asynchrony of plankton dynamics across Europe
E Gronchi, D Straile, S Diehl, K Jöehnk, F Peeters (November, 2023)
Assessing the suitability of multi-spectral satellite data for the development of data-driven models of phytoplankton dynamics in lakes and reservoirs
K Kandris, E Romas, A Tzimas, I Pechlivanidis, P Bauer, K Joehnk, M Bresciani, C Giardino, J Anstee, BA Schaeffer, MA Dessena (May, 2022)