Dr Darran King

Dr Darran King

Senior Experimental Scientist

Darran is a senior experimental scientist with research interests in the integration of spatially explicit environmental, economic and social metrics.


Darran King is a senior experimental scientist with the Integrated Freshwater Landscapes team, Water Security program, CSIRO Environment. He came to CSIRO in 2004 and conducts research focused on natural resource management decisions and policy planning at local and regional scales.

His principle research interests focus on the integration of spatially explicit environmental, economic and social metrics to guide trade-off decisions for landscape, regional and, local scale natural resource decision makers. Applying key skills in GIS, python, GAMS, and biophysical modelling applications, Darran develops bespoke integrated systems models to assess the impact of external drivers on key aspects of the natural environment.

With over 20 years’ experience in geographic information systems, natural resource management and quantitative modelling design and development, Darran has undertaken research across a wide range of disciplines including:

  • Climate change impacts
  • Crop modelling
  • Species modelling under climate change
  • Biofuels and biomass under climate change
  • Network analysis and hedonics
  • Irrigated agriculture
  • Flood inundation mapping
  • River control infrastructure for ecological optimization
  • Quantitative economic optimization models used to inform policy

Recent Publications

Balancing production and environmental outcomes in Australia’s tropical savanna under global change

RK Runting, D King, M Nolan, J Navarro, R Marcos-Martinez, JR Rhodes, L Gao, I Watson, A Ash, AE Reside, JG Álvarez-Romero, JA Wells, EG Ritchie, M Hadjikakou, DA Driscoll, JD Connor, J Garber, BA Bryan (February, 2024)


Using representative sets of known species and habitat condition to inform change in biodiversity status: a case example for vascular plants

DA Nipperess, DP Faith, KJ Williams, D King, G Manion, C Ware, B Schmidt, J Love, M Drielsma, S Allen, RV Gallagher (2020)

[PDF] from environment.nsw.gov.au

Interactive land use strategic assessment: An assessment tool for irrigation profitability under climate uncertainty

D King, WS Meyer, JD Connor (September 2019)


Agricultural land-use dynamics: Assessing the relative importance of socioeconomic and biophysical drivers for more targeted policy

R Marcos-Martinez, BA Bryan, JD Connor, D King (April, 2017)


Assessing linkages between regional economic indicators and CSG industry activity in NSW 2001-2011: Report to the Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA)

R Marcos-Martinez, T Measham, DA Fleming, D King (2017)
