A non-exclusive list of software and code snippets to help you work with the eReefs model results!
clear all close all figure set(gcf,'Position',) file2 = 'http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Cpre_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2011-02.nc' file1 = 'http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/dodsC/fx3/gbr4_bgc_GBR4_H2p0_B2p0_Chyd_Dcrt/gbr4_bgc_simple_2011-02.nc' filename = file1; y_centre = ncread(filename,'latitude'); x_centre = […]
close all clear all % extracting 2D and 3D (layer ll) variables from monthly files. ll = 44; for tt […]
An R package has been created to help R users to access and visualise eReefs marine model outputs directly from […]
Jupyter notebooks with examples of how to access, manipulate and visualise eReefs model results dataset in Python
The emsarray python library has been developed to help Python developers work with the results of any EMS model, including the eReefs GBR4, GBR1 and RECOM models
# map_ereefs.R by Barbara Robson, CSIRO Land and Water## This script plots the surface layer of a variable from an […]